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Themes: Consensual, Foursome, Nonhuman, Boob Play

Word Count: 3,744

Summary: Ami Aiba got seduced by her Digimon a long time ago. But even if that was the case, Ami didn't mind. The red head didn't mind one bit.

A Girl and her Digimon  

Ami Aiba wasn’t sure how things had ended up like this. Well, no she supposed she did know how all this had come to pass. She’d let it happen essentially. Sure, she wasn’t the instigator, but she was fully on board from the get go, no matter how reluctant she’d seemingly started out as. A moan left her throat and she looked down the length of her bed as between her legs, a familiar head moving up and down as a long tongue slid across her wet slit.


This had been going on for months now. Her Digimon had become more and more touchy-feely, until eventually she’d simply been pinned down and taken. Ami had enjoyed it immensely, every last second of it, and when Sakuyamon saw that, it became a regular occurrence. And now here they were, with the curvaceous Digimon buried between her legs, going to town on her wet pussy.

Sakuyamon’s eyes flicked up to meet hers and Ami could see the mirth in them. Her Digimon was such a big b-bully. Still, she couldn’t help the gasp and then the moan that left her lips as Sakuyamon did that thing with her tongue that Ami loved so much. They’d been together for so long now, to the point that Ami could scarcely remember a time where she didn’t have her constant companion.

Of course, before she’d been Viximon. Now though as Sakuyamon, the Digimon had truly grown into a formidable force, both in terms of combat potential as well as sexual prowess. Ami knew it was probably wrong to have sex with Digimon, but if it was in fact wrong, she didn’t think she wanted to be right. Sakuyamon wasn’t an animal and neither were her other companions. They were intelligent, just like humans. They had their own thoughts and desires… it just so happened that a lot of Sakuyamon’s desire was focused on Ami.

Flushing deeply, the red head tossed her head back and cried out, climaxing right there as Sakuyamon hit a particularly deep spot within her passage. Ami’s pussy juices sprayed out all over the Digimon’s face, embarrassing her mightily as she watched Sakuyamon lick it all up greedily. Then the Shaman Digimon leaned back on her haunches, exposing her huge naked tits from where they’d been pressed against the bed beneath her. She smiled at Ami and Ami smiled back, but ultimately, the young woman’s eyes kept being drawn down to those big beautiful breasts.

Sakuyamon noticed because of course she did, how could she not. The Digimon gained a conniving grin on her face and crawled up the length of the large king-sized bed that they were sharing. The Shaman Digimon placed a hand on the back of Ami’s head and slowly lowered her chest down to her lover’s face. Ami’s lips suctioned down on one of Sakuyamon’s large nipples and she nibbled and suckled at it as the Digimon moaned happily.

At the same time, Ami brought her hands up as well, grasping the tit that she wasn’t currently latched onto and caressing the one she was around its expansive base. Sakuyamon definitely had some great breasts. It made Ami a little envious sometimes, the fact that her Digimon had bigger tits and wider hips and a nice big fat ass that she couldn’t compare to. Sure, she’d grown into her body as well and now had sizable breasts and a fine derriere of her own, but she just couldn’t compare to Sakuyamon… or the others.

As if summoned simply by her thoughts, that was when the door to the bedroom opened up. Ami froze for a second, but when she heard the voices of their uninvited guests, she relaxed and continued to suckle at Sakuyamon’s tits even as the tall Digimon turned and regarded the intruders.

“Sakuyamon! You!!! You can’t just steal Ami away when we aren’t looking a-and do such devious things with her! Not without US anyways!”

“Hmph. Lilithmon is right. You have given yourself an unfair advantage in our eternal war over Ami Aiba’s affections. You will surrender yourself and your bedmate for reprimanding.”

“Ooh, reprimanding sounds fun~”

Ami’s eyes slid past Sakuyamon as she looked at her other two Digimon. Lilithmon, a Demon Lord Digimon that looked more like a beautiful Succubus in Ami’s humble opinion and Ophanimon, an Angel type known as one of the Celestial Digimon. They had both joined her a bit later Sakuyamon had as Gatomon and BlackGatomon respectively.

Now, just like Sakuyamon, they were her lovers and Ami was perfectly fine with that, absolutely adoring their equally curvaceous and voluptuous forms. Not to mention the way all three of her Digimon enjoyed fighting over her body. Perhaps it was a bit egotistical of her, but having the three constantly vying for supremacy over just who had control over her naked form made Ami feel desirable and needed in a way that she’d never felt before.

“You two… I was here first, so obviously I get first dibs. How many times do I have to tell you that?”

Oof, the Shaman type wasn’t pulling any punches! Sakuyamon looked at the others like they were beneath her and both Lilithmon and Ophanimon bristled, taking offense to that. It was all the more galling for them because it was technically true that Sakuyamon had been with Ami the longest. As such, the young woman knew that her other two lovers always fretted over whether she cared for them as much as she cared for Sakuyamon.

Finally pulling away from Sakuyamon’s tit and only encountering minute resistance before the Digimon relaxed her grasp on her hair and let her do so, Ami looked at Lilithmon and Ophanimon and smiled, patting the empty space on the bed beside her, opposite of where Sakuyamon lay.

“I don’t mind you two joining us. We got the biggest bed for a reason didn’t we? Still, just remember the golden rule!”

Lilithmon and Ophanimon both glanced at each other. Their own rivalry for Ami’s affections actually ran just about as deep as their rivalry with Sakuyamon. But just as always, they nodded and began to strip out of their clothing and armor, revealing their beautiful voluptuous bodies. Ami had expected this, her lovers never passed up a chance to pleasure her and be pleasured in return, even if it meant they had to enjoy her body at the same time.

And it was good to see them following the golden rule. No armor or clothing in bed was just something that they all had to follow, after too many spikes and sharp edges had ultimately ruined their last mattress. As such, the only way any of her beautiful, tall, curvaceous Digimon were allowed in bed was without a thread of clothing or scrap of armor on them. It helped that this gave her an excellent view of both Ophanimon and Lilithmon. 

Ophanimon was all no-nonsense as she stripped down methodically and efficiently. Lilithmon on the other hand, was a bit slower and languid, noticing the way that Ami was watching them and turning her own disrobement into a strip show. The young red head’s smile grew wider and wider as she watched Lilithmon work her magic, until abruptly the sight of the Digimon was cut off by a dripping wet pussy.

Sakuyamon had also been watching her rivals strip and now it was clear that the Shaman Digimon wasn’t interested in being ignored anymore. Ami grinned sheepishly as she looked up the slope of Sakuyamon’s body and into her eyes. The Digimon looked back at her with obvious lust coloring her gaze, as well as some bereavement over Ami interrupting their playtime to invite her rivals into their bed.

“Hmph, if they will be joining us, it only seems right that I claim this.”

There were protests from the other two as they finally noticed what Sakuyamon was doing, but they were too late to do anything to stop her. Meanwhile, Ami just giggled as the Shaman Digimon lowered her cunt onto Ami’s mouth and ground down on Ami’s face, forcing her to eat her out. The young woman did so with enthusiasm, her tongue, slightly smaller than Sakuyamon’s but no less eager, sliding up into the beautiful Digimon’s pussy and writhing around.

Her nose was pressed against Sakuyamon’s clit and not only was she getting a delightful whiff of the Digimon’s scent, she was also able to grind that down on Sakuyamon’s tiny little nub, getting a loud moan from her lover as Sakuyamon tossed her head back in delight. That only got Ophanimon and Lilithmon more fired up though.

Moving quickly, both Digimon got onto the bed as well and quickly Ami found her hands occupied with distinctive, familiar tits. She would have smiled if she could have. Her lovers were all quite sensitive in the chest region and while they enjoyed having her eat them out as much as any woman enjoyed oral, they also would sometimes rather have her grope and play with their breasts instead. This seemed to be the case now and even with her face covered by Sakuyamon’s pussy and her view thus blocked, Ami could tell Ophanimon and Lilithmon were lying on either side of her as they guided her hands to their tits.

Ami gave them what they wanted, the young woman having become quite skilled at boob play since this whole four-way relationship had begun. Her fingers worked deftly, like those of an artist or a musician. She certainly could make music with her fingers and her tongue and she did so now, amused all the while as she drew the voices of her Digimon from their throats. 

Moans and whines and cries of enjoyment filled the room while Ami worked her magic. The red head moved her fingers this way and that over the large tracts of land that both the Demon Digimon and Angel Digimon on either side of her could lay claim to. Her digits whirled around areolas and she ran her palms just the right way over hardened nipples, grinding down on them and causing their owners to mewl with pleasure.

Meanwhile, her tongue drove up into Sakuyamon’s pussy deeper and deeper. She didn’t want the Shaman Digimon to feel left out after all. While it may have seemed like Ami was in fact the submissive of the group, that the three Digimon had seduced her into bed and were domineering in forcing her to get them off… in reality, Ami was a bit of a power bottom. While it was true that she had been the seduced rather than the seducer, it was also true that she knew just how to treat her beloved Digimon.

They might have all vied for her affections, but she loved each of them equally. As such, she’d worked hard to make sure she could pull this next maneuver off. A slight smirk on her covered face, the red head brought her work on Sakuyamon, Ophanimon and Lilithmon to a crescendo, much like a musician on a real instrument. 

Their voices rose higher as one as she slowed down here, sped up there. Ultimately, all three Digimon came at the same time thanks to her experienced tongue and fingers. Lilithmon and Ophanimon flooded her hands with their pussy juices, making a mess of the sheets, while Sakuyamon came all over her face much as she’d done with the Shaman Digimon only minutes earlier.

A smug grin on her face as Sakuyamon fell back panting, Ami sidled herself up and looked at the three pleasured Digimon with satisfaction in her eyes. It always felt so good, knowing that she’d managed to turn her lovers into puddles of over-sexed goo. Of course, it only lasted for a brief moment before the first of them began to rise, like usual.

This time it was Lilithmon and she had an evil, mischievous glint in her eye as she moved towards Ami. The red head welcomed it though with open arms, her own eyes already fixated on Lilith’s naked bust. They met and she licked and nuzzled and played with Lilithmon’s tits as the Demon Digimon held her close to her chest, moaning happily and running her fingers through Ami’s hair.

Lost in the Digimon’s breasts as she was, she didn’t hear Sakuyamon and Ophanimon recover. Normally, she felt them as they came up and tried to take her attention away from their rival. However, unbeknownst to Ami, there’d been something of a… discussion between the three Digimon the day before. Sakuyamon and Ophanimon left the bed for a brief second and when they returned, they were more equipped for what was to come next.

Ami was surprised when Lilithmon willingly let her be pulled away, a wicked smile spreading across the Demon Digimon’s face as her rivals spun Ami around. The red head blinked and then looked down, her eyes going wide as she took in the sizable strap ons hanging from both of their waists.

“You guys… got toys? For me?”

They nodded, even as Sakuyamon moved to hand Lilithmon her own strap on. Ami blushed at the sight of her Digimon outfitting themselves with fake dicks just so they could fuck her. It was… actually pretty hot. Though there was one thing she had to say, given there were three dicks and she only had three holes.

“U-Um… I don’t really like doing blowjobs. S-so…”

Sakuyamon, Ophanimon, and Lilithmon looked at each other. Then they all looked back at her with the same expectant faces. It was Sakuyamon who asked the question on each of their minds.

“Very well, which of us shall present our breasts to you instead?”

Ami blanched as she realized the trap. They were all hoping to use this as a damn test! T-To see whose breasts she liked more! In all honesty, despite loving her Digimon all the same, there was one pair of tits Ami preferred over the other two. Luckily, she had a ready-made excuse for the choice she wanted to make!


The Demon Digimon looked smug for all of a moment before Ami continued with her explanation.

“B-Because she’s the only one who hasn’t put on her strap on yet a-and I was already playing with her tits! I-it just makes sense not to leave her hanging!”

While Lilithmon pouts at this sensible reasoning that nullifies her temporary victory, both Sakuyamon and Ophanimon, being the more stoic and rational of her three lovers, nod in agreement with this explanation for Ami’s choice. Ami breathes a sigh of relief at dodging that particular landmine, even as the Shaman and Angel type Digimons reach out and grab her up.

Sakuyamon ends up beneath her and Ami lets out a gasp as she slides down the lubed up strap on that the Digimon is wearing. She can’t help moaning a little bit. There’s no pain or discomfort, as she’d already been primed from Sakuyamon eating her out and all three of her loves enjoying her ministrations. She was slick and ready for the Shaman Digimon.

She wasn’t quite so ready for Ophanimon though. The Celestial Digimon pulled her ass cheeks apart carefully and prodded her sphincter with the tip of the equally lubed up strap on. The fake cock slid against her butt hole for a brief second before Ophanimon began to grind down, slowly but surely pushing into her tight ass. Ami whimpered but that’s where Lilithmon came in.

The Demon Digimon grabbed Ami’s head and buried her between her breasts once more, giving Ami something to focus on as she was slowly but surely anally penetrated. Ami moaned into Lilithmon’s boobs and eventually found her lips once more over a nipple as she licked and nibbled and suckled at the Digimon’s teat.

Lilithmon gasped and moaned under Ami’s swishing tongue, even as the red head brought up her hands to do the same with the Demon Digimon’s tits as she had with Sakuyamon. Meanwhile, the Shaman was beginning to thrust up into her from underneath and Ami was really starting to feel it as her insides stretched around the fake cock in a rather pleasurable way.

Ami might not have been interested in boys or even humans really, but she could admit that there was no way for fingers or a tongue to get quite as deep as dildos could. The strap ons that Sakuyamon and Ophanimon were bringing to bear on her right now were bigger than any dildo she owned of course, but it was the same principle. She’d never felt fuller then now though, it was definitely a new experience for the young red head.

Ophanimon was the perfect one to take her ass for the first time though, Ami was swiftly finding. The Celestial Digimon was patient and kind and warm as she wrapped her arms around Ami’s body and grasped her tits, much in the same way Ami was grasping at Lilithmon’s. Sakuyamon let out a disgruntled grumble at the way Ophanimon was preempting her, but ultimately the Shaman Digimon settled for simply holding Ami’s hips as she bounced the girl up and down on the fake prick strapped to her crotch.

Meanwhile, with her hands molesting Ami’s breasts, the Angel Digimon currently buried in her bum began to move around. It was hard, taking that much of something up her back door. But Ophanimon had taken her time and done it right and now that her asshole was all lubed up and loosened, Ami wasn’t feeling any more discomfort or pain. It was all sunshine and gumdrops. Or, as she preferred, tits and tongues. 

As Sakuyamon and Ophanimon DP’d Ami, she continued to focus the majority of her attention on Lilithmon’s tits. The busty, beautiful Demon Digimon was enjoying that attention immensely judging by the sounds coming from her mouth. Ami was turning Lilithmon into a puddle just from how sensitive her boobs were… how easy would it be to bring the seductress low with a bit more extra help?

One hand shifted down from Lilithmon’s tits to between her legs. The Demon Digimon let out a yelp as Ami stuck three fingers right up her sopping wet cunt, while also flicking at her clit with her thumb. Lilithmon came on the spot, the dirty slut. She shuddered and groaned and gasped and moaned, her second orgasm once again making a mess of both the sheets and Ami’s palm.

Smirking, Ami let her Lilithmon fall away from her mouth as the Digimon shook and spasmed, clearly overwhelmed by the pleasure at least momentarily. This allowed Sakuyamon to finally intervene and the Shaman did so immediately, grabbing Ami’s wrists and planting her hands on Sakuyamon’s breasts with a blush on her face but a lustful look in her eye.

Ami blinked at that but then just smiled, giving Sakuyamon what she wanted, even as she continued to take the strap ons in her holes. A climax was building from the constant pleasure she was experiencing, but unlike her lovers, Ami didn’t go out of commission for a short time each time she orgasmed. Instead, the young woman rode out her release with some decorum, crying out happily but altogether managing to keep herself together. 

Her hands gripped and kneaded at Sayukamon’s big fun bags, while Ophanimon did the same with Ami’s tits from behind. The big fake cocks plunged in and out of her tightening, clenching holes over and over again. When Lilithmon failed to get back up and join in the fray again, choosing to remain lying there watching the exchange, her rivals realized something might be off.

When Sakuyamon suddenly came, just from having her tits groped, both she and Ophanimon redoubled their pace upon realizing that they weren’t managing to properly out sex their lover. Ami just grinned, the human girl happily bouncing her hips back towards their rapidly thrusting polymer shafts. The double penetration continued for some time, but in the end Sakuyamon grew too weak to continue thrusting up into Ami after the red head brought the Shaman Digimon to multiple orgasms.

Meanwhile, Ophanimon was the only one left at full strength, the Celestial Digimon eager to prove herself the best of Ami’s lovers as she sped up her pace even more. Ami climaxed around Ophanimon’s strap on, experiencing a surprisingly delicious anal orgasm, but ultimately, she just kept going. There was a reason these three Digimon had been Ami Aiba’s partners for so long. There was a reason that three Mega-level Digimon had not only served Ami, but fallen in love with her as well.

They’d forgotten that in their pursuit of bringing her down in bed. They had forgotten Ami Aiba’s indomitable will.

Still, the red head couldn’t exactly squeeze a fake dick until Ophanimon came. It didn’t work that way. Eventually, she pulled off of both of the strap ons Sakuyamon and Ophanimon were wearing and spun around; tackling the Angel Digimon back onto the bottom half of the bed as Lilithmon and Sakuyamon watched through heavily lidded eyes.

Ami kissed and molested and all around dominated the Celestial, despite Ophanimon’s great strength. And ultimately, the Digimon took it, moaning happily into her lover’s mouth and writhing under Ami’s skilled hands. In no time at all, Ophanimon’s strap on was pulled from her body and she was being fingered to completion.

When she came, it was with an angelic cry that wouldn’t have been out of place on a church choir, albeit a very lewd one. Ophanimon’s melodic voice rang out through the room and her pussy juices coated Ami’s hand once more. The red head pulled out with a victorious smirk on her face and turned to regard all three of her lovers. Eventually, she grabbed Ophanimon’s arm and dragged the Celestial Digimon over to where the other two lay.

Sakuyamon ended up on bottom as Ami used the Shaman’s curvaceous, tall body as a full length pillow. Settling her head back on Sakuyamon’s big tits, Ami pulled both Lilithmon and Ophanimon close as well, allowing them to cuddle up to her and Sakuyamon’s sides, their own breasts capturing her head between them.

The young woman let out a pleased sigh as she relaxed, wiggling a bit to get comfortable and prompting pleasured moans from all three of her lovers. 

Ami just smiled and along with her Digimon, drifted off to sleep.


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