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Themes: Consensual, Seduction, Rough Sex

Word Count: 2,861

Summary: This story will basically fix Game of Thrones through sex and making Robert Baratheon a slightly better man... but still a man. Mostly just enjoy the sex~ There will be at least eight chapters!

Chapter 1  

To say Elia Martell is terrified would be an understatement. Is there any true way to describe a mother’s fear for her children though? And it is her children she fears for, even if her own life is also on the line. Of course she fears death, any sane woman would in these circumstances, but she cares far more for the lives of her daughter and son then for her own at this point. She will gladly die so they may live, but given who she is and who they are, she fears that it will be impossible for her to lay her life down for them.

As a Martell, Elia knows she will probably be ransomed to Dorne by the Usurper and his Rebel allies, in order to properly quell any Dornish unrest. On the other hand, as two of the last Targaryens in existence, her children are a threat to the Usurper’s claim to the Iron Throne. Elia can’t see a world in which Robert Baratheon allows her Rhaenys and Aegon to live and that makes the beautiful woman’s heart heavy with sorrow.

She walks with that heavy heart towards the throne room even now, surrounded on all sides by rebel soldiers. Perhaps if she had her children with her, she could draw strength from their presence, she could more properly plead for their lives. But no one expected the rebels to take and conquer King’s Landing so swiftly. Elia was torn from her children by northern soldiers and taken to a gilded cage of a room in one of the Red Keep’s towers. 

She had not seen Rhaenys or Aegon in days. Were they already dead? Was she being taken to their execution in the throne room, where the Usurper would kill them in front of everyone as some sort of sick, twisted version of poetic justice? Aerys had enjoyed using the throne room as an execution chamber in these final years of his life. Would Robert do the same to the grandchildren of the dragon?

A sob escaped Elia’s throat, but thankfully none of the men around her took note. She could cry in peace even as they kept their pace even with her own slow-moving steps. Finally though, her feet brought her to the throne room doors, no matter how long it took her to put one in front of the other. She stepped into the great hall and as she did so, Elia forcibly stopped her tears, wiped her face clean and held her head high as she walked inside.

Only to immediately lose any bit of composure she might have kept as she stared wide eyed, mouth agape at the Iron Throne. Robert Baratheon sat upon it of course, but that wasn’t what shocked her. Elia’s face was closely mirrored by much of the people in the great hall as everyone stared. Robert didn’t seem to care, the Baratheon Lord focused solely on her children and pointedly ignoring everyone else.

In one arm, Robert Baratheon cradled her baby boy like he’d been carrying children all his life. The child was giggling up at him and constantly reaching for his beard as he chuckled and smiled back. Meanwhile, on his opposite leg sat her daughter. Rhaenys looked a lot more uncomfortable than Aegon, but all the same she had a tentative smile on her face as she and the Usurper conversed.

“So then, you like the flowers in the northern garden most of all? Perhaps you would like a room with a window facing it then, once you’re old enough.”

Rhaenys bobs her head up and down carefully, her tone quiet and reserved as she responds in a halting voice.

“I-I would like that very much… your Grace.”

Elia doesn’t know when she started moving again, but even as Robert chuckles, she realizes her steps are taking her further into the hall and more and more of the people watching from the wings are taking notice of her.

“Not quite yet my dear. For now, I’m still just a Lord. Jon and Ned are talking about putting a crown on my head though, so we’ll see, won’t we?”

Rhaenys just nods again, but Robert has already caught sight of Elia out of the corner of his eye. His face turns a bit more somber and he nudges Rhaenys even as he holds out her brother to her.

“Your mother is here sweetheart. Why don’t you take your brother down to her for me.”

Her daughter’s head whips around and her eyes widen as she sees Elia. Her tentative smile blossoms into a brilliant, joyful thing and Elia can’t help but smile back, even as Rhaenys does as the Usurper has told her, carefully holding Aegon in the way that Elia had taught her young daughter only weeks before. Moving slowly but also swiftly, Rhaenys makes her way to her mom. Her beautiful girl is barely more than a baby herself and yet she’s so strong and responsible as she arrives at Elia’s side and offers Aegon up.

Elia lets out a low sigh as she takes her son into her arms. Rhaenys quickly grabs onto her dress and curls into her side, but Elia’s attention is focused on Robert Baratheon. The Usurper is staring back at her and Elia isn’t sure whether she should stare back defiantly or bow her head in subservience. Which does he want to see? What will keep her children alive. She lowers her gaze, ultimately, but his voice sounds out a moment later and brings her eyes back up to meet his.

“Elia Martell. I hope you have been treated well.”

A simple way to open the conversation, but one that gives her hope nonetheless. This whole situation is giving her hope that Elia fears will be dashed any second.

“I have been, Lord Baratheon.”

There’s some murmurs at that, as if she had committed some crime by calling the Usurper by his right and proper title. Normally, Elia would have said ‘Your Grace’ in order to appease the man sitting on the Iron Throne, but she heard what he said to Rhaenys and the Dornish beauty is not dim. As she expects, Robert smiles at her form of address. Then he’s serious once more.

“Good. Down to business them. Children cannot speak for themselves. But their mother can. Aerys was dead before we arrived in the throne room, slain by Jaime Lannister and so he could not surrender the throne. It falls to you milady. On behalf of your children, will you surrender?”

Elia’s legs are a little unsteady. Why would he need their surrender if he was just going to kill them? He means to keep them alive. Elia can scarcely believe it to be true, but it seems her hopes are not to be dashed after all.

“I… y-yes. We surrender. They surrender. My children relinquish all claim to the Iron Throne, now and forever more.”

Robert is smiling again even as the hall erupts into murmurs. And yet, the moment the large, broad shouldered, muscular Lord stands, everyone falls silent. Robert is no longer looking at her as he gazes around the great hall, but Elia is certainly staring up at him.

“Until such time as you fuckers decide what you want to do with this bloody uncomfortable thing behind me, I name myself Regent of the Seven Kingdoms. You all decide you want someone else as your King later on, I’m fine with that. Lady Martell, bring your children and come sit at my side.”

There is the usual chair for a Queen beside the Iron Throne, but Elia is frozen in shock for a moment at the offer. It takes Rhaenys tugging at her dress for her to come out of it and begin to move. Soon, she’s settled into the small, far more comfortable chair. Rhaenys sits in her lap and she cradles Aegon in one arm as they watch the proceedings. Robert makes they’re settled and then turns back to the hall.

“Tywin Lannister! Step forward!”

Elia stares as the Lord Paramount moves out of the crowd and stands in the center of the great hall. Why is he free and not in chains? The Lannisters served the Targaryens… and yet, Jaime Lannister had killed Aerys had he not? Elia’s eyes widen in sudden confusion, but Robert’s next words clear things up for her in a horrifying way.

“Lord Paramount. You claim that the army you have outside the city walls was meant for our cause. That you planned to betray the Mad King’s trust, gain access to the city through your perceived false loyalties, and conquer the place in my name.”

Tywin inclines his head.

“Indeed, Lord Regent. We marched the moment we heard about your victory at the Battle of the Trident. My son-.”

“Your son is a Kingslayer.”

Robert ruthlessly cuts the Lannister Lord off and Elia stiffens at his side as Tywin mirrors her action down below. After a moment though, Robert continued.

“He is also a hero to every living soul in this city. I have spoken with Jaime Lannister myself and I have seen the proof of Aerys’ final act with my own eyes. Your son killed the King because in my haste to finish this war and take King’s Landing, I sparked the final fuse of Aerys’ madness. The Mad King had the Pyromancer’s Guild making wildfire for the last several years, long before all of Rhaegar’s nonsense began. There are thousands of jars of the stuff, all over the city. Aerys’ last words were ‘Burn them all’ and they were directed towards the Head Pyromancer, moments before your son ran the King and his Hand through with his sword.”

The great hall is dead silent as everyone digests their new Regent’s words. Tywin is the first to recover, but the man’s surprise seems genuine enough for Jaime’s words to be true. And if Robert has seen the wildfire himself… Elia is more than a little horrified at how close they all came to a death of burning green.

“In that case… if my son is a hero as you claim, I would ask a boon of you.”


Tywin’s eyes widen in outrage.

“You don’t even kno-!”

“You wish for me to release your son from his oaths so that he may take his place as your heir. I am not a stupid man Lord Lannister. The Lannisters fought for the dragon in this war and the dragon lost. I would be within my rights to destroy your House, but I am tired of death and bloodshed so I will not. But you must prove your loyalty. You will go to Storm’s End and rein in the Tyrells. End the siege and see my brothers brought safely to King’s Landing… then we will talk of your son’s future.”

Gritting his teeth, Tywin can do nothing but bow and depart from the hall. Everyone watches him go and then turns back to the man sitting upon the Iron Throne. Many are regarding him with new eyes. Elia knows that she is.

“Ned, where are you?”

Robert’s bellow fills the hall and soon enough, Eddard Stark is standing before them. Robert doesn’t waste any time with niceties though.

“How many men Ned? How many men do you need to get to Lyanna quickly, but also to take down those damn bastards guarding her. The fucking Sword of the Morning isn’t a joke.”

The young Northern Lord pauses for a second and thinks on it, nodding in agreement with Robert.

“… A hundred.”

“A hundred it is! A hundred of our best! Find your sister Ned and bring her home.”

There’s a moment where Eddard Stark swallows thickly. Elia can see him getting choked up, but in the end, he just nods his head and departs even faster than Tywin did. Letting out a sigh, Robert Baratheon leans back in the Iron Throne and then tenses up and curses quietly as he pricks himself on a sharp edge. Standing up, the suddenly gruff Regent waves a hand at the hall.

“I’m done, get out of here!”

And then the Usurper walks away and all Elia can think is ‘that man is going to end up being King’. There’s no doubt in her mind… and even with her children safe, the Dornish beauty isn’t sure what the future will hold. What better protection for her and her babies then the new King?


Robert steps into his bedroom, tired after such a long day. He closes the door and locks it, then turns around, already in the process of beginning to remove his clothes when he finally looked up and saw her. The Baratheon Lord’s eyes go wide as he stares at Elia Martell, standing beside his bed, completely naked. The beautiful dark-skinned woman smiles at him tentatively and takes a step forward.

“Do you like what you see, Lord Regent?”

His mouth is dry as she gets closer and closer. Robert’s cock is swiftly rising, straining in his pants… but Lyanna… Lyanna might come back to him. He might marry her and if they make him King as they keep suggesting, he’ll make her his Queen. Still… he’s not married yet, right? And Robert is nothing if not a weak man when it comes to beautiful women. His biggest weakness. Yet he has at least somewhat of a chivalrous heart. Just enough of one to ask the question a single time.

“I do… but are you sure about this Lady Martell?”

When he asks that, he means it and from the way she stops moving and tenses up, he knows she knows it. For a brief second Elia looks conflicted and Robert prepares himself for her backpedaling. He’s even okay with it, despite her behavior. But in the end, she seems to steel herself and continue moving forward. Her lady-like fingers touch him and she begins to pull his garments off one by one. Their eyes meet and he stays silent even as she leans up on her tip toes to try to kiss him. Even then, he has to lean forward in the end to offer his lips to her.

They kiss for several long seconds, Elia’s frail naked body pressed up against his hairy chest, her soft breasts brushing along his front and her hands working now at his breeches. When she finally puts her fingers around his cock, she freezes up again and Robert pulls back, smirking slightly. Elia’s eyes are wide as she glances between his face and then down his pants.

“I’ll ask once more. Are you sure about this Lady Martell? You can ride a dragon. But you cannot ride a stag.”

Swallowing thickly and licking her lips, Elia pulls his hardened member out of his pants and stares down at it in its full, hard glory. The words fall from her lips in a whisper, but Robert hears them nonetheless.

“I’m sure…”

With a grunt, the Baratheon Lord grabs up the naked Dornish woman, prompting a yelp from her as he carries her over to the bed and lays her down surprisingly gently. Then he’s on top of her, spreading her legs, running his fingers up and down her slit. To her shame, she’s already wet and eager and Robert takes advantage of this, pushing into her with his shaft in short order. He’s bigger than anything Elia has already taken and soon enough, the dusky beauty is crying out as he begins to fuck her with long, powerful thrusts.

His massive hammer is absolutely wrecking her composure. Her first orgasm makes things easier though, slickening her loosened passage even more. Her second is just icing on the cake though and by the third orgasm, Elia’s eyes are wide and she’s afraid she’s going to fall in love with this man as he treats her in the same instance as both a delicate princess and a wanton whore.

He is powerful and domineering and strong and all she can do is lay back and take it, holding on for dear life along the way as the constant orgasms he forces from her inexperienced body threaten to undue her very sanity. Robert himself is reveling in the Dornish beauty’s tightness. She is the first of her people he’s ever had, despite being rather infamous as a whoremonger. 

Robert worries that he won’t be able to stop now that he’s started. He loves Lyanna with all his heart and if Ned returns with her in a condition to be wed, he intends to marry her. But this Elia Martell… beyond fucking the wife of the man who stole his betrothed, which to be fair is pure catharsis in and of itself, Robert finds himself enjoying Elia for who she is, rather than WHAT she is. The woman is deliciously fuckable and Robert loses himself in her all-night long.

So lost in their pleasure, neither of them even notice or comment on the fact that Robert deposits more than one load of seed inside of Elia’s womb before their night together is over.


Berserk A Lac

Good chapter definitely worth seeing more of.