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A/N: Part 1 of a 2 Part bit of fun involving Quidditch and some lovely ladies who play it~


“Hey there Harry!”

Harry blinks at the familiar voice, before a smile spreads across his face. He and Katie both straighten up from where they’ve been getting things set up for the Gryffindor Quidditch Team Tryouts. Turning around, the young Quidditch Can’t help but smile even wider at the sight of Angelina and Alicia heading their way from across the field. The two dark-skinned witches smile right back at him as they finish their approach.

“So then, it’s a done deal?”

Angelina nods her head up and down, even as Alicia has a smug grin on her face to the side.

“Yep! Alicia and I are both Assistant Flying Instructors assigned to Hogwarts this year. It’ll look really good, and it’ll help us both get some practice in for the Big Leagues.”

Harry chuckles at that, giving his former teammate a knowing grin.

“You’re still both aiming for positions on the Holyhead Harpies?”

Here, Alicia steps in with a derisive snort, as she glances towards Angelina.

“I am. Our very own Angelina Johnson here is aiming a little higher than that.”

Angelina sticks her nose up in the air, though the playful grin on her face gives away the falseness of her snooty attitude as she makes a mocking ‘hmph!’ sound.

“Only the Captain’s jersey and the Quidditch World Cup will satisfy me! No less!”

Katie snickers at Harry’s side, having clearly heard this before. Harry just smiles though, enjoying the company of the three older women that had made him into the Quidditch Player he was today. And in truth, he could certainly see Angelina in the role she envisioned for herself. Strutting around in cut-off jeans and a tank-top like she currently was, not much was left to the imagination.

Angelina Johnson was built like a cross between an Amazon and a Nubian Princess. She was a strong, sexy jock, with firm muscles, sizable juicy tits, thick dark thighs, and a massive, firm badonkadonk that outright defined the word badonkadonk. Her body practically refused to slim down, making the Chaser more of a Bruiser than anything else. But Harry knew not to let her appearance fool him like it’d fooled so much of the competition. Angelina was a looker, but she was also fast, brutal, and quick as all get out on a broom.

Alicia and Katie, on the other hand, looked more like one would think a Chaser should. Sure, they had their physical differences. Katie was a blonde and Alicia was a brunette. Katie was pale white all over, and Alicia was only a few shades lighter than Angelina, still quite dark-skinned when it came down to it. But they were both tight and sleek, their tits and their asses better described as perky and pert. Their bodies were slender, and their movement on their brooms was almost akin to a Seeker more than anything else.

Speaking of which…

“You know Harry, I’m not so sure you should even BE a Seeker this year!”

Angelina switches the conversation around with a bright smile on her face, hiding the conniving intent in her eyes as she makes a big show of looking him up and down.

“Honestly, you’re ginormous at this point! Unless we’re going to change all of Wood’s old strategies and have you spend each match browbeating the enemy Seeker into the ground, I’m not sure its even worth having you in that role anymore.”

Harry mock-huffs, knowing the beautiful older witch is mostly joking. That is, until she’s suddenly in his face, pressing her big tits right up to his chest as she looks him in the eye with a cocky smirk.

“Just how much has our little brother grown up, hm? Is ickle Harry Potter all hunky in EVERY category? I do wonder…”

Her hand doesn’t quite go to his crotch, but Harry still pulls away nonetheless, clearing his throat and coughing slightly. It’s amusing to think, but he actually is embarrassed. Despite what he’s done with Hermione, Nymphadora, Lavender, Daphne, and Fleur… he can still be caught out by these three beautiful, vivacious witches before him.

To be fair, they were just as beautiful and vivacious when he was eleven. Sure they’d grown into it, but they’d been like his big sisters since long before Harry had had his sexual side awakened. If anyone was going to tease him and succeed at this point, it would be these three. Mostly because, no matter how hot he thought they were, he couldn’t help but consider them family, in a way. The closest thing to siblings he’d ever had, much like Fred and George in that regard.

Quidditch was quite the personal sport after all. Which made it all the more irritating for Angelina’s sudden proximity to be giving him an erection as it was now. Licking his lips, Harry averts his gaze and clears his throat again, not knowing what else to really do.

“I’m uh… I’m going to go take a shower.”

And just like that, he beats a hasty retreat to the Gryffindor Locker Room. The three women behind him watch him go, thankfully without another word. Though if he knew what was on their minds, if he knew they weren’t just trying to tease him… well, that would have been a different story altogether. Harry just might have shown all three beautiful witches how much he’d grown, right there on the Quidditch Pitch.

Alas, as strong as Harry was, he couldn’t read minds.


There was only one thought on Angelina’s mind as she watched Harry walk away. After a moment, knowing he’s out of range, she voices it.

“I wonder if perhaps we should train our favorite seeker in something more than just Quidditch. He’s getting to that age, isn’t he? And with a body like that… we should make sure our little bro is ready to deal with any of the silly little witches that might try to sink their teeth into that rock-hard ass of his.”

Katie and Alicia both snicker at Angelina’s words… but they also both know the well-built witch is right. Angelina meanwhile, has a slightly perverse smile on her face as she stares at the entrance to the locker room that Harry has disappeared into. She might give the young man a hard time, but he was a hunk now, there was no doubt about that. Big and beefy and muscular… in all the right places too. He might have thought he avoided showing off, but Angelina had sharper eyes than that. She’d seen the size of his cock, outlined in his pants as he tried to hide it, as he tried to beat a hasty retreat before the teasing could escalate.

“I think you might have teased him a bit much though, Angelina~ Perhaps Katie, as his loyal vice-captain, should go help him out in the way a second-in-command should. If not, I suppose I could always give him some hands-on… instruction myself.”

Alicia has a much more honest and much wider perverted grin on her own face as both Katie and Angelina look to her. Licking her lips, Katie begins to nod her head up and down.

“Perhaps I should~ After all, I’m like his big sister, aren’t I? He’s probably all stiff and uncomfortable thanks to you, Angelina. I could hop into the shower with him and help him relax. It wouldn’t be that awkward, I imagine. We’re family and…”

With a growl, Angelina cuts a smirking Katie off as she whirls on the two.

“If anyone’s going to have their way with Harry, it’ll be my first.”

Alicia and Katie share a knowing look, and its Katie that gives the bad news, a grin on her face.

“He’s dating Hermione.”

Angelina’s eyes go wide at that, and she finds herself thinking like a crushing Hogwarts Schoolgirl again as her mind races. She presses her lips tightly together for several long moments, before slowly letting them widen into a full-blown naughty grin. Planting her hands on her hips, the tall, well-built beauty looks Katie and then Alicia dead in the eye.

“Then we’ll have to teach him how to get those big brains oozing out of that pretty head of hers. Together. It’ll be a… team-building exercise, hm?”

Alicia and Katie share another look, but the eager, hungry grins they have on their faces when they look back at Angelina are all the dark-skinned witch needs to know they’re both on board. Sending one last look towards the Gryffindor locker room, Angelina lets out a regretful sigh.

“Later though. Not now. We have to properly plan out our attack, if we’re going to teach Harry just how he should be using that hunky, muscular body of his to pleasure a woman. Merlin knows the boy probably hasn’t had much exposure to the feminine form beyond ours tight bodies these last few years. Hopping into the shower with him right off the bat… it might scare him off. We’ll need to take things slowly.”

The other two Chasers grin and nod in agreement once more. Little do any of them know just how wrong Angelina’s belief in Harry’s innocence and ignorance is.


Deep in the Hogwarts Library, in an out of the way alcove that Hermione knew Madam Pince, the school librarian, didn’t pass through too often, the brunette witch was trying to read. She knew she wouldn’t be discovered even if the Hogwarts Librarian DID pass by of course, mostly because she was under a LOT of charms. So was Harry, seated under her as he was.

Her beloved boyfriend was pretty much the reason that she was only TRYING to read, and not quite succeeding most of the time. Hermione’s love for knowledge was only eclipsed by one thing… her love for Harry James Potter. The well-built wizard had his hands on her body, his lips on her neck, and her in his lap. His erection pressed up against her barely covered ass through his pants, the short skirt she wore not making up for her lack of panties in the slightest.

Squirming, Hermione was quite hopeful that they’d end up desecrating the Library (again) before this was through. It had seemed so sacrilegious the first time around, but now it just made her feel naughty in the good way. Harry’s tongue and lips felt fantastic on her oh-so-sensitive neck, and his hands had slipped past her blouse, the middle two buttons of the garment undone as he molested and groped her bra-clad tits quite eagerly.

Panting heavily and quite breathless, Hermione could barely focus on the words in front of her, the pages of the book she was currently trying to read a little bleary from her inability to concentrate due to Harry’s onslaught. And yet, when he finally spoke up after a good fifteen minutes of utter silence, Hermione heard what he had to say, loud and clear.

“You know, you’re not actually sexy, Hermione. Not at all.”

That cuts deep. Of course it does. Shocked and a little scared that Harry was leading up to discarding her, Hermione tries to find the words to respond, but can’t manage more than a stutter before Harry cuts her off with a confident tone and a nod of his head.

“No, you’re not sexy… you’re LEWD.”

He whispers that last word in her ear, but it might as well have been shouted as it resounds through Hermione’s mind. She freezes up at that, blushing profusely as she realizes that Harry is teasing her. Licking her lips, Hermione shakes her head back and forth. She knows the difference between sexy and lewd after all. Sexy means you’re fantastic to stare at, superb in every way. Lewd on the other hand means that you’re fantastic to stare at, absolutely made to pamper and pleasure men, and ultimately, perfect for being bred and rearing children.


Hermione… Hermione tries to protest, because she’s a good girl, not a bad girl, and everyone knows lewd girls are bad girls! Harry’s chuckle cuts her off again though, and she squirms on his lap all the harder, even if she never tries to escape.

“Well, let’s go down the list, shall we? Your curls aren’t just sexy, I can wrap them around my cock and use them to get myself off any time I want. That’s pretty lewd. And if I told you to, you’d kneel before me, blushing and squeaking while I did it with your eyes and mouth wide open in anticipation of my next load.”

Her eyes ARE wide in that moment, and while she tries to protest, she just ends up stuttering again. They both know he’s not wrong after all. Before she can even think of how to properly combat Harry’s silken tone and the effect its having on her, his finger is suddenly at her lips. Hermione doesn’t try to resist, her mouth opens and his digit slips inside gently as he chuckles and moves it around.

“Your lips are like cock-pillows, my lewd little slut…”

Hermione whines as said ‘cock-pillows’ immediately suck down on his finger. She can’t exactly even try to protest this one, as she gives him a sweet, loving finger-blow right there in the Hogwarts Library, her tongue instinctively swirling around his digit. Harry snickers at her lack of self-control as Hermione blushes all the harder and whines in protest around his finger. A moment later he squeezes with his other hand, guiding Hermione’s attention back to her tits, where he’s still playing with them.

“And then there are these. You pretend to be a good, sweet, prim and proper girl… but we know the truth, don’t we Hermione? You’ve got breasts the size of your brains, made for suckling and squeezing and groping. A man could easily fall asleep of your fat boobies, couldn’t he? Between our lovely blonde bimbo, our snooty princess and you, all of your tits combined could feed every man and babe in this school and the village below.”

Harry pauses for a moment, and then grins wickedly.

“That’s why Lavender is a good girl, and you’re a lewd girl, Hermione. She knows that a man would prefer to drink from his woman whenever he’s built up a thirst from staking his claim on her. She offers those hefty, milk-laden titties of hers up to me whenever she can. Why is she the only one who does that, hm?”

Hermione’s face is incandescent by this point. She’s not sure she can get any redder, but Harry’s finger is still in her mouth and she’s still sucking on it quite perversely, even as she whimpers in jealously. Lavender always did have that pleased, satisfied look whenever she kept Harry sated on her breast milk. His hand suddenly moves from her breast to her flat, toned stomach. Hermione’s eyes widen as he splays his fingers over her abdomen, pressing his palm right into the spot directly above her womb. She shudders at the touch, even as she knows what Harry’s next words will be.

“Still, lewd girls such as yourself know they’re meant to be bred, don’t they Hermione? Your womb will swell with my seed, and you will know that you’ve been claimed as you grow heavy with my child. So very, very lewd.”

She was wrong, she could get redder. At this point, Hermione is almost past the point of being capable of embarrassment, though she’s not quite there yet. He’s right through. Harry is one hundred percent right. One day, she’ll carry his child. Probably his children, plural. The mental imagery of her, Lavender, and Daphne competing and begging to be bred as Harry watches them all with a wicked, knowing grin on his face fills Hermione’s thoughts and distracts her up until the point when the real Harry suddenly grabs and squeezes her ass.

“Only lewd girls have big, fat bubble butts this thick. Perfect for their man to grab hold of and squeeze, perfect for a nice, long spanking. Bouncing and jiggling and pinking up when they’re bent over and fucked against the nearest sturdy surface.”

Hermione shudders and suckles at Harry’s finger, even as he continues on, his free hand moving quicker now, his tone growing huskier and huskier.

“And then there are your legs. Long and graceful, with thighs that are MADE to wrap around a man’s waist. Around MY waist. You’re my lewd, lewd girl Hermione. You, Lavender, Daphne… you try to pretend to be good girls, you try to pretend to be studious, or princesses, or nobility. But in the end, you’re nothing but sluts, aren’t you? My little sluts.”

Squeaking and blushing and really unable to contain herself anymore, Hermione finds herself on her knees before Harry’s crotch, his legs spreading easily so she can nuzzle his member through his trousers. She’s naked, and she’s not sure she remembers getting naked. Suddenly, Hermione realizes that Harry has been surreptitiously stripping her of her clothes this entire time. Now, she’s left in nothing but her Gryffindor stockings. Whimpering, the brunette witch looks up into her lover’s eyes.

“I-I’m so sorry for being such a NAUGHTY lewd girl Harry~ I promise, I’ll prove that I’m a g-good lewd girl, I swear!”

Harry smirks down at her, even as he just sits there casually. After a moment, Hermione realizes from her nuzzling that he’s actually completely soft, the thing she felt earlier that she assumed was his erection was simply his normal state. Realizing this, Hermione’s breath grows all the shorter as she pants with need, staring up at him with her big, brown eyes full of desire and hope.

Chuckling, the young wizard reaches down and gently brushes her cheek.

“You know… Quidditch season is starting soon.”

Hermione’s puzzled for a moment at the non-sequitur. Harry grins down at her.

“Remember? You promised to be my cheerleader, didn’t you?”

Blinking, Hermione gets a petulant sort of look on her face as she grows huffy, her nose sticking up even as she stares into his eyes.

“Of COURSE I’ll be there to cheer you on Harry. Honestly, it’s like you’ve forgotten I’m the new Captain of the Gryffindor Cheerleader Squad~”

She has a distinctly lewd expression on her face as she reaches for his zipper, clearly no longer willing to wait. As Harry looks down at his lover and the single-minded focus she has as she practically attacks his softened prick with her stroking hands and her lips and her tongue, he can’t help but grin goofily. Captain? Cheerleader SQUAD? Oh, he can’t wait to see what she’s cooked up. Harry knows it’ll be excellent, whatever it is, in the end.

After all, his woman is kinky as all fuck.

Still, as Hermione’s pretty lips stretch out around his cockhead, he clears his throat and takes her attention away from his member one last time, speaking in a soft yet domineering tone.

“You better make sure you share with Lavender AND Daphne… like a good girl would.”

The way Hermione freezes up like a deer caught in the headlights tells Harry all he needs to know about her intentions. She was probably already planning on including Lavender, since the blonde bimbo was in Gryffindor and could be on this ‘Squad’, but Harry could already tell what sort of thoughts were going through Hermione’s head. Probably a lot of inner grumbling about sharing with Greengrass, about having to deal with that ‘stupid princess’ and how lewd Daphne would make everything.

He can also see the moment where Hermione shudders and bobs her head up and down in agreement, speaking in a soft, submissive tone right back up at him.

“Yes, Harry.”

Her obedience confirmed, the powerful young wizard just grins and rests against the wall of the alcove he’s sat in, leaning back and watching as Hermione gets to work on his cock like the ‘good lewd girl’ she’s trying desperately to be for him. This was going to be fun.


Days later, the Gryffindor Locker Room has emptied out, with everyone besides Harry having departed. Training was over for the day, and they all had lives beyond just Quidditch. Harry respected that. Plus, with them gone, he could finally see just what Hermione had in mind. The brunette witch had told him to sit down on one of the benches, and now he was sat there as he watches the shower curtain before him shift every once in a while.

Both Hermione and Lavender were inside the makeshift ‘changing room’, giggling perversely and doing all sorts of things together from the sound of it. In the end though, the shower curtain is abruptly pulled back and Harry’s eyebrows lift as Hermione Granger saunters out in the most scandalous cheerleader’s uniform he’s ever seen. Red and gold dominate the skimpy garments, as was to be expected, but Harry wasn’t exactly sure they’d be able to get away with this out on the actual field. Hogwarts may not have been ready for a real Gryffindor Cheerleader Team just yet…

Behind Hermione comes Lavender, the blonde looking just as perverse, while also managing to pull a surprisingly innocent attitude. Lavender was in full-on silly bimbo mode as she stood there wide-eyed, following Hermione around like something of a puppy.

“Come along Lav, it’s important that you learn the duties of a cheerleader quickly. Most important of all is our responsibility towards the star player and the Quidditch Captain of the team! Luckily for us, it’s the same handsome hunk of man meat! Unluckily for him though, because being both is BEYOND stressful!”

As Hermione goes into full know-it-all mode, Lavender oohs and awws appropriately as she bobs her head up and down at Hermione’s words. Then, they reach the bench where an amused Harry is seated, and quite suddenly the blonde is yelping as her ‘Cheer Captain’ grabs her by a fistful of her hair, forcing her down into Harry’s clothed crotch.

“You should really go ahead and get the smell of a REAL man into your nostrils now, so you know to ignore all those weakling wizards that can’t compare to our glorious Captain here~ Make sure you use those big tits of yours whenever you’re helping the star player relieve stress as well!”

Hermione is doing quite well with her instruction. Harry watches on amused as Lavender pretends to fumble with his crotch, rubbing his cock quite hard through the quidditch uniform restraining his dick.

“I-I have to kiss it and suck it? But… but it’s so big Cap’n Hermione! It… it smells really nice though. Does it taste yummy too?”

Oh yes, Lavender was playing her part to a T. Harry was actually having a hard time keeping his self-control, his desire to just take Lavender and face fuck the slutty bimbo right then and there almost overwhelming him. Before that could happen however, Daphne finally made her presence known, actually managing to surprise Harry as she sauntered into the Locker Room wearing a matching ‘Cheer Captain’ outfit to go along with Hermione’s… except in silver, black, and green.

Grinning wickedly, the Slytherin Captain for the Cheerleader Team sways in as she eyes the two witches and sole wizard before her with a haughty look on her face, her nose upturned into the air.

“Hmph. I’m here to check out the competition. So far, I’m not seeing much. Maybe I’ll take Captain Potter for my prize when Slytherin wins both the Quidditch Cup AND the House Cup this year.”

She’s in full-blown Princess mode, and Harry is as amused as he is eager to tear her down. However, that doesn’t seem likely to happen, because before Daphne is even done talking, Hermione has released her grip on Lavender’s hair and is striding across the locker room. As she finishes her little speech, the brunette know-it-all reaches her and suddenly gropes the Slytherin Princess’ tits, ramming a knee up between Daphne’s thighs and grinding her leg against the dark-haired witch’s cunt as she quite quickly brings the ‘Slytherin Cheer Captain’ down.

“Stupid little Princess SLUT! Remember your place! You BELONG to Gryffindor already you little whore!”

Harry watches on in some amusement and some surprise as Daphne writhes and moans and tries to feebly protest, only to be cut off by his first lover. Hermione practically growls as she pointedly reminds the Slytherin Princess of several things she may have ‘forgotten’ in her haste to roleplay an enemy Cheer Captain.

“Your pussy is trained by Gryffindor cock, your lips love to wrap around Gryffindor cock, its Gryffindors who drink from this big, fat princess udders of yours, and it’s certainly not some silly Slytherin Pureblood that owns the rights to your womb, now is it? IS IT?!”

Daphne whimpers, her eyes slightly watering and her beautiful half-naked body squirming in Hermione’s harsh grasp.


Hermione grins viciously and her tone is triumphant as she parrots Daphne’s answer back to her.

“No! You want the Hero of Gryffindor to breed you like the lewd little slut you are Greengrass, and you’re going to love every last moment of it when he finally decides to knock us all up!”

There’s a beat of silence at that. Daphne stares at Hermione with wide eyes, clearly shocked that the other girl took it that far. Even Lavender has broken her bimbo character to just gape at Hermione naturally. The brunette witch seems to finally realize what she was saying and to who she was saying it too, because she finally let’s go of Daphne and steps back, blushing profusely as well as the Slytherin Princess drops to her knees, cumming right then and there all over the floor and showing that she wasn’t wearing panties under her short green and silver skirt as her pussy juices squirt across the ground.

“Hey Harry, want to help us go over Quidditch strategy- Holy CRAP!”

That’s the sight that Angelina, Alicia, and Katie all walk into. The three older witches stop dead in their tracks as Harry turns to look at them along with his trio of horny cheerleader pets. Lavender still has her head inches from Harry’s crotch. Hermione is standing there with her face aflame and her massive tits heaving in the skimpy top she’s wearing. And Daphne is knelt on the floor before her like Hermione has conquered the Slytherin, still recovering from her orgasm.

Harry lifts an eyebrow as he takes in the three women who were once called Gryffindor’s Flying Foxes. Apparently, going over quidditch strategies was meant to be done in tight sports bras and form-fitting short shorts. That was what the trio of Chasers were dressed in after all, their beautiful bodies mostly on display just like Hermione, Lavender, and Daphne.

Judging by the looks on their faces, they were planning to tease him again, but instead they’d found this. Harry didn’t know that Plan ‘Train our Stud Seeker’ had just gone up in smoke. Of course, Angelina can’t help but rib Harry just a little.

“Three girls at once Harry? That’s a little overambitious, isn’t it?”

Katie meanwhile, has a petulant pout on her face and her arms crossed over her chest. Where had the goddamn cheerleaders come from? Where had Harry been hiding those scrumptious outfits? And why hadn’t he given her one? She would have loved to help him relax with a nice, full-body massage. Mm…

Alicia on the other hand, stares first at Harry’s bulging muscles and then at the phenomenal figures of the three younger witches spread out across the Locker Room. A frown slowly spreads across the dark-skinned woman’s face.

“Hang on… why didn’t we have this waiting for us back when we were on the team?”

Harry snorts at that, and Hermione scoffs as she places her hands on her hips, glancing pointedly at each Chaser’s crotch and then over at Harry’s, where even from the entrance of the Locker Room, the older witches could see the outline of his cock. Both Alicia and Katie were impressed, while Angelina had already seen it the other day, and was far less taken aback.

Grinning viciously, the most well-built of the three women steps forward, her own hands on her hips as she towers over Hermione. The brunette witch backs down from the Amazonian Goddess with a light eep, even as Harry slowly stands up, knowing none of his girls could possibly stand toe to toe with Angelina. Not like Hermione and Daphne did with each other. Smirking at the show of submission, Angelina turns her gaze from Hermione to Harry, smirking easily.

“I see you have some lovely cheerleaders Harry. Cute girls, if a bit chubby. But I’m sure you know the Flying Foxes are harder nuts to crack than some soft, prissy princesses.”

“Care to make a wager on that?!”

Angelina’s eyes snap back to Hermione and Harry looks at the brunette witch with some mild surprise as well. It seems the know-it-all isn’t as out of the running as he thought, as she holds her head high. Before Angelina can respond and crush her verbally, Lavender speaks up as well, mewling in a cutesy voice from the floor where she’s kneeling at Harry’s feet.

“That wouldn’t be fair to poor Harry though, Mistress! Master would never be relieved of the pressure in his big balls. Sure, he’d break these slutty amazons, but it would be too cruel to leave him backed up. Merlin knows they could never actually SATISFY him~”

The way she says it… well, the words are clearly meant as an insult, and the three Chasers take them as that, bristling as they all glare at Lavender. The problem is her tone and her ditzy smile… the blonde has acting like a bimbo down to a T, and it’s hard to get angry at a girl who doesn’t seem to realize she’s making you angry in the first place.

This allows Daphne to get in on the action, even as she climbs to her feet and grins wickedly.

“That’s right. WE know how to sate this barbaric brute. You ‘Flying Foxes’ wouldn’t even make it past the third hour before you’d give up and beg for mercy.”

Harry watches on in mild amusement as Angelina turns this way and that, attacked from all sides by his current lovers. Finally, the beautiful dark-skinned witch snarls as her hands curl into fists.

“You’re ON!”

Spinning towards Harry, Angelina points a finger at him.

“Time to live up to the hype Harry. Your girls have talked you up enough, don’t you think? Best prove their words true with action.”

She smirks and crosses her arms over her sizable chest, cocking one hip to the side.

“Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll last long enough to make me cum at least once. You’ve earned a fuck, on account of being my favorite little Seeker.”

Harry and Angelina stare at each other for a second, his green pupils drilling into her dark-brown irises. Finally, he speaks and his tone is calm and confident as he never takes his eyes off of the Nubian Goddess before him.

“Girls, take care of Katie and Alicia. Angelina… come along.”

And just like that, he’s walking from the Gryffindor Locker Room to the nearby Quidditch Captain’s Office. Angelina pauses for a moment, and he can feel her glaring daggers into his back behind him at the way he’s ordering her about. But Harry never stops moving, and as he walks down the hallway that will take him to the office, he hears Hermione’s voice, childish but as provocative as ever.

“What? Are you scared, now?”

And just like that, Angelina is following after him.


Angelina growls as she stomps her way into the Captain’s Office. Because of her slight hesitance at obeying his order, Harry’s gotten there ahead of her, positioning himself so he’s leaning back against the front of HIS desk, his arms crossed over his chest as he smirks at her. Stalking forward, the well-built witch smashes her lips against Harry’s and the gorgeous, muscular pair begin to engage in a fight for domination right then and there.

She’s never not been the top in all of her relationships. Angelina Johnson does not bottom. She usually doesn’t do equal either, if she’s being honest. As such, it’s quite surprising when Harry meets her on even ground. Their lips smack together, their tongues wrestle between their mouths, but there’s no clear winner in sight as they makeout almost ferally, like animals instead of human beings. Their kissing is rough, and primal, not something sensual or loving.

The older witch has always been heavily athletic and extremely competitive. While she enjoys the feel of a muscular stud like Harry pressing into her curves as she feels out his muscles, she’s not about to just succumb to his desires, she’s not going to submit to his whims. The beautiful Amazon-esque girl retaliates fiercely against ever domineering move he makes, even as Harry’s magic slowly begins to overwhelm her own.

In physical attributes, they could very well be evenly matched. Neither of them would never know though, because the more time Angelina spent in Harry’s presence, the more she was exposed to the power that the Dark Lord knew not. As it turned out, that wasn’t something silly like love or anything specific that Voldemort had no knowledge of.

No, Harry’s ‘power that the Dark Lord’ knew not was quite literally just that. The young wizard was so powerful that Voldemort, Tom Marvolo Riddle, could never hope to comprehend just how strong Harry was. Even Dumbledore with all his decades of magical experience couldn’t quite understand how magically gifted his Chosen One was. He truly didn’t know that Harry was stronger than both Voldemort and himself, COMBINED.

That was what Angelina felt as they kissed. That was what left the dark-skinned witch drunk and a little overwhelmed on his power, like he was feeding her his magic… and in a way, that’s exactly what he was doing. It takes Angelina a moment to realize her she’s rising up. Her sports bra is ripped into two pieces and Harry buries his face in her tits as he licks and suckles at them.

Moaning wantonly, Angelina laces her fingers into his black, messy mop of hair and grinds her chest into his head.

“Mm, you know Harry, for a seeker, you really love quaffles~ If I’d known that this was all I needed to motivate you, I’d have gone and smothered you with my tits every game. Don’t worry though, I’ll be sure to show you why cheerleaders shouldn’t be playing with bludger bats!”

That last bit is clearly directed at his dick, as her hand goes down and grabs for his cock. But before she can really get a grip on his massive ‘bat’, Harry ups the ante and lifts her even further up until quite suddenly, Angelina finds herself spun around and upside down. The dark-skinned witch’s eyes go wide as Harry holds her up. The young skinny beanpole of a wizard she’d once known has REALLY grown up, as he simply carries her weight like it’s nothing.

Angelina gets a small sign of just how strong Harry has become magically as well as physically, when the next thing she knows their clothes are completely gone. Her sports bra was already torn in two, but her short shorts disappear a moment later, vanished by magic, and so does the lower half of Harry’s Quidditch Uniform.

Before she can even think of getting him back for so easily flipping her upside down, Angelina is stopped dead, frozen in place by the sight of his massive, impossibly long, fat-as-fuck cock, along with his truly gigantic ball sack hanging right below it. More than anything though, she’s shocked by the fact that Harry is still completely soft, and yet so unbelievably huge anyways.

When his tongue slides into her twat, Angelina instinctively reaches out and grabs hold of the giant dick in front of her, not giving up that easily. She grunts from the pleasure he’s forcing on her, his tongue elongating like that of a serpent’s as he really begins to give it to her. At the same time, Angelina strokes Harry’s dick up and down, before leaning in and placing the head of his cock in between her fat, plump lips.

She sucks at his dick as he eats her out right then and there, and the precum and his sweat combine into an absolutely delicious flavor that has Angelina almost losing her mind. That combined with the way his tongue is pleasuring her cunt as his chin bumps incessantly up against her clit… it’s enough to drive a woman crazy. And it would drive any lesser woman crazy in no time flat, of that Angelina had no doubt.

But she was no lesser woman. She wasn’t even a normal woman. Angelina Johnson wasn’t the kind of girl who just gave up. Not now, not ever. Competitive to a fault, the dark-skinned witch eventually realizes that she’s losing, and if she continues to play by Harry’s game, she’s going to lose no matter what. The blood is already rushing up to her head after all, and that feeling of being drunk on Harry’s magic is amplifying the more of his precum she drinks down.

Growling, the dark-skinned woman goes for a bit of a power move. She tightens her thighs around Harry’s head, grips down hard with her legs, and then let’s go of his cock to push off of the desk he’s leaned up against. A moment later, and Angelina is on top while Harry is stuck beneath her. They’re still sixty-nining, and Angelina wouldn’t have it any other way, but now she’s in control.

Or so she thinks. As she slides more and more of Harry’s dick down her throat, the dark-skinned Nubian Goddess moans wantonly around his length, her eyes threatening to flutter back in her head. It tastes so good. And it feels good too, having his tongue slipping and sliding into her cunt. She’s trying desperately to bring Harry to climax before her, but in the end it’s just not possible. The young wizard’s willpower is stronger than hers, and he has all the advantages.

Angelina cums first with a loud cry that sends vibrations up Harry’s length. Her orgasm sends shockwaves through her entire body, and her eyes roll up in her head as she moans wantonly, the sound muffled by the massive thick meat pole in her throat. It feels good… too good. But even if she has cum first, the Chaser isn’t willing to give up, not for a single second. She’s not winded, she’s just a bit more sensitive… and one orgasm doesn’t mean she’s lost.

No, that’s not the deal, is it? The wager that those idiot cheerleaders out in the locker room had made on Harry’s behalf had been centered around HIS release. Their boastful claims, that Harry could last for hours without cumming inside of her… that was what Angelina was here to disprove. And with that in mind, she’s quite happy to redouble her efforts to get him to blow his load, bobbing her head up and down his cock all the faster as she no longer worries about her own pleasure, merely seeking to bring Harry to the brink… and then over the edge.

Neither of them is even particularly winded at this point. They’re like a pair of titans, competing and fucking to see who belongs on top. Each believed deep down in their hearts that it was them and not the other. Only one was undeniably right though. And he was quite eager to show Angelina the error of her ways.


Hours later, they’re still going at it. Harry has fucked her in every hole by this point, not just her mouth. Even now, she’s bouncing up and down on his cock as he sits back on the couch. Facing away from him, Angelina rides the young, well-built wizard with all her heart. Even though he’s throat-fucked her and plowed her ass and railed her cunt, he STILL hasn’t cum.

Angelina on the other hand, has orgasmed around his cock again and again and again. As she moans wantonly, she does so right then and there once more, bouncing up and down on his lap even as she speaks breathlessly.

“You’re not… I won’t lose to your H-Harry. I can feel it. I know, mmm, I know you’re close!”

Her pussy juices make the passage of his dick up into her tightening cunt all the slicker, while Harry snorts derisively at her boastful attitude. He reaches up from behind her and grabs her massive ebony tits with both hands, mauling them for the umpteenth time in the last few hours, as Angelina moans all the louder for it. When he answers her, his words come out in a growl.

“You know… the Captain’s Office is the perfect place to get some exercise done.”

Angelina blinks dumbly at that, not sure what he’s getting at. She’s covered in sweat by this point, giving it her all as she has been for the last few hours. The endless fucking has taken its toll on her, but she’s SURE that it’s done the same to Harry as well. How could it not have? She’s just as strong as he is, n-no she’s stronger!

Still, the most the Nubian Goddess can muster in response to that at this point is a short, one-word answer.


Harry’s chuckle fills Angelina’s tired mind with a sense of foreboding as he abruptly stands up, his hands sliding under her dark thighs and lifting her with him, still impaled on his massive dick as she is.

“I thought, since we’re here, I might build up a bit of a sweat while you’re having your fun. You know, get a work-out in.”

Angelina still has no idea what he’s talking about. Then she sees it, the contraptions she’d all but ignored when she’d first arrived in the Captain’s Office at the start of all this. Harry had brought in what appeared to be muggle workout equipment once he’d become Quidditch Captain, and that was where he went now. Angelina could only stare in confusion as the beefy stud of a wizard got onto an incline bench, using his magic to summon and add weights while at the same time lifting her up off his cock and spinning her around.

The beautiful dark-skinned witch finds herself facing him again as she watches him add more and more weight. His magic caresses her like it’s a number of extra appendages, even as his real hands and arms finally leave her body, moving to the barbell as he slowly begins to lift it up. Angelina can see the numbers on the sides of the weights he’s adding from where she’s positioned, and she can’t help but be impressed as he lifts more and more, seemingly without issue.

Abruptly, the Chaser realizes she’s bouncing up and down on his cock again, almost instinctively without even knowing it this time around. She pants as she presses her hands to Harry’s chest, watching his muscles flex, counting the weight as he adds more and more after every few lifts. Its… its undeniably hot, even for the witch who had no idea what muggle exercise equipment even looked like.

There was magic after all, and there were plenty of spells that handled athletic training just fine without one needing physical equipment. But Angelina had to admit that it was extremely hot, watching Harry work out with the real thing. She barely even notices when she begins to lick at his face, throat and chest. Beads of sweat finally begins to show on Harry’s gorgeous, masculine body, and Angelina can’t help but go for them all, like some kind of perverse game.

The buxom Chaser, voluptuous and toned at the same time, a complete contradiction, moans wantonly as she nuzzles Harry’s pecs and rides him all the more frantically. She’s already lost this little challenge between the two of them, but she has no idea… not yet anyways. It’s when Harry, still lifting the barbell up and down, uses his magic to slap her against one of her massive, firm butt cheeks, that Angelina begins to get an inkling of the truth.


That single word, combined with the slap across her ass, sends Angelina through another orgasm. The explosiveness of this release is more than anything she’s ever felt before, and the dark-skinned witch howls and shrieks as she shakes and spasms across Harry’s body, her pussy walls tightening around his length even as he thrusts up into her from below. She’d thought if she was on top, she couldn’t be on bottom… but Harry is introducing the gorgeous, exhausted Chaser to the concept of a ‘power bottom’ first hand in that moment as he fucks her harder and harder.

“Fuck me Harry, fuck me, fuck me fuck meeee!!! Put that big, fat cock deep inside my tight little cunny! Yes, yes, YESSSSSSS!!!”

Angelina shrieks and babbles and moans wantonly as Harry does just that. The whole thing repeats, with him lifting the heavy weights high over his head, even as he fucks her. His magic comes down on her ass over and over again, and soon enough he’s not even having to give her a verbal command. She cums every single time he grunts, his magic stinging her fat, firm behind.

As time goes on, Angelina grows more worshipful of the massive hunky studly man before her. Harry is more than just a man though. He’s more than just a wizard. And Angelina whines as she realizes that she doesn’t want Harry to cum inside of her so she can win some sort of competition… no, she NEEDS him to cum inside of her, so she can FINALLY feel fulfilled.

Panting heavily, it takes every ounce of Angelina’s concentration to lift her head up and look into Harry’s beautiful green eyes. He stares back at her, his gaze like that of a ruler looking down on a peasant. She’s never felt smaller, but she gets the words she wants to say out anyways, slowly but surely.

“Please… I’m… I’m sorry. I was w-wrong. I need, ooh, I need it… I g-give up… you w-win Harry. Please… please cum. Please fill me with your seed. P-Pump my womb full. PLEA-Mmph!”

Harry cuts her off by dropping the barbell behind his head, one of his hands coming up and grabbing her by the chin. He kisses Angelina deeply, and this time the dark-skinned witch just takes it, barely even resisting as he thoroughly dominates her mouth with his tongue. It’s the best thing she’s ever felt, this sensation of just letting go and giving up control to the powerful wizard who’s so effortlessly enthralled her.

Well, it’s the best thing she’s ever felt until Harry lets go of her chin and seizes her by the hips. A moment later and he’s impaling her womb on his cock, thrusting up into her deeper than ever before. His release starts a second after that, and Angelina’s eyes go wide as he blows a load so big that her muscular six pack ends up bloating outwards, making her look pregnant as he cums more and more and more.

His seed pumps into her right up until he pulls out, and then Angelina is left laying back on the small rest at the bottom of the incline bench as Harry stands, still cumming. His seed paints her face and her tits and she cums even harder than before, her eyes rolling back in her head and her tongue hanging out of her mouth. Angelina instinctively swallows every drop that lands between her plump, open lips, even as she can feel the exhaustion overtaking her.

It’s quickly becoming impossible to keep her eyes open, as sleep tries to claim her. She’s managed her goal, even if it took giving up the competition to achieve it. His seed fills her womb and paints her ebony body, and all the Nubian Goddess can do is lay there, subservient before her new God. Harry looks down at her and chuckles, even as she smiles up at him rather deliriously.

“I’m thinking the next round will be on the Pitch.”

Those are the last words Angelina hears before she finally succumbs to the darkness encroaching on her vision. And they fill the beautiful witch with a sense of perverse anticipation.


With Angelina unconscious, Harry lifts the bodacious babe off the incline bench, and casually impales her back on his still-hard cock. Breaking the sexy amazon had been quite the endeavor… but worth every moment. Grinning wickedly, Harry holds Angelina’s passed out body against his chest, even as he walks out of the Captain’s Office, bouncing her up and down on his dick every step of the way.

Arriving back in the Locker Room shows that his girls have been quite busy indeed. Both Alicia and Katie are tied up thoroughly by this point, and from the looks of things, Hermione and Daphne got the drop on the two of them with some cleverly casted magic. Stepping back into the Locker Room, Harry conjures up a chair more comfortable than the benches that both Katie and Alicia are restrained to, settling down into it as he watches the show with some amusement.

Of course, his arrival causes the fun to stop momentarily, as everyone looks to him and Angelina’s passed out form. Katie and Alicia both have O-ring gags in their mouth, but their wide-eyed surprise is enough to show their feelings. Lavender, Hermione, and Daphne on the other hand have wicked, knowing grins on their faces. Hermione says what they’re all thinking, snickering pointedly.

“Sexy Amazon got her ass OWNED by our Harry!”

Harry chuckles, even as the brunette witch turns back to Alicia and Katie.

“See? This! This is what we’re talking about! THIS is what you have to look forward to!”

From the looks of things, Alicia isn’t paying much attention to Hermione’s words. In fact, the dark-skinned witch is straining against her binds, desperately trying to wrap her lips around one of Lavender’s thick, suckable nipples as the blonde bimbo giggles and sways them back and forth just out of reach. It’s obvious that the three ‘cheerleaders’ have been keeping their bouncing breasts out of reach of the whining, whimpering Chaser for a while now.

Meanwhile, Katie is riding Daphne’s digits as the Slytherin Princess finger-blasts her right then and there with a vindictive sort of glee. Hermione harrumphs upon realizing that neither woman is paying her any mind, and she grabs Lavender by the hand, pulling her back for a moment and whispering in the blonde’s ear, much to Alicia’s whiney dismay.

Eventually, the two ‘Gryffindor Cheerleaders’ pull back and stand side by side. Then, right before the rest of the Locker Room’s eyes, they bounce and jump up and down in near-perfect unison, shouting out a cheer right then and there.

“Harry, Harry, he’s our man! If he can’t fuck ‘em, no one can!”

Katie giggles and then moans when Daphne growls and attacks her all the more viciously, even adding her mouth to one of Katie’s tits. It’s clear the Slytherin isn’t happy that she wasn’t invited, but to be fair, she WAS the ‘Captain’ of the rival team’s nonexistent cheer team. Meanwhile, Katie is just glad that Harry’s happy. As his ‘big sis’ she’s quite content to watch when he eventually puts Angelina aside, allowing Hermione to tie the beautiful witch up in the same way Katie and Alicia were restrained, even as Harry moved towards Daphne.

She’s also quite happy to be the solid surface upon which Daphne is bent over when Harry starts to fuck the dark-haired Slytherin senseless. It’s good for morale to have the rival team’s ‘cheerleader captain’ taking a dicking after all. Katie’s happy for her Captain and the young man she’s watched grow up all these years. He’s become a TOTAL hunk.

And honestly… she can’t wait for what comes next. Angelina had her turn after all. Hermione, Lavender, and Daphne would probably get some sort of reward for handling Katie and Alicia for the last few hours… but soon, soon it would be THEIR turn. And as much as she tried to put on a brave front, Katie knew that Alicia was in the same boat as her at this point.

They were going to get fucked. Harry was going to take that big, hard, throbbing dick he’d broken Angelina with, and he was going to use it on both of them.

Katie just couldn’t wait. 


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