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Themes: Dom/Sub, Breeding, Rough Sex

Summary: In the wake of All Might's death, Izuku is framed as a villain by the Hero Association and sentenced to life in Tartarus. In the end, his grief causes him to snap and he breaks free, becoming a villain in truth when he kills his escort to the prison in the process. Meanwhile, Momo Yaoyorozu had her testimony twisted and used against Izuku, something that has her on the edge of suicidal despair... until he shows up. Eager to make it up to him, Momo readily submits to Izuku, offering him her life... or if he wants it, her body and her service.


“Hello Momo.”

The Pro Hero Creati, aka Momo Yaoyorozu, freezes in place in the entrance of her apartment. Her hand, which had been outstretched with her keys towards the bowl next to the door never makes it all the way there before spasming and dropping the keys to the floor. But Momo pays that little mind, instead jolting before stepping inside and closing and locking the door of her apartment behind her.

Keys on the floor forgotten, Momo stares into the dark shadows of her living room, towards where an indistinct figure sits in a chair. But she doesn’t need to see his face to recognize the voice. Even if its raspier than he’d ever been before, even if it’s been months since they last saw each other, Momo couldn’t possibly fail to recognize him.

Izuku Midoriya. Deku.

He was the best of them, even back at UA. It had taken her a while to realize it, but Izuku… Izuku was always the most heroic of them all. He was the most selfless, most caring, and kindest of her peers, bar none. Even she couldn’t live up to the example he set with his raw determination, even in the face of immense adversity.

And yet… the bigger they are, the harder they fall. And the faster they rise, the faster they burn out. Izuku was the best of them, but that had just made him a target for the Hero Association. One would think on the face of that such an organization based on its name would be rather heroic. This was not the case. In actuality, the Hero Association was officially known as the Hero Public Safety Commission.

It was NOT an association of Heroes, but rather a law enforcement agency responsible for policing Pro Heroes, managing their interactions and influence on society, and investigating the worst of the worst when it came to Pro Heroes abusing their powers, and villains either using Pro Heroes or masquerading as them.

That too probably sounded pretty good on the face of it, save for the one small nugget of information nestled among all of that. Specifically, the Hero Public Safety Commission’s ‘duty’ to manage Pro Heroes’ influence on society. Influence was the kicker, at the end of the day, and the Hero Association had a vested interest in keeping that influence at manageable levels.

All Might had been an anomaly that they couldn’t control. Leaving Japan for America and then coming back as the untouchable demigod he was had ultimately meant there was an extended period of time where Japan’s No. 1 Pro Hero was simply out of the Hero Association’s reach.

But All Might, impossibly strong hero that he was, had eventually died and been replaced by Endeavor, the long time No. 2 Pro Hero. In comparison to All Might, Endeavor was not an untouchable demigod and was someone the Hero Association could almost certainly manage.

However, Endeavor wasn’t All Might’s successor, he was his rival. All Might’s successor… was Deku. Izuku Midoriya, recently graduated from UA alongside Momo and the rest of their class, wasn’t going to become the No. 1 Pro Hero in a day or anything like that. But he did represent a threat to the Hero Association. In the eyes of the Hero Public Safety Commission, another All Might was not ‘ideal’. Another all powerful demigod beloved by all of Japan and influencing society for several more decades wasn’t in line with their plans and goals.

… So they’d moved to nip the problem in the bud. They’d framed Izuku as a villain, arrested him, and ‘proved’ beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was the scum of the earth who had tricked even the great All Might into believing in him. And then they’d sentenced Izuku to life in Tartarus. The best of them, a rising star… snuffed out too soon.

How did Momo know all of this? Well, when they’d managed to twist and corrupt her testimony and use it against Izuku, she’d not taken that lying down. She was the Pro Hero Creati after all, and besides that, she was the Heiress to the Yaoyorozu Group! So she’d began digging and fighting for Izuku’s freedom.

She’d uncovered a lot of dirt on the Hero Public Safety Commission in that time… but in doing so, had also uncovered just how deep the corruption went. So deep, in fact, that there was nothing someone like her could do. She’d been shut down by her own father, who had in turn been threatened by people more powerful than even him.

The story hadn’t ended there however, because when the day had finally arrived for Izuku to be transported to Tartarus… their schemes and plans had all gone tits up when he’d done the last thing they expected of him… and proved them all right. Deku had broken out of containment, killed the guards and Pro Heroes assigned to his escort, and vanished before anyone could hunt him down.

It had been weeks since then. Months since his sentencing and Momo’s complete failure to halt or reverse the injustice done to him. And now… here they were.

“You’re hurt.”

Momo blinks, before looking down at herself and flushing a bit. She’s covered in bruises and scratches, and even has a busted lip. Half-heartedly, she shrugs.

“It’s nothing… nothing compared to what you’ve gone through.”

After her failures, after she made things worse for Izuku instead of better, Momo had been at her wit’s end. Despair had filled every fiber of her being. However, she’d never been the kind of person who just… gave up, curled up into a ball, and waited to die. Rather, she was always the sort of woman who went out and made things happen… whatever those things might be.

She’d been pushing herself in her Pro Hero Work ever since the day when her father told her she had to back off from the Hero Association. She’s spent nearly every waking moment of her life in the days since out there on the streets as Creati, fighting villains, stopping criminals, saving people from fires and floods and other natural disasters.

Nothing is too big or small for the Pro Hero Creati, as the news stations have been putting it. Funnily enough, she’s risen over twenty spots on the Pro Hero Rankings in the time since… even as her health has grown worse and worse.

Izuku suddenly rises from the chair, and before he can even take a step forward, Momo collapses to her knees, and then forward onto her face. Body shaking, prostrating herself before him, Momo sobs brokenly.

“I-I’m so s-sorry!”

There’s a brief pause… and then the sound of shuffling as Izuku walks over. She half-expects him to stomp her skull in and then move on with the other parts of his revenge. No doubt he has a list of all those who betrayed him… who failed him.

“… Why are you apologizing to me, Momo?”

What? Momo blinks, as Izuku crouches down and slowly picks her up. She stares up at him as she suddenly finds herself held in his big, strong arms. He begins walking while carrying her, even as she gazes at him in stupefaction.

“Because… because I failed you, Izuku. Because my words helped them make up reasons t-to lock you away.”

He shakes his head, even as they arrive at her bathroom and he sets her down on the toilet to begin running her a bath. Once the tub is starting to fill, he takes out her first aid kit and gets to work cleaning her cuts and other minor injuries. She’s not truly hurt in any meaningful way… but she is exhausted. So very, very tired.

“I’ve been to the Hero Public Safety Commission, Momo. I broke in and found all of their documentation. I’ve read their plans for me, and I know everything they did and every step they took. I’ve seen your original testimony and how they twisted it to suit their needs, and I’ve also seen the steps they had to take to get you to back down afterwards by threatening your father and your family.”

Momo freezes as Izuku calmly explains all of that. She doesn’t move much except to help him as he softly and gently strips her out of her sweaty, dirty costume and then helps her into the tub and begins to wash her up. She shivers, not really caring about her nakedness in front of him.


“You don’t have to blame yourself, Momo. You’re as much their victim as I am. But don’t worry… they’re going to pay. They’re going to ALL pay.”

Momo shivers. This Izuku… is broken. They broke him. And now, in the shattered mess of the heroic man he once was… they’re going to regret what they’ve created. But at the same time… they broke her too, didn’t they? Licking her lips, Momo looks up into Izuku’s eyes and grabs his hand.

“… Join me?”

Izuku freezes for a moment before nodding and stripping naked. Momo watches him do so, her breath catching on the fresh scars clearly received in captivity, standing out against the backdrop of all the scars he’d gained during their time at UA.

As he climbs into the tub, she wastes no time in climbing into his lap the moment he’s situated. He grunts, even as Momo takes his cock, stroking it under the water until he’s hard enough for her to drop down onto him. Momo impales herself on Izuku’s dick with little ceremony, even as she guides his hands to her breasts, encouraging him to squeeze them.

“I’ll help you, Izuku.”


“I pledge myself to you, Izuku Midoriya. I pledge my life to your cause. If you will have me, I will s-serve you… my mind, my powers… my body… all of t-them belong to you now. If you won’t have me… then end me, because I have no other reason to continue living.”

She sees understanding alight in Izuku’s eyes. Truthfully, it’s not until now that she realized it herself. She’d been steadily killing herself, driving herself into an early grave. She wasn’t one for suicide. She couldn’t even comprehend the idea of just… ending it. However, if she gave her life in service to others, if she sacrificed herself to save innocent people… that would have been worth it, right?

But now she had another opportunity presented to her. Another option. And if Izuku rejected her offer, Momo doesn’t think she could go back to heroic work, so she’d rather-!

Her eyes widen as he suddenly pulls her into a deep, tongue-filled kiss with a hand in her hair. Her breasts press against his chest, the water quaking a bit as she quivers and trembles in his lap. Her pussy walls clench around his cock and her eyes ultimately drift shut as she moans into his lips. His free hand moves from her chest to her hips now that they’re much closer together, before sliding around to her ass.

When they finally pull apart for air, Izuku tightens his grip on her hair, making Momo gasp as he looks her in the eye, taking a firm tone with her.

“You are not allowed to die, Momo Yaoyorozu. If this is what it takes… then fine. You belong to me now. I claim you. Your life, your mind, your Quirk, and your body… it’s all mine, got it? So you aren’t allowed to throw it away anymore. You aren’t allowed to throw yourself away. Because your life isn’t yours to give to anyone else from this moment on. Do I make myself clear?”

Heart thudding in her chest, eyes wide, Momo nods her head as much as she can with Izuku’s grip on her hair.

“Y-Yes… yes, sir.”

Izuku smiles. It’s not a nice smile, Momo isn’t sure he’s capable of those anymore after what he’s been through, but there’s still a degree of affection to it, even as he holds her.


Then, he begins to fuck her. There’s no doubt of who’s in control there in the bath. Even though Momo is technically on top, Izuku is the one who takes the lead from start to finish. He bounces her up and down on his dick, and though there are parts of Momo that are still sore, bruised, and exhausted from the way she’d been driving herself into an early grave for weeks and weeks, she’s also never felt more alive… never felt more exultant.

Letting out a lewd cry, Momo cums for Izuku, her cunt walls clenching around his cock as they fuck. Water sloshes out of the bathtub, making a dangerously slick mess of the bathroom floor, but neither of them pays it any mind or cares one bit. They splash around like crazy, her ass clapping against his legs as her pussy tightens and squeezes all along the entire length of his cock.

She loses herself in that moment, truth be told. She loses herself in the pleasure that Izuku visits upon her. And when the time finally comes that he tips over the edge as well… he doesn’t ask. He doesn’t give her a choice of where he’s going to cum.

He pulls her close, pressing her up against his chest, and he cums deep inside of her. He fills her with his seed, causing Momo to shudder in ecstasy as he claims the deepest parts of her, as he makes it abundantly clear that he didn’t just say the words… he meant them. She does belong to him now, in every possible way, and whatever he wants to do with her, he’ll do.

Momo can’t help but be a little relieved. Finally, the path ahead is clear. All she has to do is follow Izuku’s lead.

They both shudder at the tail end of their mutual releases. Momo clings to Izuku for dear life as he rises from the bath, moving slowly but also steadily. They leave the bathroom a general mess, not bothering to clean up after themselves as Izuku carries Momo down the hall to her bedroom. With her arms and legs curled around his body and his cock still buried in her cunt, Momo is disinclined to let go of him, even as he tries to lay her down on the bed.

But eventually, he pries her loose only by also getting onto the bed with her… and they wind up cuddling quite closely anyways, with her head tucked under his arm and laid on his chest.

She goes to say something… but instead of words, she just yawns. Izuku smiles again at her and brushes some hair out of her face.

“Rest, Momo. You’re no use to me half-dead. Our revenge will wait until you’ve recovered.”

She wants to argue. She wants to point out how she was certainly very ‘useful’ in the tub mere minutes ago. But he’s right… and it’s obvious he’s right when she lasts barely five seconds more before succumbing to a deep, DEEP restful slumber. The best sleep she’s gotten in months.


Colin Peden

Many different fans of this one shot, I am definitely one of them. If it is possible, this is a great start for a multi chapter story. Maybe not necessarily a long one, but I could se a good 15 or 20 chapter story about him getting revenge. Maybe a small harem, or not even have one. Maybe NTR the mother's of classmates that did submit testimonies against him, out of jealousy or something like that.


If you want he story continues he should recruit Kaina Tatsumi. Few people are as done with the Hero Association's bullshit as she is.