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Themes: Office Sex, Rough Sex, Breeding

Summary: Naruto is on a diplomatic visit to the Village Hidden in the Mist, ostensibly as part of him steadily learning how to be Hokage one day. But Mei Terumi doesn't see the future Hokage in front of her. All she sees is a handsome young stud who, between his Uzumaki Bloodline and his Jinchuriki status, has enough stamina to give even her a run for her money. So of course she seduces him into fucking her right over her own desk.


“Presenting the diplomat from the Hidden Leaf Village, Naruto Uzumaki!”

As Naruto steps into the Mizukage’s office, he looks around curiously for a moment before his eyes fall upon the Mizukage herself and stick there. Mei Terumi isn’t someone he’s gotten too acquainted with yet, they’ve barely met in passing before now, but that doesn’t change the fact that she’s QUITE the looker.

The Fifth Mizukage’s red hair covers some of her face but leaves one bright green eye visible along with her smiling lips while at the same time descending far down her back. Meanwhile, her preferred attire is a shoulderless blue dress that leaves her shoulders and upper chest bare and shows much of her cleavage.

She’s well-endowed with a gorgeous hourglass figure. Her chest isn’t quite as big as say, Tsunade’s, but it’s nevertheless accentuated by the rest of her body. And yet, in spite of her having what some might call a courtesan’s form, Mei Terumi is no whore, no lady of the night. She’s one of the most powerful ninja in the Elemental Nations, not just politically but also personally.

Possessing two different elemental kekkei genkai, Mei was able to combine earth and fire for Lava Release and water and fire for Boil Release. Between the acidic mud that was Lava Release and the corrosive mist of Boil Release, she was a force to be reckoned with even before one considered her skill and experience as a kunoichi on top of those innate talents.

Not that Naruto was going to let that faze him one bit! Even when Mei took one look at him, sliding her gaze up and down his body, before snapping her fingers imperiously.

“Leave us.”

As the Mizukage’s Office empties out, leaving the Fifth Mizukage alone with Naruto, he feels a shiver go down his spine. But not a shiver of fear… rather, a shiver of excitement and anticipation. Was she about to let him in on some big secret? Did she have a super stealth mission that only Naruto could handle?

… Yeah, he’d grown up a lot from his Genin days, and was technically on this diplomatic visit as part of him learning what he would need to be the Hokage someday. But Naruto Uzumaki was still Naruto Uzumaki, and he wasn’t going to change for anyone!

Rising from her desk, showing off more of her gorgeous figure, Mei tilts her head to the side as she crosses her arms under her chest, lifting her sizable bust up in the process.

“Naruto Uzumaki. It was unfortunate that we didn’t have time to get more acquainted during the Fourth Shinobi World War. From what I got to see of you on the battlefield, you’re quite the impressive specimen.”

Specimen? Sheesh, she sounded like Orochimaru, saying shit like that. Still, Naruto takes the compliment, grinning cheekily as he crosses his own arms over his chest and nods sharply.

“You aren’t too bad yourself, Mizukage!”

Now, under other circumstances, a random shinobi from another village being so casual with the leader of the Village Hidden in the Mist would be… inadvisable. But Naruto is who he is and Mei… doesn’t take offense. Instead, smiling slyly, she comes out from behind her desk, uncrossing her arms and walking with a distinct sway in her hips that draws Naruto’s eyes down to them. And then she’s walking right up to him, causing her breasts to fill his field of downward view after a moment.

“Please… call me Mei.”

Now, Naruto might not be the most experienced when it comes to women, but he’s also not a complete idiot… anymore. He’s definitely picked up some tips and tricks over the years. Traveling with someone like Jiraiya, may the Perverted Sage rest in peace, Naruto couldn’t have avoided becoming a little bit more worldly.

So yes, he’d already picked up the signs that Mei was flirting with him. He just hadn’t fully believed it at first. But now? Well, with her being so blunt, it had ultimately become undeniable what was happening here. Moving his gaze from her cleavage to her face, Naruto pauses for a moment… before beaming.

“Alright, but only if you call me Naruto!”

The Mizukage just smirks, amused by his audacity and willingness to just go with the flow. Reaching out, she places a hand on his chest, an even more overt sign of her affections.

“Do you know why I asked the Sixth Hokage to send you specifically?”

Naruto blinks in confusion, shaking his head.

“Err, no… didn’t even know you did ask!”

Mei hums before simply shrugging her bared shoulders.

“No matter. I will make my intentions clear because I feel you would appreciate it… I struggle to find a man who can satisfy me. I struggle even to find a man who is not afraid of me.”

That gets another blink from Naruto, this time somewhat incredulous.

“Afraid of you?! But you’re so nice!”

Mei grins at that, running her fingers down his chest a bit further.

“Only because I want you, Naruto. I can be very, very nice when I want something~”

Her voice turns huskier and huskier as her hand gets lower and lower, until finally the older kunoichi slips her hand into Naruto’s pants and wraps her fingers around his cock. Both of them go a little wide-eyed at that. Naruto because of how fast things are escalating, and Mei because of just how big he is already… and how much bigger he’s likely to get, since he’s not even fully hard yet.

“Tell me Naruto… do you want me?”

Jiraiya would probably be all over the Mizukage already if he were in Naruto’s shoes. But Naruto, as much as he appreciates everything the Toad Sage taught him, is not that much of a pervert. Still, he swallows thickly and nods, unable to lie to Mei in these circumstances.

“Yes. Very much so.”

Mei smirks and leans in closer, until their lips are mere centimeters apart.

“Then… take me.”

Okay so he might not be as perverted as his dearly departed sensei, but he was still a red-blooded male! With a lustful growl, Naruto grabs the Mizukage by her shoulders and pushes her back towards her desk while planting a kiss on her lips that proves to be ravenous and extensive, his tongue pushing into her mouth and wrestling with hers in a heartbeat.

It was the kind of move that definitely would have caused the Mizukage’s guards to react if they were still there, but then to be fair it was obvious now why Mei sent them away. No secret mission here… unless one counted ‘satisfy the Mizukage’ as a secret mission. Which, after a moment of thought, Naruto offhandedly decided to. It had to be at least worthy of A-Rank. Not quite S-Rank because it was only satisfying an S-Rank ninja, not neutralizing them, but even still…

Mei’s hands both dart down to his crotch now, her second joining the first in extracting his cock from its confines entirely so she can stroke it up and down. As for Naruto’s hands, they don’t remain on Mei’s bared shoulders for long, instead pulling down her shoulderless blue dress. His fingers deftly do away with the kunoichi-standard bandages wrapped around her chest to keep it from getting in the way while she fought, and once freed, he quickly begins to play with her perfectly shaped breasts.

Moaning into his mouth at his antics, the Mizukage gives as good as she gets, one hand continuing to stroke his cock while the other fondles his balls. In no time at all, Naruto is rock hard and his nuts are churning up a hot, sticky load, ready to blast.

Lust filling every pore of his being, Naruto makes the next move, abruptly pulling his mouth back from Mei’s lips and his hands from her breasts so he can take her by the arms and spin her around. As her hands come away from his genitals, a flustered gasp leaves the Mizukage’s mouth followed by a throaty moan as Naruto proceeds to bend her over her own desk and hot dog her ass crack through her blue dress, humping her from behind.

Pushing her hips back into his thrusting, Mei looks back over her shoulder at him, having caught herself on the desk.

“Take me, Naruto. Show me what that Uzumaki stamina is worth!”

Growling, Naruto quickly hikes up Mei’s dress and exposes her bottom. Yanking down her undergarments to her knees, he reveals her already dripping pussy, her slit slightly opening and closing in anticipation of what’s to come. Without further ado, he follows the Mizukage’s directive and plants the head of his throbbing mast against her sex… before thrusting in with all his might.

The older woman cries out as he splits her open with his fat cock. Her pussy walls stretch wide while also paradoxically clenching down around his dick and even as Mei moans wantonly, Naruto is groaning in pleasure. Both of them shudder for a moment before getting down to business.

In Naruto’s case, getting down to business means fucking Mei for all he’s worth, plowing the Mizukage from behind right over her own desk. The young shinobi growls as he slams his cock into her cunt over and over again, finding her to be insanely tight and incredibly pleasurable as her pussy wraps and squeeze all along his length.

In Mei’s case, she gives as good as she’s getting in spite of being the one bent over her own desk. Pushing her hips back into Naruto’s thrusts, groaning and moaning all the while, she sets herself in place and shudders in ecstasy. She might be a woman getting fucked in this moment, but she’s also still the Mizukage… which was precisely the problem.

No other man she’d ever tried could keep up with her. Either they were too weak or too afraid of her, or both at the same time. The men who COULD have fucked her silly could be counted on one hand, and most of them weren’t options either because of eligibility or other reasons.

Naruto Uzumaki on the other hand… Mei hadn’t been lying when she’d said she found him to be most impressive during the Fourth Shinobi World War. If not for him, things would have turned out very, very differently after all. He was just the kind of man that the Mizukage wanted… no, he was just the kind of man she needed.


Letting out a guttural command, Mei claws at her desk as Naruto takes her orders and delivers beautifully on them. Fucking her from behind with even more force, the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh fill the Mizukage’s Office.


Finally, Mei’s eyes cross as she reaches climax with a mewling cry and loud, hoarse moan. Her entire body shakes as the dam breaks and she cums around Naruto’s cock for the first time. But not the last… not by a long shot. With that first orgasm passed, it’s like they’ve gotten over a significant hurdle. Mei no longer has to wonder if Naruto can satisfy her or not, she KNOWS he can now.

The next several orgasms from the Fifth Mizukage are much faster and each is more explosive than the last. Mei finds herself thankful for her current position, because it means Naruto can’t see the humiliating expressions that she’s making as she cums over and over on his cock. Eyes rolling back in her head, lips puckering up, tongue ultimately lolling out of her mouth.

Naruto, meanwhile, can’t get enough of Mei’s cunt. He fucks her harder and faster by the moment, even as her constant climaxing means he’s getting closer and closer to the edge as well. He knows he won’t be able to hold back forever… or even for much longer. That’s why he finally leans forward, reaching around to fondle Mei’s tits while also bringing his mouth to her ear.

“I’m getting close, Mei!”

The Mizukage’s response comes without hesitation, even as it surprises him.

“I-Inside! Fill me up, Naruto! Plaster my womb with your seed!”

Her breathless, needy voice combined with her begging tone and ultimately the fact that she’s still pushing her hips back into his cock… that’s more than enough to push Naruto over the edge. With a louder groan than before, he proceeds to cum deep inside of Mei, filling the red head to the brim from behind as she shudders and spasms in front of him from the sensation.

As he finishes, Naruto begins to pull out, taking a step back… and almost immediately the Mizukage spins around, dropping into a picture perfect crouch and wrapping her hand around the base of Naruto’s messy cock. Looking up at him with her one visible green eye, Mei proceeds to wrap those gorgeous lips of hers around said cock as well, beginning to take him into her mouth and clean him off with expert precision and efficiency.

Naruto groans, his hand naturally going to the top knot atop her head, holding it but not controlling the pace at all. Instead, he leaves that in Mei’s capable hands, shuddering as she swirls her tongue this way and that, swallowing up the mess they’ve both made of his dick with enthusiasm and eagerness.

Only once she’s descended all the way down to the base of his cock without gagging or choking a single time and left nothing but spit in her wake does Mei pull back. Dragging her lips off of the head of his massive member with a pop, the Mizukage grins wickedly up at Naruto as she rises to her feet and releases his dick to reach up and begin removing her disheveled dress the rest of the way.

“Ready for Round Two, I hope?”

Naruto’s cock, already twitching back to life, answers that question for him well enough he figures. Still, the blond shinobi nods enthusiastically as well, beginning to strip down to his birthday suit also. Once they’re both naked, the two come together once more, eager to test the limits of each other’s stamina as they fuck again and again for hours and hours.

Of course, Mei always demands Naruto cum inside… and Naruto always acquiesces to those demands. So really, it’s both of their faults when Naruto knocks up the Mizukage by the end of his ‘diplomatic visit’. Not that either are truly complaining about the thought of getting to see each other more frequently going forward…



That was hot. Mei is under rated AF