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Themes: Slutty, Rough Sex, Fucked Silly     

Summary: Part 2 of A Jedi's True Purpose. Based off of this picture. Five years after the fall of the Republic and the rise of the Empire, Ahsoka is seeing more and more of a shift from Clone Troopers to Stormtroopers. Which is just a shame, because the Clones were always easier to Mind Trick... still, it's not like she MINDS the new method she has to employ to get by Imperial Checkpoints. 


The moment she sees the Imperial Checkpoint up ahead, a groan escapes Ahsoka Tano’s lips. Five years ago, even at the height of the Clone Wars, there wouldn’t have been any sort of checkpoint on some backwater, outer rim planet like this one. And yet, now, five years after the end of the Clone Wars and the fall of the Republic, there was one here.

She knew why, of course. The Empire loved to spread their influence, pushing their power onto every single world they could. There was an Imperial Garrison on most planets in the known galaxy now, even on the Outer Rim, though most of the ones out here weren’t the best. That alone might be Ahsoka’s saving grace, truth be told.

With no choice but to try to get through the Checkpoint, Ahsoka continues forward, along with the rest of the streaming sentients around her. As the former Jedi makes her way closer and closer, she presses her lips together, trying to figure out if either of the Stormtroopers currently manning the Checkpoint might be Clones.

This long after the end of the war, most of the Clones were retired by this point. More and more, Clone Troopers were being replaced by recruits from across the galaxy, put through some training and tossed into a set of fresh white armor to go and enforce the Empire’s doctrine and power somewhere. 

The thing was the clones had always been easier to Mind Trick then most normal sentients. Ahsoka hadn’t had much cause to make use of that tidbit of knowledge much before the end of her time with the Jedi Order, but over the years since, she’d found it ever so easy to slip past a clone, hell, even an entire squad of clones, with nothing more than a simple Mind Trick.

But with the new recruits, it was always hit and miss. She never knew whether or not her Mind Trick would actually work or not, but it wasn’t like she had a choice, really. She had to rely on it, lest she reveal her true nature and end up hunted by the Empire’s Inquisitors. She would have to rely upon that technique here too, even though from her observation, she was beginning to suspect that neither of the Stormtroopers up ahead were clones. One was a little too tall and broad shouldered to be a copy of Jango Fett, while the other was a little too short and a bit rotund.

Just her luck, as Ahsoka finally arrives at the Checkpoint, the second Stormtrooper is busy dealing with another sentient, leaving her and the tall one to interact. As he beckons her forward, Ahsoka bites her lower lip, drawing her falsified ID chip out from beneath her all encompassing cloak and holding it out to him. He takes it and scans it for a moment, the black eyes of his helmet seeming to stare at her. Ahsoka doesn’t fidget or squirm though, doing her best to give off the impression she has nothing to hide.

When he hands back her ID chip however and moves to wave her through… that’s when she makes a mistake. Perhaps it was foolish to keep her sabers on her belt like she did, but so long as she wore her cloak, then no one should have seen them. Perhaps she shouldn’t have opened said cloak in just the right way while trying to put her ID chip away, so that the tall, broad-shouldered stormtrooper in front of her saw them.

“Halt! What was that?”

Freezing in place, Ahsoka immediately lifts a hand and waves it in the signature of a Mind Trick.

“You didn’t see anything.”

For a moment, she thinks it might even work on this one when she hears his initial response.

“… I didn’t see anything… if you make it worth my while.”

In the end, Ahsoka can only sigh and bow her head, which the Stormtrooper takes as acceptance, letting his partner know he has to do a deeper ‘search and then dragging her by the arm into the nearest alley. Certainly, Ahsoka could have drawn her sabers and decapitated both him and his fellow in moments… but it was better this way.


“Hulghk… Hulghk… Hulghk…”

“Fuck you’ve got a great mouth…”

She hated how good those words made her feel. Hell, she hated how this entire situation made her feel. Bereft of her robes, having carefully tucked her sabers out of sight within them when she folded them up, Ahsoka Tano kneels in the filthy alleyway that the Stormtrooper has dragged her into… and dutifully sucks his cock. With his lower armor removed, along with his gauntlets, the man has his pants down to his thighs, exposing every last inch of his sizable member. Needless to say, his length was comparable to the rest of his substantial stature.

And Ahsoka was sucking his dick like her life depended on it. Which it did… but it didn’t excuse the way she tended to get whenever this sort of thing happened. The Togruta can feel the heat radiating off her face, her eyes heavily lidded as his member thrusts into her mouth and partway down her throat, making her choke and gag just a little as she swirls her tongue along the underside of his member.

His hands are on her montrals, and honestly, that’s the worst bit. Or rather, the best bit that she hates the most. Ahsoka is sopping wet right now, and it’s all because of the way this Stormtrooper is… is man handling her, treating her like she’s his property, fucking her face like it’s a cunt he’s bought and paid for, rather than her mouth that he’s ravaging with his cock. And all the while stroking and tugging up and down on the most sensitive part of her body, her montrals and lekku.

Did he know that a Togruta’s weak spot was the hollow horns atop her head? Did he know that playing with them like he was, was enough to turn the strongest willed Togruta female to jelly? If he didn’t before, he certainly knew now.

“Sithspit, you’re an eager beaver, aren’t you? Fuck, keep it up… I’m getting close.”

Ahsoka tries to ignore the way her body reacts to that admission. Rather than disgust at the knowledge he was going to cum soon, she found herself eager, her pussy down betwixt her thighs throbbing with need. She wanted it, she wanted his cum. He’d already made her climax twice from the way he was touching her montrals alone, and it was only right that she return the favor, in the end.

So, when he finally does cum, Ahsoka swallows. It’s the least she can do, really. She gulps and gulps as fast as her pretty little throat will allow, the Togruta woman drinking down the human man’s seed without hesitation, without pause. In response, the Stormtrooper lets out a truly heartfelt groan, tightening his grip on Ahsoka’s montrals, which in turn causes her to climax a third time, soaking through her shorts even more than she already had.

“Fuck that was good…”

As the muscular, well-hung Stormtrooper pulls back, letting his cock slip free of her lips with a pop, Ahsoka’s tongue slips out of her mouth and follows him for a moment, one final strand of saliva and cum mixed together connecting them briefly, before it snaps. She looks up to find the still-helmeted Stormtrooper looking down at her, and though she can’t see his face, this close to him the former Jedi can definitely feel his emotions and the sheer sense of awe at how erotic and sexy she currently looks shines through.

… As does his desire for more. Ahsoka flushes at that and tries to get up and put an end to things, giving him a brief smile as she hurries to collect her robe and her hidden sabers… but as she’s bending down to get both, his hands fall upon her hips, causing the Togruta to freeze up.

“… I’m not done yet. Unless you’d rather I take you in and see what the Garrison Commander wants done with you.”

The threat doesn’t really land, save for the fact that Ahsoka would have to slaughter her way out of her to avoid it, and she doesn’t really want to do that. But also… truth be told, she’s just looking for an excuse to go along with it. She knows she shouldn’t, which is why she tried to avoid anything more than the blowjob… but she also can’t resist the burning need in her loins. So, rather than resist or talk back, Ahsoka remains where she is, bent over at the waist… and wiggles her hips for the Stormtrooper, inviting him to have his way with her.

“That’s what I thought, bitch.”

A shudder runs through Ahsoka at the crass language. Back before, when she was still a Jedi, being called a bitch would have offended her, not turned her on. But ever since she’d left the Jedi Order, the Togruta had had her horizons broadened extensively… she’d seen and done a lot… and she knew what kind of woman she was now.

It seemed that the man about to fuck her knew too, after barely any interaction with her. Was she truly so transparent? He yanks her pants down to her thighs, exposing her orange derriere and her sopping wet cunt. With a laugh, he gives one of her ass cheeks a hefty smack, drawing a yelp and a whimper from Ahsoka, followed by a moan when he begins to tease her entrance with his cockhead.

A moment later, and he’s inside of her, not wasting any time, thrusting in deep right off of the get-go. Ahsoka’s eyes go wide and nearly bulge out of her skull, and she finds herself clutching at her folded up robe, holding on for dear life as she’s fucked savagely from behind, taken like… like some streetwalker, rather than… well, she was going to say rather than the Jedi she was, but she wasn’t a Jedi anymore. She hadn’t been for a long time.

These days, Ahsoka Tano was a rebel, not that that was much of a job description. Still, someone had to fight against the tyranny of the Empire, and with them hunting her anyways for being raised in the Jedi Temple, she might as well team up with other insurgents who were trying to change the galaxy for the better. The rebellion was still in its infancy, but already Ahsoka had made a name for herself… literally as the case was. No one actually knew her as Ahsoka Tano, save for Bail Organa and Mon Mothma. 

Instead, they all knew her by the code name ‘Fulcrum’, and it was Tano that handled the fledgling rebellion’s intelligence agency. Luckily, neither her subordinates nor the two Senators would likely ever see her like this. She hoped. Ahsoka can only moan wantonly as the Stormtrooper continues to fuck her bent over form. Her cunt walls clench and squeeze HARD around his cock, but for the moment at least, she can still think straight.

That changes when he suddenly decides he wants more and reaches down to grab her lekku. Taking hold of the brain-tails, the human man yanks back, and Ahsoka finds herself coming up to a ninety degree angle as he pulls on her lekku like they’re a set of reins, fucking her even harder from behind… and sending her into a world of bliss and ecstasy as her eyes proceed to roll back in her head and her tongue lolls out of her mouth in a truly slutty fashion.

Dragging her head back enough that he can see her expression, the Stormtrooper chuckles darkly, even as he continues to pound her orange alien behind with reckless abandon.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought. A slut like you… you were practically asking for it. Is that why you flashed me those sabers, little Jedi? Because you figured I’d fuck you rather than turn you in?”

Ahsoka shudders in orgasmic bliss, not quite in the right mind set to try to refute his words. It’s definitely a bad sign that he’s calling her out as a Jedi, and she knows she should probably put an end to this… but it just feels too damn good. She loves it, she loves getting fucked from behind while a big strong man pulls on her lekku. She loves getting used like some… like some spaceport whore who’s just looking for the next credits, the next fix.

And she absolutely loves being treated like the trash she knows she is deep down inside, like the collection of holes she should be, rather than the Togruta woman she masquerades around as. Ahsoka Tano is an utter mess of depraved dark desires and kinks, and her time in the Jedi Order only exacerbated that, leaving her a prime target for any man who so much as wanted to fondle her montrals and fuck her silly.

With a groan and a triumphant roar, the Stormtrooper cums inside of her, filling her with his seed. Ahsoka spasms and then seizes up as an explosive orgasm rocks her entire form, his cum plastering the walls of her womb. He probably doesn’t even care if she gets pregnant from this, not like he’d ever have to take responsibility, given who and what she is.

With a chuckle, the Stormtrooper pulls out of her and then lets go of her lekku, the brain-tails no doubt going to have bruising by the next morning. Secretly, Ahsoka doesn’t mind… she likes it when people can see the marks left behind by the latest man who dominated and conquered and abused her. Of course, with his cock no longer inside of her and his hands no longer holding onto her lekku… Ahsoka falls flat on her face, ass up in the air, no longer able to keep her jelly-like legs under herself as she hits the ground, luckily landed in her folded robe rather than smearing her face across the dirt.

There’s a robotic chuckle from behind her as the Stormtrooper leans down and murmurs into her ear.

“Good fuck, Jedi. You’re lucky you got me instead of my partner though. He would have used your ass to get a promotion in a heartbeat. But I’ve heard about you, so I knew as soon as I saw your face that I’d make sure you were mine. Careful who you try to fuck with in the future. There’s a lot of us who know about your needy little cunt… but just as many who’d turn you over to the Inquisition.”

And then he leans up, delivering one last stinging smack to her ass before changing his voice entirely to a more official tone.

“You’re clear to move along now, civilian.”

And then he turns and walks away, just like that, leaving Ahsoka laying there face down, ass up, twitching and trembling, his cum just beginning to leak out of her freshly fucked quim. His words though stay with her a lot longer than the fuck does. It was true that this wasn’t the first time she’d had to do something like this to get through an Imperial Checkpoint in recent months. The troopers were proving more and more resistant to her Mind Trick, that was all!

And yet… apparently there were now so many that knew about her and her… proclivities that they were able to pick her out of a crowd? His words from earlier, about her showing him her sabers on purpose rather than by accident as she’d initially assumed she’d done ring through Ahsoka’s head. What was she thinking, really? She HAD to be more careful…

After all, not every Stormtrooper would be willing to accept a suck and fuck in a back alley instead of the promotion that would come with turning over a Jedi. She definitely had to be more careful. And yet, as Ahsoka stands up and pulls her shorts up, clipping her sabers back to her belt and putting her robe on, she knows that it’ll happen again. Perhaps not with a Stormtrooper, perhaps not in exactly the sort of situation that had occurred today… but it would happen again.

She just couldn’t help herself.


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