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Themes: Consensual, Monster Girl Sex, Furry, F/F

Word Count: 2,519

Summary: When Madison wakes up from her little nap, the problems of the day are still there to confront her. Taylor is still transformed into some unholy fusion between a spider, a moth, and a bee... and Lisa is enjoying every moment of it.


She’d woken up again in a dark basement. As it turned out, it was Taylor’s basement. The girl she’d spent years bullying was off to the side talking with Lisa when Madison finally sat up, rubbing her head and groaning.

“Ooh, what happened…”

And then she looked up, saw Taylor and Lisa, and remembered everything. Taylor’s numerous spider eyes stare back at her as the honey drider shifts a bit, her arms crossed under her truly titanic tits. Meanwhile, Lisa smiles happily.

“There you are Mistress! I was a little worried, but it looks like my power was right, all you needed was a bit of rest! Doesn’t look like that bump you took when you fainted gave you a concussion after all!”

“You know, if you want me to believe this isn’t some kind of weird enslavement situation, you might want to stop referring to Madison as your ‘Mistress’.”

Taylor’s tone was positively dry as the cross between a spider, bee, moth, and woman looks between Lisa and Madison appraisingly. The nine-tailed kitsune giggles in response and rubs one of her tails right down Taylor’s back in a way that causes all eight of her spider eyes to widen dramatically as she shudders and moans.

“Don’t worry so much about it! Ever since her first creation snatched me up, Mistress here has been working extra hard to dial back the master-effects of her creations! I bet you aren’t even that interested in spending time with her!”

That gets a derisive snort from the honey drider, as her multitude of legs shift again, and her large moth wings twitch.

“You’re not wrong about that. Madison.”

Her name, directed at her, reminds Madison of just what sort of situation she’s in.


“Can you reverse this?”

Madison stiffens… and then her shoulders slump and the tears begin to well up in her eyes.


She’s afraid. Why wouldn’t she be? She’d just ruined Taylor’s life… AGAIN, and there was still another thing out there that she’d made, a Cheerleader Succubus running around the city. What was it up to? She couldn’t even afford to think about that right now, mostly because she had way too many problems staring her in the face.

“Alright then. Guess I’ll just have to live with it.”

Madison freezes at that. W-What? Taylor’s just… slowly looking up into the other girl’s eight eyes, Madison finds that she can’t quite read Taylor’s face. Still, the honey drider doesn’t actually look that angry with her. At most, Taylor is slightly irritated, as she stands there with her tits just hanging out, lactating honey as she rests her massive breasts on her crossed arms.


Her disbelief is rather poignant. Taylor just shrugs her shoulders expressively.

“Yeah. What can ya do, right? Still, what are we going to do next?”

Madison was starting to think she hadn’t gotten all of the mind control effects out of the process. It wasn’t like she even knew the details of the process at this point. All she did was try desperately to envision a creature that didn’t rape anyone’s brain when she started getting into a tinker funk. It seemed sort of like Taylor was still Taylor… but the mind whammy might have been a bit more insidious this go around.

Taylor was… incapable of hating Madison? Incapable of wanting to hurt Madison? That was the only thing that really made sense at this point. Otherwise, the transformed girl had both the motive and the means to do her serious harm if she chose to. Either that, or Taylor was a Good Person with a capital G and P. Still, that didn’t mean Madison should just let it pass by.

“F-First… first I apologize.”

Both Taylor and Lisa look to her at that, Taylor with a frown on her still human mouth and Lisa with a vulpine smile spreading from cheek to cheek.

“Taylor… Taylor, I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry for everything I’ve done to you. From the bullying, t-to this… I can never apologize enough. I didn’t… it doesn’t mean anything, but I didn’t WANT to do any of it. The guilt eats away at me even now. It’s… it’s why I triggered, but I know that’s no consolation. I just… I’m sorry.”

This time, Taylor doesn’t shrug off her words, thankfully. Madison watches with baited breath, until finally, the honey drider’s face seems to relax into something approaching understanding. Taylor nods her head.

“Thank you. For the apology. Thanks.”

“Yay! Reconciliation! Redemption! Recovery! Hehehe, that was soooo cute!”

And of course, Lisa jumps right in and absolutely destroys the somber moment. The blonde kitsune flounces over to Madison and plops down right beside her, reaching out and ruffling her hair with a hand as Madison yelps and tries to move her head. To no avail, in the end. Lisa’s tails wrap around her body and hold her tight and close as the kitsune positively smothers her with love.

“I’m so proud of you Mistress~ You’ve really grown as a person lately!”

W-What? Madison didn’t… what was Lisa even talking about? She didn’t really feel any different. Maybe a little less guilty and a little bit better in general, but what the hell did it mean to grow as a person anyways?

“Lisaaaa! Stoooop!”

The kitsune giggles and plays with her a bit more before finally letting up. Drawing back, Lisa has another vulpine smirk on her face as she gives Madison and Taylor both knowing looks.

“So then Mistress… down to business. What do we do now?”

As Lisa parrots Taylor’s earlier words, Madison stiffens up, realizing both transformed women are looking to HER for help. And of course they are, why wouldn’t they? Lisa was mind whammied to the point that the blonde couldn’t help but call her Mistress, and Madison had ruined Taylor’s life after helping to destroy her self-esteem and reputation for two long years. 

Neither of them could go out like they were now. They’d be forced into a gang or the Protectorate or something at BEST, and be arrested, injured, or even killed at worst. Madison… Madison couldn’t let that happen, not to her pet- not to her victims! Victims! Yeah, that was it. She was responsible for her creations, and even if they’d also once been real girls, Lisa and Taylor were now very much her creations.

That feeling of possessiveness she got when she looked at them was nice and all but putting it aside… Madison quickly realized just how fucked she was. Lisa and Taylor were her responsibility and she had absolutely no way of hiding both of them, no way of protecting either of them. She’d barely been able to keep Lisa hidden from her parents! How the hell was she supposed to hide the massive creature that Taylor had become in her small-ass, already-crowded bedroom?

Realizing this, Madison lets out a whimper. Then she lets out another whimper as she realizes that Taylor isn’t parentless like Lisa supposedly was. She had… she had a father. More than that, they were in Taylor’s HOUSE. They were in her father’s HOUSE!

“When… when is your dad going to be home Taylor?”

The honey drider startles, looking like some sort of spider-eyed deer in the headlights for a moment. It’s clear she didn’t think about him until now, which only made Madison feel guiltier over whatever hidden effects her creation had. 

“He’s um… probably in a few hours. I’m not… I’m not sure I want him to see me like this.”

With honey dripping from her exposed tits and her body looking like a cross between three insects and the world’s most voluptuous super model? No, Madison could understand that well enough. Though it did make things even harder, because that meant they had to leave. She couldn’t leave Taylor here. N-Not that she ever would have. She knew it was her fault and she had to deal with this. It just… it wasn’t… whimpering again, Madison stares off into empty air, completely unsure what to do.

The young brunette has no idea how she’s going to manage to hide her two creations from the authorities, from her parents. And… and Taylor’s father, was she supposed to leave a note? How would he react to his daughter missing, o-or running away from home? Madison’s whimpering turns into a low, building whine as she begins to rock back and forth.

The bio-tinker is just starting to hyperventilate when Lisa’s tails curl around her again. The blonde kitsune pulls Madison right to her chest, where the shirt that she’d been given to wear has been removed, leaving Lisa’s tits to press against Madison’s face. The feel of those soft fleshy orbs rubbing across her cheeks, her chin, her lips, her nose… its enough to startle Madison out of her growing panic.

Before she even knows what she’s doing, Madison is licking and slurping and suckling at Lisa’s titties, concentrating on her nipples even as the fox girl giggles playfully.

There you go Mistress. There you go~ Don’t worry so much alright? We’ll figure things out together. You just lay back and relax. Let’s take a load off and get rid of some of that stress, shall we?”

That sounded like kicking the ball down the road a bit and dealing with it later. And that also sounded really, really good, as bad as giving into Lisa’s naughty touches probably was. When a moan finally erupted involuntarily from her throat, Madison just gave up. Best to go along with it. Best to get rid of her stress, like Lisa said. They were just… they were just going to take a load off. Yeah. That sounded fine.

As it turned out, ‘take a load off’ was a euphemism for ‘take all of your clothes off’ apparently. Before Madison even knew what was happening, she was stripped naked by Lisa’s fluffy (oh so fluffy) tails and laid onto her back as the kitsune took ‘just lay back and relax’ VERY seriously. Lisa ended up above her, with her head in Madison’s crotch and coincidentally, her crotch in Madison’s face. The beautiful fox girl happily pillowed up a few tails under Madison’s head, causing the brunette’s face to grow ever closer to the naked, dripping wet pussy above her.

She wasn’t sure about this… was she? Maybe she was. Lisa’s lower lips looked surprisingly appetizing and- Madison’s eyes go wide as Lisa buries her tongue in the brunette’s cunt right then and there, eagerly and dutifully eating her Mistress out on the spot. Oh, that was just playing d-dirty! Leaning up the last quarter of an inch, Madison slides her own tongue out and begins to lick and lap at Lisa’s pussy as well.

The young bio-tinker is a lot less skillful with her tongue than Lisa is with hers, but hey, it’s the effort that counts, right? Or something. Either way, Madison isn’t willing to do a half-assed job. She does her best to give Lisa all the pleasure that the blonde kitsune is giving her, inexpertly but enthusiastically eating out Lisa’s cunt, until eventually she’s unable to do so anymore as a cry leaves her lips and she cums hard from Lisa’s ministrations.

Her pussy juices flow into the blonde’s open mouth, and Lisa is quick in drinking down Madison’s sweet, sweet nectar. Completely focused on this distraction now, as her creation obviously intended, Madison decides then and there that she won’t be out done. Almost instinctively, the brunette bio-tinker reaches up and grabs Lisa, not by her ass, but by the base of her multitude of tails.

The kitsune stiffens in Madison’s grasp, and though she can’t exactly say HOW she knew it, Madison isn’t surprised to find that the place where all of Lisa’s tails combine is the most sensitive area on her body. As she tugs lightly with both hands, Madison drives her tongue as deep into the blonde’s cunt as she can get it, and a moment later Lisa cries out in orgasmic bliss, spasming and shaking.

Her own pussy juices paint Madison’s face as she slumps forward off of the brunette’s body. Lisa goes limp and Madison blinks as she realizes the kitsune is actually half-passed out on the floor of the basement, her eyes heavily lidded as she shifts just enough to look up at her.

“N-No fair Mistress… you cheated.”

Slowly, Madison stands. Her legs are a little shaky, but other than that, she’s fine… and also naked. In front of Taylor. Finally remembering the other girl’s presence, Madison looks up with wide eyes, only to find the honey drider watching the two of them with all eight unblinking spider eyes. More than that, Taylor is touching herself, quite blatantly. As soon as she realizes that Madison is watching her, she stops and blushes heatedly… before letting out a growl and striding forward.

“This is your fault, you know. You made me like this. So… so it’s up to you to fix it.”

And just like that, Madison finds herself wrapped up in four human arms as Taylor pulls her off the floor and up to her chest. The honey drider hugs Madison to her massive, leaking tits, and one of her hands comes up to press on the back of Madison’s head, insistently moving her towards one of Taylor’s nipples. The brunette bio-tinker doesn’t try to resist. Better not to, in the end.

Especially since, as it turns out, Taylor’s lactated honey is positively delicious. Madison’s eyes go wide at the first taste she gets of the sticky stuff, and once that hits her tongue, she can’t help but drink and drink and drink. Its sweet, but not sickeningly so. Madison can’t get enough of it. At the same time, Taylor’s hands are all over her body. Two grip and grope at her ass, the third holds her head to Taylor’s breast, and the four presses in on Madison’s cunt, fingering the brunette right then and there.

The honey drider’s digits slide in and out of Madison’s tightening, clenching slit again and again as she moans into Taylor’s nipple. Judging by the sounds Taylor is in turn making, she’s quite enjoying the attention being brought to bear on her chest. Reaching up, Madison grabs at Taylor’s other breast, squeezing and kneading and mauling the sensitive boob flesh to her heart’s content.

It doesn’t take long for Madison to cum again. It takes a little bit more effort to bring Taylor to a climax of her own from just her tits, but the bio-tinker does eventually manage it. Eventually, all three of them are laying in a rather undignified heap, lounging against one another and slowly recovering.

This… it doesn’t make things better. It doesn’t fix anything, nor does it help them with the future. But they’re young women with unfathomable powers on the cusp of adulthood. A little irresponsibility is to be expected. Whether they manage to get their acts together and escape Taylor’s basement before her dad gets home… well, that’s a story for another time.



Does anyone know where the first 3 parts are?