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Patron Request

Themes: Master/Slave, Consensual, F/F with toys

Word Count: 2,786

Summary: Lisa wants Aisha to test out her new sex dungeon's anti-stranger protocols, after she's successfully dealt with Coil and taken over her base. Little does Aisha know exactly what's really in store for her.

Part 4  

Aisha Laborn had her arms crossed over her chest as Lisa led her down a flight of stairs deep inside of their new base. After dealing with Coil, the blonde villainess had gone ahead and taken over his everything. Aisha had to admit; even being a part of it (a pivotal part even given her power) she was still pretty damn impressed with what Lisa and Taylor had put together and pulled off. Those two were freaking unstoppable when they had something they wanted… and just plain freaky pretty much any other time.

“Sooo Tattletale, what did you need my help with again?”

The blonde glanced back over her shoulder at Aisha as she smirked, having led the younger girl into an honest to god sex dungeon.

“I want to make sure our new den is Stranger-proof Imp. And you ARE the strongest Stranger in Brockton Bay. It just made sense to ask you for help, given you’re also a member of the Undersiders.”

Aisha snorted derisively. Flattery would get Lisa everywhere with her, as long as she didn’t pour it on too thick. But ultimately, Aisha couldn’t really see the point of this.

“Yeah but have you thought that my power might be TOO strong to properly test out Master/Stranger protocols?”

Lisa gave her a certain look that made Aisha feel defensive and more importantly, raised her hackles. The blonde’s next words did little to assuage her ego.

“Your power isn’t unbeatable Imp. After all, it’s not like you can just hop over to the Oil Rig without getting caught, now can you?”

Aisha’s eyes widened in outrage at that and then she scowled, crossing her arms across her substantial chest and pouting mightily. Lisa didn’t have to hit so far below the belt like that…

“Low blow… Lisa. Don’t even know why we’ve gotta use our cape names in private like this anyways.”

Using Lisa’s real name was a bit of a strike back on Aisha’s part, but the blonde just rolled her eyes, taking a lot of the wind out of Aisha’s sails. Really, the dark skinned young woman understood WHY they used their cape names even in the base. Lisa had kept several of Coil’s mercenaries on the payroll and had assured the rest of the Undersiders that all of the ones she’d chosen to keep paying were neither child molesters nor rapists. The best of the worst so to speak.

That didn’t mean she recommended letting any of the men know their real identities though, thus the need to continue using cape names on base. Still, this area was off limits to anyone outside of the Undersiders (and Taylor and Lisa’s little pets) so there was really no danger in it. Calling each other by their cape names down here was more a formality than anything else.

Really though, Lisa was just ignoring her now, messing around with a panel as Aisha stood in the center of the room. Frowning severely and feeling ignored, the dark skinned busty beauty decided enough was enough. Activating her power, Aisha watched with satisfaction as Lisa shuddered briefly and then furrowed her brow, glancing around the room in confusion.

“Why did I come down here again?”

Hah! Take that Ms. Know-it-all Thinker! Aisha was so busy basking in her own smugness that she didn’t even notice Lisa shrug her shoulders and turn to leave. She DID notice however when the blonde pressed a button on her way out that Aisha had assumed was just for the lights. Except as soon as Lisa turned off said lights the floor literally opened up under the dark skinned girl and a cage of metal slammed into place around her.

Aisha’s eyes widened dramatically as things went a step further and metal arms grabbed onto her limbs. Curses! Her one weakness, robotics! Before the poor girl knew what was happening, her clothes were in disarray, there was a gag in her mouth and a large phallic shape pushing into her cunt from below as her legs were spread open forcibly to give it access.

When the large dildo began to vibrate and Aisha realized that Lisa was almost at the undoubtedly sound proof door that sat at the top of the stairs, she broke down, deactivating her power and calling out to the blonde before she could unknowingly leave her down there. Lisa immediately turned around at the muffled shrieks Aisha was making as the vibrator went faster and faster inside of her cunt. When she began to walk back down the stairs, Aisha sobbed a bit in relief.

The lights came back on when Lisa flicked the switch back up, but Aisha’s prison did not release her, keeping her held in the middle of the room as Lisa’s eyes widened in surprise and then her mouth split into a massive grin that made Aisha feel like she’d just been caught by an apex predator or something.

“Well, well, well… look what the cat dragged in.”

Aisha growled as best she could around her rubber gag, that is to say, not very well and not very menacing at all. Lisa just laughed at her as she sauntered closer, smirking like the fox in the hen house all the way. Aisha hated that damn vulpine grin that Lisa did so well. It wasn’t fun, especially when it was pointed in her direction.

The busty young villainess moaned through her gag as she tried to convey her refusal to take part in anymore of this. Unfortunately, her hips were already beginning to grind down on the thick vibrating phallus inside of her pussy, leaving her sounding more like she was whining rather than demanding. Still, Aisha knew that Lisa’s power would make sure the blonde understood exactly what she was saying.

“That’s exactly right. You want me to let you out don’t you? Sorry Aisha, no can do. See, I’ve been noticing some things out of place for a while now. Back when Taylor and I were breaking in our three sex pets, I found wet spots on the floor where there really shouldn’t have been any. None of us went near the corners of the basement farthest from where we kept the trio after all. And my power just wouldn’t let me leave it alone. It might have, if you hadn’t gotten greedy. You came back again and again until eventually, it clicked. Had to, you’d given my power far too much information to work with.”

Aisha squirmed uselessly as Lisa monologued, ugh, could the other girl just get to the point? This was fucking unbearable! Lisa just chuckled at her discomfort though and after taking a breath, she continued on.

“Not that I really blame you for coming by Aisha. I’m not that upset or anything, though this was a nice way of testing the tinker tech security I purchased for this private room. I get that Taylor and I have just the best toys, but you really should have asked before spying on us, you naughty little voyeur you. What, Regent not enough for you? That’s okay, because I’ve got just the thing in mind.”

A snap of her fingers and a nearby panel of the wall opened up. Aisha’s eyes widen at that, not at the secret door, but at who comes out of the hidden compartment upon Lisa’s nonverbal request. It’s undoubtedly Sophia; Aisha would recognize that naked body anywhere. The dark skinned vigilante had been transformed into an incredibly perverted parody of her Shadow Stalker costume. The only remaining piece of her original outfit was the cloak, which was now fastened quite securely to the dark leather collar around her neck.

There was also a pair of high heeled latex boots on her feet, but other than that, Sophia was wearing nothing. Unless you count the inked on ‘costume’ across her entire naked nubile form, which Aisha really didn’t. And the ‘costume’ didn’t even cover her tits or her crotch, leaving those most naughty of areas completely naked.

“Now, I can’t fuck you Aisha. I’m with Taylor and you aren’t one of our toys, so that would be unfaithful.”

Lisa’s words tore her from her thoughts and made Aisha realize she’d been staring. Sophia was looking at her with lust-filled hungry eyes, even as she knelt at Lisa’s feet, nuzzling into the hand running through her black hair.

“Luckily for both of us, Sophia here isn’t anything but a toy. And while my parents were cut-throat ass hats who deserve even more pain than I recently was able to cause them with my newfound access to Coil’s dirty money, my brother was a good man who taught me to always share my toys. So Aisha… what do you think? Stay in the cage for a few hours, or come out and play with my little pet?”

Well, when she put it like that way, Aisha really only had one option here didn’t she? She supposed if she was the kind of slut who got off on her own humiliation, pain, and submission, she might have been more willing to consider the cage option… but that just wasn’t how the young busty woman rolled. Nodding, Aisha gave her affirmation through her gag. 

A moment later, without any visible movement from Lisa, the gag pulled back out of her mouth, the phallus slid down from betwixt her thighs and the metal arms released her as the cage descended into the floor once more. Aisha stared down at where it had gone; shocked that she couldn’t find a single crack in the blemish-free floor beneath her feet. A shiver went up her spine. Now THAT was some insidious tinker tech…

Then, Sophia’s head was blocking her view of the floor as the other dark skinned girl took the initiative of diving into Aisha’s cunt as she stood there with her pants and panties still pulled down to her knees. Aisha immediately let out a loud moan as the sex slave hit exactly the right spot in her already sopping wet cunt. That damn vibrating dildo had done a number on her but Sophia’s tongue was a thing of beauty, lashing this way and that almost viciously as she ate her out.

A chuckle from Lisa drew Aisha’s gaze back up from the broken vigilante eating her out, even as she fisted a hand through Sophia’s hair. The blonde had stripped down in record time and in the same few moments Aisha had been distracted, Lisa had seemingly pulled a strap on dildo out of nowhere, because there it lay between her legs as she hefted it up and walked towards Sophia’s hypnotically swaying toned ass.

“My little wildcat. She’s always so eager these days. You can break a girl’s mind Aisha, but you can’t necessarily take away everything that makes them… them. Still, my pet should know better by now then to act without permission. Someone is due a punishment.”

Lisa spread Sophia’s butt cheeks apart right then and there and Aisha watched wide eyed as the blonde villainess slowly pushed her fake prick down into her sex slave’s asshole at the same time as said sex slave ate her out. Holy shit, this was her life now. Sophia moaned into her cunt and Aisha let out a curse as the sudden surprise vibrations from the former vigilante’s voice caused her to climax right then and there all over Sophia’s face.

Sophia pulled back for a second at that, licking her lips and using one hand to scoop up Aisha’s juices so she could suck it clean, all while bouncing her hips back towards her mistress’ fake cock currently plundering her ass. Even with this all going on, the dark skinned young woman managed to look up at Aisha and give her a mischievous grin.

“I already apologized to your brother… I hope you can measure up.”

Aisha was ashamed at just how long it took her to realize what ‘apologize’ meant in this situation. It was a little embarrassing that she stood there like a big dumb idiot for several seconds with a blank look on her face before she got it. Once she did though, she felt… strange. On the one hand, her competitive nature made Aisha completely and totally unwilling to just let Brian win out over her, even here. On the other… being Eskimo siblings with her own brother was just a little disturbing for her.

Still, she wasn’t about to let that stop her from taking Sophia up on her challenge. When a strap on complete with harness was suddenly shoved into her field of view by Lisa, Aisha grinned and snatched it from the blonde’s hands, hastily putting it on herself so she could fuck the stupid vigilante cunt who’d shot her brother silly with the big black fake schlong attached to it.

Payback time bitch!


In another room nearby, Taylor sat in a nice comfortable chair, watching the proceedings with a smile on her red face, flushed with arousal as she was. She knew that she was essentially eavesdropping on the scene between Lisa, Sophia, and Aisha that was playing out before her, but Taylor couldn’t help herself really, having long since learned that she was basically just as big a voyeur as Aisha had turned out to be. 

Ultimately, Taylor was pretty sure that Lisa knew she was watching, which in her opinion made it perfectly fine to do. Of course, Taylor’s heart was still warmed by Lisa’s ‘fidelity’. She wasn’t sure whether she would have minded if Lisa and Aisha went at it, but the blonde had made a point of staying faithful to her and that did feel a bit good after a life of betrayal. Perhaps she’d reward Lisa by giving approval to bring girls besides their three sex slaves into bed with the two of them. It wasn’t infidelity if they shared, now was it?

A moan suddenly left the aroused girl’s mouth and she took her eyes off of the screens in front of her for a brief moment to look down between her legs. Her hand was currently curled into Emma’s red hair. Her former best friend had hit a particularly delicious spot deep in her cunt with her tongue and Taylor had really felt it. Emma’s big blue eyes glanced up at Taylor’s face before immediately dropping back down in supplication when she saw that she was being looked at.

The red head that Taylor had grown up with was all but gone by this point. Emma was a broken little slut who knew her place at the feet of her two doting mistresses. This was no more apparent than when one looked at her attire. Taylor had actually put a lot of thought into Emma’s current outfit. The beautiful young woman had been well on her way to becoming an actual model when Lisa had snatched her and the other two up. So, in a small bit of irony, Taylor had gone back and looked for what Emma had worn on her last shoot.

The red head had literally cried when Taylor and Lisa presented her with a very tasteful rendition of that outfit. Theirs just had a few slight changes… such as the exposed tits and the exposed crotch that made Emma look less like a graceful beauty and more like a two bit street whore. She’d still worn it though, putting it on in a heartbeat when it was offered to her.

Emma had actually learned quite well how to avoid punishment and at this point, she and Madison continuously fought for Taylor and Lisa’s affection. Poor Madison was honestly getting a bit neglected at this rate, given her uncontestable status as the third member of the trio. She was the chief hanger on in a way, and that left her rather… unimportant compared to the other two.

Taylor and Emma had so much history that she was pretty sure she’d never get tired of putting the red head in her place, while Sophia and the Undersiders had so much history that they were unlikely to tire of fucking HER any time soon as well. Meanwhile, Madison, delightfully cute, delightfully loyal Madison, the one who had broken first, was kind of being sidelined.

Even as she grinded her mound down harder on Emma’s enthusiastic tongue, Taylor resolved to do something nice for Madison. At some point down the road anyways. For now, she was going to keep watching her lover fuck the hell out of their wildcat of a slave while she herself got ate out by the broken shell of her former best friend turned bully turned sex toy.


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