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Themes: Ghost Sex, Dom/Sub, Public Sex

Summary: Kitty finally gets rid of the dead weight that is her boyfriend, Johnny 13. And with him no longer dragging her down, the ghostly biker chick is finally able to look into that thing Ember was gushing about last they spoke. Time to see what the ghost boy is REALLY made of!


She was free. She was finally free. In more ways than one, too. Grinning, Kitty floats up over Amity Park, the ghostly biker chick looks down at the sleeping town from above. It looks so quaint right now, nice and quiet and undisturbed. Is she going to disturb it? That remains to be seen. Sure, Kitty is a ghost and usually when a ghost gets out through the Fenton’s portal to the Ghost Zone, they wreck all matter of havoc, having what fun they can before the halfa catches them again and sends them back.

This time though, Kitty isn’t sure she wants to do that. For one, every time she’s been to the real world before, its been with Johnny. Johnny 13, her boyfriend… or, as the case was now, ex-boyfriend. She and Johnny had been rocky for a while now, but honestly, she didn’t need him if he was just going to be a misogynistic, womanizing asshole about everything. The sex wasn’t NEARLY good enough for that.

Still, in the past she’d gone to the real world with Johnny and then Johnny had been the one to decide what they would do. Except for that one time where she possessed that one girl, so she could date the halfa and make Johnny jealous. Heh, now wasn’t there an idea. Not making Johnny jealous or possessing a human body, no. Kitty was done with her shitty ex, and she didn’t need to possess someone else to be sexy and seductive.

Not if what Ember had told her on their last girl’s night out was true. Oh, the Rockstar ghost had been practically gushing over her last encounter with the ghost boy who protected Amity Park! If even half of the things Ember said were accurate, then Kitty wanted to see it for herself. Which meant… it was time to pay Danny Phantom a visit. Grinning, Kitty glances around. Thing was, she knew he wasn’t at home. Night like this? Given what Ember had told her he was up to these days? Oh yeah, Kitty knew exactly where to find him.


Danny grunts a he cums inside of yet another coed. His seed pumps into her and she moans as she clings to him, clawing at him, though not causing any damage due to his greater durability. Grinning, the young half-ghost pulls out of the insensate, fucked silly woman and lets her slide down the wall of the bathroom. He watches her for a moment, just marveling in the power he had over her and girls like her.

They clamored to let him fuck them. Any time he showed up at the night club, they would line up for a chance to get fucked by the great Danny Phantom. He was a bonafide celebrity, and it got him all the pussy he could ever want. To say Danny was thrilled by this would be the understatement of the century. Things were really turning around for the boy, especially after that visit from Ember. Hot damn had that done wonders for his confidence.

Turning around, the half-ghost opens his mouth to tell the next girl to step forward, his cock in hand and wagging around a bit as he grins wickedly. Of course, he never does get to say a word, as his eyes fall upon a newcomer instead, and go wide at the sight of Kitty, standing between him and a group of frightened coeds, grinning wickedly.

Shit! Not now, not fucking now! Danny’s eyes dart around as he hastily tucks his cock away. Where’s Johnny 13? It makes sense that the biker couple would attack a night club. It was probably the antithesis of their preferred establishment. Gritting his teeth, Danny curls his hands into fists as he switches mind states and prepares for a fight.

Though… all of this takes time. Time that he shouldn’t have had. Instead of ambushing him with his pants metaphorically down, Kitty was just standing there, staring, hands on her hips and said hips cocked outwards as she smirks evilly.

“… Where’s Johnny, Kitty? He doing something to the club goers out there on the dance floor?”

That gets a laugh from the ghostly biker chick, even as she steps forward, her spiked heels clicking across the bathroom floor. Danny’s eyes are drawn to her body in a way they wouldn’t have been before his most recent encounter with Ember. He’s never really seen the female ghosts in that way before. They’ve always been his enemies, just like their male counterparts more often than not.

But its hard NOT to take in the view as Kitty approaches. From her open leather jacket with a tube top underneath to her skimpy skirt and her fishnet stockings… she was hot, in her own way. Sort of an alternative lifestyle kind of way. Danny wasn’t picky, and while he’d had his fair share of peppy coeds, he’d also fucked more than a few tattooed, hair-dyed beauties as they screamed his name.

So yeah, maybe Danny has a bit of an erection when Kitty reaches down all of the sudden and grabs his crotch, feeling him up right then and there. Smirking, the ghostly biker chick meets Danny’s eyes, even as he looks back into hers.

“Johnny isn’t here, ghost boy. Or should I say ghost MAN? Mm, I saw some of it before you tried to hide it away, but Ember wasn’t lying, was she? You’re packing some SERIOUS heat, halfa.”

Danny blushes a little at that, though when he hears Ember’s name, its like something in his mind just clicks.

“… Ember, you say?”

Kitty’s grin widens at Danny’s curious tone. She continues to massage his crotch with her palm and her fingers, even as she steps in closer, pushing Danny up against the wall behind him and riding a leg up his side, letting her skirt in turn ride up the leg and show off more and more of her thighs.

“That’s right, ghost man. Ember told me a lot about you. She had nothing but praises, in fact. Let’s be honest though. That woman has never had anything more than groupies who want to please her every little whim. Just because you took her to cloud nine doesn’t make you a REAL man.”

Danny swallows thickly… but he’s not just going to let Kitty get away with such comments. Nor is he going to continue sitting idly by as she openly fondles him in front of a bunch of coeds who have gone from afraid of her to jealous in the last few minutes. Reaching out, the young half-ghost grabs Kitty by her naked waist, his thumbs pressing into her ghostly flesh as he pulls her tightly to him, grinding his bulge up against her front and leaning forward till their faces are only an inch or so apart.

“A real man, you say? And what exactly would a REAL man need to do to prove himself to you, huh?”

Kitty licks her lips, and they’re both obviously panting as they stare at one another. Then, the ghostly biker chick pulls back, her hand leaving his crotch and her leg leaving his side.

“A real man would show he can keep up with me on the dance floor! Come along, halfa!”

She doesn’t wait to see if he’s following, but then it’s a foregone conclusion, isn’t it? Danny hurries after Kitty as she slips right through the bathroom’s sinks and mirrors out into the club’s dance floor that rests right behind them. Danny follows her, neatly bypassing the line of living, human girls who were waiting for their turn on his cock outside the door.

As news of what was happening traveled from the front of that line to the back, Danny and Kitty met once more on the dance floor, causing quite the commotion as people pulled back to watch the two ethereal figures go at it. Kitty had some serious moves, but despite what it looked like, Danny didn’t spend ALL of his time at the club each night in the girl’s bathroom, banging bitches left and right.

As such, Kitty gets quite the enjoyable performance as the halfa proves he can keep up with her, and the two of them put on quite the show as their dance moves get more and more risqué, until finally, Kitty just grabs the front of Danny’s jumpsuit and pulls him in for a deep, tongue-filled kiss. Danny in turn slides his arms around her and his hands down to her booty, which he grips and squeezes through her leather skirt as they quickly escalate from there.

Off to the side, the club’s security watches on with the rest of the club’s patrons. One of the newer guys nudges the security chief in the side as things get exceedingly hot and heavy between the two ghosts.

“Uh… boss, shouldn’t we stop them?”

Everyone around them looks at the guy as if he’s an idiot, including the night club’s head of security.

“Stop them? The hell you on about, son?”

Out in the middle of the cleared dance floor, clothes have begun to fly off, as well as a certain jumpsuit. The guy who’d originally spoken averts his gaze and swallows thickly.

“W-Well, ain’t fucking in the middle of the club like that a-against the rules?”

Scoffing, the security chief gives his newest hire a smack across the back of the head, already wondering if he’d made a mistake in taking the man on.

“That boy out there… that’s Danny Phantom. He’s the only one who can properly fight these damn ghosts… and that’s what he’s doing now. You want to get in his way, be my guest!”

Staring incredulously at the sight before him, even as a certain female ghost moans while impaling herself on a very big ghostly cock, the new security guard backs down, though not without muttering one last parting shot under his breath.

“… Doesn’t look much like fighting to me.”

Meanwhile, out on the dance floor back with Danny and Kitty, things have progressed to their expected conclusion. Wearing nothing but her fishnets and her spiked heels, Kitty buries Danny’s massive cock inside of her and begins to ride him right in front of everyone, her tits bouncing and jiggling with the rest of her as she moans and rakes her fingernails across the half-ghost’s chest. 

Only thing is, neither of them are touching the ground. They’re both floating in mid air as Danny grips Kitty’s sides with both hands and thrusts up into her with all the hip strength he can muster, causing her to moan out and sing his praises as she bounces and bounces and bounces.

“F-Fuck ghost boy, Ember was r-right! You’re even bigger than Johnny, and with technique to beat that pig as well! Don’t stop, damn it! Don’t stop for even a moment!”

Grinning at the compliment, Danny doesn’t. He wouldn’t dare stop now. That would just leave him unsatisfied, and an angry female ghost on his hands in a crowded place filled with civilians. Instead, Danny just squeezes Kitty’s sides all the tighter for a moment, before ultimately moving his hands up to her chest. Her gorgeous tits fit in each of his palms practically perfectly, and as Danny bounces the ghostly biker babe up and down on his cock, he also gropes and squeezes and molests her bountiful breasts, much to Kitty’s vocal enjoyment.

“Yessss! Just like that! Fuck, fuck, FUUUUCK!!!”

Kitty’s orgasm is explosive… and very public. Every person in the club, be they male or female, gets to watch as the ghost chick’s eyes roll back in her head and her tongue lolls out of her mouth. Kitty shakes and spasms across Danny’s dick, and its in that moment that Danny shifts positions. In midair as they are, it’s all too easy for him to spin them both around, without even needing to dislodge his cock from Kitty’s cunt.

Soon enough, the gorgeous biker chick finds herself bent over in front of everyone, her arms pulled back behind her as Danny holds her by her wrists and thrusts into her from behind with all his might.

“Take it, Kitty! You love this cock so much! Fucking take it!”

Pounding into her from this new position only heightens the pleasure as Danny buries his massive length deep inside of the ghost woman. Kitty, for her part, is moaning like a lewd whore, her mouth wide open and her tongue constantly wagging for all to see. Her eyes are just rolling around in her head at this point, and her tits are bouncing and jiggling along with the sharp, jarring thrusts that Danny is delivering to her cunt from behind. Rather than her riding him, Danny is now fucking her, truly fucking her, plowing the ghostly biker babe as she gets the most fucked silly, utterly lewd expression on her face from the experience.

Kitty cums time and time again, much to the jealousy of the women and the admiration of the men all watching from the sidelines. And then Danny lets out a shout as he positively buries himself inside of her cunt one last time, their crotches practically welded together. Not that they can see it, at least at first, but in that moment, Danny is cumming inside of Kitty. And he’s cumming BUCKETS. Soon enough, his hot, viscous seed overflows out of the ghost woman, exploding in a shower of jizz that coats half the dance floor.

Coming down from his release, the half-ghost, seeing the mess he and Kitty have created, as well as the scene, lets out a bit of a sheepish laugh and rubs the back of his head, deciding it’s about time to go. Pulling out of Kitty, he drapes her over his shoulder with her head inches from his cock as he waves at the crowd.

“Eheh… sorry for the mess folks. Thanks for your uh… patience, while I dealt with this… evil villainess…”

Of course, that last bit takes a bit of a hit when Kitty lets out a wanton moan and practically swallows Danny’s cock whole, eagerly sucking him off upside down as he gasps and grips at her all the more tightly, floating in midair. Blushing a little, Danny flees the scene through the roof, floating upwards and flying off with his freshly fucked ghost wench well in hand.

Given the ghost boy’s popularity, it’s no surprise when several girls immediately break the informal perimeter that’s formed around said dance floor, dropping to their hands and knees and making utter fools of themselves as they get to work licking up Danny’s spunk. Of course, when people start trying to emulate Danny and Kitty and an orgy begins to break out… well then, the night club security has to step in and shut it down HARD.

After all, fucking is strictly prohibited in the club. At least, for humans anyways.



Hope someone pays for a continuation of this, bringing in the Fenton ladies.

Christian Brandt Kaarup (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 04:41:39 Gotta admit I'm hoping for a 3-way with both Kitty & Ember. Or possibly to see Spectra, if only because her trying to psychologically get to Danny only for the tables to *cough* get turned on her, as it were, could be fun to read about.
2018-12-04 16:50:30 Gotta admit I'm hoping for a 3-way with both Kitty & Ember. Or possibly to see Spectra, if only because her trying to psychologically get to Danny only for the tables to *cough* get turned on her, as it were, could be fun to read about.

Gotta admit I'm hoping for a 3-way with both Kitty & Ember. Or possibly to see Spectra, if only because her trying to psychologically get to Danny only for the tables to *cough* get turned on her, as it were, could be fun to read about.

Josh flanders

Am curious if Danny can get the ghost girls pregnant being half ghost and all.