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It's that time of year again, and today is my birthday!

Just wanted to give a warm thanks to all of you who have stuck it out with me through thick and thin on this crazy, wild ride. Especially this month, where Patreon seems intent on messing with us every week or so.

Anyways, hope you all have a good day just as I plan to!



Happy birthday and thank you for the great stories you have written!

Zephyr Ahriman

Happy birthday! (Starts playing 'happy birthday my olde friend' by Voltaire)


Happy BirthdayXD!'


OH WOW happy B-day, I was not expecting one of the people I support to have a b-day just 6 days before my own XD


...I wish I had something better to say, but these guys just about covered it.


Happy Birthday Cambrian!

Silver W. King

It's late but, Happy Birthday.

Miss Ary

Happy Birthday, Cambrian, hope to say it again in the years to come.

Miss Ary

Happy birthday from the three of us Cambrian. We hope to be able to say it again in the years to come.


well two days late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!