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Themes: Bondage, Dom/Sub, Exhibitionism

Summary: The Pokemon Champion of Sinnoh has entered into a very interesting relationship with Ash Ketchum. By day they're boyfriend and girlfriend, the world's cutest power couple. But by night, Cynthia is able to truly let her hair down... by putting it in Ash's hands, for use in tying her up so he can fuck her all over their mansion, including out in the garden.


When it came down to it, most people considered Cynthia to be the very best, like no one ever was. They didn’t see her as she saw herself, but rather as the Champion of the Sinnoh Region, and in the eyes of many, the strongest Pokemon Master in the world. Even her greatest detractors were forced to acknowledge that she was one of the best, even if they might argue that THEIR Champion or idol was better than her in some way.

In truth, Cynthia had always considered herself an archeologist and truth seeker before she was a Pokemon Trainer. Her favorite thing in the whole world was investigating myths involving Pokemon. In fact, when meeting new people for the first time, so long as they didn’t recognize her on sight she happily referred to herself as a Pokemon Researcher, not a Pokemon Champion, Master, or even Trainer.

That was how she and Ash had met for the first time. Not as the Champion of Sinnoh and an aspiring Pokemon Master, but as a researcher of Pokemon Myths and a young man just as curious and interested in her work as she was.

Things had sort of snowballed from there. Would their relationship have become real if she WASN’T a Pokemon Master and he hadn’t ultimately become one as well? Truthfully, Cynthia couldn’t say. What she did know was that she’d fallen in love with the younger man somewhere along the way, and Ash had reciprocated her affection.

To the world at large, they were the ultimate power couple, a pair of Pokemon Masters who had found love in the most unlikely of ways and were happily making it work despite their supposed A-Type Personalities. After all, to become a Pokemon Master you had to be a certain type of person, right? It took a special kind of crazy, self-centered, and even arrogant to truly reach the top despite all odds.

… Or you could just be really, really fucking talented. Cynthia didn’t mean it as a brag or anything, and she’d never say it out loud of course, but she’d never really thought she was owed the world or anything like that like most seemed to believe a Champion and Master such as her should. She was supposed to have this larger than life personality that made her a titan among men or something, and she just didn’t.

She was a terror in a Pokemon Battle of course. It was something she was extremely good at, and the Pokemon she’d trained and made her teammates were always ready to throw down. But toss her into a speaking event or a gala or anything like that and she immediately tried to become a wallflower, to melt into the background and go unnoticed by the other guests. Just didn’t work very well when she was as well-known as she was.

That was why she stayed away from most public events, preferring to spend all of her free time outside of challenges investigating myths and hunting down clues to undiscovered Legendary Pokemon. The sort of Pokemon who’d had a hand, or claw, in creating the world that they knew and loved, that was what really got Cynthia going.

Fortunately… Ash understood her in a way no one else did. He also wasn’t the sort of egomaniac that people thought Pokemon Masters had to be to excel either, which is probably why it’d taken him so long to become a Pokemon Master in his own right. However, he was driven. He was domineering. He was confident and in control.

Cynthia loved that about him. Which was part of the reason why she was kneeling in front of him right now, naked and sucking his cock as he sat in a chair staring down at her with a smile on his face. The Sinnoh Champion’s arms are bound behind her back, not by rope or anything normal like that, but by her own long blonde hair.

Her locks, which usually go all the way down past her butt and terminate at around the back of her knees, have been gathered up and used to tightly bind Cynthia’s arms behind her back in an intricate, artistic design. As well, the hair winds around to her front, circling around the base of her bared breasts too before winding to her back again.

There’s a pleasantly uncomfortable pull on Cynthia’s scalp every time she bobs up and down Ash’s throbbing member because of this. As she sucks at his dick, hollowing her cheeks out while swirling her tongue around his cock, Cynthia luxuriates in that sensation of her hair binding her up for him, of it pulling on her head as she in turn pulls back against it. All so she can pleasure her boyfriend.

Well, boyfriend by day anyways. As far as the public was concerned, they were two Pokemon Masters, happily dating. In fact, anyone who has commented otherwise is more likely to say she’s the one who dominates Ash, taking advantage of his younger age and shorter height.

If only they knew. Ash might be shorter than most, but he had plenty of size where it counted… and when day turned to night and they found themselves alone, it was Ash Ketchum who took control, not the Champion of the Sinnoh Region.

Moaning as she bobs up and down on his dick, Cynthia looks up into her domineering lover’s eyes adoringly, waiting for him to either cum or decide to continue this elsewhere. As she does so, Ash considers her for a moment, smiling down at her tenderly… before giving her leash a tug.

With her hair all bound up in binding her up, the collar around her neck and the leash leading off of it are more normal bondage attire. If anyone could see her now, they would almost certainly be shocked that the great Cynthia was wearing such things and had allowed her lover to tie her up in her own golden locks… but frankly, she didn’t care. Let them see.

Pulling back off of Ash’s cock with a pop, she looks up into his eyes to see a glint there that wasn’t before. Grinning a little wickedly now, Ash slowly rises to his feet and with a tug of the leash, helps her up to her feet as well.

With her arms bound behind her back, Cynthia can’t crawl unfortunately, so instead she walks as he wordlessly leads her through the mansion. Eventually, they reach the back doors and then keep going, walking out into the garden itself.

It’s a beautiful night for it, of course. The sky is completely clear and the moon is full overhead. The stars are especially bright, providing quite a lot of natural lightning as they make their way deeper into the garden together, until eventually they come to the central fixture, a gorgeous fountain.

When Ash tugs her back to her knees, Cynthia goes without complaint. She also takes him back into her mouth without complaint, suckling at his cock again for a little while until he’s hard once more for her. Then, at a silent tug on her leash, the bound Pokemon Champion pulls off of his cock and turns around, bending over the edge of the fountain for him.

Ash moves into position behind her, still holding her leash while his other hand goes down to her full, heart-shaped ass. He gropes at her buttocks for a moment as his cock slides along her drooling slit, her pussy lips more than ready for him by now. She was so turned on it was unbelievable, and she could hardly wait for him to finally get around to fucking her.

Arching her back and pushing her hips back into Ash’s cock, Cynthia lets out a needy whine as she wiggles back and forth enticingly. Once again, if anyone could see her, they would be shocked. Even her ‘haters’ would probably be completely baffled to see her brought so low; truth be told.

But that was just because they didn’t know her. No one knew her like Ash knew her. Finally, at long last, he steadily pushes into her from behind. His cock slides into her entrance with ease, making Cynthia moan happily as her pussy lips kiss his cock and her inner walls immediately clench down around his member.

Not that it stops him. His big fat dick continues to drive into her no matter how much her tight cunt squeezes down and tries to stop him or hold him in place. Cynthia isn’t some pushover physically either. She’s not a weightlifter or anything like that, but she is a very active woman. Her lifestyle is physically demanding, leaving her with a fit body under her feminine curves and beautiful figure.

Doesn’t matter when she’s absurdly wet, however. Her own body has betrayed her, for even as it tries to clench down on Ash’s cock, the sheer lubrication that her insides are providing makes pushing deeper into her a breeze for her domineering lover.

Hissing and groaning his enjoyment, Ash gives the leash another tug, causing Cynthia’s back to arch even further. Her head tilts backwards and she lets out a lewd cry into the starry night sky, even as she reaches her first climax upon his cock for the evening right then and there. It’s early, but Cynthia can’t help herself. She loves Ash’s cock, she loves the way he treats her, she loves being submissive and subservient to him.

Only Ash sees her for what she truly is… a horny slut in need of ‘correction’. Only he knows her for what she is deep down inside… a submissive fuck toy just looking for the right man. To be fair, that last part is just as important as the rest. As a matter of fact, looking for the right man has been holding Cynthia back for a long time. It almost seemed like it was impossible to find a man who could truly give her what she needed, while also being the kind of guy she could spend the rest of her life with.

Until Ash came along. As he fucks her, as he fondles her, as he chokes her lightly with the leash… Cynthia never once feels like she’s in danger. She never once feels like she can’t trust him to take care of her, no matter what.

As her moans fill the air, her hips bounce back and forth, meeting Ash’s every thrust. Her fingers dig into her palms, her hands still bound behind her back as her body undulates in pleasure. The Sinnoh Champion’s eyes close and she’s lost in the moment. Ash, meanwhile, grunts with each powerful thrust, his hands gripping the leash and her waist respectively at this point.

The sound of flesh slapping against flesh fills the garden and as Cynthia experiences her umpteenth orgasm upon his throbbing mast, she finally breaks the silence between them.

“F-Faster… fill me up, Ash! C-Cum inside of me and creampie my aching pussy!”

Cynthia’s lust-filled begging is answered by Ash responding to her demand with further pounding. Slamming into her with reckless abandon, the sounds of their lovemaking become deafening as he thrusts into her with everything he has. Cynthia’s cries grow louder in response, her body trembling and her toes curling as she teeters on the edge of another climax… and then slips over again.

As she cums this time, Ash groans in a tell-tale way, and a moment later his words are on her ears, warning her.

“Here it comes, Cynthia…”

“Yes! D-Do it!”

Her entire body is convulsing as she beseeches him to cum inside. Her inner walls are already clamping down hard around his throbbing mast. The sensation of her explosive orgasm is apparently enough to send him over the edge as well and he groans into her ear as he empties himself deep inside of her before collapsing over her just a tad.

His weight is on her back, pushing her naked breasts into the edge of the fountain for all of a second before he pulls back and climbs off of her. Cynthia gasps in delight as he pulls her around to face him on her knees using the leash. His messy cock greets her eyes, as does his glistening, sweat-covered form.

But then to be fair, they’re both quite sweaty at this point. Cynthia nevertheless wraps her lips around his shaft and descends down the length. Gently sucking him off, she cleans his member with her tongue. The Champion of Sinnoh looks up at her boyfriend with adoration in her eyes, her gaze sparkling with desire even after their passionate encounter.

Only once she’s satisfied that every last drop has been cleaned off of his prick and swallowed does Cynthia pull back off of his cock and look up at him with a satisfied smile. Ash smiles back at her, running a hand along the top of her head, his fingers raking across her scalp in a way that damn near makes her cum again right then and there.

Then, instead of tugging on the leash again, he begins the process of slowly unbinding her from her own hair, untying her arms and tits and letting her golden locks flow free down her back once more. Cynthia gasps as he goes a step further than even that, rubbing feeling back into her arms and chest, helping her get the circulation she’d lost going again.

And that was why he was the right guy. Because Ash wasn’t just the kind of man who would tie her up, have her suck his cock, and then guide her out into the garden for a late night fuck using a leash. He was also the kind of man who would help her recover from the experience afterwards.

Ultimately, they make their way back into the mansion together and run a bath before slipping into the hot steamy water to truly relax Cynthia’s sore muscles. And as she rests her head back against Ash’s chest in the bath, the blonde Pokemon Champion knows she’s in good hands. She’ll never feel safer anywhere else than she feels in the arms of Ash Ketchum, her lover and master…



Love it!


Very nice, I enjoyed this one quite a bit!