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Themes: Dom/Sub, Teacher/Student, Rough Sex

Summary: Glynda has a thing for strong men. When Jaune Arc has the strongest aura reserves she's ever seen, she finds herself training him day and night for one reason and one reason only... so he gets strong enough to put her in her place. Finally, she gets what she wants, a good hard fucking by a domineering, powerful man.


It’s a good thing that Beacon Academy has soundproofed sparring rooms rated for some seriously heavy duty combat, because if anyone could hear what was going on in one of them right now, they might have thought a murder was being committed. Either that or a battle for the ages was taking place. And maybe they’d be at least partially right on that last one.

Jaune Arc grits his teeth as his instructor Glynda Goodwitch flicks her glowing riding crop in his direction, sending massive boulders bigger than his entire body hurtling towards him at the speed of bullets. Even with how fast they’re moving however, he manages to leap over the first wave in time… and brings up his trusty sword Crocea Mors and reinforces it with his aura just as the second wave, higher up in the air than the first, reaches him.

With a single slash, he cuts through the rock and lunges forward through the air towards Glynda, who barely reacts beyond a slight narrowing of her eyes and another application of her telekinesis semblance. Jaune feels her powers try to grasp at him, to take hold of his body and hold him at bay, but it doesn’t work. It hasn’t worked for weeks now.

Not that she’s relying solely on that. At the same time that she’s slowing him down by fractions of a second, she’s also constructing a barrier with her telekinesis in front of her, along with lifting some of the rocks from behind him to come crashing through the air towards his back.

If nothing else, there’s simply no denying that Glynda Goodwitch, Deputy Headmistress and Head Disciplinarian for Beacon Academy, is absolutely no slouch when it comes to combat. Her ability to multitask is enviable to say the least… but Jaune has one thing going for him that she doesn’t… pure raw power.

Coming down on the invisible telekinetic barrier he knows she’s just put up between them, well aware that he only has a second before the rocks reach him from behind, Jaune lets out a roaring cry and slams his aura-charged feet into the air in a stomping motion. For the first time, Glynda’s eyes widen as her barrier cracks, the invisible shield she’d made shattering under the force and power he put behind the blow. By pushing so much of his aura into his feet, he had effectively put the equivalent of drills on the soles of his shoes, allowing him to utterly annihilate her barrier.

Capitalizing on her shock and surprise, Jaune lands, does a spin, and arrives behind his instructor. Before she can react, Crocea Mors is at her neck, the blade pressing slightly into her aura and throat. At the same time, those rocks that were aimed for his back come to a screeching halt in midair, mere centimeters away from slamming into Glynda herself… a testament to her skill and control over her own semblance.

There’s a brief pause as they both assess the situation. If this were a real fight, then Glynda hadn’t truly lost yet. She could almost certainly take a blow to the neck and escape his hold with her life intact. That was the power of aura. However, Jaune had folded his own aura along Crocea Mors’ edge, upping the cutting power of the ancestral blade by tenfold.

It would chew through her aura like no normal sword would, and while she’d still definitely manage to slip out, her aura would likely be in the red afterwards… which was itself a defeat condition for a spar like this was supposed to be.

Jaune is fully prepared for Glynda not to treat this like a spar though. If there’s one thing he’s learned under Professor Goodwitch since arriving at Beacon, it’s the fact that she doesn’t hold back and doesn’t back down. Not ever. That’s why his free hand is currently poised against the small of her back, a sharp cone of his aura extended out from his palm, ready to drive into her spine and drain her aura while no doubt temporarily paralyzing her.

Upon realizing this, Glynda finally relaxes and lets the boulders fall as she chuckles softly.

“Well done, Mr. Arc. I am defeated.”

Jaune almost doesn’t believe it, though he also doesn’t dare to continue to hold her ‘hostage’ as she pulls away from him. His guard is up nevertheless though, waiting for the other shoe to drop as Glynda smiles at him in a way she’s never smiled before.

“Not to worry, Jaune. This isn’t some test within a test this time. You won, well and truly.”

It just didn’t seem possible. He’d… won? How? Honestly, when he’d first lied his way into Beacon, Jaune hadn’t known what to think about… well, about anything. He’d known he was in over his head when they literally launched him off of a spring-loaded platform and threw him forcibly into a Grimm-Infested Forest.

But to be fair to them, it wasn’t their fault his aura hadn’t been unlocked yet. They didn’t know how dangerous what they’d done to him was. There, in the Emerald Forest, Jaune had met Pyrrha Nikos, who had unlocked his aura for him… and from that moment on, everything had changed.

Later, back at Beacon, Jaune had expected to be put on a team with Pyrrha and two others. Instead, Pyrrha had been paired up with Nora, Ren, and someone else who Jaune didn’t even know. His heart had sunk when he hadn’t been put on a team at all despite ostensibly passing the exam. It had sunk even further when Deputy Headmistress Goodwitch had ordered him to follow her to her office.

Jaune had assumed he’d been found out… but the truth was much stranger. In actuality, something HAD been discovered about Jaune… but it wasn’t his forged transcripts. Rather, after having his aura unlocked in the Emerald Forest, it was discovered that he had the biggest aura reserves on record, that even an ancient institution like Beacon had never seen the likes of before.

That day, rather than kicking him out of Beacon Academy, Professor Goodwitch had taken him as her personal apprentice. At first Jaune had been ecstatic… and then the training had started. Grueling, horrifying, hellish training. Glynda hadn’t taken it easy on him all this time and the only thing he had going for him at first was his immense aura. But that just meant Jaune could train far, far longer than most.

She’d put him through the wringer, and Jaune couldn’t lie, there were times he hated Glynda Goodwitch. But now, standing tall in front of her, having managed to finally beat HER in a spar of all people, Jaune was feeling rather grateful in retrospect. Her training had ultimately paid dividends, hadn’t it? And she-

“Now… you can claim your prize.”

Huh-wha? Jaune blinks as Glynda suddenly flushes bright red, standing there with her glasses fogging up as she pushes them up the bridge of her nose. Her other arm comes up to rest under her buxom bosom, lifting her chest noticeably as she looks at him with an expectant gaze. Jaune furrows his brow.

“My… prize, Professor?”

Glynda swallows thickly, licks her lips, and nods.

“That’s right, Jaune. Your prize. Me.”

Now he was thoroughly confused. But Glynda just steps up to him, carefully taking Crocea Mors and his shield away, folding the shield back into a sheath and sliding the sword into it before setting them aside. Then, she places her own riding crop in one of his hands.

“I’m sure you’ve thought about it, Jaune. I haven’t been particularly gentle or kind to you, have I? In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me if an awful lot of resentment has built up within your heart.”

Jaune opens his mouth, about to say that it isn’t true, when Glynda cuts him off by continuing on in a rush.

“There’s nothing stopping you from acting on that now, Mr. Arc. You defeated me. You proved yourself stronger than me. I can’t hold you off. If you were to… take advantage of me, I wouldn’t be able to resist.”

Well that simply wasn’t true. He’d won yeah, but he didn’t consider himself better or more skilled than Professor Goodwitch. And yet, Jaune holds his tongue because… well, even he isn’t so dense or oblivious that he’d be unable to figure out what Glynda was getting at by this point. Resentment or no resentment… his teacher was effectively propositioning him. His very hot, very sexy, very buxom teacher.

One might think that after everything she’d put him through, it would be difficult for Jaune to consider her as a woman and not the harsh drill instructor she’d been… but nope. She was still one of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen after all. And it seemed she had another side to her, one that she was all but laying bare to him right here and right now.

He would never have had the confidence to do what he does next before the training she’d put him through, but now he realizes she hadn’t just made him into a man strong enough to beat her… she’d made him into a man self-confident enough to take her as well.

Stepping forward, staring the flustered Professor right in her eyes, Jaune reaches up and takes ahold of her top with both hands, not quite groping her tits bit nevertheless gripping down harshly on her white blouse. Her breath hitches but she makes no move to stop him in the handful of seconds he pauses before violently yanking in both directions.


Glynda’s top comes apart, buttons flying everywhere as Jaune uses his aura-enhanced strength to shred the garment. Her breasts bounce free and Jaune, now that he’s begun, can’t hold back anymore. He pushes Glynda back against the nearest wall and grasps at her tits, leaning down to feast upon them with his mouth.

She moans and gasps, arching her back so she can push her chest up into his questing lips, her hands also coming up to support them as well.

“T-That’s right… take what you want, Mr. Arc. Take me however you like.”

Maybe she’s right. Maybe there is a little resentment built up after all this time. Because hearing Glynda say to take her however he likes, Jaune finds he can’t hold back. He can’t go nice and slow, or gentle and tender, or loving and considerate.

Instead, after roughly feasting on his instructor’s soft, defenseless breasts for a bit, Jaune pulls back and spins Glynda around, pushing her face and tit-first into the wall in front of her. She gasps as he does so, and then moans when he rips her skirt open just like he did her blouse.

His own pants, he’s a bit gentler with as he pulls out his cock, which is already well on its way to fully erect. One hand strokes his member, while the other fondles Glynda’s ass. She, in turn, eagerly pushes her buttocks into his palm, her back arching even more as she leans against the wall while jutting out her lower body in anticipation and invitation.

It’s an invitation that Jaune is more than willing to take advantage of. At this point, all that lies between him and his ‘prize’ as Glynda named it, are her undergarments. He rips those off of her too, the beautiful blonde woman actually cooing at his violent actions, egging him on all the harder. She wiggles her ass back at him, her glistening wet pussy lips now exposed and ready for action as he stuffs her torn panties into his pocket.

A trophy to remember today by, Jaune tells himself, even as he grabs Glynda by her hips and lines up with her from behind. Is he really doing this? Glynda cuts his inner thoughts off with another wanton moan and Jaune can’t help but admire just how… deliriously needy she looks in this moment.

She’s been waiting for him, he realizes. Waiting for a man like him to put her in her place. And now he’s here… the question isn’t whether he’s really doing this or not, it’s why he’s taking his sweet fucking time.

With a growl, Jaune thrusts into Glynda, groaning as her pussy walls stretch but also flex around his throbbing mast. He fills her from behind and then begins to immediately piston in and out of her cunt with as much force and strength as he can muster. Given that strength and power are the main things he has going for him, the sound of flesh heavily impacting flesh soon fills the room as Glynda is pressed flush against the wall, her aura the only thing protecting her from bruising.

Even after all this time, they don’t know what his semblance is. At the end of the day, Jaune has just had to be satisfied with having more aura than ten fully trained huntsmen put together. Really though, given what he’s doing right now, plundering the depths of Glynda’s cunt with his pulsing cock, Jaune can’t honestly complain.

Reaching up, he grabs a fistful of the Deputy Headmistress’ hair and pulls her head backwards even as he drives into her. He turns her head around and kisses her, and she happily and submissively kisses him back. If someone had told him this was the true nature of the woman who had put him through hellish training, he would have thought they were trying to get him killed.

And yet here he is. Fucking Glynda Goodwitch from behind. Plowing her silly. Pinning her to a wall and making her his woman. Jaune’s cock surges inside of the gushing wet huntress. Glynda squeals happily as she cums again and again around his shaft. Until finally, all of that clenching and squeezing tips him over the edge and Jaune finds himself unloading inside of her without warning and without pause.

Tilting his head back, Jaune groans even louder as he fills and fills Glynda up. This changes things between them, of course. There’s no doubt about that. They can’t exactly go back to simply being teacher and student anymore.

That’s why Jaune doesn’t hesitate to spin Glynda back around and then push her to her knees once he’s done creampieing her. His cock, messy as can be, pushes against her lips insistently… and Jaune smiles as she submissively opens her mouth to him, her tongue lolling out to swirl around his cock and begin cleaning him off.

One hand resting atop her head, Jaune lets out a happy sigh as Glynda kneels there in her torn apart clothing and sucks him clean. Yes, this changed everything. But that wasn’t a bad thing. No sir, it most certainly was not.



Wish the scene was a bit longer but all in all a fantastic chapter!


For whomever commissioned this; Sequel? Asking for a friend...


This needs a sequel


Squal to this she takes him home to play house.

Ali G

More of this!!!!


You know, now that Jaune's effectively beat Glynda, there's really no need for him to learn from her anymore in a capacity as a student. Of course, Jaune doesn't have a team so that's not actually an option either. I've got an idea, maybe Jaune could work as a Teaching Assistant or Assistant Professor to help Glynda out… Think of all the Huntresses-in-training he could help teach! Or, even better, help teach with her assistance!