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Themes: Threesome, Dom/Sub, Big Dick

Summary: Artemis has always secretly had feelings for Percy. Same with Thalia, they just weren't as secret. After a bad breakup between Percy and Annabeth, Artemis and Thalia decide to collectively shoot their shot. Artemis offers a special trial to Percy, and if he can complete it, he will be entitled to something no one else has ever managed to claim.


“Mmph! Mmph! Mmph!”

The forest is relatively quiet save for the naked well-built young woman with spiky black hair and electric blue eyes currently dangling from a tree branch. Trussed up with her arms behind her back and her legs bound at both the ankle and the shin, she can do little more than squirm uselessly, while letting out muffled cries from under her gag.

Until suddenly, another appears.

“Wha- Thalia? How did this happen?”

The newcomer is also naked and also has black locks, though her hair are shoulder-length and currently done up in a no-nonsense ponytail to keep them out of her striking silver eyes. Narrowing said eyes, she races forward without hesitation, quickly moving to where Thalia is dangling.

“MMPH! Nnngh!”

Thalia seems to grow distressed, so the newcomer starts with the gag, quickly managing to pull it apart and yank it out of the demigod’s mouth.

“What? Thalia, what is it?”

Panting for air, Thalia quickly sucks in some oxygen so she can blurt out what she was trying to say.

“L-Lady Artemis… it’s a trap!”

That’s when Percy, just as naked as Thalia and Artemis, finally makes himself known, dropping down from the tree above and landing on top of the Goddess with his considerable weight. The Goddess of the Hunt goes down with a cry from the sudden ambush, not having seen him coming whatsoever.

Quick as can be, he disarms the squirming divinity and yanks her arms behind her back, using the same rope he’d used on Thalia to tie Artemis up swiftly and efficiently. Restraining her takes a couple of minutes, but soon enough she’s just as trussed up and helpless as Thalia. That is to say… not at all, really.

Even as Percy falls back off of Artemis’ prone body, sitting on his bare-naked behind on the forest floor, adrenaline coursing through his veins… he’s forced to acknowledge that neither of them are truly captured. Not unless they break their own rules, anyways.

When he and Annabeth had broken up… things had been messy. And Percy hadn’t taken it at all well. Maybe that was on him. Maybe he should have realized the two of them weren’t quite as incompatible as he’d thought sooner. Either way, putting Annabeth behind him was easier said than done.

In an effort to move on, he’d accepted Artemis’ invitation to visit a secluded vacation home she had in the woods. Because of course the Goddess of the Hunt owned something like two hundred acres of forest along with a beautifully built mansion nestled deep inside of it. Percy hadn’t been sure what to expect really, but in the end it’d turned out to just be him, Artemis, and Thalia.

And then Artemis had suggested they hold a special trial. It was incredibly obvious that this was her plan all along, but Percy, not having anything better to do and trusting Thalia at least to not be an ass, had gone along with it. Well… he’d gone along with it HIS way anyways.

“… We were supposed to be the ones hunting you, Perseus.”

By this point, Artemis has managed to turn herself onto her back and sit up, despite her arms behind bound behind her and her legs being tied together. The naked Goddess frowns at Percy, even as Thalia pouts from her position dangling from the tree.

Indeed, that was the special trial, as Artemis had put it. Percy would have an hour’s head start, and then Artemis and Thalia would enter the forest and begin hunting him down. If he could avoid being captured by them for a full twelve hours, then he won the trial.

Of course, such a contest would be impossible if they were using every tool at their disposal. Not only was Thalia a demigod just like him, but she was also a Huntress of Artemis, which came with its own additional abilities. Meanwhile, Artemis was a Goddess, and not only that, but hunting was also literally one of her domains.

They had all agreed to play things as close to mortal as they humanly could. Which was how Percy had managed to truss Thalia up with ropes she probably could have broken out of in the first place… and why Artemis was currently allowing herself to be bound by the same mundane ropes, which they all knew she could have freed herself from in a heartbeat.

Sitting there as the last of his adrenaline begins to bleed out of his system and his heartrate normalizes, Percy shakes his head.

“The trial, as you put it, was that I needed to avoid being captured for twelve hours. Way I see it, if I capture you both first, then I make it a whole lot easier to avoid being captured myself.”

He might have accepted Artemis’ challenge and undertaken her special trial, but Percy wasn’t the kind to act the part of prey. Rather than spend twelve hours hiding and running, Percy had chosen to take the fight to his hunters. From the very beginning, he’d decided that he was going to try and turn the tables on the two women, nudity or not. Speaking of which…

“Hey… why did we have to be naked for this anyways? I mean, I could almost buy why I would have to be naked, since I’m basically the ‘beast’ that you guys are hunting, but I don’t get why you both were nude.”

Thalia and Artemis both pause at that, before exchanging a glance. This time it’s Thalia who speaks up, sounding a little exasperated.

“You can be really dense sometimes, Percy.”

As Percy tilts his head to the side at that, Artemis sighs from her position on the ground and shakes her head.

“I promised if you could complete my trial that you would be entitled to something no one else has ever managed to claim, Perseus. What do you think that means?”

… Percy blinks. Thalia is right, he CAN be really dense sometimes. However, he would have to be positively braindead to not be able to pick up what Artemis is putting down. His mouth opens and closes for a moment in wordless disbelief, before he finally finds his voice.

“You’re talking about your virginity.”

Despite her bound state, Artemis manages to somehow look dignified and poised as she tosses her ponytail back and huffs indignantly.

“Yes, Perseus. You have passed my trial… and are now entitled to a night of passion with the Goddess of the Hunt herself.”

Thalia makes a wounded noise from where she’s dangling and Artemis rolls her eyes, amending her statement.

“… and her Captain, of course.”

Wait, seriously? Percy looks between the two naked women; still not sure he completely believes this is happening. And yet… neither of them are kidding. That said, there’s one small issue.

“It’s only been an hour. I still have eleven hours before I pass your trial, Artemis.”

The Goddess of the Hunt pouts at him for that.

“Must I spell it out, Perseus? Your decision to turn the tables on us was ingenious, and your ropework is… exemplary. I cannot escape these binds without breaking the rules and using my divinity. And I imagine Thalia can’t either.”

“Nope. Completely fucked.”

Thalia sounds way too cheerful as she says that, even as Artemis nods.

“So you see… its over. We surrender. You’ve won. And that means…”

Artemis trails off, giving him a meaningful look. Percy hesitates, because it still all feels a little bit surreal… definitely like this is some sort of fever dream. And yet…

“Well, alright then.”

Deciding to just roll with the punches, Percy proceeds to get to his feet. Then, he reaches down and yanks Artemis’ bound form up off of the forest floor, draping her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

“Wha-! Percy, are you not going to untie me? Perseus, this is not how you treat a Goddess!”

But Percy just ignores her as he pulls Thalia down from the tree and drapes her over his other shoulder. Unlike her Goddess, the Captain of Artemis’ Huntresses doesn’t make a sound except for a few soft mewls as he begins moving through the forest, back towards the mansion. He had a reward to enjoy, after all.


“Oh f-fuck… yes! H-Harder! Harder, Percy! You’re so fucking BIG!”

Back in the mansion, Percy grunts as he drives the full length of his cock deep inside of Thalia. The spiky-haired female demigod cries out, tossing her head back and clutching at the bedding above her as her body rocks with every single thrust he makes. It’s not the first time she’s commented on his size since he’s started fucking her.

As Artemis watches from the side, the rope gone from her just as it is from Thalia, Percy glances her way, slightly bemused.

“Is it really THAT big?”

The Goddess of the Hunt, who had insisted on Percy fucking Thalia first, blinks at the sudden question before blushing deeply and huffing. Crossing her arms over her naked chest, she narrows her eyes at him.

“Are you fishing for compliments, Perseus?”

His baffled reaction is genuine however as he pulls back in mild surprise.

“Huh? No.”

She looks at him a little closer before seeming to believe him.

“… Then yes. You have the largest cock I’ve ever seen and I’ve been alive for thousands of years.”

… Ah. Well then. Percy returns to fucking Thalia full throttle just like she’d asked of him, while reaching up and grasping her tits, groping and squeezing them as she squeals and cums all over his cock.

Suddenly, Artemis is next to him, running a hand along his back, pressing her tits into his arm.

“Don’t hold back, Perseus. She is yours now, just as I am yours. Lay claim to her. Leave your mark within her.”

Grunting, Percy makes eye contact with Thalia… and she hastily nods.

“I-Inside… please Percy, cum inside.”

Well that’s really fucking hot. His cock twitching madly, Percy grunts as he picks up the pace once again, fucking Thalia harder and faster than ever before. His dick throbs inside of her clenching, climaxing walls, until finally… he tips over the edge. He cums inside of Artemis’ Captain, filling Thalia to the brim with his seed and then some.

As he pulls out, his cock is messy and there’s a trail of his cum leaving Thalia’s slightly parted pussy lips. Without missing a beat, Artemis leans down and takes him in her mouth, quickly licking him clean with enthusiasm if not experience. Percy groans in pleasure all the same, his dick pulsing and staying rock hard even as she finishes spit polishing his rod and pulls back off of his cock with a pop.

“Mm… my turn now~”

Percy nods, waiting to see how Artemis will have her take his virginity. In the end, the Goddess of the Hunt surprises him a little bit… by moving into position between Thalia’s thighs and dipping her head down to begin eating her Captain’s creampied pussy out. For a brief moment, Percy wonders if Artemis even wants him to fuck her… but then the Virgin Goddess waves her ass back and forth in his direction and even reaches back under herself to use her fingers to spread her pussy lips for him.

The open invitation read loud and clear, Percy moves forward and grabs Artemis by her hips, bringing his cockhead to the entrance of her cunt. He takes his time penetrating her, wanting to make sure her first time is as memorable and positive as absolutely possible.

Face buried between Thalia’s thighs; Artemis doesn’t seem to have any advice for how to best fuck her. She leaves him in charge of everything, muffled moans the only sign he’s getting that he’s doing well.

Finally reaching the Goddess’ virginity, Percy pauses for a second and takes a deep breath. Then, without further ado, he thrusts in, filling Artemis with his cock and claiming her purity for himself.

Artemis cries out into Thalia’s sensitive sex, which in turn causes Thalia to moan as the Goddess of the Hunt is driven a little bit forward into her sex. Percy, meanwhile, holds steady for a moment, letting Artemis get accustomed to his cock while he in turn gets accustomed to her divine quim.

Eventually though, he starts moving. Eventually… he starts fucking the Goddess of the Hunt, just as he’d already fucked and filled her Captain. Artemis moans all the harder into Thalia’s creampied pussy as Percy fucks her from behind. Trapped between the two demigods in a situation of her own design, Artemis doesn’t seem to mind one bit being shared between the two of them.

This was never what Percy anticipated happening when he accepted the Goddess’ invitation. Not in his wildest dreams. He’d felt like he and Artemis were on decent terms all things considered, and he knew Thalia to be one of his closest friends… but while he could have guessed that Thalia had feelings for him, he would never have guessed Artemis did.

Filling her with every inch of his apparently massive cock, Percy groans as Artemis clenches down hard around his dick, cumming over and over again. Her divine pussy feels absolutely amazing truth be told, and even though he just came inside of Thalia, he’s not sure how long he’ll last. But maybe that doesn’t matter. Maybe he needn’t worry, because Artemis is certainly pushing back into his thrusting cock with an insistence that makes it clear where she wants him to cum. And from what she said about Thalia, this isn’t some one-off reward for completing her special trial.

Picking up speed, feeling Artemis constantly creaming herself around his cock, Percy growls as he leans over her. Grabbing hold of her ponytail, he pulls the Goddess out of her subordinate’s creamy pussy, forcing her to arch her back as he fucks her from behind.

“Inside or outside, Goddess?”

“I-In! Don’t you dare pull out! Fucking fill me up, Perseus!”

As she commands. Gritting his teeth, Percy thrusts forward with brutal force into Artemis’ godly pussy a few more times before finally cumming inside of her. The male demigod shouts hoarsely as he cums and cums for what feels like an eternity, filling her to the brim and then some just like with Thalia.

It’s definitely the best two climaxes Percy has ever had, and from the way Artemis and Thalia are positively glowing in the post-coitus aftermath, it was pretty damn good for them too. Especially seeing as once he’s done, the first thing they do is clamor up on their hands and knees and turn to his cock respectively, each of them coming up and beginning to lick and slurp his dick clean with their mouths and tongues.

Percy brings a hand down to rest on each of their heads… and smiles.



Nice, kind of want a "epilogue" where Annabeth regrets breaking it off and dltries to come back but then walks in on him with noth Thalia and Artemis (perhaps the other hunters aswell)


And don't forget them all pregnant with Percy's children! Gotta have a large happy family for an ending.


Is it wrong that I want to see Apollo walk in on Percy 'defiling' his sister, have him freak out as Artemis orders percy not to stop fucking her as she explains her relationship with Percy to her brother...maybe surprising both at the end with the declaration she's pregnant