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Themes: Meta-fanfiction, Consensual, Slutty, Transformation, Cheerleader

Word Count: 2,667

Summary: A meta-fanfic crossover of several stories I wrote before this one. Everyone is a cheerleader (of sorts), everyone is a horny little slut. Have fun~


They all stare at one another, as they shift awkwardly from foot to foot. Each and every one of them is in a cheerleader costume, but some are a bit… weirder than others. After a long moment of just staring, one of them finally steps forward.

Taylor Hebert looks around the room, blushing as she squirms in her skimpy slutty version of a cheerleader outfit.

“Okay… um… this is weird, but maybe we can figure out what’s going on. S-So let’s start with names. I’m Taylor. Taylor Hebert. That’s Amy And Victoria Dallon.”

“Taylor! No, but Taylor’s a moth girl!”

Blinking at that, Taylor looks over at the dark-skinned cheerleader with the cat ears and dragon wings and spade tail. She furrows her brow in confusion, and then squints a bit.

“… S-Sophia?!”

Sophia Hess immediately blushes and shakes her head back and forth.

“N-No, not anymore! I’m… I’m Peppy Pussy now, Sophia is gone and I… I’m really sorry…”

Taylor is left flabbergasted by one of her biggest bullies seeming utterly submissive and contrite. Trying to ignore that bit of insanity, she instead looks to the bird-snake creature to ‘Peppy Pussy’s’ right.

“… And you are?”

The flashy bird girl flaunts her body and smiles wickedly.

“You can call me Perky Scales, lover!~”

Taylor blushes deeply, secretly turned on and openly embarrassed by the turn on from what she can only assume is a Case 53. Though, if Sophia has always been transformed and ISN’T a Case 53… Taylor just doesn’t know anymore. Looking away, she settles on the next pair, two twins from the looks of things.

“Okay so who are you two?”

The two share a glance and then shrug their shoulders in eerie unison. Luckily, they don’t do that creepy twin doublespeak thing. Instead, one of them steps forward and speaks for both.

“Well, I WAS Fenja and she was Menja. Now though, we’re just a couple of twin cheerleaders looking for our Master. He made these amazing costumes for us and we should be getting back to him. You can call me Jessie if you like.”

“Ooh, and I’ll be Nessy!”

That gets an eyeroll from ‘Jessie’.

“Your name is already Nessa sis, what’s the point of that?”

“Nessy sounds cuter!”

Taylor is beginning to feel like she’s this group’s straight man. Lord knows neither Vicky or Amy are particularly sane. Letting out a sigh, she looks to the last of the cheerleaders, a trio of bimbofied beauties who look more like a man’s ideal Barbie doll version of a person, rather than three actual women.

“And you guys?”

One steps forward and grins.

“I’m Sara. That’s Dina. And the little cunt-licker that Dina’s currently teaching her place is Tammy. Don’t worry about her, she’s not worth a moment of your time.”

Taylor blinks and then realizes that the one named as Dina is indeed doing something to Tammy… fingering the smaller woman’s butt from the looks of things, though Taylor can’t see it from here. The dark-haired girl’s blush only gets deeper as she swallows convulsively and nods. Then, she looks around the room again, only to find a piece of paper taped to a wall where it wasn’t before.

And then there’s beds and cushions and all types of furniture strewn across the room and Taylor is more weirded out than ever before. She strides over to the wall and pulls the paper down from it, opening it up and reading the message within out loud.

“Hi there! You don’t know me, but I know all of you! In fact, I created all of you! Anyways, let’s just say a beloved Patron of mine has asked me for a very special birthday gift. Basically, you lot are to have a nice, fun, cheerleader-tastic orgy! So now that you’ve all been introduced and accommodations have been provided, get to work being the tasty little cheer sluts we both know you all are!”

Taylor’s brow furrows more and more as she reads through the note. By the time she gets to the end, she’s actually a little turned on, but also rather disturbed. Scoffing loudly, she holds up the paper as she turns back to face the rest of the room.

“Can you believe… this guy…”

The words ‘like we’d just fuck on his say so’ die on Taylor’s lips as her eyes go wide at the sight before her. It’s already happening. Everyone is pairing off and while mostly, the cheer costumes are staying on, quite a bit of fabric is being pushed to the side as pussies are exposed and breasts are let free. Mouths and tongues and hands move to their natural places and Taylor can’t help but squirm at the multiple hot scenes of debauchery unfolding before her, even as her pussy grows wetter and wetter and she bites her lower lip hard.

Dina has let go of Tammy, at Vicky’s behest it seems. The blonde that had dragged Taylor into her perverted life in the first place has paired off with the bird-snake girl and the two are pushing the skinniest cheerleader of the bunch down onto a couch as they have their fun with her. Vicky’s cunt grinds down on Tammy’s face and judging by the blonde’s appreciative moans, she’s enjoying it quite a lot, even as she writhes and undulates all over the other woman’s active mouth.

Meanwhile, Perky Scales has a fist shoved up Tammy’s cunt already, and Taylor’s eyes only go wider at that sight, as the bird-snake cheerleader girl pistons her entire closed hand in and out of the petite brunette’s pussy. It’s obvious that whatever’s been done to Tammy, Dina, and Sarah goes beyond just outer appearance, because Taylor can SEE Perky Scale’s fist bulging out of Tammy’s belly as the monster girl abuses the bottom bitch.

Shaking her head back and forth at the sight, Taylor looks over to the next group instead, and she finds Amy making great use of her powers. The mousy brunette has given massive, thick, leaking dicks to Sara and the twins. Then, she’d turned and bent over the back of a chair as she flipped up her skirt, the thing being just as short as Taylor’s, thanks to Vicky’s perversity. Sara is quick to take point, and a moment later she’s holding onto Amy’s hips as she plunges her thick, futa member into the brunette’s sopping wet pussy again and again.

The healer’s orgasmic cries are ultimately silenced by one of the twins (Taylor already has no idea how to tell them apart at this point) shoving their own new futa cock right down Amy’s throat. From the looks of things, the two blonde cheerleaders are sharing Amy’s mouth, one popping their dick in past her lips at a time as she alternates between the two until they eventually explode, either down her throat or all over her face.

And boy do they explode. Taylor can’t help but blush even harder still as it becomes clear that Amy had… ‘improved’ on her dick creating. All three of the temporary futas that she’d created are quick to cum and not at all quick to soften. Amy ends up covered in white, hot fluid in short order, and once Sara has cum inside of her cunt a couple times, the bimbofied cheerleader moves onto Amy’s ass, though she spends quite a lot of time lubing it up with the copious amount of seed Amy had given her first.

It’s a sight to behold, as Amy’s body and her skimpy cheerleader outfit gets progressively more and more lost beneath a thick coating of viscous cum. Taylor bites her lower lip and her hands begin to move towards her own body as she contemplates pleasuring herself to one of the two sights before her. Both Vicky and Amy are having such fun without her and she’d feel bad trying to but in when there doesn’t seem to be room… but still, what is she supposed to do now?


Blinking, Taylor freezes, one hand on her tit and the other slipping under her skimpy skirt as she looks to her left and comes face to face with the last two cheerleaders not currently attached to a threesome. Dina grins at her, even as she holds Sophia, or Peppy Pussy or whatever, by her black hair.

“Ninety-five percent chance us three will have a LOT of fun together.”

Taylor stares for a second, but then Sophia tears herself out of Dina’s grip and lunges for Taylor’s lower half, wrapping her arms around Taylor’s waist and nuzzling her crotch.

“I’m so sorry Taylor! F-For everything! Let me make it up to you!”

And then the cat… dragon… cheerleader, or whatever the hell Sophia has become, is up under Taylor’s skimpy skirt. The dark-haired girl’s eyes go wide as Sophia’s tongue lands on her naked slit. It’s not like she’s wearing panties underneath her cheerleading uniform after all, neither are Amy or Vicky. Still, she was not expecting to get a tongue up her cunt so very quickly. Nor is she expecting it when Dina steps forward in her high-heeled platform shoes and grabs the back of Sophia’s hair once again.

Taylor near doubled over the cat dragon girl as Dina grinds Sophia’s face into her cunt.

“That’s right slut, eat her out. Apologize for everything you ever did to her.”

A loud, guttural moan leaves Taylor’s throat, only for her noises to be muffled when Dinah takes hold of her dark, curly hair with her other hand, and slams her lips into Taylor’s. The bimbofied cheerleader is definitely more domineering than either Peppy Pussy OR Taylor, that much is clear in the way the brunette happily takes control of the situation and the both of them.

As the sex continues all around them, Taylor’s world becomes nothing but Sophia’s tongue in her cunt and Dina’s in her mouth. She kisses the bimbofied cheerleader back, their lips smacking together and their tongues wrestling between them. At the same time, her hands come up and grab at Dina’s tits, eventually pushing up the other young woman’s top altogether.

She gropes and kneads the delicious titties that her fellow cheerleader is sporting, even as Sophia desperately tries to get her off with her tongue. With Dina shoving the black cat-dragon girl’s face into Taylor’s cunt so harshly, it’s not long before the combination of Sophia’s tongue and her nose grinding against Taylor’s clit send the taller girl right over the edge.

Crying out into Dina’s mouth, Taylor’s girl juices squirt all over Sophia’s face, blindsiding the transformed girl and coating her with sexual fluids as Taylor shudders and tries to keep her balance. Luckily, she has Sophia on her knees in front of her and Dina behind the girl to lean on, as they’re the only things that keep her jelly-like legs from giving out on her right then and there.

Of course, then Dina reaches up and pushes Taylor backwards, and the tall girl topples onto a soft bed as the bimbofied brunette grins wickedly. Taylor blinks, watching as Dina spins Sophia’s head around and then forces the black girl to eat her out as well. The cat dragon cheerleader does exactly that, licking and lapping away beneath Dina’s skirt as she’d just done with Taylor.

The sight is hot, as is the sights all around her. Vicky has gotten a dick from Amy at some point in the intervening time period and is now butt-fucking Tammy while Perky Scales forces the petite brunette to eat her out. Meanwhile, Amy is still getting the dicking of a lifetime from Sara and the twins, with the twins plowing her lower holes and Sara in turn face-fucking the mousy healer as hard as she possibly can.

Taylor nibbles at her lower lip and then reaches down to her saliva-covered cunt. She eases three fingers right in off the bat, and begins to slide them in and out, even as she watches the debauched orgy transpire before her. The sight is certainly beautiful, cheerleading outfits shifted to the side here and there to allow for sexual activities. It’s a little weird… but Taylor is all for it in the end, if she’s being honest. The others might have gotten down to business a little faster than her, but she’s just as much of a naughty little cheerleader slut as the rest of them when it really comes down to it.

Crying out, Taylor tosses her head back and her eyes shut as she climaxes from her fingers, right then and there. Then, a pair of familiar lips are pressed up against her own again, and she opens her eyes to find a grinning Dina pinning her down and kissing the hell out of her. Sophia is dazed and glazed over on her knees beside the bed that Taylor is sprawled out on, and from the looks of things, Dina was even rougher in making the dark-skinned cheerleader eat her out than she had been when she was forcing Sophia to eat Taylor out.

One way or the other, Taylor has other things to worry about now. Her wrists are swiftly captured and Dina holds them over her head with one hand as she runs her free hand down the front of Taylor’s body, all while continuing to kiss the ever living shit out of her. After a moment, the bimbofied Barbie doll cheerleader pulls back and gives Taylor a sultry grin.

“Ninety-nine percent chance you love what I’m about to do to you.”

Taylor blushes deeply.

“I’ll… I’ll take those odds.”

Dina grins, and then a moment later Taylor eeps as her eyes bulge out of her skull. Two fingers go into her cunt, while the thumb goes right up her ass. The dark-haired girl’s eyes roll back in her head a moment later as she climaxes yet again from Dina’s little surprise. The domineering bimbo cheerleader continues to hold Taylor down, slipping her fingers and thumb back and forth, in and out of Taylor’s holes in an alternating pattern.

All the while, Dina continues to kiss Taylor, her tongue wrestling Taylor’s into submission as she forces orgasm after orgasm after orgasm from the young woman. By the time she’s done with her, Taylor is truly fucked silly and completely out of it. Ninety-nine percent had been right on the money, and with her last conscious thought, Taylor can’t help but wonder just how the hell Dina could have fucked it up with that one percent chance.

Then, she’s asleep, passed out and unconscious from the sheer pleasure that Dina has forced on her. A glance over at ‘Peppy Pussy’ shows she hasn’t managed to last either, and a further glance around the room tells Dina that only she, Sara, Vicky, and ‘Perky Scales’ are still kicking. Everyone else has conked out by now, their stamina just not enough to keep up.

Eyebrow lifted, Dina stands and walks to the center of the room as Sara, Vicky, and Perky Scales join her. As they come to a stop, a piece of paper appears out of thin air and flutters towards the ground, Dina snapping her hand out to grab it before it can fall past chest level. Unfolding the note, it’s she who reads it this time, given Taylor’s completely out of it now.

“Well done on Round One. But there can be only one true champion. So go on sluts, let’s see who ends up the last cheerleader standing, hm?”

Dina blinks as she finishes reading it out loud. Then she looks up, just in time to see the wicked grins spreading across the faces of the three other women with her. The expression is mirrored on her own face of course and she tosses the note away as her power informs her of one simple truth that she honestly had already known.

One hundred percent chance that this was going to be fun.



All praise Cambrian the Lord of Smut!


I feel like I just got a glimpse of some Eldritch location and the only reason I haven't gone insane is that I can't get past the "WHAT?".