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*Whistles* Well now, this poll represents a shift I think. Might not show up in the future, but this is definitely the greatest disparity between percentages and actual End of Poll results. 

Before we get into those results though, you can feel free to send me more prompts for next week's poll NOW! For this week, I only got 2 guaranteed prompts, the other three were all suggestions from people who had either already used their guaranteed prompt or were $1 or $5 patrons who didn't get a guaranteed prompt.

So yeah, feel free to send me your prompts even if you aren't guaranteed one, as these last two weeks will probably be first come, first serve.

Anyways, on with the poll results.

1. RWBY: 95 votes!

2. Original: 3 votes!

3. Marvel: 113 votes!

4. Worm: 28 votes!

5. Highschool of the Dead: 75 votes!

So yeah, RWBY did not win! Tomorrow's Patron Post will be this!

3. Marvel - Peter Parker/She-Hulk -  Peter Parker, now fully bonded with the symbiote Venom, finds himself taking up residence in the bell tower where they originally parted ways, Black Cat right alongside him, her belly growing with his child. But Peter and Venom aren't satisfied. They want more. More lovers, more children. Family. Peter turns his eyes towards a strong buxom beauty.. She-Hulk is in for a "treat". Themes: Noncon, Mind Break, Breeding, Anal 



so for my prompt Id like to put RWBY back up for vote


Roger that David! That's a guaranteed prompt, so 4 more slots left!

Mitchell Woods

I'd like for that Highschool of the Dead prompt to pop back up if at all possible.


Prompt - Robert Baratheon/Elia Martell - Robert and Elia, both drunk and angry at Rhaegar romancing Lyanna at Harrenhall, get it on~<3


Very nice~ And that's a guaranteed prompt since you're Tier 3 :D


Yeah put the HoTD prompt back up again


Prompt - Pyrrha/OC - Pyrrha Nikos was perfect to him in every way. Beautiful, strong, compassionate. He lusted after for so long, only to be ignored in favor of a blonde fool. Finally, he can take no more. He WILL have her... even by unsavory means.