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Themes: Rough Sex, Transformation, Fucked Silly

Summary: When Shirou summons Saber, something goes wonky with the magic circle and she's left in desperate need. Specifically a desperate need for his cock. Being the self-sacrificing person he is, Shirou fucks Saber back into her right mind. Of course, neither of them are expecting the direct infusion of prana via tantric sex right after summoning to have additional side effects. But Saber sure isn't complaining about being stronger than ever before... and thiccer than even some of her alternate selves.


“Master… I find myself in desperate need of your assistance…”


To say Shirou Emiya had been having a wild night would be the understatement of the century. After all, he’d pretty much died already once tonight. The young magus hadn’t been able to hide fast enough when he’d caught two full-blown Servants fighting near his school, resulting in him being mortally wounded by the Lancer Servant.

His survival was nothing if not prodigious, and also very much tied to the sudden appearance of Saber, who claimed she was HIS Servant and named him as her Master. After waking up somehow still alive, Shirou had returned home only to be ambushed again by Lancer. That was when Saber had shown up, and she’d driven him away in a duel that had… truly been spectacular.

If there was one thing that had gone right tonight, it would be Saber. She was a stoic, solemn knight who had served him well in defeating Lancer and sending him fleeing with his tail tucked between his legs.

However, no sooner had this happened then the blonde swordswoman had rounded on him and lost her stoic façade. Suddenly, she was red faced… and squirming in a rather lewd manner, begging him for his aid.

“P-Please do not think me a wanton woman, Master. I… the summoning was incomplete. Something went wrong. Even now, I can feel it inside of me. I fear that unless… unless we lay with one another, something terrible will happen.”

Shirou’s mouth opens and closes at that. In the end though, he has to ask.

“… Why would having sex help?”

Saber whimpers at the word ‘sex’, like he’s said something unbelievably crass. It’s not like he said ‘fucking’ or anything! Even still, she bows her head and explains.

“There is something about you, Master. Something that calls to me, that makes my heart ache and yearn for you. It is what also brought me to you from the Throne of Heroes in the first place. I am confident that so long as we… so long as we couple, I can stabilize the summoning and be the Servant Saber you require.”

Well shit. When she put it like that and looked so desperate (and aroused) as well, how could Shirou say no?

“A-Alright, let’s move this to the bedroom then and-!”

But Saber all but lunges at him the moment he gives his consent. She pushes him back down into the chair that he’d just been rising from and collapses at his feet, having to hold herself up by laying on his lap. Leaning on him for support, she quickly begins working open his pants.

“Thank you Master. Thank you, thank you, thank you-!”

Her breath hitches, once his cock is out. Shirou doesn’t know why… it’s not anything that spectacular. He’s not small by any means, but he’s also not huge. And yet, the blonde knight looks at his dick like it’s the most amazing thing she’s ever seen in her entire life. Moaning happily, she wraps her hands around his shaft, quickly getting his already rising member all the way to full mast in no time at all. Then, without so much as an ounce more of hesitation, she descends upon his cock, taking him in her mouth.

Shirou blinks and then groans heavily as Saber begins to suck his dick like there’s no tomorrow. She moans happily, shuddering and quivering as she goes down on him. If someone had told Shirou that this was how the day would turn out, he would have either laughed in their faces or if he’d been convinced by their words, he might have just stayed in. It all sounded like a lot of hassle.

But this… this moment is undeniably pleasurable and almost makes the fact that he nearly died worth it. As Saber bobs up and down on his cock, Shirou can only clutch at the sides of the chair under him, his hips rising almost completely of their own accord to meet her sucking, slurping mouth.

She’s going absolutely wild on his cock, making up for an obvious (even to him) lack of experience with plenty of enthusiasm, gusto, and no fear of getting dirty. Slobber and saliva and drool coalesce around her lips and tongue as she takes his throbbing member all the way to the base, absolutely driving Shirou wild while she gags on his dick.

“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”

So wild in fact that he…

“Fuck! Saber! I can’t hold it!”

This only serves to spur the Servant forward. Rather than pull back, Saber places her hands atop Shirou’s, gripping the sides of the chair right alongside him as she takes him all the way to the base of his cock and then holds herself there. A moment later, Shirou begins to cum down her tight, convulsing throat.

He expects her to choke and gag mightily, but that doesn’t happen. Instead, Saber swallows… and swallows and swallows. She drinks down his seed despite her seeming inexperience a couple moments before, gorging herself on his cum until his balls have been completely emptied and there’s nothing left.

Shirou groans out again, shuddering as Saber finally pulls back off of his cock, swirling her tongue around to collect every last ounce of his cum from his shaft before finally pulling off of his tip with a resounding ‘pop’.

Looking up at him with a red face and wide eyes, the blonde looks like she wants to say something for a moment… but before she can, she pauses and glances down at her chest, squeaking rather girlishly.

Suddenly, Saber has to pull back from him and quickly pull open her top, exposing her… her expanding tits? Both Shirou and Saber watch on with wide eyes as Saber’s breasts, which had admittedly been almost nonexistent mosquito bites before, suddenly grown in quite rapidly. The blonde knight gains a couple breast sizes right there on the spot, going from flat to a handful apiece in just a few seconds.

When Saber looks at Shirou again, the hunger is still in her eyes but it’s almost changed in a way.

“Again. We must go again.”

Shirou furrows his brow. She sounded a lot better now. Was she-?!

“… We will use the bed this time, as you said. Please, direct me to the bedroom.”

Shirou squawks as he’s suddenly swept off of his feet by the Servant. She picks him up in a bridal carry and begins to spin in a circle, giving him no choice but to direct her down the hallway to his bedroom. There, Shirou finds himself being tossed down onto the bed, with Saber climbing atop him and straddling his twitching cock.

Even as it begins to grow big again from her assertiveness and insistence on them fucking, Shirou decides he’s not going to just let him be bossed around. With a growl, he reaches up and grabs Saber… by her new tits. The small ‘o’ she makes with her lips and the wide-eyed look of shock that spreads across her face make it abundantly clear that Saber’s new chest is very, very sensitive.

With a lustful grunt, Shirou spins them both over, putting Saber on her back under him and leaving him looming over her.


He knows she’s strong enough to easily stop him if she wants, but for obvious reasons, she doesn’t. After all, what does it matter to her how she gets fucked, so long as she gets fucked? Shirou though… Shirou has his pride as a man to consider, at the end of the day. Groping Saber’s new tits, playing with her rock hard nipples for a moment, he looks down at her. Then, he nods and pulls his hands off of her breasts, quickly working at her pants.

In no time at all, he’s divested his gorgeous blonde Servant of her clothes. Her legs spread quite willingly for him, her face bright red and the blush traveling down to her chest as she bites her lower lip in anticipation. Shirou places the head of his cock at Saber’s pussy lips and then pauses there for a moment, narrowing his eyes at her.

“… You’ve already stabilized the summoning, haven’t you Saber? This is just extra, isn’t it?”

The way his Servant freezes up under him is answer enough to his query. She doesn’t seem like she knows what to say, her mouth opening and closing soundlessly. Fortunately for her, Shirou was never not going to fuck her.

With a grunt, he thrusts into her down below, spearing her drooling cunt on his cock. Her arousal means that his entire length surges forward into her sex right on the spot, with Shirou impaling her upon his mast. Saber gurgles happily, shuddering beneath him as her eyes go crossed for a moment in pleasure.

Shirou groans on his end, her hot tightness feeling absolutely immaculate around his cock. If he didn’t know any better, he’d say Saber was a virgin who had never been with a man before… but surely that was impossible, right? Either way, he immediately begins vigorously thrusting away at the blonde knight who’d saved his life.

Her brand new tits bounce and jiggle all over the place as Saber’s moans fill the bedroom. Shirou contents himself with just holding her by her waist for a second, but in the end he can’t help himself. He returns his hands to her breasts, making Saber cry out all the louder and tighten up around his cock all the harder.

The swordswoman might be stabilized now, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t enjoy his cock all the same. For all her stoicism in battle earlier, now Shirou is getting to see a very different, far more wanton side of the Heroic Spirit he’d somehow managed to summon. He still might not entirely know what the fuck is going on, or what he’s gotten himself into… but one thing is for sure, if the end result is him getting to see Saber’s O-face time and time again as he fucks her through orgasm after orgasm, he’s not sure he minds.

As Saber cums for him repeatedly, Shirou jackhammers in and out of her with all of his considerable strength and stamina. Yeah, he’s no Servant. But he’s also not just human either. He’s a magus, and while he’s a pretty shitty magus, there’s one thing that Shirou excels at above all else… Reinforcement.

Reinforcing one’s body is a little different from Reinforcing objects, but Shirou still does it. He Reinforces himself as he fucks Saber, giving himself some extra oomph so to speak in order to really take her to pound town. He knows he’s doing well when the blonde knight literally ahegaos on his cock. Her eyes rolling back in her head, her tongue lolling out of her mouth, Saber has a fucked silly expression on her pretty face that’s completely at odds with the previous stern and solemn exterior she showed previously.

Something tells Shirou he might be one of, if not the only one to ever see this side of Saber. He might be the only man alive, or maybe even the only man in all of history, who’s gotten to see Saber’s O-face like this. He promises himself that he’ll cherish it always… even as he finally reaches the end of his rope and proceeds to spill his seed inside of his Servant.

Saber cries out one final time, orgasming explosively right alongside him as he cums and cums and cums inside of her. He fills her with his seed and she shudders under him while she squirts down his length.

Panting heavily, having really pulled on every ounce of his strength for this, Shirou doesn’t stop until he’s done. He doesn’t pull back until he’s emptied his balls again, completely and utterly. In the end, it’s really only when Saber starts to glow that Shirou truly pulls away, a little worried for her but also worried for himself.

Kneeling there on the bed between her splayed legs, Shirou watches as Saber, for lack of a better word, undergoes a Transformation with a Capital T. Before, she’d been a rather… short armored swordswoman. One with a flat chest that spoke of a lack of development even if her gravitas and the atmosphere she carried with her made her body type completely irrelevant.

This changes right before Shirou’s eyes, however. Not only do her tits grow even BIGGER than they had before, but Saber herself grows older. Her face becomes slightly more mature, turning into something a good ten to twenty years older. Even her legs expand in length, and her hips widen as her naked figure becomes quite womanly in appearance.

When the change is done, Saber… Shirou doesn’t even know how to describe her. As her eyes open though, he’s caught in the intensity of her gaze.

“… Thank you, Shirou Emiya. Thanks to you, I have been able to take my True Form.”

“Um… you’re welcome?”

A smirk spreads across her new lips, which are a bit plusher than before. Sitting up, Saber chuckles and brings up a hand to caress his face.

“You must truly think the worst of me now, Master. You must consider me such a wanton woman.”

He remembered her being afraid of that before.

“N-No! Of course not! I-mmph!”

Saber silences him with a kiss before pulling back and shaking her head as she gives him a hungry smile complete with a lick of her lips.

“There’s no need to try and deny it. I AM a wanton woman. Especially for you. Ah, you have unlocked my true power, Master. How can I not be wanton towards a man like you?”

Shirou hesitates, wondering why he suddenly feels the urge to say ‘I need an adult!’. There’s no point in fearing for his chastity when he’d already just gone all out in fucking Saber silly, after all. Whatever happens next… he’ll grasp hold of it with both hands and refuse to let go.

But before anything else CAN happen, Saber suddenly stills and looks to the side, her eyes narrowing.

“… There’s another Servant in this area, Master. I will go and meet them. You stay here.”

She rises from the bed and Shirou almost calls out to her, to remind her of her naked state, but then right before his eyes, a new suit of armor covers his Servant from head to toe. Saber looks honestly really badass in it too, even as she stomps her way out of the room.

Belatedly, Shirou realizes that Saber had told him to stay put… and then growls, hurrying to put his clothes back on and get out there asap. Like hell he was staying put!

In the end, this turns out to be for the best… because after Saber completely trounces Archer, it’s only thanks to Shirou that his classmate Rin Tohsaka gets to keep her life. And even though everything after that does get pretty crazy… he never regrets sparing Rin. Just like he never regrets helping Saber either.


Kyo Amamoto

the only thing that bugs me is the true form line. having saber be a little confused as to how she's changed would be slightly more in line with fsn. other than that this was well done.

Osiris Sundavr

Now if only he could get Medea…