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Themes: Dom/Sub, Breeding, Hate Sex  

Summary: The Lazarus Project successfully brought Shepard back, however he was not entirely the same as he once was. His libido for one was increased exponentially, as was the size of his genitals. Speaking to Miranda about it, he learns that Cerberus wanted to ensure that Shepard's bloodline would continue even if he were to fail his mission. Obviously, there's only one prime candidate for carrying on his bloodline. 


As Miranda arrives in front of the Commander’s quarters, she doesn’t even need to knock. The door slides open all on its own, admitting her into the room beyond. Said room is dimly lit, but the Cerberus Operative strides into it with her usual confidence and arrogance all the same, an ever so slight smile on her lips and a not-so-slight sway to her feminine hips, hugged tightly by her uniform as they are.

“Commander? You wished to speak to me?”

Commander John Shepard’s voice comes from a darkened corner of the room, where Miranda can just make out the first Human Spectre’s shadowed form. Behind her, the door closes with a hiss and a sense of finality to it.

“I did. I think it’s high time we had a talk about exactly what the fuck you did to me while I was… under.”

Miranda’s smile becomes a bit faker, even as she steps into the middle of the room and assumes a resting stance, her legs spread ever so slightly, and her hands clasped behind her back. This has the added effect of causing her chest to jut out just a bit more, drawing the eye to her ample bosom as she looks into the shadows where John is hidden.

“You mean besides bringing you back from the dead? One would think that you’d be a bit more grateful, Shepard.”

There’s a low, almost bestial growl from where the man is sat.

“Commander. You will address me as Commander, or not at all.”

The Cerberus Operative just inclines her head ever so slightly.

“Very well, Comman-urk!”

However, it would seem that her taking her eyes off of him, or at least his shadowed form, is exactly what the first human spectre was waiting for. As she inclines her head, John Shepard comes off of his seat, onto his feet, and across the room before she can finish her statement. His entirely naked physique comes into view as he enters the center of the room where she stands, though Miranda doesn’t have long to admire it, because John’s hand closes around her throat. A moment later, he’s pushing her up against the wall.

“I won’t ask nicely again, Lawson. What the FUCK did you Cerberus fucks do to me?!”

Down between them, jutting out from betwixt Shepard’s legs, throbbing and pulsing and swinging back and forth from the sudden movement, is the biggest cock Miranda’s ever seen. Not that it’s the first time that she’s ever seen it. However, when she goes to answer Shepard’s question, she finds that words and more importantly air are escaping her. The vice grip he has on her throat makes Miranda wonder if she’s going to have to use her biotics to fight back… but thankfully, hearing choking sounds rather than the answers he wants causes John to come to his senses, at least somewhat. He relaxes his grip on her throat, though his hand doesn’t entirely leave her neck as he glares daggers at her.

Miranda licks her lips and gives the Commander a knowing smile.

“The Lazarus Project had two objectives, C-Commander. One, to bring you back to life, so that you could save the human race. But in the event that you fail your mission… we’re not so sure we can keep bringing you back. So, it was decided that ensuring your bloodline continued took top priority. Your genes need to be passed on, Commander.”

His eyes narrow and his nostrils flare at that, even as he gestures down at himself with his free hand. The naked man truly is a fine human specimen, the sort of human that Miranda would have argued was genetically engineered, just like her. It was only because she’d done her research, delving deep, that she knew that wasn’t true. John Shepard was all natural… until Cerberus got their hands on him. And the only things that her project had changed while bringing him back had been in the groin region, as well as some… internals.

In the end, his muscular physique, his perfect abs and ripped muscular arms and all of that good stuff… that was all him. But the massive cock between his legs… that was all Cerberus.

“So what, you gave me this thing? You upped my sexual urges? Don’t think I haven’t noticed the difference. I haven’t been able to talk to a single woman without imagining how they’d feel wrapped around my cock since I woke up! Do you know how distracting that is?! Does Cerberus WANT me to fail?!”

She was quite aware of how… distracted Shepard had to be. The fact that he’d called her to his quarters, only for him to be naked and fully erect, spoke to how desperate the man was. Which was perfect, in the end. It was right where Cerberus wanted him. Right where SHE wanted him. Gracing Shepard with a smile, Miranda reaches up and begins to unzip her suit.

“I had hoped you would approach me about this sooner, Shepard. Your size was perfectly average and entirely tolerable before… but I had them increase it for two reasons.”

As she continues to slide the zipper down, slowly revealing more and more of her pale skin to John’s watching eyes, Miranda lists them off.

“One… you should have no issues with penetrating the womb of any human female with the size you are now. And two… I wanted you to notice the improvement immediately, and approach me for answers. Then, I could have told you all of this earlier. I suppose it was male pride that kept you silent unt-urk!”

Her smug sniping explanation is abruptly cut off by the Commander tightening his grip on her pretty little neck again. Meanwhile, the hand she’s using to slowly expose herself to him is suddenly caught in a vice-like grip as he pulls it away from her body and slams it into the wall next to her head, holding her there tightly, pinning her in place.

“So then. That’s how it is. Cerberus brought me back so I could breed you. So that I’d fuck you and knock you up. Turn you into my own little incubator for Shepard Junior, right?”

Miranda feels a spark of irritation at that. As much as she puts on a brave face… there’s no denying that this whole situation irks her, just a bit. She doesn’t mind being a mother, but having her body loaned out by Cerberus to the first human spectre for the purposes of continuing HIS line… well, she knows as the perfect human specimen she is, genetically engineered to be the best, that she’s the best woman for the job.

But she also can’t help but feel like she should amount to more than that. Still, it’s the mission, and Miranda Lawson never fails her missions. The Cerberus Operative can only nod jerkily as John chokes her out just a tad, holding her up against the wall by the throat even now. For a moment, she wonders if he’ll reject the whole thing and eventually pick someone else to fuck silly. She wouldn’t entirely be against the idea, even if it would upset Cerberus to not have John’s offspring in the womb of one of their operatives.

Still, perhaps he could be pushed towards Yeoman Kelly Chambers, if it came to that. Miranda had seen how Shepard looked at the other woman often enough by now. As long as it wasn’t an alien, her failure could-

John’s face suddenly transforms into a wicked, somewhat evil-looking grin, and before Miranda can react, she’s been spun around and slammed face first into the wall of the Commander’s quarters. Dazed and still recovering from the stunning blow, the Cerberus Operative can’t do much more than gasp in surprise as John’s hands grip her uniform and PULL, tearing the skintight jumpsuit open in a number of… revealing places.

Well, his cock size and his libido might not have been the only thing that the Lazarus Project enhanced when they brought John Shepard back from the dead. You didn’t resurrect a man without having to replace a few things, after all. It wasn’t right to say John was a cyborg or anything like that, but he’d certainly set off any metal detector he so much as breathed on at this point.

Regardless, his strength allows him to rip her clothes off of her body, though he doesn’t tear them all the way off. Instead, he just opens up her crotch, tearing until her plump, perfectly heart-shaped derriere is on display, as well as her cunt. With but a thought, Miranda makes sure that she’s beginning to produce fluids down there, creating a wetness, as she’s confident of what’s about to happen next.

Even though she knows it’s coming, however, it doesn’t really prepare her for the Commander’s ferocity. He doesn’t bother with foreplay, given the circumstances, but even still she expected some prior warning beyond him just JAMMING it in. Still, luckily, she’s at least a little moist, because John doesn’t seem to have a care in the world for her own feelings as he thrusts his absolutely massive bitch-breaker of a cock right up into her cunt with a reckless abandon that leaves Miranda squealing, as embarrassing as it is.

She tries to clamp down on her voice right away, but John isn’t having any of it, and even as he begins to fuck her in earnest, his hand on her neck has moved up to her mouth, his middle and ring finger hooking onto the inside of her mouth and holding it open as a result, making every single humiliating and embarrassing noise bubbling from Miranda’s throat leave through her open lips.

“I suppose we have to make Cerberus happy, don’t we Operative Lawson? I suppose I can’t let you leave here until we’re done.”

As his cock splits her open in a way, she’s never been split open before, as he penetrates her to depths she’s never been penetrated before, Miranda shudders from the sensations rippling through her perfect body. In the back of her mind, part of her wonders if she’s bitten off more than she can chew. Part of her begins to worry that she went too far in enhancing his cock size.

But there’s no escaping it now. He’s inside of her, and all Miranda can do is endure as Shepard does his level best to hate fuck her into oblivion. She just has to hold on, she just has to-

“I suppose I should stop playing around, shouldn’t I?”

It’s in that moment that Miranda realizes something. Contrary to her earlier words, Shepard ISN’T currently inside of her womb. He’s been thrusting up against her cervix each time, ramming into it at full speed, but he’s not actually penetrated her womb as she’d postulated, he should be able to. Which meant, despite her belief that she was taking all he had to offer and just had to survive it… Shepard was holding back.

With a savage growl, the Commander pulls back only to thrust back in, this time with enough force to bust right through Miranda’s cervix and enter the woman’s womb directly. Her perfectly sculpted abdomen bulges from the thrust as her womb is treated like little more than a meat condom to be wrapped around Shepard’s enhanced cock. Meanwhile, Miranda’s eyes are also bulging for a long moment, before ultimately, they roll right up in her skull, her tongue lolling out of her mouth.


She’d thought she was strong. She’d thought she could take it. But obviously she’d gone overboard on the enhancements she’d made to Commander John Shepard. It’s the last coherent thought that Miranda has, cursing herself for her mistake, before she begins to climax along John’s member, her entire body shaking and seizing up in abject pleasure as the human spectre downright fucks her silly.

Her moans and cries of ecstasy fill John’s quarters, even as the Commander in turn fills her with every last inch of his cock meat again and again. He fucks her savagely, brutally, like they’re a pair of animals, and Miranda loves every last second of it against her better judgment, enjoying every single moment of the ensuing plowing that she receives.

He rails her to completion, and Miranda is no more prepared for the sheer volume of his load then she was for his cock. He fills her to the absolute brim and then some, and she orgasms so very beautifully from the experience… only for his thrusting to start up again a few moments later. Slowly, John pulls the practically insensate Cerberus Operative off the wall. Holding Miranda by her wrists, pulling her arms back behind her even as her upper half bends forward, John rails the woman in a walking fuck over to his bed, where he bends her over it, pushing her face down into the mattress and fucking her entire body up onto the bed for good measure as well.

Face down, ass up, Miranda Lawson can do nothing but ahegao pitifully as she’s hate fucked by one Commander John Shepard, as she’s taken again and again by the big fat cock, SHE gave him, as she’d bred in the way that her superiors wanted her to be bred. He pumps load after load of white, hot, virile cum into her womb, and then some onto her body as her pussy truly begins to fill to the brim with his seed.

He makes damn sure to knock her up before vandalizing her though. If Cerberus wants to give him a woman to breed, then John’ll breed her. If they think they’ll be able to take his child away from him however… well, the human supremacy organization has another thing coming. As John fucks Miranda into a stupor and then some, watching as she goes from a confident, arrogant Cerberus Operative to a lewd, needy, horny bitch for his cock… he smiles.

Somehow, he thinks that it’ll be easier to subvert their operative to his side then they can even begin to suspect. A few more dickings like this one, and Miranda Lawson will be doing whatever he says, just for another taste of his big fat cock.


Rann Organa

Nice, but wasn't Miranda Sterile? as part of that "Perfect woman" thing?


what do you mean possible? if there isn't a Tali scene in this at some point I will be thoroughly disappointed


I absolutely love it, such a fun read and Miri gets exactly what she deserves. Just as a side note, Traynor doesn't join the Normandy until ME3 when it's under Alliance colors. A seriously minor nitpick that doesn't detract in the slightest from a great scene.