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Themes: Virgin Sex, Threesome, Dom/Sub

Summary: Part 3 of Praising a Princess. Based on this image. Before they can get to the Capital, they run into some complications. Enter a captive Waterbender with interesting fantasies about charmingly non-murderous Firebenders. Azula justified her approval of his prospective concubine with a desire to keep a source of healing and waterbending-based fertility control close, but Taiko was pretty sure her desire to see him 'claim' other (lesser) women was equally important.


Life comes at you fast. But this? This was starting to get patently ridiculous.

“She wants you, Taiko. And you, my beloved consort, are going to claim her for the glory of the Fire Nation.”

They hadn’t made it to the Capital yet, which honestly might be the biggest silver lining in all of this. Taiko still had no idea how Fire Lord Ozai was going to react to the loss of Princess Azula’s virginity or the fact that she’d claimed him as her consort. He was still convinced he was either doomed to die a very fiery death, or to spend the rest of his days locked up in Boiling Rock.

The reason they hadn’t made it to the Capital yet however was rather… complicated. Namely, before they could finish returning to the Capital, they’d somehow run into the Avatar and her friends. And things had gotten somewhat silly from there.

The end result was that the Avatar had gotten away, as had most of her allies. Except for one. A Waterbender named Katara had wound up as their prisoner, and Azula had dropped any thoughts of going to the Capital in order to try and hunt the Avatar down once and for all.

It made sense to be fair. With Katara as their prisoner, the Avatar probably wouldn’t go to ground or flee to the ends of the earth to escape them. Instead, she would be incentivized to stick around, drawn in by the alluring bait that was her captured friend, and ultimately would have to make a rescue attempt at some point, which is when Azula would spring the trap and capture the Avatar once and for all.

That part of the plan had made lots of sense to Taiko. This part however… he wasn’t so sure about. And since honesty had gotten him this far with Azula, Taiko figures he might as well keep it up.

“Azula… I’m not so sure about this…”

The Fire Nation Princess huffs haughtily before reaching out and smacking the ass of the young woman next to her. Said young woman squeaks, looking very embarrassed but also very intently at Taiko. And if that other young woman was Ty Lee, he wouldn’t have minded one bit. But it wasn’t Ty Lee. No… it was Katara. The would be prisoner.

“I know what you’re thinking, Taiko. Look at her. Does this attire look like something I just have on hand?”

Uhh… Taiko slowly blinks at that. He’d been trying NOT to look too hard at Katara truth be told. He didn’t want to… look, he might not be the perfect gentleman, but he wasn’t the kind of guy who would EVER force himself on a woman under any circumstances. Even if Azula demanded he do so on pain of death, he would probably die first.

However, as he finally looks at their waterbending prisoner properly, as he REALLY looks at her… Taiko can’t help but notice that she’s not just practically naked. She’s wearing a rather strange ensemble over her nubile form. The ‘top’ if it can be called that, is two gauzy pieces of cloth that wind around her arms and loop up over her shoulders to drape down over her breasts. They’re held in place by little blue gems.

Meanwhile, the bottoms are practically nonexistent, a pair of leather strings that hold another far smaller piece of blue cloth in place to cover her pussy lips and not much else. And to top it all off, she’s wearing several shimmering silver bands, including one around her neck. Not exactly standard Fire Nation Prisoner attire, Taiko blankly finds himself noting.

Azula just smirks now that he’s actually given Katara his full attention. She spanks the waterbender’s ass again and even chortles.

“This one had this hidden among her things just waiting for the right moment. The right moment like say… getting captured by a charming, handsome hunk of a firebender who can really put her in her place, hmmm?”

Taiko’s mouth opens… and closes. Seconds drag on without their prisoner denying it. Why won’t she deny it? Instead, Azula’s words provoke Katara to glance down at his crotch and bite her lower lip. She quickly glances away afterwards, but at this point… this was really happening, wasn’t it? This was his life now…

“And you wouldn’t mind something like that, your Highness?”

Azula sniffs haughtily again, but also smirks. She clearly knows she’s got his attention now.

“Mind it? Why would I? I let you have Ty Lee, didn’t I? Why not have this one too? A waterbender concubine would be quite useful, after all… a source of healing always is.”

Now he saw Azula’s true aim. She wanted to try and convert Katara’s loyalties to their side BEFORE the Avatar came back so that the Water Tribe woman would ultimately betray her friend to them. Taiko wasn’t sure how well that would work to be honest, but Katara certainly didn’t seem opposed to the sexual side of things, he supposed.

Moving forward, Taiko stops right in front of the waterbender as she stiffens up at his close proximity, staring at his chest.


Katara whimpers before finally looking up into his eyes.

“I’ve… never done a-anything like this before…”

She looks down at the ‘attire’ that Azula had found in her belongings and bites her lower lip.

“I just… got this while I was at the North Pole. Don’t really know what I was thinking…”

Taiko raises an eyebrow. Out of the corner of his eye, he can see Azula is impatient, but he quietly prays she’ll give him just a little longer to make sure this is really okay before he starts in on what she wants.

“Didn’t have a particular guy in mind when you bought this?”

Reaching out, Taiko flicks one of the blue gemstones dangling below her barely covered breasts. Katara jolts but doesn’t flinch back or try to pull away. If anything, she leans forward as he pulls his hand back, as if in anticipation.

“N-No… the only g-guy on our team is my brother… so there isn’t anyone else…”

Finally, Azula can’t hold it in anymore.

“Anyone else but you, she means! You’re her only choice for taking her virginity, Taiko! And it makes sense, really. Not like a water tribe peasant like her could do better than the Consort of the Fire Nation’s Princess!”

As Azula gleefully boasts, Taiko watches Katara carefully… and sees not an ounce of dread or fear or anything. She was into this, as odd as that still seemed to him. She was really, truly into this.

“… Alright then. Kneel.”

It’s startling how fast Katara collapses to her knees before him. Obeying seems to be something she was waiting to do, not needed to be convinced of. She looks up at him, hands fidgeting in her lap as Taiko reaches down and frees his cock from its confines. He’s already raging hard at this point, but then to be fair he’s had a scantily clad slut of a water tribe woman in front of him for the past several minutes.

Katara’s eyes immediately zero in on his dick as he waves it in front of her face for a moment before pressing it against her lips.


Without a word, the waterbender opens her mouth wide and takes his cock inside. Her technique is amateurish at best, but to be fair, this is probably her first time fellating anyone. With the Avatar’s team being predominantly female, including the Avatar herself, and the only guy on the team being Katara’s brother, it doesn’t surprise Taiko that the young woman hasn’t had a chance before now.

Still, he couldn’t help but wonder where her strange sexual fantasies regarding hunky non-murderous firebenders even came from. How did THAT happen, really? Not that he could complain much…

“Mm, how is she, Taiko? Not as good as me, I suspect.”

Oh, he supposed he actually had to complain. Of course, just because Azula was pushing for this… union of sorts to take place didn’t mean she wasn’t going to demand that he keep praising her throughout just like with Ty Lee. Smiling slightly at the Fire Nation Princess, Taiko shakes his head and delivers a single word answer that’s both honest and not as hurtful as what Azula probably wants him to say.


Azula nods, stepping up alongside him and pressing herself against his body as she looks down at Katara.

“Unsurprising, really. Still, inexperience is no excuse peasant.”

To Taiko’s mild surprise, Katara actually picks up the pace at Azula’s words… or maybe because of his own? The waterbender seems insistent on trying to pleasure him with her mouth and tongue, bobbing up and down on his cock even faster than before and choking herself slightly in the process.

“Hulghk… Glughk… Gagkh!”

Azula smiles wickedly next to him, clinging to Taiko’s body all the harder. It’s then that he realizes the Fire Nation Princess’ desire to see him claim ‘lesser women’ is equally as important to her as anything else to do with this situation. Well, he might as well make sure to give the Princess a proper show.


His domineering voice causes Katara to flinch and pull back, looking up at him with those big round eyes of hers.

“I-I’m sorry, I promise I can-!”

“Hush. You were inexperienced and certainly not the best I’ve ever had, but that doesn’t mean you were inadequate. I am merely ready to take you now… so assume the position.”

Even as he plays the part of domineering firebender for both Katara and Azula, he’s giving the waterbender as much wiggle room as possible. While Azula is preening over her assumption that she’s the best he’s ever had, Katara is blushing crimson and considering things for a moment before finally coming to a decision.

Turning around, the young woman gets down on all fours, and then lowers herself even further till her face is pressed against the room’s floor. Then, reaching back, she pulls down the incredibly skimpy bottoms she’d been wearing, showing just how wet she is with how the small slip of blue cloth sticks to her pussy lips for a while before she manages to tug it off.

Once she’s brought those skimpy bottoms to her knees, Katara wiggles her hips in his direction, ass raised high into the air and pussy presented for the taking. Taiko won’t lie, even if he wasn’t already fully erect and sporting a spit-polished massive hardon, he would almost certainly be after a sight like that.

Setting aside how crazy and nonsensical his life has become lately, Taiko steps forward and kneels down behind Katara, grabbing the cute little waterbending slut by her hips and dragging his throbbing mast across her sex. The mocha-skinned young woman moans at this, shuddering as he slides his cockhead up and down her pussy lips for a moment before-

“Nngh, d-don’t tease her too much, Taiko. Give her what she desires…”

Taiko holds back the urge to snort as Azula suddenly interjects. One glance over at the Princess and he can tell she’s only saying something for her own selfish pleasure. Her face is red and she looks downright excited by the prospect of Taiko fucking Katara at long last. She wants to watch him plow the water tribe ‘peasant’ silly, just like he did Ty Lee.

… Azula had a fetish, and she wasn’t very good at disguising it. Still, when you were the Princess of the Fire Nation, you didn’t need to be that good at hiding things did you? Taiko certainly wasn’t about to call her out or question her on it.

With a grunt, he thrusts into Katara from behind without any further hesitation. Filling the waterbender with his cock and taking her virginity right there on the spot, he pauses for a moment as she cries out in pain but also pleasure. Her pussy is sopping wet and her inner walls are clenching down hard around his dick, but he DID still just break her hymen, so he wants to give her a chance to recover.

However, Katara herself is the one who eggs him on this time, mainly by moaning wantonly and thrusting her hips back into his cock, forcing herself to take more of his dick inside of her cunt. With a grunt, Taiko begins to thrust away, fucking the gorgeous little slut for all he’s worth while Azula watches on with a wide and wicked smile on her face.

He plows Katara nonstop, giving her every last inch of his cock as she cries out loudly and cums under him. Her pussy walls flex and squeeze and spasm all around his dick, and her orgasms prompt Azula to walk around and crouch in front of her. Lifting Katara’s head up off of the ground by her hair with one hand, the Fire Princess gently pats her cheek with the other.

“Enjoying yourself, peasant?”

“Ahh… nnngh… hah…”

“Heh, I can tell you are. My Consort is truly top notch, isn’t he? The best of the best.”

Katara moans some more as the sound of flesh slapping against flesh fills the room. She can’t seem to form words, but Azula doesn’t care.

“Just remember… he is MY Consort at the end of the day. Mine, not yours. I may be willing to lend him to you from time to time, but if you’re going to join Ty Lee as one of Taiko’s concubines, you need to recognize my majesty. Do you understand?”

This time, Azula doesn’t take Katara’s moaning for an answer. She grabs the mewling waterbender by her jaw and squeezes it until Katara looks her in the eye.

“I said, do you understand?”

“Y-Yes… your highness.”

Wow. Simple as that, huh? Taiko slows down for a moment, feeling some incredulity. All this time with the Avatar and her friends evading the Princess and Prince, of Azula hunting down the Avatar… and one of the Avatar’s closest companions was willing to submit to the Fire Nation Princess solely for some Fire Nation Dick?”

Taiko just shakes his head ruefully, deciding then and there that he’s not planning to question it. He’s not going to question any of this. He’s so far in over his head it’s not even funny, and yet somehow he hasn’t drowned yet. So he’ll continue enjoying himself for as long as this all lasts.

With a grunt, the young man picks up the pace, fucking Katara even harder… which prompts Azula to release the moaning water tribe woman’s hair and come back over to him as Katara cums her brains out over and over again.

“Going to cum soon? I will swallow your seed once more, as I did with Ty Lee. You are not allowed to impregnate any of your concubines without my permission, Taiko. That is an order.”

Snorting, Taiko nods as he pulls out of Katara and offers his cock up to the blushing Princess, who quickly goes down on him. As he looks down at Azula, Taiko just smiles.

“Of course, Princess. Your wish is my command.”



This is where I drop the story man. Well written though.


Taiko going to fuck Fem!Aang, Toph and Suki?

yan boul

We must not forget who has the princess of the other water tribe and full of women in the tribe of the earth whose mother of Tohp in addition we did not see the other friend of Azula.