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Themes: Bondage, Dom/Sub, Outdoor Sex

Summary: Based on this comic. Their journey together had been an unlikely one from the beginning, but as it approaches its end, the Half-Dragon Warlock gets an unexpected gift from her Patron... the ability to peer into another's mind. Once she sees the thoughts in her traveling companion's head, she can't help but push and provoke him until he takes matters into his own hands~


“Well it’s been fun Princess, but I suppose this is our last night together. Our destination is just a few hours trek away on the morrow.”

I’ll miss her company once she’s gone. She truly is beautiful.

Smiling softly, Saranhia, Half-Dragon Female Warlock and also Dragon Princess of the Emberwind Principalities, bobs her head in response to her companion’s words, even as she also just so happens to listen in on his inner thoughts.

I would have liked to have gotten the chance to show her how deep my affections for her run. To tie her up and make her cum her brains out upon my cock. But… no. I am a mere human foot soldier and she is a princess. It is not my place.

With far more practice than a couple weeks back when she’d first gained this ability, Saranhia carefully doesn’t react to those particularly lurid thoughts, even as Kane, a human soldier in her father’s armies, just smiles at her without giving even a hint of his true desires upon her person.

In all fairness, thinking such things was not a crime… and he’d been a perfect gentleman throughout their time traveling together. The two of them had been forced to flee the border outpost where Saranhia had been learning at the feet of a magical teacher several months ago, and their adventure since then had been… harrowing to say the least.

And yet, they’d risen to the challenge time and time again, working together and forging a bond that had survived through thick and thin. Between Kane’s skill with sword and shield and Saranhia’s magic, they had been able to handle anything that the world had thrown at them, staying ahead of her father’s enemies and ultimately becoming quite close as a result.

However, Kane had never made a move on her, even as he’d grown in esteem in Saranhia’s eyes with every battle they’d won and every foe they slew. He was perfectly respectful, always… and that was a source of irritation for Saranhia… especially after two weeks back, when her Patron had finally deemed her worthy of a new boon and given her the ability to read minds.

Ever since, Saranhia had been bombarded by Kane’s lurid thoughts. While outwardly he was a gentleman and a friend, inwardly, he constantly considered how he would ravish her, how he would make her his, how he would use her body. Indeed, in one thought he would consider her beauty hypnotizing and in the next he would find himself imagining the pathetic face she’d made while he filled her to the brim with his human seed.

By all rights, Saranhia should have never snooped to begin with. And she definitely shouldn’t have been tempted. And yet here she was, on the last day before her momentary freedom was over and she had to go back to being the Dragon Princess. Tomorrow, they would reach the Capital and Kane would return her to her father’s custody… and that meant today was the last day Saranhia had to make something… anything happen.

Everything subtle she’d tried at this point had failed, so now the half-dragon warlock was going to go ahead and be as unsubtle as possible. She just had to work up the courage to do it.

Slowly rising from the log near their campfire, Saranhia… ‘accidentally’ drops the plate she’d been eating dinner from to the forest floor.

“Oops! How clumsy of me~”

Then, somewhat rigidly, still feeling rather nervous about this, she slowly bends over right there in front of Kane. She’s done this before of course… but never while her dress is ‘accidentally hiked up’ and certainly never without her wearing any panties.

As she arches her back and bends down to pick up the plate, thrusting her ass high into the air in the same moment, Saranhia knows that she’s given Kane quite the eyeful of her glistening wet, pulsating pussy lips. She knows this because she’s still listening to his thoughts.

That’s… the Princess isn’t wearing undergarments! No, more than that… she’s wet? And isn’t she taking too long to pick up a single plate? Could it be…

Finally! Straightening back up with plate in hand, Saranhia hums as she wipes it clean of the dirt that got on it, before looking at Kane in ‘surprise’.

“Hm? That’s a rather intense look on your face, Kane. What’s the matter?”

Normally Kane would look away and say it was nothing, but now…

“What have you done with your underwear, Princess?”

There was no way that wasn’t intentional.

“Hm? Well I must have misplaced them. It doesn’t really matter, does it? They just got in the way anyways.”

In the way of what…?

“If I return you in such a state tomorrow, they might think the worst of me, Princess.”

Saranhia scoffs and then steps over to Kane, looming over him with a devilish smirk on her lips.

“Oh? What might they think, Sir Kane?”

I’m not a knight. As for what they might think… they might think I gave into my worst impulses, you gorgeous impish minx!

“… They might think something untoward happened between us, Princess.”

Tilting her head to the side, the half-dragon licks her lips.

“What sort of untoward things could possibly happen between us; I wonder~”

She’s serious. The Princess is propositioning me… but does she really know what she’s getting into?

“I’m no Knight, Princess. Just a simple foot soldier. People might assume I took advantage of you while we traveled together. That I… had my way with you and made you give me your body in order to buy my protection.”

Sheesh, he really was taking his time with this, wasn’t he? Saranhia had never been wetter… and quite frankly, this sort of foreplay was rapidly growing old. Bending over, the dragon princess wraps her arms around Kane’s neck, giving him ample view down her top in the process.

“Well if they’re going to think that way anyways… why should we hold back, hm? Why should YOU hold back any longer, Sir Kane?”

Still not a knight. And yet…

For a long moment, silence reigns and Saranhia thinks she might have to really spell it out for him. If she has to tell him straight up to bind her and ravish her silly, she’s going to be a little upset, but she’ll do it anyways. And then, without warning, Kane explodes into action. The human fighter lunges up from the log he’s sitting on and grabs her before Saranhia can even react.

She might be half-dragon, giving her a sort of natural leg up on humans when it came to physicality, but that natural advantage was entirely eclipsed by Kane’s martial training. Put simply, she was lacking in the physical department, and he very much wasn’t. What she didn’t have in strength or dexterity, she more than made up for in magical prowess of course… but she wasn’t trying to fight him off anyways.

Instead, she croons, coos, and moans as Kane manhandles her. Her dress is pulled off of her body, revealing the complete lack of bra or panties to her guardian’s lustful eyes.

Naked. The Princess is naked before me. I’ll probably be executed for this… but I don’t think I care.

There. There was the man she’d fallen for. And finally, at long last, he’s giving in to his true nature. Saranhia’s eyes widen in delight when he pulls a thick fifty foot long rope out of their supplies and brings it over to her, his gaze blazing with determination. Before he gets started however, he looks her right in the eye.

“If you tell me to stop, I will stop and we will never speak of this again, Princess. If I offend you, demand my head and I will bend the knee so you might kill me on the spot. Are we understood?”

A shiver runs down Saranhia’s spine and she jerkily nods in response. Here was a man who was ready to die for a cause… and that cause was breaking her mind upon his ‘lowly human cock’ as he often thought of it. Fuck, she was so fucking turned on right now. He stares at her for a long moment more… and then moves again.

No backing out now. 

That ominous thought is followed by him doing precisely what he’d thought about doing to her all this time. In short order, Saranhia finds herself trussed up, the rope wrapped snugly around each of her breasts and her arms bound behind her back before the rope descends down to bind her legs together at the knees.

Bent forward, she finds herself hopping to keep up with Kane as he tugs her over to a nearby tree and then loops the end of the rope around what looks to be the sturdiest, thickest branch. Saranhia yelps and squeaks as she’s suddenly lifted up into the air by the rope, left dangling and helpless as Kane finishes off the bondage by tying the end of the rope in with the bit binding her arms behind her back.

Finally, Kane takes a step back, admiring her for a moment.

Gorgeous. Simply gorgeous. And all mine.

Yessss… all his. Biting her lower lip, Saranhia wiggles her hips, both in open invitation and to slowly spin herself around so she’s facing him. Once she is, the half-dragon warlock gives him a hooded look.

“I hope this isn’t all you intend to do with me, Sir Kane. I hope-mmph!”

Her eyes widen as he suddenly steps forward, freeing his cock from his confines, grabbing hold of one of her horns, and yanking her down onto his dick all in one smooth motion.

Fuuuck I’ve always wanted to do that.

Saranhia blushes hard as he proceeds to use her mouth for his pleasure, but she doesn’t hesitate to reciprocate. Swirling her tongue this way and that, she can feel her pussy lips only growing wetter at the rough treatment, her exposed nipples rapidly hardening from the open air.

They’re outside where anyone could walk by and see what’s happening, and that scandalous thought is rather titillating in nature for her. Not that it’s actually liable to happen seeing as Kane always made sure to find a good, enclosed location for them to make camp every night, close but not actually visible from the road they were traveling.

Still, the potential of being found out as she’s being treated so… roughly is certainly exciting… as is having her mouth used by her bodyguard to pleasure his cock.

“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”

After face fucking her for a time, Kane groans and Saranhia thinks he’s about to cum… but before he can, he abruptly pulls back from her mouth, his cock popping free of her lips as he pants heavily. She’s left staring at his pulsing dick, wondering why he didn’t finish the job so to speak.

Enough with my pleasure. I want to make her squeal. I want to see her pathetic face after I make her cry out my name as she cums again and again upon my cock.

O-Oh. Okay… thoughts like that were precisely what had left Saranhia enamored with Kane in the first place, so the dragon princess wasn’t complaining, even as he moved behind her, grabbing her by her hips and pressing the throbbing head of his mast against her helpless pussy lips.

She expects him to say something, or even to think something else before he thrusts forward, which is why it’s such a surprise when he doesn’t do either of those things. He just punches into her from behind, causing Saranhia’s eyes to widen as the half-dragon warlock gasps from the sudden intrusion of his big fat human cock.

The way he fucks her, the way he treats her… it’s everything his thoughts had promised and more. He starts out by reaching around and grabbing hold of her tits from behind as he fucks her bound form, her body bouncing and swaying back and forth with his thrusts. His fingers arch across her chest like she’s a musical instrument and he’s a maestro born to play her, his digits darting this way and that before ultimately terminating on her incredibly sensitive nipples.

Saranhia gasps, moans and mewls as he toys with her artfully, before finally pinching her teats and dragging them out from her body in the same moment he fills her with his cock from behind. Tipping over the edge, she cums HARD for him right there on the spot, orgasming explosively all over his mast just like he’d always wanted.

That’s just the beginning, of course. The way he fucks her, the way he uses her… it’s like he’s been plotting out how he would ravish her for months on end. And to be fair, as far as Saranhia can tell, he had been. She’s only known Kane’s thoughts for the last two weeks, but she based off of context clues alone, she can tell that he’s been lusting after her for most of their several months of adventuring together.

He would never have acted on any of it if she hadn’t pushed him over the edge and provoked him into taking matters into his own hands, but it really isn’t surprising that he’s ready now that she has.

Again and again Saranhia cums her brains out on Kane’s cock. His hands move between her tits, her hips, and her horns, gripping down tightly on each of those three erogenous zones and pulling her backwards with every thrust he makes into her cunt. Her pussy walls flex and clench and her entire body spasms and seizes its way through climax after climax.

His thoughts, meanwhile, are single-minded and focused entirely on bringing her as much pleasure as possible. He’s like a machine, thinking only of how to drag another orgasm out of Saranhia, another climax out of her gushing wet pussy.

But in the end, he finally reaches his limits. Once her eyes have rolled back in her head a dozen times, once her tongue lolls out of her mouth, once he’s drawn every squeal and scream she had inside of her out of her mouth… he finally lets out a low groan and empties himself inside of her. He fills her womb with his seed. Saranhia raises no protest. She offers no resistance.

Even when he pulls her down from the tree, pushes her to her bound knees, and offers his cock for her to clean off with her mouth, the half-dragon warlock happily does so without complaint. Then, afterwards, he unbinds her and helps to clean her up much to her surprise, before massaging her limbs and parts of her body. From his mind, Saranhia gleans that this is standard aftercare for such trysts… along with something else.

That was fun. Too bad we part ways tomorrow and never seen each other again. But it’s probably for the best in the-!

His thoughts are cut off by Saranhia suddenly twisting around to run a hand along his cheek and kiss him, silencing even his mental voice for a moment. When she pulls back, she gives him a broad smile, her eyes twinkling.

“I am yours. Let none stand in our way.”

Kane stares at her blankly for a moment before thinking something that Saranhia has to fight with every fiber of her being not to bust out laughing at.

Oh. Well, shit.



Well, that was a fun one. Once again, I can't help but think a sequel would be rather fun. Saranhia's telepathy just has so much potential…