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Themes: Genderbending, Feminization, Humiliation, Brainwashing, Monster Sex, Breeding

Word Count: 21,911

Summary: My longest commission ever! Genma believes that he's found a man capable of removing his and Ranma's curses, and as always, drags his son along for the ride. The man proves to be an honest to god Wizard and Ranma begins to think there really might be something to this opportunity for a cure. Unfortunately for the two Saotome men, the Wizard has absolutely no intention of curing either of them.

The Descent  

Ranma Saotome was not happy. But then, the young martial artist hadn’t been happy for a while now. Getting cursed to turn into a short stack of a girl whenever it so much as rains wasn’t something Ranma would wish on his worst enemy. And it was all Genma’s fault. Ranma’s only consolation came in the form of his father’s idiotic panda transformation as well as the fact that Genma seemed to be almost as distraught and upset about Ranma’s curse as he was.

And at least his Pops was doing everything he could to fix this shit. Ranma couldn’t deny that Genma’s dedication to getting them cured was pretty damn high, especially when it had led them to an honest to god Wizard, complete with his own weird ass magical tower. That didn’t mean Ranma had to be happy about the Wizard’s conditions though.

Crossing his arms over his chest, Ranma did the best he could to convey his complete and utter dissatisfaction with the current circumstances, even as his father closed the deal.

“Alright, so it’s settled then! We’ll stay with you for two weeks so you can study our curses! Once those two weeks are up, you cure us, no matter what!”

The Wizard smiled congenially and inclined his head, his arms currently hidden in the folds of his fancy robe. Ranma could at least admit that the guy looked the part. Now the martial artist could only hope that he could walk the walk so to speak.

“Indeed. This is a magical contract of course, so I cannot go back on my word no matter what. We will all have to sign with blood though of course. I hope that is not going to be a problem.”

Out of nowhere, the Wizard unfurled a long parchment contract. Ranma and Genma both stared in slight awe, though Ranma was more just hoping the thing had all the right terms in it. Father and son shook their head in unison in response to the Wizard’s final statement and they each brought their thumb up to their mouths to bite down hard.

The Wizard actually seemed a little taken aback by this, even as Genma and Ranma both signed their names at the bottom of the contract. When Genma was done with his signature, he saw the flummoxed look on the Wizard’s face and offered up an explanation.

“We’re martial artists. Pain is no stranger to us; in fact I would call it our constant companion! Something like this, bleeding a bit on some paper ain’t a bit deal for my son or me!”

Ranma nodded, one of the few times he found himself in agreement with his Pops as the Wizard just let out a grunt in response, the contract, now signed by both of them, furling back up and disappearing into his sleeve. Then the robed man turned away towards his tower and gestured for them to follow.

“Come, come. I will show you to your quarters for the duration of your stay.”

Genma glanced at his son and Ranma returned the look with a glare and a severe frown. This was definitely all his dad’s fault and he wasn’t going to let the man forget it any time soon. Maybe once they were finally free and in the clear two weeks from now… but that didn’t change the fact that Ranma would probably end up having to spend way too long as a woman for the next fourteen days. He was NOT looking forward to this at all.


Scratch that, his earlier thought hadn’t been nearly enough to describe the sheer amount of DO NOT WANT that was Ranma’s entire being right now. He stared in horror at the entirely PINK room that the Wizard had shown him to. It’s not entirely pink… but it might as well be. There’s some white, some red, and even some shades of light purple. The walls and the floor and the ceiling are all pink though. The bed is almost entirely pink, with some other light colors to accentuate it. And right there, directly across from where Ranma was currently standing, was a small room off the side of the bedroom that had all manner of dresses and a million other girly garments in it.

Mouth opening and closing like a goldfish, Ranma finally found his words and spun towards the Wizard to give the sedate calm man a piece of his mind.

“What?! What the hell is this?”

The Wizard simply lifted a bushy eyebrow up in response. 

“This is a bedroom. You will have to be more specific.”

Ranma’s mouth opens and closes again before he finally flails his arms up and down at pretty much everything.

“All of it! Why is it so PINK?! What’s with the dresses and shit?!”

The Wizard made a quiet ‘ah’ noise of understanding, seeming to finally understand where Ranma was coming from. The martial artist was honestly just a little relieved to be on the same page with the other man as he waited impatiently for what better be a reasonable response.

“That is all quite easy to explain. This was the Princess’ room. It is the best room in the entire tower.”

Ranma looked back at all that the room had to offer and two thoughts ran through his head. First, he could definitely see a fricking Princess living here. Second, he could also see why the place was considered the best room in the tower. Looking under all the bright colors and girly shit, Ranma could see that it really was a nice comfortable room. Honestly, it was probably the best sleeping arrangement he’d ever had in his entire life.


“Okay what’s the next best room? I’d happily take that instead.”

The Wizard’s other bushy eyebrow rises alongside the first.

“The next ‘best’ bedroom is the Handmaiden’s room. It is where your father is staying. Those are the only two rooms, besides my own bedroom, that are currently unoccupied and more importantly, made for human occupation.”

Ranma considered this for a long moment. The way the Wizard emphasized ‘human’ there made him think that perhaps he didn’t want to ask about all those other occupied rooms elsewhere in the tower. STILL though, he couldn’t just let this lie.

“Then I’ll take the Handmaiden’s room and Pops can have this one! Can’t be worse than this…”

The Wizard didn’t dignify that with a response. Instead he simply moved to the side and gestured for Ranma to move past him. The martial artist did so, hefting his travel satchel and feeling quite confident about his choice as he left the exceedingly girly room behind. That feeling died a quick death when the Wizard opened a smaller door right down the hall to reveal Genma sitting on a small cot up against the wall of the smallest enclosed space Ranma could remember ever seeing.

His father looked up at them, his obvious despair over having such dismal conditions disappearing momentarily to be replaced by mild surprise over them showing up. Ranma ignored that for the moment, instead glancing about the room to really make sure it was as shitty as it first appeared. There was a dresser and the cot and about five paces of walking space.

Clenching his jaw, Ranma came to a simple conclusion. Reaching out past the silent Wizard, he grabbed the knob of the door that led to the Handmaiden’s ‘room’ and pulled it closed without saying a word to Genma. Then he turned to the Wizard and nodded.

“I’ll take the other room.”

The Wizard inclined his head in acknowledgement of Ranma’s choice and that was that. Ranma went back to the exceedingly pink room and tried to ignore the bright and vibrant colors as well as all the girly and feminine decoration in favor of sinking into the extremely soft mattress. In the end though, while it was nice to play around on the huge bed, Ranma couldn’t actually find a wink of sleep on the thing. Ultimately, the young man, who had been travelling all his life, ended up on the floor of the extravagant room, his pack under his head as a makeshift pillow.

The last thought he had before finally falling to sleep was a positive one. At least he had his own clothes and wouldn’t be forced to wear any of those girly outfits. He’d just have to be careful not to get any of his stuff too dirty. So long as he did that, he could totally stretch it all for the two weeks he and his Pops were stuck here. Just two weeks and then they’d be cured and Ranma could get back to training to be the best martial artist in the world.

Everything would be absolutely fine in just a couple weeks…


Ranma let out a sigh as he looked at the clear pitcher filled to the brim with water. The Wizard was watching him expectantly, heck; his father was watching him expectantly with those stupid beady panda eyes of his. This was the first day of hell, the first day of experimentation. And of course that meant that both Ranma and his Pops had to be in their cursed forms for the Wizard to do his experiments.

Letting out another oppressed sigh as if the first one wasn’t enough, Ranma lashed out and grabbed the handle of the pitcher, dumping it over his head and just getting it over with. In a moment, he was a she and she was a shorter red head with tits that were WAY too big stuck to her chest. The Wizard smiled briefly and gestured Ranma and Genma over to two spots on the floor carefully marked out.

“Wonderful. Please, sit with your legs crossed on these spots and meditate for me. As martial artists, I assume you are both familiar with the practice yes? Good, good. Simply close your eyes and clear your mind. This will ensure I get the best readings with my instruments.”

Ranma wasn’t sure how that was supposed to work, but whatever. Sitting down as instructed, the martial artist closed his eyes and tried to ignore the feminine body he was stuck in as he meditated alongside his father. Time passed but Ranma was soon too lost in the meditation to notice or care. Thoughts spun in and out of the red head’s mind and she furrowed her brow slightly as things became… twisted.

In the end though, Ranma didn’t notice anything wrong and when the Wizard clapped his hands, she opened her eyes and looked at him with confusion in her gaze.

“You get what you need?”

The Wizard was looking at several long pieces of parchment much like the contract that she and her Pops had signed. These were filling themselves with data by the second, seemingly all on their own. It was pretty damn magical and it bolstered Ranma’s spirits just a bit. Really, the young woman just wanted to get rid of her curse. And this Wizard really seemed like he could make good on his progress. 

“Yes, yes, very good.”

In the end, his reply was a bit distracted as he read his data, something Ranma could understand. Still, there was one thing that was nagging at Ranma’s mind. She glanced at her father who was still in his panda form and with a frown on her face, she asked the obvious question.

“I’m a little confused though. Why did Pops have to transform into cursed form and I didn’t?”

The Wizard finally looked at her and there was a smile on his face that the female martial artist didn’t quite understand.

“Well, while I am a magical researcher, I still utilize the scientific process. By keeping you in your natural form and having your father adopt his cursed form, I get the broadest amount of data possible. Understand?”

She really didn’t but the red head also didn’t want to seem like an idiot (even if that was exactly what she was sometimes thanks to her father.) so she nodded her head up and down, her red ponytail bobbing with her. The Wizard just gave Ranma another quick smile and looked back to his parchments. Then, his expression of good cheer disappeared and he suddenly looked solemn as he turned back to her and her Pops.

“Actually, it might have been a good thing that I didn’t have you transform into your cursed form. Genma, could you please pour this pitcher of hot water on yourself?”

The Wizard conjured up a steaming pitcher and the Panda just shrugged, doing as he was told. Ranma’s eyes widened at the same time as her father’s when he did not change back into a human. Letting out a low keening whine, the Panda that was her Pops quickly poured more of the pitcher out onto him, hissing at the scalding heat but still not transforming into his proper form.

“It is as I feared. Unfortunately, your father is stuck as a Panda right now.”

Ranma spun around, her eyes wide and her red ponytail whipping around with her.

“What?! What the hell?!”

The Wizard lifted his hands, palms out in a placating gesture.

“I can assure you young lady, it is only temporary. I will have Genma fixed in no time! Unfortunately, his cursed form makes it very difficult for the man to do the work that was part of our contract. You will have to go it solo and ultimately you will be doing the lion’s share of yours and your father’s half of the contract until I can fix him. I do apologize my dear.”

Ranma scowled and crossed her arms under her tits as she frowned severely. Still, even if it wasn’t his fault this time, this was pretty much par for the course for her. Genma’s problems always ended up being Ranma’s problems and the cute crimson haired martial artist had basically spent her life cleaning up her father’s messes, or fleeing the scene of his crimes by his side. Letting out an explosive sigh, Ranma just slumped her shoulders, the anger and defiance going out of her.

“Fine! What do you need me to do? I’m Ranma Saotome of the Anything Goes School of Martial Arts! I can handle any-fucking-thing! Don’t need my Pops to hold my hand or anything. I ain’t a little girl anymore!”

The Wizard smiled happily at Ranma’s enthusiasm and began to walk towards the door, throwing a comment over his shoulder almost as an afterthought before beckoning for the red head to follow him.

“You stay here Genma, I’ll be back soon to start getting you sorted. Ranma, come along. We’re descending to the basement and I’ll need to walk you through your first few steps. It can be a bit… daunting.”

The red head nodded, her face set in determination as she followed him out of the room. Neither she nor Genma knew what had just happened. And neither of them could have possibly guessed what was going to follow.


The Wizard led her down into the basement just like he said, though Ranma was a bit weirded out by what she found down there. The cute red head had spent most of her life on the road with her father, leaving her rather bereft of experience with the sort of housing arrangements that most people took for granted. On top of that, she’d certainly never been in a Wizard’s Tower before, let alone a Wizard’s Basement. Still…

“Seems like way too many mirrors.”

That was the first thing Ranma noticed when she followed the Wizard down the stairs there were mirrors everywhere. Just all over the place. It was an excessive amount of mirrors and Ranma was getting just a little self-conscious over it. She really didn’t mind her feminine form, having changed her fighting style as she went through puberty and grew tits, but that didn’t mean she wanted to stare at herself in the mirror this much.

“They’re a security feature my dear. I am a Wizard after all and this tower is filled with rare and valuable things. It just can’t be helped.”


Ranma grunted, accepting that reason explanation at face value, given there wasn’t much else she could do, lacking any sort of knowledge in Wizardry or magical security. Little did she know, the mirrors were actually recording devices and her body, covered only loosely by her training clothes was being put on display at every single angle. That sense of being watched that was making Ranma so uncomfortable wasn’t just her mind playing tricks on her after all.

The red head perked up as they finally came to a door. The Wizard pulled a key out of nowhere and used it to unlock the door before holding it out to her.

“You’ll be coming down here every day my dear, so you’ll need this to access the pens. And just fair warning, what you’re about to see may very well disturb you. Now, come along.”

Ranma took the large ornate looking key into her hand, rather surprised by how big it actually was. Nodding seriously, the crimson haired martial artist tucked the key away in her gi and followed the Wizard through the door way. She found herself in a long corridor which at the same time looked much like the rest of the basement she’d seen so far and yet at the same was dramatically different in a very important way.

There were mirrors, to start with. Rather than being placed haphazardly all over the place like in the previous area however, these mirrors lined only the left side of the corridor. The entire left wall was covered in them from top to bottom in fact. Meanwhile, on the right side of the corridor there were no mirrors at all. 

Instead there were cells, bars of iron between her and whatever the hell was in them. Because truthfully, Ranma really didn’t know. The creatures were monstrous in appearance but still vaguely resembled humans in their upright posture and biology. They had anger in their ugly faces and it took her a moment to realize they weren’t growling at her, they were growling at the Wizard.

Ranma’s eyes began to trail down their grotesque yet at the same time well-toned bodies, almost like a train wreck she couldn’t look away from. Then she got to their crotches and the red head immediately found a reason to look away as she chose to converse with the Wizard rather than stare at what seemed like a hundred rock hard monster dicks.

“What the hell are those things?”

The Wizard had been casually ignoring the creatures as they walked along the seemingly endless corridor, until she brought them up. Blinking, he looked down at her and then towards the cells and shrugged just as casually.

“Oh, them? They are mostly prisoners. While you and your father know me as nothing more than a Wizard that is simply my hobby and lifelong joy. My actual occupation is as Warden. I take these monsters and lock them away so that they cannot hurt anyone out in the real world.”

Ranma frowned, nodding along once more, knowing of no reason to not trust the Wizard. Still, he hadn’t really answered her question had he?

“Yeah but what ARE they? There’s a lot of different kinds.”

That got an understanding grunt from the Wizard.

“Ah, I forget some times that not everyone has the same experience with these creatures as I do. They are some of the more classical and well populated monster types you’ll find. Among the bunch there are Orcs, Ogres, Goblins, Trolls, and Minotaurs just to name a few. Not the kind of things you want to run into on a dark stormy night or even on a bright sunny day for that matter.”

The red head made her own noise of understanding. Then she made the mistake of glancing back towards the cells at all the Orcs, Ogres, Goblins, Trolls, and Minotaurs as the Wizard had labelled them, only to blush deeply and look away again. Her next question felt as obvious as the first.

“Alright… but why are they naked?”

That got a chuckle out of her guide even as they finally got to the end of the absurdly long corridor. He gestured for Ranma to use the key he’d given her even as he answered her question.

“They are monsters darling, savages. Never mistake them for human and do not assume them to be capable of reasoning and rational the same way you or I are. And though you did not ask, I shall tell you anyways. They are sexually aroused at the sight of you, as many of the species held in my cells reproduce primarily through human females. Do not ever let yourself get too close to their grasping arms and never under any circumstances are you to open a single cell door for even a moment. They are only a danger to you if you are not cautious.”

Ranma shuddered at that and nodded, moving through the door she’d just unlocked and taking in her new surroundings. It was another corridor stretching past on either side of her, but this one was much smaller and while it still had mirrors on every wall, they were not quite as prevalent. Across from the door she’d come in through were five more doors, each of them unique in their own way.

The Wizard stepped past her to the door right in the middle, taking up position beside it and turning to smile at her.

“You’ll never have to deal with those monsters anyways. The only creatures I need you to take care of for me are the ones on this corridor. These are the… special ones. For now, let’s start you off with the Minotaur King, as I think he’s the one best suited to your skill set.”

Ranma frowned at that, staring at the door that the Wizard was stood next to with a feeling of impending doom in her gut.

“And why’s that?”

If he said something sexual, Ranma was going to punch the pervert’s block off, cure or no cure…

“The Minotaur King is a warrior Ranma, just like you. All he needs to keep him calm is a simple spar every once in a while.”

Oh… that was… yeah okay; Ranma could definitely see how that was suited to her skill set. Blushing slightly in embarrassment over the fact that she’d gotten her hackles raised for absolutely nothing, the red head followed the Wizard into the Minotaur King’s room, staring with wide eyed wonder as it illuminated itself seemingly all on its own and exposed the huge hulking bull man within. The Minotaur King was chained up on a large ornate throne that seemed perfectly made for him.

He shifted as the Wizard and Ranma entered and then abruptly stood up, revealing that the chains actually gave him quite a lot of leeway in terms of movement. Ranma found herself taking an involuntary step back in response to the hulking beast moving forward, but the Wizard just spared her a look and a smile before shaking his head and pointing at a glowing orb right next to the door.

“Please my dear, do not fret. So long as this orb stays in place on its pedestal, our majestic Minotaur King is rather easily commanded. Simply tell him you wish to have a spar and begin. Just be careful, he’s quite strong.”

Looking at the orb, Ranma felt a bit more confident with that knowledge in hand. Stepping up again, the red head moved past the watching Wizard and into the grabbing range of the massive Minotaur King.

“Alright then, we’re going to have a spar now Mr. Minotaur. So let’s do it!”

Launching herself off the ground, the crimson haired martial artist started things up with a kick to the Minotaur’s broad chest. She was gratified and maybe just a bit relieved when her foot not only connected properly, but also managed to drive the beast back into his throne, causing his huge nostrils to flare menacingly as he reacted to her with a swipe of one of his massive palms.

Ranma was too quick for the Minotaur King though and she grinned happily, finally back in her element as she sparred with the hulking monstrosity. She never let the creature hit her; she didn’t even let him touch her. But she still saw his immense strength whenever the Minotaur would drive a fist or a hoof into a wall or the floor as she dodged out of the way. After an hour of this intensive physical activity, the Minotaur King was left exhausted, settling back into his throne and letting out a loud bellow that an almost equally tired Ranma only belatedly realized was a yawn when he started snoring a bit later.

Turning back to the Wizard, a sweat-covered Ranma smiled, coming to a stop in front of him and finding a bit of a second wind as she bounced back and forth on her feet.

“That wasn’t too bad at all! Man, if this is all you need from me, this whole thing is going to be a walk in the park! If I had known I could get my curse removed from just sparring with strong monsters, I woulda jumped at it in a heartbeat!”

The Wizard just smiled as they began their walk back towards the upper parts of the tower, Ranma steadfastly ignoring the hungry looks and stiff cocks of the multitude of monsters once they were once again traversing the absurdly long corridor.

“I am glad you enjoyed yourself Ranma. Unfortunately, it will not always be sparring, but I assure you that I will not have you do anything too far outside of your comfort zone. Tomorrow you will come down her alone first thing in the morning while I work with your father to fix his current condition. You will play ball with the Tentacle Monster. Perfectly benign so long as you stay on the platform, I assure you.”

Tentacle Monster didn’t in any way sound benign, but the Wizard was doing her and her Pops a pretty big solid here, so Ranma figured she could play a little ball with the thing in exchange.

“No problem Mr. Wizard. You can count on me!”

They reached the end of the long corridor and began to ascend the stairs towards the top of the tower as the Wizard smiled at her.

“I’m sure I can my dear. You’re going to do spectacularly, I just know it.”


After the day before, Ranma was feeling a lot more confident with everything. Even if her Pops was currently stuck in his cursed form, getting to spar with the Minotaur King had done a heck of a lot to ease her stressed mind and relax her tensed muscles. She did feel a little bit bad for Genma; the red head could only shudder at being stuck as a boy for an extended period of time. 

While she wasn’t any sort of girly girl, that didn’t mean Ranma wanted dangly bits swinging between her legs. She’d much prefer having to wrap and bind her tits each day rather than dealing with such an obvious weakness between her thighs. That’s why the red head really couldn’t wait to get rid of her curse. Turning into a guy every time it so much as rained… it was a ridiculous handicap and she didn’t want to deal with it anymore.

Luckily, just less than two weeks to go and Ranma would never turn into a guy ever again! With a smile on her face at that thought, the crimson haired martial artist got her training clothes on and practically bounced out of the Princess’ all too pink room, heading for the stairs that would take her down into the Wizard’s Basement, the large ornate key secured on her person.

Not having to walk at the Wizard’s sedate pace, Ranma made great time down to the first door. Grimacing at what she knew was on the other side, the red head finally just bit the bullet and opened the door, stepping into the corridor and closing it behind her before hurrying her way down the long hallway. It was absurd just how long this thing was. 

As she tried to move as quickly as possible, her tits, even bound as they were, jiggled treacherously within the confines of her gi. Out of the corner of her eye, Ranma could see the assortment of monsters all staring at her, but none of them were growling or snarling at her like they had at the Wizard. Instead, it was as if they were appraising her, like she was a piece of meat. Or, as the Wizard had told her, they were assessing her as a potential mate.

Ranma shuddered, noting the way that their dicks of all lengths, sizes, and even colors, twitched and jumped at the sight of her as she ran past. She tried desperately to ignore them by looking away, but that was rather hard when the opposite side of the corridor held a plethora of mirrors that merely reflected the monsters in their cells with their massive hard ons. 

Ultimately, she made it to the end of the corridor as fast as she could, yet by the time she reached that final door, Ranma felt like it had taken her just as long to run the length of the hallway as it had for the Wizard and her to walk it. Grumbling, the red head got herself on the other side of the door and let out a breath of relief at being out of sight of the very amorous monsters.

Then she looked up at the doors arrayed before her, eyes sliding over the Minotaur King’s door to one of the one’s next to his, marked in glowing letters with the name of its occupant. The Tentacle Monster that the Wizard had told her would be her task for the day. Steeling her resolve and grasping for the confidence she’d woken up with earlier, Ranma straightened her shoulders, inadvertently pushing out her chest at the same time.

She walked forward and unlocked the door with her nice ornate key, stepping inside the room to find something pretty amazing yet at the same time a little unnerving. There was a walkway in front of her, hanging in midair without any guard rails. It led to a platform with a similar lack of railings, surrounded on all sides by a deep and potentially bottomless pit. In the middle of the platform sat an innocuous massive multi-colored beach ball. Swallowing thickly, Ranma walked forward and almost jumped out of her skin when the room was suddenly illuminated by her mere presence much like the Minotaur King’s had been.

There was suddenly movement all around her and Ranma stayed to the center of the walkway and the platform as she watched tentacles of all shapes and sizes reach up into the empty air around her. Only, when they got close to the platform, it was like a small invisible barrier was in place to keep them from smacking into her space. Ranma pursed her lips together as she reached the beach ball. Reaching down, she was once again startled when the air itself broke apart in front of her and a bit of magic began to play out.

Ranma watched wide eyed as a demonstration showed her what she was doing and the safety precautions in place for her. Apparently, the Tentacle Monster could not penetrate the barrier around the platform. However, anything else, beach ball included, could. So all she had to do was toss the beach ball to the Tentacle Monster and he would play with it before tossing it back.

… She was literally about to play ball with a huge mass of Tentacles. A little bit more confident now that she knew what was going on, the red head slowly made her way closer to the platform’s edge. Several tentacles waved in the air before her and when she didn’t immediately throw the ball at them, they plastered themselves against the invisible barrier that was keeping her safe. Ranma jumped a bit at that, but ignored the slimy appendages in favor of looking out at the creature they belonged to that lay below.

If the Tentacle Monster had some sort of central body mass, Ranma couldn’t find it. The whole thing was just tentacles upon tentacles, even with its entire pen lit up with magical lights. It was disgusting and rather unnerving and Ranma had to remind herself several times that she was perfectly safe on the platform. Still, if this was what a Tentacle Monster looked like, Ranma could only be glad that the Wizard had it safely contained, because this thing was almost as large as small village from what she could see.

Swallowing the lump in her throat once more, Ranma turned back to the beach ball still sitting in the center of the platform. The tentacles had gotten more and more agitated as she stood there, so she hurried over to the ball and gave it one of her lightest kicks. Given her level of strength and training, this still sent the huge sphere flying through the air. It struck the far wall of the Tentacle Monster’s pen and then rebounded over Ranma’s head.

The tentacles behind her ended up catching the ball and the red head watched, amused as they bounced it around the room for a little bit amongst themselves. When the beach ball sailed near her however, she went ahead and snatched it up, causing a strange sort of chattering sound from the tentacles as they shuddered and shivered in what Ranma was beginning to regard as anticipation. Chuckling, the pretty martial artist went ahead and punched the ball back off the platform, letting a section of tentacles that hadn’t quite played with the ball yet have their go at it.

This continued for a while, the Tentacle Monster playing with the ball, Ranma snatching it up and giving it back to a different section so the entire creature was getting a chance to play. The way she figured it, it was like exercising your entire body. If you only lifted weights, your arms would be buff but your legs might end up weak. Ranma believed the same principle probably applied to the Tentacle Monster.

Unfortunately, she would have been better off if she’d just stayed back and watched the Tentacle Monster play with the ball, rather than being an active participant. As she got sweatier, the appendages that received the beach ball from her got more and more of a taste from where her hands were touching the thing. And slowly but surely, the Tentacle Monster, far more intelligent than poor Ranma probably thought, formulated a plan.

Ranma watched with a smile on her face and her hands on her hips as the tentacles played with the ball in front of her. She was standing in the middle of the platform, ready and waiting to grab the brightly colored beach ball up again if they tried to toss it over her head. Instead though, after a moment the thing disappeared into the mass of tentacles, falling out of her line of sight.

Frowning, Ranma craned her head to try and see it, but she just couldn’t. What the hell had they done with the beach ball? Was it even okay for her to leave the thing inside the Tentacle Monster’s pen rather than on the platform above? Knowing that the barrier would protect her, Ranma slowly moved forward, giving herself more and more of a visual of the Tentacle Monster below as she peered down and tried to find the beach ball amongst its appendages.

Even as lit up as the huge creature was though, Ranma couldn’t see the bright colors of the ball contrasting against the motley greens of the Tentacle Monster. The red head was utterly flummoxed. Meanwhile, behind her, two tentacles slowly rose up into the air on the other side of the platform. In their grasp was the large beach ball, which the Tentacle Monster had carefully passed between its appendages all the way under Ranma to bring it up on the opposite side of her.

Ranma was about to give it up as a last cause, peering one last time into the writhing mass of tentacles below, when the beach ball slammed into her back. Normally, such a thing, no matter the force behind the throw, would only have sent Ranma stumbling forward a single step. The red head was a martial artist after all and an inflatable beach ball wasn’t about to take her out any time soon. Unfortunately, Ranma was already standing on the very edge of the platform, her toes only a few millimeters from the barrier that kept the tentacles away from her.

One step, one stumble forward… it was all that was needed to propel Ranma off of the platform and out into open space. Ranma was no slouch though. Even completely and totally surprised by what had just happened, the pretty young woman managed to spin around in midair and latch onto the edge of the platform with her fingers. She gripped down hard, catching herself right before she could fall into mass of tentacles below.

Looking below her, Ranma let out a sigh of relief and grabbed onto the lip of the platform with her other hand as well, getting ready to pull herself up when she felt a rather gentle tap on her right shoulder. Blinking dumbly, Ranma looked and found nothing. Then she felt a tap on her left shoulder and the red head rather stupidly glanced that way as well. Then, the tentacles that had been sneaking up on her while she was so distracted almost instantly wound themselves up her legs and pulled hard.

Ranma let out a shriek, trying with all her might to hold onto the edge of the platform for dear life. And for a moment, she actually managed it, pitting her strength against the two thick slimy appendages wrapped around her legs and winning, ever so briefly. Then another tentacle wrapped around her throat and two more slid along her arms after that. Ranma’s eyes bulged as she was briefly choked out while small tendrils off of the tentacles on her arms eased her fingers off the edge of the platform one by one.

Ultimately, Ranma couldn’t sustain her grip any longer, not with a lack of air and slimy tentacles all over her body. The red head fell, a cry of defeat escaping her lips as she did so. The tentacle around her throat did ease up though once she was off the platform and for a brief moment after Ranma had landed on a bed of soft squishy tentacles, she actually imagined she might be all right. Then, every appendage in her general vicinity descended on her at once and all Ranma could do was scream.

Soon enough she couldn’t even do that anymore as one rather thick tentacle forced its way down her throat. Ranma struggled mightily, but that was rather hard when there’s no leverage to speak of and a million arms are holding your body down. Her training clothes, the only outfit she had, were quickly and unceremoniously torn off her and Ranma let out a muffled moan of dejection, shaking her head back and forth as slimy tentacles slid all over her now naked form, pressing against her breasts, her abdomen, and even her pussy lips.

Over time, the slime began to feel strange. Ranma began to feel strange, her brow furrowing as her struggles lessened briefly and she began to pant instead. She was flushed red with embarrassment at this point, but that soon became arousal as well. The Tentacle Monster’s slime was doing something to her and Ranma didn’t quite understand what. She’d never actually felt like this before. Hell, she’d never even touched herself down there! (You try sleeping on the ground under the stars next to your father for pretty much your entire life and see how your sex life does!)

Yet she was feeling it and it was seriously distracting her from the problem at hand as she panted heavily, moaning around the tentacle still in her mouth. Then, she felt something between her legs. This time was different, it wasn’t just the length of one of the Tentacle Monster’s slimy appendages, this felt like a bulbous head. Ranma’s eyes widened dramatically and she let out a muffled scream as the Tentacle Monster forced a huge thick tentacle into her cunt inch by inch. The crimson haired martial artist began to frantically struggle again even as it pushed deep inside of her pussy.

Ranma might not have had any experience with masturbation but her Pops had at least told her to keep herself pure until marriage. While her hymen had been a lost cause the moment Genma had started training her in a vigorous and physically intensive activity like martial arts, Ranma still bemoaned the loss of her virginity as the Tentacle Monster slammed its huge writhing shaft in and out of her cunt.

She tried to make her vocal displeasure with what was happening known, only to be utterly stymied by the tentacle gagging her throat. There was nothing Ranma could do but lay there and take it, her fit and toned body forced to undulate and bounce each time the massive appendage slammed up against her cervix only to withdraw again. The red head’s tits jiggled with the force of the Tentacle Monster’s thrusts, until two special appendages made their way to them and suctioned down onto the surface of Ranma’s mammaries.

Then the poor girl had something else to scream about as they tried to pump nonexistent milk from her large tits. At least, it was nonexistent at first. The moment Ranma felt something liquid-like coming from her nipples she looked down around the intrusion in her mouth as best as possible, staring wide eyed as she began to lactate on the spot. Holy shit, what the hell was this slime doing to her body?!

The red head could only moan in protest, lacking the strength to even squirm now as the Tentacle Monster brought her to her first climax. Given her current circumstances however, Ranma just moaned again, her sweat-covered body shaking briefly and her stretched out pussy walls squeezing down as best they could around the tentacle plunging in between them.

For a bit, Ranma just coasted along with it, the fight draining from her and her eyes growing heavily lidded as she continued to shake her head back and forth in denial of what she was experiencing, but didn’t do much at all to try and stop it. It was only when she felt the first large spherical object pushing down the tentacle’s length into her birth canal that Ranma came back to full awareness.

The red head had no way of categorizing what she was experiencing. It was insanity, pure and simple. The Tentacle Monster forced egg after egg up into her womb, past her elasticized cervix. Ranma squealed and screamed around the appendage in her mouth to no avail, her eyes rolling back in her head until she’d all but passed out from the traumatic experience. When she finally came back to herself, it was to meet the hard floor of the platform as the Tentacle Monster negligently tossed her now thoroughly egged form back through the barrier.

Realizing she was free and had to get away before something else happened, Ranma whimpered and slowly got to her feet, staggering out of the room with a distended belly and a womb full of large eggs and nothing else. The naked red head barely remembered to grab the key from the door as she closed it behind her. Then, she got through the next door and into the absurdly long corridor.

Whimpering, Ranma took one look at the monsters, all staring at her in surprise and wonder, and began to run as best she could with her belly full of eggs and her tits swinging back and forth in the wind. The red head sobbed openly, tears falling down her face as she ran the length of the corridor and still couldn’t quite get to the other end any faster. Halfway down it, she saw through the mirrors that the damn monsters were masturbating openly to the sight of her. 

Feeling a deep sense of shame, Ranma was truly relieved to make it to the next door, pushing through it and closing it behind her before she began to climb the stairs as fast as she could, sometimes even taking to crawling up the steep staircase on her hands and feet. Ultimately, the crimson haired martial artist did manage to make it back to her room without anyone seeing her. At least, Ranma believed that. Every single angle of her defilement and her subsequent run of shame down the corridor had been recorded by an uncountable amount of mirrors.

The red head fell down onto the floor of her bright pink room, not knowing that the three mirrors in here were also recording devices as she began to squeal at feeling the eggs beginning to exit her already sweaty body. Her legs came up almost subconsciously as Ranma spread them wide, staring down at her gaping pussy and breathing hard.

Slowly but surely, egg after massive egg was pushed out of her womb through her cervix and down her birth canal, only to plop out from between her thighs onto the floor in front of her. Ranma could scarcely believe it as it happened again and again and again, to the point that the red head lost count of the number of foreign objects that had come out of her. 

It was shortly after the last egg fell out that Ranma finally passed out from sheer exhaustion at what she’d just been forced to experience. It was only moments after her head fell back and her eyes closed that the locked door to her room unlocked itself and opened up to admit the Wizard, who looked down at Ranma and the new Tentacle Monster eggs with a wide wicked smile on his face.

Walking forward, the Wizard slowly descended to his knees and pulled up one of the long sleeves of his robe to bare his arm. Then, he casually stuck said arm right up Ranma’s gaping cunt, stretching her out as he forced himself inside of her up past the elbow, his fingers pushing into her womb and exploring it briefly. The unconscious Ranma experienced an explosive orgasm from the quick check and her pussy walls clenched down around him even as he withdraw his arm.

“Delightfully stretchy my dear. This is good; you’ll need that change for what comes next. Still, I can’t imagine you’ll be too happy with me when you wake up.”

The Wizard reached out with the same hand that had just been deep inside of the beautiful red head and pressed his dripping wet fingers to her temple, his eyes closing. 

“Yes, there’s the anger. If left unchecked, you will attempt me bodily harm the moment you wake up. Can’t have that now, so let’s shift the blame to someone else… you harbor deep animosity for your father, so he’ll do nicely, especially considering the next stage of my plans. Hm, and let’s make it so you remember enjoying your experience with the Tentacle Monster a bit more than you really want to. There we go. Shame and embarrassment alongside misplaced anger should keep our working relationship healthy.”

Pulling his hand back, the Wizard grinned viciously.

“I suppose tomorrow I’ll give you a bit of a break. The Hydra has no sexual inclinations as it does not reproduce, merely growing new heads every year or so instead. You’ll have fun with him… before the Unicorn.”

Chuckling, the Wizard stood back up and looked down at the naked unconscious form of his latest ‘Princess’.

“Ah, Ranma. You’re going to be so beautiful when I’m done with you.”

With those parting ominous words, the Wizard levitated the Tentacle Monster eggs into the air and spun around, leaving Ranma laying on the floor and departing the way he’d come with the large eggs floating along behind him.


As exhausted as she was, Ranma outright slept straight through the rest of the day and the entire night. The thing that ultimately woke her up was the sun beating down on her face through the glass doors of that led out onto a terrace off of the Princess’ room. Groaning, the red head came back to full consciousness rather slowly, feeling disgusting and more than a little sore. Then she shifted and felt the pink carpet on her naked back and equally naked ass.

The martial artist’s eyes shot open as she remembered everything that had happened to her. Leaping up onto her feet, Ranma spun around wildly with her fists up, ready for a fight. But there was nothing there. She was in her room and everything seemed fine besides the memories of what the Tentacle Monster had done to her. Grimacing, Ranma found herself glancing down at the floor, dreading the sight of the numerous eggs she’d given birth to before passing out.

Only, there was nothing there besides a large wet spot where she’d been laying. Eyes wide, Ranma looked around frantically for baby Tentacle Monsters, before realizing rather belatedly that if the eggs had hatched, the shells would still be there. No, someone had taken the eggs from between her legs while she slept. Feeling unaccountably angry at her father for getting her into this mess, and incredibly ashamed and embarrassed over what had happened down in the basement as well as the fact that someone had seen her naked, Ranma decided she needed to have a chat with the Wizard.

But she wasn’t about the run around the tower in the nude, no sir. At the same time, her clothes were trashed. The outfit she was going to make last the full two weeks was torn to shreds, the remnants of which were now somewhere beneath that writhing mass of tentacles. Slowly, ever so slowly, the crimson haired martial artist turned her eyes towards the room filled with girly clothing and other accessories. A whimper left Ranma’s mouth as she shook her head in response to her own traitorous thoughts.

In the end though, she didn’t really have a choice, did she? Grimacing at that unassailable logic, Ranma slowly walked forward, eyeing the mass of dresses and high heels and panties and bras like it was going to leap up and swallow her hole. None of the clothing moved however and Ranma tried to eye the pile of dresses in particular, before eventually grabbing hold of a lavender garment. Pulling it out of the pile, she found her instincts to be correct. This was something she could work with, the least feminine dress in the bunch, even though all dresses were in essence feminine.

Pursing her lips together, Ranma slid the lavender dress over her head and put her arms through its holes, pushing it down until it was covering her legs all the way to the knee. Eyeing herself carefully, Ranma nodded after a moment in tepid satisfaction. It would do the job of covering her up at least, and she didn’t think she’d need to bother with the all too girly undergarments that would normally go under it. She DEFINITELY wasn’t putting on a pair of those high heels. Whoever had lived here last had worn nothing BUT the very feminine, very irritating shoe type.

Spinning around Ranma left her room barefoot and wearing nothing but the dress for coverage. She swiftly made her way to the Wizard’s laboratory, the area that he’d taken her and Genma to the first day in order to run his first tests. When the red head finally arrived at said laboratory, she barged right in to find the Wizard working with her father. Then her eyes moved down and widened dramatically as she lifted up an arm to cover them, to hide what she was seeing from her gaze.

“F-fuck! What the hell is happening?!”

Her father did not look good for the few moments Ranma was looking at him. Genma was still stuck in panda form from the looks of things, but he was much larger than before and his dick and balls had both expanded dramatically, much to Ranma’s chagrin as she got an eyeful of something she’d never wanted to see in a million years.

“Ah, Ranma. I do hope you had a good encounter with the Tentacle Monster. I like the dress. Apologies for the state of your father. Nothing is wrong with him; it’s just that he’s stuck in between human and panda right now. It’s merely the middle of the process I am using to turn him back to his true form.”

A fresh wave of shame and embarrassment hit Ranma at the mention of the Tentacle Monster. Though, the Wizard’s explanation for why Genma was bigger did sort of make sense to her. Blushing furiously still, Ranma shook her head. In that moment, she decided she didn’t want to talk about what had happened with the Tentacle Monster, especially if the Wizard was none the wiser despite her change in dress. Ranma completely forgot the fact that SOMEONE had to have taken the eggs from her room while she lay passed out on the floor. Instead she simply shrugged her shoulders, using one hand to block Genma from her view as she looked at the Wizard.

“I-It was fine. And I get it, magic can’t be rushed or whatever. So I guess I have to go back down again today?”

The Wizard gives her a nice genial smile and nods.

“Please do yes. I would like you to take care of the Hydra today. There are certain conditions that must be met for the Unicorn and I don’t know that you’d be comfortable meeting them. It’s perfectly fine though, take your time. The Hydra is a relatively benign creature in the end. It enjoys a fight much like the Minotaur, but unlike most monster types, it does not reproduce using human women as incubators. In fact, it does not reproduce at all through the usual methods. A new Hydra is only born when a grouping of three heads is cut off at the same time.”

Ranma flushed an even deeper shade of red at that, not quite connecting the dots on WHY the Wizard was telling her this, but still feeling embarrassment over her encounter with the Tentacle Monster.

“R-right. Well I’ll just head down there then! Not like I was worried about how it reproduced anyways! I’m a big girl and I can take care of myself against any sort of monster that might try to come at me! I’ll just head down there right now!”

And with that, Ranma left the room with all due haste, not wanting to spend a moment longer in the same space as that massive schlong between her father’s legs. Unfortunately for her, she was not free of the sight of dicks just because she’d gone down into the basement. In fact, it would be better to say she was deluged with them once she was down in the basement. 

Yet again, Ranma was forced to traverse the abnormally long corridor, moving past all the cells that contained numerous throbbing members attached to a multitude of monsters as she did so. As soon as they saw her, the disgusting creatures got hard, their already turgid cocks growing even larger. Ranma ran on, but the mirrors showed a very different image then she’d really wanted to convey. The dress she’d chosen showed a lot more than she’d thought when she was in a full sprint and no panties or bra meant more of her was on display than she would have liked, while also meaning her damn tits were bouncing around all over the place.

Ranma scowled at her reflection in the mirrors, a red head with a deep blush looking back at her, while to her side she could see the monstrous creatures jacking off to the sight of her. Eventually though, she does make it to the end of the corridor once more, getting through the door and letting out another gasp of relief that she’d made it through. Catching her breath, Ranma pushed herself off the door she’d been leaning against and moved to the opposite side of the Minotaur King’s door this time, steadfastly refusing to even look at the Tentacle Monster’s door. The Hydra sat on the other side of the Minotaur King and Ranma pressed her lips together before glancing warily to the door beside it, the Unicorn’s door. 

There are actual instructions on the outside of the Unicorn’s room and unable to help herself, Ranma walks over to check them out, intrigued. It’s basically the same information the Wizard already told her, albeit a bit more detailed. Apparently the Unicorn would only play with princesses. There were some helpful images on how to properly fool him and Ranma found herself blushing as she realized if she wanted to properly play the princess for the Unicorn, she would have to make use of EVERYTHING in the room she was sleeping in up above. 

It expected her to wear a dress, panties, a bra, HEELS… even make up. There’s also a warning not to stay in the room too long, because supposedly the Unicorn could charm people, whatever the hell that meant. Ranma shook her head at that, fully disinclined to even consider it after what had happened to her the day before.

Instead, she moved back to the Hydra door and stepped on through, her guard completely up as she walked in far enough to cause the room to illuminate itself. Ranma was completely and totally ready for a fight, so when a Hydra head came out of nowhere to snap at her, she promptly kicked the thing across its massive jaw, sending it into a nearby wall.

That head whined and whimpered, but the other four did no such thing, all attacking her at once as Ranma grinned viciously and fought back with all she had. Finally an enemy she could fight! The battle lasted for a bit until Ranma had beaten every head into submission. Once the Hydra was pawing at the ground and whimpering from five mouths at once, Ranma began to feel a little bad. Looking around, she found what looked like a massive snack dispenser.

Shrugging her shoulders, the sweaty martial artist walked over and pressed a big red button with the word “SNACK” over it. A large dried piece of meat fell out of a hole in the wall a moment later and Ranma turned around to find all five of the Hydra’s heads had perked up. Acting like an overexcited dog, it began to bounce up and down on its feet, causing the ground to shake and Ranma to giggle a bit.

Ultimately, when it was clear that the Hydra wasn’t going to attack her for the food but was instead waiting to be fed, Ranma tossed the snack over his way with all of her upper body strength, watching with some amusement as the Hydra heads fought between themselves to get the largest piece of it. Well, this wasn’t so bad was it? Turning back to the wall, Ranma hit the red button thrice more and flung snack after snack in the Hydra’s direction.

After feeding the thing for a good thirty minutes, Ranma looked on as the Hydra fell to the ground, all tuckered out and full on meat. Its heads drooped down and it nodded off right there in front of her. Ranma was left feeling rather good about the experience, to the point that on her way back down the exceedingly long corridor, she barely noticed the monsters jacking off as she loped past, humming happily to herself. Today had been a good day… but she would have to see what tomorrow brought with it.

Later that night as the crimson haired martial artist slept in the far too comfortable bed for the first time since arriving in the tower, fingers closed over her temple and a soft amused voice spoke up, breaking the room’s silence.

“Let’s do a few more tweaks shall we? We need you ready for your playtime with the Unicorn tomorrow after all…”


Ranma woke up feeling like she had to fulfill a duty. After all, she’d signed the contract hadn’t she? Would she really be satisfying her obligations if she didn’t play with the Unicorn? And if she was going to go down and take care of the Unicorn, she had to dress the part or the damn thing might attack her. Biting her lower lip, the red head walked over to the vanity table on the far side of the room, looking at all the different types of makeup and accessories. Then she glanced towards the open closet where all the garments necessary to become a close approximation of a princess just lay there, waiting for her.

Could she really do this? Letting out a low sigh, the red head shook her head and sat down at the vanity table, staring at her face in the mirror and then instinctively reaching for the primer. Ranma didn’t even know what she was doing, and yet somehow it all just came to her, bit by bit as the red head layered everything on.

The primer went first of course, followed by a good amount of foundation and then some concealer. After that came the bronzer and the blush. Once that was done, Ranma found herself grabbing an eyebrow pencil. When she was done, they looked a bit cleaner than they had before and framed her eyes a little better. Once her eyebrows were painted on, Ranma moved onto the eye shadow, eyeliner, and mascara. 

One by one the totally inexperienced martial artist layered the three products onto her eye lids, not even seeming to realize just how well a job she was doing despite having never done this before. Finally, she grabbed the powder, taking a large brush and dusting it over her entire face, spending extra time on her nose and her cheeks. Smiling for some odd reason, Ranma found herself staring at a whole different person in the mirror. She was seriously transformed, though it did feel like there was something missing.

Pursing her lips together, Ranma blinked as she realized what it was. Her hand reached out blindly and once again found exactly what she needed as she pulled back a lipstick tube containing a delightful shade of red that matched her hair color perfectly. After placing a liberal even coating of the stuff on her lips, Ranma smacked them together and smiled, strangely happy looking so feminine for the first time in her life.

With her make up applied, Ranma turned to the mass of princess clothing. Almost prancing over, the red head grabbed up a matching bra and panty set that were white as the driven snow, lifting them to her naked body and eyeing how they looked on her in a nearby mirror before nodding with a smile. She quickly put the undergarments on, squirming a bit uncomfortably. Unlike with the makeup, Ranma did NOT like the feeling of either the panties or the bra. They were uncomfortable and she wasn’t used to them at all.

She wasn’t used to the stockings she had to put on next either, but she bore with it, grumbling a little as she put a slightly frilly white dress over that and then a tiara in her hair. Ranma stared at herself in the mirror once more and had to admit she looked pretty princess-y. Unfortunately, there was one final thing missing as she stared down at her naked feet, reflected back at her in the mirror. Letting out a long drawn out sigh, Ranma went over to the collection of high heels and found the shortest pair, a tasteful set of glass slippers with maybe an inch of stiletto heel to them.

A small part of Ranma’s brain complained that these didn’t belong among the rest because they really didn’t count as ‘high’ heels. That traitorous part was swiftly and effectively strangled and silenced as the majority of Ranma’s focus was on walking in the damn things, grumbling all the while at just how annoying they were. Still, when she looked at herself in the mirror one final time, completely dressed up in her tiara, frilly dress, stockings, and heels… Ranma finally felt satisfied. Satisfied with nailing the princess disguise of course, not with BEING dressed this way.

Rubbing her brow, Ranma let out a soft chuckle and turned away from the mirror. She had a date with a Unicorn and she wasn’t going to be late! After leaving her room, the dressed up red head made a beeline for the stairs rather than potentially exposing herself to her father’s grotesque cock again, or possibly exposing the Wizard to her new look. Neither was something she really wanted. This was just for the Unicorn. Once she was done playing with it, she’d never wear any of this ever again.

Making her way down the stairs proved to be a rather uncomfortable exercise due to her heels, but eventually Ranma was at the door that would lead her down the dreaded corridor. Steeling herself with a long drawn in breath, Ranma held her head high and unlocked the door, stepping inside and closing it behind her before beginning the long arduous walk down the unending corridor.

She noticed immediately when the monsters quickly began to masturbate, and to her shame and embarrassment, a small flood of arousal spilled through her body, her pussy growing slightly wet at all the attention. The majority of her was mortified though and Ranma did her best to hurry along in the heels, trying not to look but continually stealing glances at the raging hard ons all the monsters are currently sporting because of her.

Ranma eventually reached the other end of the corridor without incident though and she slid through the door before closing it behind her, trying to calm her racing heart. Today she wasn’t panting because she was tired from sprinting, oh no, today she was panting for an entirely different reason altogether… that she resolutely refused to acknowledge. 

Straightening her shoulders again, the red head moved over to the Unicorn’s door, her eyes glancing over the rules one more time but barely bothering to stop and read them. She had everything under control and she’d followed the guidelines to the letter. Unfortunately, the one thing she might have remembered if she’d done a proper read through was the bit about the Unicorn charming people. But doubly unfortunately for Ranma, a certain Wizard had slipped into her mind during the night and slipped back out with the memory of that warning.

The martial artist, dressed up as the epitome of a pretty princess, stepping through the door to the Unicorn’s room with her head held high. She was finally getting the hang of the heels (walking down an endless corridor was actually turning out to be worth something!) and as a result, she practically strutted into the room, smiling as her presence illuminated the entire place like it had the last three times. 

Of course, when she saw a surprisingly beautiful meadow rather than an actual room as she’d been expecting, Ranma’s eyes widened. They widened even further when they fell upon the Unicorn itself, peacefully grazing in said meadow. Ranma smiled at the sight of the beautiful majestic creature and walked forward, drawing its attention as she closed in on it. The Unicorn sniffed and snuffed at her before seeming to decide she was alright. As Ranma drew even closer, it tilted its head so that she could reach out and stroke its mane.

Eager to do so, Ranma took the Unicorn up on its unspoken offer and let out an amazed gasp at just how soft it was. Her hand moved from the mane to the Unicorn’s fur coat and she found his fur to be even softer! Time began to slip by without Ranma noticing, her eyes wide with child-like glee and her hand ghosting back and forth through the Unicorn’s fur.

She couldn’t possibly see how this beautiful creature could ever be compared to the grotesque ugly monsters in the other rooms or down the corridor. The Unicorn was so very pretty and so very friendly! It continually nuzzled her, making Ranma giggle girlishly as she wrapped her arms around its neck and nuzzled her face into its fur. 

This continued for a while until the red head had the sudden urge to give the Unicorn a belly rub. When she crouched down however, she found something else besides the horned horse’s belly waiting for her. Ranma’s jaw dropped open at the sight of the Unicorn’s massive erection and before she knew what she was doing, the girl, dressed as a pretty, pretty princess, was pulling down her panties and hiking up her dress. 

It took a bit of positioning (the Unicorn was BIG!) but eventually Ranma was able to arrange things so that her pussy, made far, FAR more stretchy by that earlier encounter with the Tentacle Monster, was perfectly placed for the Unicorn to push his flared horse cockhead up again. Ranma had to stand to make this happen, leaving her to grab onto the back of the Unicorn’s powerful front legs as she bent over at a solid ninety degree angle, her back rubbing against his belly after all.

Then, the Unicorn was pushing into her and Ranma was moaning like a wanton slut, panting heavily as her pussy lips stretched and stretched to accommodate the Unicorn’s massive shaft which disappeared into her inch by inch. In no time at all Ranma felt the majestic creature’s flared tip pressing against and then pushing through her cervix. Her womb was soon filled with Unicorn meat and then some as the huge beast kept right on going until every last bit of him was inside of her.

Ranma gasped for breath as she looked down under her with wide amazed eyes at the massive bulge in her belly. By this point, her dress was hiked up all the way to right under her breasts, which even clad in a bra were jiggling as the Unicorn began to thrust into her cunt. Her womb was stretched like a condom around his flared cockhead and it was the most exquisite thing Ranma had ever felt.

She came within the first five thrusts from the Unicorn, her eyes rolling back in her head and her legs shaking as she struggled to stay standing. Her pussy juices squirted out at high pressure around the barely there gaps between her stretched cunt lips and the Unicorn’s huge girth, painting her thighs and legs with her own sexual fluids as she panted heavily, barely managing to recover.

Unfortunately, the next orgasm came quite quickly after that and this time Ranma couldn’t recover. The last command that her addled brain sent to her body was to hold onto the fur on the back of the Unicorn’s front legs for dear life. The red head’s legs gave out on her, but by this point the Unicorn was so deeply lodged inside of her that Ranma was practically impaled on his massive meat pole.

As such, when she could no longer stand on her own, she ended up hanging off the Unicorn’s cock, holding herself up with her hands and his shaft as the Unicorn neighed and suddenly began to trot forward. Ranma’s eyes widened and drool began to leave her mouth as she gritted her teeth. But the Unicorn wasn’t content to just trot, he wanted to gallop and he had an entire meadow to do it in. Ranma was just along for the ride, and what a pleasurable ride it was as the Unicorn’s huge shaft jostled mightily inside of her with every stride of the massive horned horse’s legs.

The red head came again and again around his cock, ruining her makeup at the same time with a mixture of tears and slobber as she was unable to control herself in the midst of all the sensations. By the time the Unicorn reared back on his hind legs and let out a victorious neigh before beginning to cum inside Ranma, the poor girl was barely conscious. Thanks to the Unicorn’s new position, the young woman was practically blasted up off his cock, his cum coming out of him like a geyser and lifting her straight into the air before tossing her forward a few feet.

Luckily the grass was soft as Ranma landed face first, moaning deliriously with her wide hips and toned ass raised up behind her. Still out of it, she didn’t even have a chance to resist when the Unicorn knelt over her, mounting her properly and shoving its massive horse dick back inside of her already sloppy cunt. Moaning wantonly, the red head began to unconsciously push her hips back towards the huge thrusting prick as it buried itself in her womb and distended her belly again and again.

Eventually though, the Unicorn came inside of her again which sent her sliding forward against the slick grass from the force of his cum blast once more. Ranma just groaned, even as the Unicorn trotted forward and prodded her gaping cunt hole with his flared tip yet again, neighing joyfully. It looked like ‘playtime’ had officially started. Luckily for Ranma, she was too damn blissed out of her mind by the Unicorn’s charm at this point to really know or care what was happening to her as the massive horned horse fucked her up and down the meadow for the next several hours.

When the Unicorn finally did get tired of her, he moved back to his resting place to sleep off his exertion, leaving Ranma face down, and ass up in the middle of the meadow. It took another half hour before a lack of proximity finally saw the charm wearing off. Ranma woke up immediately, startling awake and getting onto her hands and knees as she looked down at herself and shuddered.

Using her hands, the thoroughly disheveled and completely messed up ‘princess’ cleaned off the copious amounts of Unicorn cum all over her body as best as she could. Then, she tugged up her panties from where they’d ended up wrapped around one of her ankles and pulled down her dress as well for good measure. Luckily her cute glass heels had stayed intact, though it took her a bit to find them in two separate parts of the meadow.

Once she was properly attired again, Ranma, who seemed entirely inclined to pretend that nothing had ever happened, walked out of the meadow and back into the Wizard’s basement, making her way to the door that would lead to the endless corridor. She tried to act prim and proper; she tried to act like nothing was wrong. It was hard to do so when her panties were squishing with each step and the monsters were all masturbating at her almost as soon as she stepped out into the hallway.

A shudder went up Ranma’s spine when she glanced to her side and saw those big thick pricks being fisted by the disgusting creatures they were attached to. She could see the door that would lead her to the stairs that went up to the top of the tower in front of her, but she was still ten feet away from it when the monsters actually began to cum. Their seed, thick, hot, and viscous, splattered all around her as Ranma yelped and almost leapt out of her skin, running as best she could in her heels the rest of the way to the door, barely making it out before they could mark her with their seed.

In the end, she made it to her room without further incident and took a long, long bath before going to sleep. In the end, Ranma decided that nothing had happened. She’d had a nice time with the Unicorn and she’d enjoyed playing with it. That was it. It had been a nice creature that had let her pet it for quite a while judging by the sun having set when she finally made it back to her room.

There was nothing wrong here. Nothing at all.


Staring at all the girly clothes arrayed before her, Ranma shuddered a little as a thrill went down her spine and her pussy got a bit wet. Nothing had happened with the Unicorn. Nothing at all. It was just a casual play time with the big sweetie, just like it had been with the Hydra. Blowing out an explosive breath, Ranma moved forward and grabbed the first dress she saw off the top of the pile.

This one is even lacier than the last one and as she grabs panties and stockings and a bra to go with it, Ranma completely forgets that just the day before she’d promised herself the princess look was going to be a one-time thing. Instead, she just gets dressed up in the incredibly girly clothes like it’s what she’s done every day of her life, grabbing a pair of three inch high heels to go along with the outfit. 

Her mind glosses right over the fact that she’s picked high heels that are two inches higher than the pair she’d worn the day before. Ranma couldn’t find that pair no matter where she looked and she honestly enjoyed the feel of these, so it wasn’t really that big of a deal in her opinion.

Once she was completely dressed up, she felt even wetter between her thighs but she just kept right on ignoring it, just like she was ignoring how pretty she looked as she settled in at the vanity desk and began applying her makeup. Today, the application of the layers of face paint came even easier than the day before. 

Letting out a happy sigh, Ranma stood up and grabbed her dress as she walked towards the door. Today, her dress had a bit of a train to it and if she didn’t hike it up as she walked, she was sure to trip over it in her high heels. Rather than going downstairs right away today though, Ranma moved towards the Wizard’s laboratory, her feelings of embarrassment over her attire from the day before gone from her mind entirely.

Stepping into the lab, the first thing the red head sees is once again her father. Ranma winces at just how huge her Pops is now. He’s wearing a collar and just standing there staring at her with a hunger that makes the pretty young woman feel distinctly uncomfortable… and ever so slightly aroused. The Wizard is nowhere to be seen as far as Ranma can tell and when she notices Genma’s huge dick twitch and leak precum onto the floor, she decided it was best to beat a hasty retreat.

The high heeled beauty left the lab as quickly as she could and made her way to the stairs, trying to excise what she’d just seen from her mind. This time, as she descended the stairs to the basement in three inch high heels, Ranma had none of the issues or discomfort that had come with the one inch heels from the day before. In fact, she made it down to the door that led into the endless corridor in no time at all.

Feeling quite confident, Ranma stepped through into said corridor, only to stop dead as her heart thumped in her chest at the hungry looks the monsters in the cells gave her. Their behavior wasn’t any different than the previous days. They began to masturbate as soon as they saw her and their eyes never left her body as Ranma walked down the corridor.

The difference was her this time. Their looks and their sexual actions left her feeling strange inside. Ranma didn’t like it, she didn’t like it one bit. There was something wrong with her and hiking up her long skirt, the high heeled young lady hurried along, whimpering in need slightly as she kept stealing glances at those big, thick, juicy monster cocks.

By the time she got to the other end of the corridor, she could hear the monsters grunting and exploding all over the floor of the hallway behind her, but Ranma didn’t dare look back as she slipped through the door and got away from the amorous creatures. Letting out what was now becoming a rather common sigh of relief, Ranma glanced down at the fifth and final door set into the wall across from her. 

There was only this door left; she’d been inside all four other rooms. Pressing her lips together, Ranma moved to the door and looked at what the magical lettering told her about its occupant. Apparently it was just a Cerberus, a three headed mutt. And all she had to do was hold its leash? That seemed… easy? Ranma furrowed her brow and then shrugged. Hold a dog’s leash. No big deal. Honestly, she was beginning to wonder why she even got all dressed up if all she was going to do was walk a dog.

Blowing a raspberry out between her lips, the incredibly girly martial artist stepped forward and opened the door. She barely got a step into the room before she heard a growl and froze up. Ranma’s eyes widened as a strange feeling took her over. Her fight or flight response was triggering for some reason upon hearing that growl. Yet, in her current attire there was absolutely no way she could fight. She might break a heel! Or even mess up her make up.

The growling got louder and out of the darkness Ranma saw three pairs of red eyes, following by the snarling dog heads that they belonged to as the Cerberus slowly prowled closer. Ranma immediately began looking around for the leash, but it wasn’t near the doorway she was currently standing in. Then, the Cerberus stepped a bit more into the light and she saw it. The brown thing was currently wrapped quite securely around one of the massive black furred dog’s front legs.

Swallowing hard, Ranma looked between that leash and the Cerberus’ growling heads. She shifted her foot forward just a bit and all three heads snarled at her. Ranma’s eyes widened and flight inevitably won out as she spun on her three inch heel and ran. If she was lucky, the monster wouldn’t be able to get through the doorway. Maybe there’d be a barrier like there was around the Tentacle Monster platform. 

Ranma wasn’t willing to risk it, not in her terrified state of mind. She fled right through the other door and back into the far too long corridor, running down it as fast as she could in her high heels with her long dress hiked up. That is to say, she didn’t run very fast at all and she could hear the Cerberus barking behind her, could feel its paws slamming into the floor of the corridor as it made the entire basement shake with its bounding enthusiasm.

As focused as she was on the noises behind her, Ranma didn’t see the issue right in front of her. Amusingly enough, even though she would blame both of them, it was not her long dress or her high heels that did her in. Ultimately, it was monster cum right in the middle of the corridor that tripped her up and sent her sprawling forward on her face into another puddle of the fresh white hot stuff that had been produced only a few minutes before.

Groaning, Ranma tried to claw her way to her feet but all she ended up doing was falling all over herself again, slipping in the cum coating the floor beneath her so badly that her dress ended up fluffing up into the air and falling onto her back and her head, revealing her toned legs and fit ass, covered in a pair of pink panties.

The Cerberus was on her in a moment and Ranma moaned in denial, panicking as the beast immediately mounted her, three mouths expelling hot breath all over her.

“Nooo! Bad doggie! Damn dress, damn heels! No, no, no!”

No matter what way she turned her head, she was met with the sight of herself in the middle of the corridor with the massive three headed beast over her and the monsters in the nearby cages masturbating to her plight. Ranma groaned and tried to struggle further, actually managing to get a bit angry over all the unwanted arousal she was experiencing as she grit her teeth and forced her hands and knees up under her.

Unfortunately, this was exactly what the Cerberus needed from her. In this new position, his cock slipped right past her lacey panties and into her gushing cunt, slamming home into her stretchy womb. Ranma’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped as she saw herself in the mirror, being bred by a dog. Her body was shaking back and forth, her makeup already running and her dress torn in several places while all around disheveled all over. 

Her damnable three inch heels continue to scrabble against the messy floor and her stockings are quickly getting soaked through by the enthusiastic Cerberus’ precum as it spills out of her cunt and down between her legs. A moan left Ranma’s throat but this one wasn’t dejected in the slightest. It was an expression of unadulterated pleasure as she through her head back and cried out.

What finally kicked her over the edge though was when the monsters in the cells began to cum and some of their seed splattered across her face. It was all too much for the poor lust-addled red head. Ranma came on the spot, her eyes rolling back in her head and her pussy muscles clenching down HARD around the Cerberus’ thrusting cock.

He just kept right on fucking her though. Ranma could scarcely believe it, her fevered mind wondering if this was all just a really pleasurable dream. But no, there’s the smallest amount of discomfort hidden under the ecstasy she’s being forced to feel. If this was a dream, she wouldn’t be feeling small bits of pain mixed in with the pleasure as the beast savagely fucks her.

Then the Cerberus rears back his heads and howls. It’s the only warning Ranma gets before he forces his knot into her cunt, the massive bulbous object only managing to fit inside of her without tearing anything because of how stretchy the Tentacle Monster’s affections left her. Ranma still squeals like a stuck pig and cums again.

By the time she’s come down from that, the Cerberus has turned around and pushed his cock all the deeper inside of her. Looking in the mirror, she can see where the Cerberus is connected to her and she can feel the knot pulsating within her pussy. Ranma climaxes again on the spot, orgasming just from watching herself. Her arms give out beneath her and she falls onto her face in the puddle of cum in front of her.

Her makeup was already starting to streak, but now it’s utterly ruined by the facial she’s given herself. Ranma doesn’t care though; all she can think about is the fact that she’s being fucked by a dog and absolutely loving every last second of it. The red head climaxes again and again around the thick doggy dick until finally the Cerberus pulls out of her with a plop.

Ranma’s eyes roll back in her head as she squirts out one last time, orgasming and watching via the mirrors as the Cerberus’ copious cum shot flows out of her pussy almost like a fountain, soaking into her frilly dress and staining it beyond all recovery. The satisfied beast prowls back to his room and Ranma just lays there as the monsters all along the corridor take their turns cumming all over her insensate body, taking advantage of her unmoving form for as long as they can to just spray all over her disgraced form.

The last sight Ranma sees before she passes out is a whole bunch of monster dicks of all shapes and sizes pointed at her face. Then it all went black.


Ranma woke with a start, sitting up fully in her bed and panting heavily as she looked around with wide eyes. For a moment, she wonders if she’d dreamed the entire encounter with the Cerberus. Perhaps she still needed to go down there today. The thought sent a thrill of pleasure through her body but then Ranma looked down and realized she was still in her torn, cum-covered dress and high heels.

Somehow, she’d made it out of the corridor and back to her bed, even if she didn’t remember doing so. Unfortunately, she hadn’t had the strength to clean herself up and now her bed sheets were absolutely ruined. Though, as Ranma shifted back and forth in the puddle of cum that had dripped off of her onto the bed as she slept, a light moan left the red head’s mouth as she reached down between her legs and began to touch herself.

S-shit she had it bad. Tearing her hands away from her body, Ranma slid out of the bed and moved to the wash room to get dressed, stripping off the tatters of her dress and her other garments as she went. When she was fully cleaned off, Ranma went back over to her vanity desk and settled in front of the mirror, examining herself closely.

For the first time in her life, the red head found herself contemplating her looks over her martial prowess. Screw martial arts, she was hot wasn’t she? Ranma turned this way and that, puckering her lips and hefting up her tits as she tried to make her reflection look even cuter. Eventually though, she realizes that without the makeup and the clothes, she just isn’t as hot as she CAN be. 

Licking her lips, Ranma is quick to get dressed, changing out the bra for a tight fitting bodice made to lift up her large mammaries and press them together to give her excellent cleavage. The cute bright pink dress she chose to go with it took advantage of that by being the most low cut garment she could find, showing off a scandalous amount of her tit flesh and even revealing the upper bits of her bodice in a slightly whorish way. 

Ranma still felt like a beautiful princess though as she layered on her makeup and pulled her stockings up under the shorter dress she’d chosen this time. Finally, she grabbed a pair of high heels, not even really noticing that they were five inches as she casually walked out of her room in them without a single issue or an ounce of discomfort.

The red head went to the Wizard’s laboratory again, hoping to catch him there and curious to see what progress he had made with her father. This time however, when she stepped inside, the Wizard was there but Genma was not. The robed man looked up upon her entrance and his eyebrows rose at her appearance. Ranma flushed in a mixture of embarrassment and happy arousal as she walked forward, flaunting her beauty as best as she could under the explorative eyes of the Wizard.

“Wizard. I had hoped to ask after my father.”

Nodding slowly, the Wizard finally tore his eyes off of her huge tracts of land and centered them on her face, giving her yet another kind genial smile. Ranma felt a surge of happiness at that smile, feeling like she could trust the Wizard with anything and everything. He had her best interests at heart after all, hers and her father’s.

“Ah, of course my dear, of course. Genma is unfortunately confined to the handmaiden’s room for the time being. Do not open the door for any reason, understood? He’s still stuck between Panda and Man and while it’s quite interesting for research purposes, he’s not at all safe for a beautiful young lady for you to be around. I’ll keep working on him though.”

Ranma found herself bobbing her head up and down and smiling right along with the Wizard. She turned to leave, ready to head down to the monsters again, when a sudden thought hits her and she stops to look back at the Wizard.

“Hm, Mr. Wizard… I’ve played with all five of your special monsters at this point. What should I do next?”

The Wizard blinked and looked up from where he’d been staring at her ass, actually seeming slightly flummoxed for a second. Then he had his thoughts back in order and the smile was back in place on his face.

“Well darling, feel free to start over with the Minotaur King. He’s always up for a good spar, though I worry about how well you’ll be able to fight in your new wardrobe.”

Ranma looked down at herself in consternation very briefly. A moment later, that consternation was wiped away by a feeling of warmth and pleasure that suffused her body at the sight of her own appearance. She was hot, she was pretty… that was all that matter. Giggling girlishly, Ranma waved her fingers at the Wizard and moved to depart, throwing her response over her shoulder as she left.

“I’m sure I’ll figure something out~”


Once again, Ranma had absolutely no trouble descending the staircase down to the basement, even in five inch high heels. She moved with a grace and posture that the red head had never had before now. Yet at the same time, it just felt so damn natural to her. Reaching the door to the endless corridor, Ranma felt pure anticipation for the first time, rather than trepidation or wariness. 

Licking her pouty ruby red lips, the dressed up girl unlocked the door and stepped out into the corridor. This time, the thrill that went through her as the monsters began to masturbate didn’t feel like something to be ashamed of. Her face flushed with color but it wasn’t from embarrassment as the corners of her mouth lifted up into a brilliant toothy smile.

She walked down the corridor at a decent pace, not too fast and not too slow, and she made sure to put a nice big sway in her step as she did so. Ranma’s hips had become rather curvy, her body transformed slightly from her experiences over the last several days. She was still fit and toned in all the places that one would expect of a martial artist, but her muscular ass was growing, as were her hips. 

When she moved, her enhanced badonkadonk moved with her, bouncing back and forth with very little jiggle given how toned her posterior was. That didn’t stop the monsters from enjoying the view though and as she neared the other end of the corridor, Ranma could see them beginning to cum behind her through the mirrors. 

Rather than avoid it, Ranma turned right before the door and caught handfuls of the stuff as the monsters did their best to stain her garments with their seed. Grinning impishly, she makes a grand show of licking it off, making some of the monsters howl or growl or bellow their desire for her. Ranma just gave them all a wink and turned away, smacking her delicious derriere and slipping through the door away from them all.

Her eyes immediately settled on the Minotaur King’s door. It was the first thing she saw once she exited the endless corridor, but Ranma had intentions towards its inhabitant, so her gaze focused on the door for more than just that reason. Her impish grin widened dramatically as she licked her hands clean one last time. She’d played with all of the other monsters in some way or other. The Hydra was the only one besides the Minotaur King that she hadn’t fucked yet, but from what the Wizard had said, that creature couldn’t give her the nice hard dicking she craved.

A shudder went down Ranma’s spine at the thought of what she was planning to do. The Minotaur King was the larger dick she’d seen down here since her arrival. How completely filthy of her would it be if she just… GAVE herself over to him? Ranma looked down at herself and ran a hand over her dress, down from her exposed cleavage to her abdomen to her navel.

The Wizard was right; she was in no position to spar with the Minotaur King. But she was all dolled up and ready for a good hard fucking! It would be the height of depravity if she just let him have his way with her, wouldn’t it? Still grinning, Ranma moved forward and opened the middle door, entering the Minotaur King’s room with pep in her step.

The room illuminated as she entered and the Minotaur King’s large black eyes almost immediately focused on her. His nostrils flared and his cock began to grow large right before her as he stood up and walked as close as the chains would allow, sniffing at the air… sniffing at her. Ranma was dripping wet at this point and she could only imagine how intoxicating the smell of her arousal had to be to the hulking Minotaur King.

Briefly, she thought about making him work for it. She could spar with him, or at least pretend to and after she made him work up a sweat, she could let him catch her. How rough and brutal would he be then as he had his way with her? But no, the red head was too hot and horny, too aroused already to wait another moment more. Instead, she kept her eyes fixed on the Minotaur King while at the same time reaching for the glowing orb where it sat on its pedestal.

Ranma saw the way the hulking monster’s eyes followed her hands almost intelligently. She saw the way they widened slightly when she picked up the orb and took it off the pedestal. The orb’s glow faded away immediately, but Ranma went one step further in declaring her intentions. She raised the spherical control device high over her head and then brought it down with all of her might, shattering it right at her feet.

Her five inch high heels allowed her to walk right through the remnants of the orb as she sashayed forward, coming to a stop right in front of the surprised Minotaur King. Grinning cockily, Ranma set her hands on her hips and waited for him to reach down and grab her, her pussy practically gushing with arousal as she anticipated what was about to happen to her. The massive hulking bull man flexed mightily and tore right through his chains now that the orb was no longer holding him back.

Only, the monster did not pick her up. Ranma could see his huge schlong at full mast between his legs. It was pointed right at her face after all and the red head felt like she was staring down the barrel of a damn cannon as it leaked precum from its tip. But rather than grabbing her and defiling her on the spot, the Minotaur King simply snorted derisively and turned away from her. Ranma watched in shock as he settled back down onto his throne and looked at her with casual contempt, for the first time looking like the regal, majestic king he was, rather than a prisoner of the Wizard.

As Ranma stared in awe and adoration, the Minotaur King finally lifted up a hand, curling his massive fingers inwards towards him. He was giving her permission to approach and the truth of the matter hit Ranma like a ton of bricks. The beast was far more intelligent then she’d given him credit for. Not only was he able to resist his base urges, he was going to force her to come to him. He wanted HER to be the one to give into her base urges and only then would he fuck her.

Ranma had come too far to turn back now though. Surrendering like this seemed like such an easy task for what she was going to get in return. Licking her lips and smiling coyly, Ranma saunters forward, the sway of her hips still in every step until she reaches the Minotaur upon his throne. Then, the red head uses all of her strength and determination to climb right up the Minotaur’s leg until she’s sitting in his lap, her soaked through panties rubbing against his inner thigh and his massive dong right in front of her.

The dressed up girl moans like a wanton whore as she wraps herself around that mammoth sized member and begins to rub against it, laying kisses along the pulsating piece of cock meat and grinding her covered pussy lips all over the base of the thing. The Minotaur King grunts appreciatively, but it seems he’s as impatient as her in the end. Now that she’s completely and totally submitted to him of her own free will, the Minotaur finally does grab her up.

A single thick finger slips inside of her panties and pulls viciously, tearing the underwear right over Ranma’s body and revealing her dripping wet cunt to the Minotaur’s eyes. Then, the red head finds herself being immediately lowered onto the hulking bull man’s cockhead. Ranma stares down at the massive member between her legs, watching in awe and wonder as her elastic body stretches out around the Minotaur King’s girth and takes him inside of her bit by bit.

It’s a little grotesque, just how deformed Ranma’s abdomen ends up from the Minotaur’s cock. Without the Tentacle Monster’s ‘assistance’, Ranma would surely be dead right now, but because of her hour long soak in his fluids, her body is able to take every last inch of monster shaft up into it. Her womb gets stretched around the Minotaur King’s dick tip like a condom just as it had with the Unicorn and Ranma’s eyes roll back in her head as she orgasms from the sheer overload of sensation currently running through her entire body.

From there, things don’t speed up. As it turns out, the Minotaur King is a huge fan of long and slow fucks on his shaft. His hand around her waist stays right where it is and Ranma is reduced to nothing more than the sitting royal’s cock sleeve as he slides her up and down his shaft over and over again. The languid nature of the fucking leaves Ranma in a near constant state of delirium, unable to string two coherent thoughts together, even when she’s not climaxing uselessly around the Minotaur King’s shaft. 

The best part is that she can see herself in the mirrors that are all over far walls of the Minotaur King’s room. Ranma looks at herself being fucked and used from every angle and it just makes her cum all the faster as her eyes roll up in her head over and over again. Then, her pussy walls clench down just right around his prick and the Minotaur King lets out a bellow as he begins to cum as well.

Even his release is rather slow and very long though. Unlike with the Unicorn, Ranma is not literally propelled off of the Minotaur’s dick by a hose spray of white hot cum. Instead, she feels his copious cum shot filling her already stretched womb to the brink, and then feels it as the load of seed slides down the entirety of her inner walls and his cock, ultimately spilling out beneath them. Ranma still looks several months pregnant with what managed to stay inside of her though, and she moans yet again as her hands instinctively come up to run over her distended belly.

The Minotaur isn’t done though, not by a long shot. Soon enough, she’s once again bouncing up and down at an incredibly slow pace on the massive meat pole that the Minotaur King called his dick and just as before, Ranma can’t control the string of near constant orgasms that hit her over and over and over again.

Ultimately, she passes out for a time, becoming a literal ragdoll cock sleeve for the Minotaur King as he continued to pump her tight body up and down his gargantuan shaft. But eventually he’d finished cumming inside of her and all over her, his white hot seed equally buckets by the time he finally pulled her unconscious form off of his dick and tossed her to the floor in front of the throne.

The impact didn’t really hurt her, but it did wake Ranma up. She moaned as she realized where she was and what had been doing. Looking back over her shoulder, the red head could tell from the Minotaur King’s softened (yet still massive, holy shit!) dick and flared nostrils that he was done with her and she was beginning to overstay her welcome.

Unable to get to her feet as her legs felt like jelly, Ranma crawled forward towards the room’s exit, leaving a streak of cum behind her as she made it through the doorway and across the way to the entrance of the endless corridor. She crawled through that door as well and felt a fresh surge of heat go through her exhausted body as she watched the multitude of monsters begin to masturbate to the sight of her.

She barely gets five feet down the hallway before the first cum load lands on her back, causing her to stop as she experiences a mini-orgasm at the defilement. Then she starts moving again, only for another monster to release his seed all over her body. By the time she’s halfway down the corridor, Ranma can’t see a thing, her face coated in a liberal application of monster cum.

Getting off track, the red head ends up bumping into the bars of a cage and a clawed hand suddenly fists itself in her hair. A long phallus shape she knows is a cock from the smell and the taste smacks against her face and Ranma opens her mouth for it, allowing the monster who owns the dick to shove it inside of her mouth. She gags and chokes from the brutal throat fucking, her nose buried in the monster’s pubes in moments as his ball slaps against her messy chin.

“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”

It’s still one of the most pleasurable experiences Ranma has ever had though. To be brutalized so effectively, to be used so thoroughly by a creature she knows isn’t special, a creature that she knows she could more than likely smack down into the dirt on any other day than today… it’s so unbelievably hot. The unknown monster cums down her throat in short order and Ranma swallows as much as she can.

When the dick leaves her throat, she moves forward again, just a simple step, only to find another monster’s cock before her, shoved unceremoniously into her wide open mouth. Once again Ranma is forced to stop and deep throat the ugly smelly thing, gagging all the way through the experience and climaxing from the degradation and humiliation.

With her basically helpless and right up against the bars of their prison, the monsters are finally able to thoroughly take advantage of the poor disheveled red head. Ranma offers up no resistance as dick after dick finds its way to her mouth. Time melts away and she just lays there eventually, unmoving as she sucks happily on each monster cock offered up to her.

Eventually though, the seemingly endless onslaught does come to an end. A particularly big ogre’s cum shot blasts Ranma back away from the bars of the cage after countless monsters have already had their way with her throat. She slams into the mirrors on the other side of the corridor and the growls and howls and bellows of upset monsters, followed by the squeals from the ogre as its beset on all sides by smaller yet far more vicious creatures finally pulls Ranma out of her stupor.

The red head looks up at herself in the mirror she’s pressed up against. She sees the mess that the monsters have made of her through bleary eyes. And unable to help herself, the dolled up pretty well-fucked princess cums on the spot, an explosive orgasm that wracks her entire body with spasms and causes her to pass out once more right there in the corridor.


The next morning, Ranma wakes up feeling well-rested, completely cleaned up and in her comfortable pink bed. She smiles as she slips out from under the covers, not even questioning how she’d gotten back to her room this time. The red head goes about her day, starting with the things that have basically become her morning rituals now. She gets dressed up and dolled up, her makeup today looking more like what one might find on a painted whore rather than a princess, and her dress so short it barely covered her big bubble butt.

She slipped on her eight inch high heels happily, knowing they weren’t in any way practical, but enjoying the way they looked on her. Ranma took a long look at herself in the mirror and a truly joyous smile spread across her face. The former martial artist turned princess knew she looked absolutely gorgeous. She was glad she’d given up on martial arts to become the Wizard’s princess, because this was so much better than the life she’d led before now.

Now she was a true woman through and through, a beauty without measure and beyond compare. Reaching down, Ranma couldn’t held rubbing at her pussy through her short dress and thong, moaning happily as she did so. This was where she belonged and Ranma knew it. Now she just had to make sure the Wizard knew it as well.

Sauntering out of her room, Ranma moved down the hall to the Wizard’s laboratory. Today when she stepped inside, both her father and the Wizard were there. Her father looked worse than before, while at the same time appearing slightly more human as he stood fully upright. He was a hulking monstrosity of a Panda man, his nostrils flaring and his eyes wide as he stared at her with clear lust. There was still a leash around his neck and from what Ranma could tell; it was holding him in place, undoubtedly via magic.

The click clack of Ranma’s high heels on the cold stone floor of the laboratory pulled the Wizard’s attention away from his readings and when he saw her, he gave a low whistle that made her blush and preen under his gaze.

“Looking beautiful sweetheart. Why don’t you give me a little twirl, hm?”

Ranma did so without hesitation, spinning around almost casually in her eight inch heels and shaking her tits and ass as she did so. Once she was facing the Wizard again, she saw a slight line of red coming down from his nose as he stared at her. Meanwhile, Genma was panting all the harder. Ranma giggled at the attention and placed a palm on her cheek.

“Oh stop it you two, you’ll make me blush~”

Her words pulled the Wizard out of his musings and he cleared his throat before wiping his nose.

“R-right. Down to business then Ranma. You are officially cured my dear. Water will no longer turn you into a boy under any circumstances. I am also ready to cure Genma and once I have your permission to do so, you can both leave and move on with your lives.”

Ranma’s coy, sultry smile disappeared off her face in a flash as she froze up. L-Leave? Leave the tower?! B-But how could she?! The tower was her home! She had a room here, decorated just the way she liked it with seemingly endless clothes and makeup and shoes! It was everything she could ever have wanted and the Wizard was suggesting she leave?

A whimper escaped Ranma’s throat as she looked for a lifeline, any sort of lifeline that would let her stay longer. She hit upon one after a few moments of hard thinking.

“B-But w-wait! The contract was for two weeks Mr. Wizard! It’s only been one week at this point! W-we can’t just run off without fulfilling the rest of our obligations to you!”

It was rather amusing that she was even saying that, given the number of times that she’d been forced to run off with Genma when the latter decided to do exactly that and skimp on his side of a deal. But then, that was why all of this was happening wasn’t it? Though Genma Saotome did not remember it, the Wizard was one such man that he had run out on long ago. All of this, even though Ranma would never know it, was ultimately her father’s fault once again.

The Wizard kept his amusement at the irony of the red head’s words off of his face as he smiled genially and shrugged his shoulders.

“I feel bad for accidentally locking your father in his cursed form all this time Ranma, so I’m cutting our time in half. I’ve gotten plenty of data from the two of you over the last week anyways. Just say the word and I’ll cure your father so you can both be on your way.”

If Ranma noticed the slip up regarding the Wizard claiming to have collected data from BOTH of them over the last seven days, it doesn’t show on her face. What does show is naked worry about leaving the tower, as expected given how far into a pretzel the Wizard had twisted her mind by this point. Seeing the indecision and fear in Ranma’s face, the Wizard glanced at the hulking monstrosity he’d turned her father into and let his smile widen a fraction as he went for the kill.

“Of course… you could stay if you like. Leave your father in his current form… tend to him as you like. I can always use a new monster to experiment on. And if any children result from any… unions, I can handle them as well.”

The Wizard’s words are filled with insinuations but as expected and as planned, Ranma only latches onto the idea that she can stay in the tower, so long as she fucks her father.

“Yes! Yes, let’s do that! I don’t want to leave Mr. Wizard. I want to be your Princess and stay in the tower forever!”

Smiling quite evilly now, the Wizard nods his head as if this is the expected response (which of course it is) and reaches over, grabbing the end of the leash that is currently keeping Genma docile and holding it out for Ranma to take.

“Very well my dear, I’m happy you’ve made the right choice. Go on and take him back to your room now.”

Looking almost like a giddy schoolgirl, the dolled up beautiful red head gleefully took the leash from the Wizard’s hand, leading her father out of the laboratory and back towards her room. The Wizard watches them go, his eyes focused as always on Ranma’s big fat ass. Licking his lips, he moves over to another door and quickly opens it, stepping inside of a previously unseen room covered with receiver mirrors. He moves down the long room to the far wall where the mirrors in the Princess’ room lay waiting.

Conjuring up a nice large recliner, the Wizard settles in and reaches into the folds of his robes, licking his lips as he stares at the mirrors, eager and excited to see the final fruits of his labors.


Ranma, still oblivious to all of this, led her father back to her room by his leash, having to make the hulking panda man lean down to get him through the doorway. Once inside, she left him standing in the middle of the room and began to grab the mirrors, repositioning them so they were angled towards her bed at all different angles.

Once she was happy with where they were, Ranma hopped up onto the bed and lay back, looking at herself from all angles and shuddering with delight. Running her hands up and down her curvaceous body, Ranma quickly hopped back off the bed and moved to where her mutated transformed father stood. Even now, Genma was at full mast as she grabbed hold of his leash and tugged his docile form towards the bed.

Her father’s cock was as big as the Minotaur King’s at this point and as she looked beneath it as his huge furry balls, Ranma could imagine them churning with loads and loads of cum. Licking her lips needily, the red head hopped up onto the bed and scooted back, dragged Genma with her by his leash. Then, once she was in position, Ranma reached up and took the magical collar off of the hulking monstrosity her father had been turned into.

Almost immediately, as she was still tossing the leash and collar off the bed, the panda man’s clawed hands were on her. Ranma’s breath hitched and her heart raced as she looked up into those beady intelligent eyes. She didn’t know if her father was still there, but as the monster humped its hips down against her body, she knew one thing for certain… it was definitely aiming to fuck her.

The panda’s claws latched onto her ankles suddenly and Ranma let out a yelp as her legs were forced up and then back, eventually intertwined behind her head. This caused her already short skirt to hike up and reveal her hot pink thong as well as her sopping wet cunt, which the undergarment wasn’t doing a very good job of covering.

Genma didn’t even bother with her thong; he simply began to thrust at her pussy with his huge shaft. Eventually, he pressed in, the tiny scrap of fabric roughly pushed aside by his pistoning prick as the monstrous panda began to fuck his own daughter right in her bed in a mating press, snuffling and growling happily as he did so. Meanwhile, Ranma moaned like the wanton slut she’d become, reaching up and tearing her dress down off of her tits along with the tight bra she’d worn beneath it in order to be able to molest her own massive mammaries.

Father and daughter cried out together, Genma’s voice deep and guttural and Ranma’s high pitched and all too feminine. They lost themselves in one another as they reached the heights of ecstasy. The monstrous panda man that Genma had become had no worries left to him. He did not fret about marriage contracts or manliness tests. He was not afraid of his wife coming to kill him or any number of his debtors tracking him down in order to collect what they were owed.

All that the creature cared about in that moment was breeding and knocking up the smoking hot busty beauty beneath him. The panda man’s claws come up and take over at Ranma’s breasts as he begins to maul and knead them. Ranma lets it happen, tossing her hands over her head to grab onto the bed’s headboard for support as her entire body jiggled with each thrust of the massive schlong inside of her cunt.

This is everything she never knew she wanted, everything she never knew she needed. Ranma Saotome is at peace with her circumstances, totally and deliriously happy with her choice to stay in the Wizard’s Tower to be bred by her mutated father. The very thought of ending up pregnant and heavy with his children sent Ranma right over the edge and she came hard around Genma’s giant member, crying out and begging for more.

The panda monster had no intentions of stopping any time soon though, so more is exactly what she got. Of course, Genma Saotome had never been the brightest bulb in the bunch. The Wizard’s revenge had dimmed him considerably further as well. So, when a particularly powerful thrust saw Genma accidentally pulling all the way out of Ranma, it was understandable what happened next.

Ranma’s eyes widened dramatically and a loud shriek left her lips as her father tried to find her cunt again, only to end up slightly lower than that at the wrong hole. With her body bent into the mating press as it was, her poor back door was left quite open and exposed to a mistake like this. Luckily, the Tentacle Monster’s fluids came in handy yet again. Her elasticity, combined with Genma’s already messy dick, made it all the easier for him to slide right into her virgin asshole, burying himself in her butt.

The red head squealed and pressed her hands against Genma’s furred belly, shaking her head back and forth as the panda monstrosity began to thrust in and out of her stretched ass, not seeming to know or care about the difference.

“N-No you idiot! T-That’s the wrong hole! GAH!”

Ranma didn’t want to admit it, but she was beginning to enjoy the brutal ass fucking. She hadn’t thought it was possible to take pleasure from this hole, but as time went on, that was exactly what she started to feel. The mild discomfort faded away to be replaced by this sensation of being so damn full of cock that she could just die. Ranma moaned wantonly and began to try to push her hips back towards her father’s thrusting prick as he turned her asshole into a loose gaping maw.

“O-Oh f-fuck! That’s… the wrong… hole… dumbie…”

And then she was cumming her brains out yet again, the red head’s eyes rolling back in her head as she experienced an orgasm from a brutal anal fucking, not something she thought would ever happen in a million years. Her tight butt muscles clenched down all along Genma’s shaft and the panda beast howled before abruptly pulling himself free of her gripping asshole. 

Then he was back inside of her cunt and Ranma realized only belatedly that the ‘accidental’ anal probably hadn’t been an accident at all, at least not after he’d gotten inside of her and realized where he was. It only took Genma three more pumps before he began to cum, his white hot seed filling Ranma’s womb to the brim and his massive member keeping the majority of his virile cum inside of her rapidly expanding belly.

Ranma stared down at her distended abdomen and moaned happily as Genma collapsed onto the bed beside her, nearly breaking the whole damn thing with his weight. But it seemed that the huge four poster bed was made of sturdier stuff, because beyond a bit of shaking, the comfortable piece of furniture stayed entirely intact. Ranma moaned as she rubbed her hands over her belly. Then, she glanced at a mirror and her eyes widened in delight at what she saw there.

Her dress was in tatters, torn in several places by Genma’s claws. Her makeup had long since run through by her drool and her tears of joy. She looked like a total mess. She looked… amazing. Ranma moaned again and then pulled herself back, getting out of the mating press and letting Genma’s still hard dick slip out of her.

The panda monster stirred briefly, letting out an inquisitive growl at the sudden change, but he settled back down when Ranma transitioned to her hands and knees and leaned down to take his huge cock in her mouth. Beneath her, dollops of Genma’s thick sticky seed slipped out of her stuffed cunt and onto the bed between her legs, but all Ranma could think about was getting a taste of their combined juices from the massive shaft her father now sported.

She licked along his length again and again, laying kisses all over his girth and even suckled at his cockhead for a brief time. Then, seeing herself in the mirror yet again, Ranma was compelled to reach down and touch herself, crying out as she came on the spot from just the sight of her reflection, worshipping her own father’s huge length.

As aroused as she was, Ranma couldn’t just leave it at her fingers though. Pushing Genma from his side to his back, the dolled up messy red head mounted her father’s dick, impaling herself on his member as swiftly as she could and bouncing herself up and down on his shaft like the Minotaur King had forcibly done to her.

She was her father’s cock sleeve, no matter how much of a monster he’d become. She would carry his children and she would help the Wizard with his experiments. This was where Ranma belonged, riding monster dick until the break of dawn! Throwing her head back, the red head laughed joyously as she ran her fingers through her father’s chest fur. Martial arts were the farthest thing from the little girly girl’s mind at this point. And of course, the young woman didn’t even remember being born a man.

Ranma Saotome was all woman, through and through. More than that, she was a slutty princess whore, molded to perfection by magic and monster dick.


Several months after that day long sex marathon with her mutated father in her bed, Ranma was exceptionally pregnant as she walked down the streets of a quaint little community called Furinkan. The no doubt monstrous babies in her distended belly kick every few steps she takes and Ranma is barely able to keep from orgasming on the spot each time, her lacey panties soaked through with her pussy juices already.

The red head walks perfectly in her eight inch high heels, having no issues at all. The dress she’s currently wearing is long enough to touch the ground, but hugs her curves so tightly while being just a bit too sheer, to the point that she might as well not be wearing anything at all. The top of her chest is on full display as the long low cut dress shows off her cleavage quite nicely, and Ranma is feeling quite beautiful as her heels click-clack against the sidewalk pavement.

She’s caused more than a few near misses during her walk. EVERYONE stops to stare at her, men and women included. Everyone looks and as they do, Ranma can’t help but wonder if they can tell just how filthy she is simply from staring at her. She certainly feels filthy, dressed like a high class escort while several months pregnant. 

Of course, what they can’t know is just whose baby she’s carrying. That thought causes a small secretive smile to spread across her already flushed face. Her pussy gets all the wetter as she imagines what all of them would think of her then, if they knew the monstrosities currently growing in her womb. They were her little monsters in more ways than one and she could imagine the delicious horror and disgust on the faces of those around her if they knew the full truth. 

The embarrassment and shame barely touched her at this point. Instead, Ranma was finely tuned to take pleasure from such emotions, in the same way she now did with humiliation and degradation. She was a hot little piece of ass, a slut princess of the highest order. It was right that people saw her as the filth she was. She loved the idea of it and it made her panties all the wetter.

She was right on the edge now. As she walked along, Ranma didn’t know just when she would cream her panties, but she was sure it would come soon. The red head kept going anyways, heading towards her ultimate destination with a wicked smile on her face. She can’t wait to give birth so that she can immediately get pregnant again. She can’t wait to be filled once more with a monster’s seed so that she pops out monstrous babies that in turn grow up to fuck and breed her some more.

Of course, Ranma is just one woman. She knows that she can handle a lot, but she wants the best for her babies and the best for their fathers. That’s why, she’s finally checking up on that Tendo thing she’d read about in her father’s journal. His chicken scratch was barely comprehensible by the Wizard had been kind enough to provide a magical spell that deciphered it for her.

Now she knew she was supposed to marry a Tendo girl to unite her father and his best friend’s two schools. Well, Ranma wasn’t too sure about marriage, but she liked the idea of another beautiful young woman to break and give to her darling children. So she was going to investigate and see exactly what she could find in the Tendo home. And if she found something worth taking, well the Wizard had planned for that, giving her all the proper magical tools to abscond with her prize once she was ready.

Ranma grinned salaciously at the thought, only to take another step forward and cum on the spot. She fell to her knees and cried out, shaking violently as she orgasmed hard right then and there. No one came to help her, no one approached to check on her. That was how obvious it was that she was climaxing, that was how obvious her filthy nature was to those around her as they stared on at her shameful display.

For her part, Ranma just giggled happily, sliding a hand up under her dress and rubbing it against her sopping wet panties before pulling it back out and licking it clean. Then she laughed joyously and loudly, getting back up on her eight inch high heels and brushing herself off. Those around her looked on in fascinated disgust, but she ignored them, continuing on her way with a massive sway in her step, her next orgasm already slowly building inside of her.

Ranma Saotome was ever so glad that she was a woman.


Jack Cooper

This is really amazing work! Congratulations on finishing this incredible, and incredibly long and detailed, story!


Makes me think of Corruption of Champions honestly.


Thanks for this mega release! I LOVE Ranma 1/2, and this was an amazing to see. I hope to see more from the Ranmaverse, and I always did like the Feminization of Ranma :)