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Themes: Harem, Breeding, Democratic Sex

Summary: On the eve of his 200th successful mission, the all-female crew of the Super Destroyer known as The Spear of Family Values, have something very special planned for the Skull Admiral. They've all signed their C-01 forms. And you know what that means~


“Sixth orbital barrage stratagem received, Admiral! Coordinates locked in!”

“On the Skull Admiral’s Command, we fire.”

There’s a pause as silence falls over the bridge of the Super Destroyer. And then…

“Command Code Received, Admiral!”


The Spear of Family Values bucks and rocks as it fires on the surface of the planet below. It keeps shaking as the firing continues. Normally, multiple orbital barrages at the same time were not standard operating procedure. But in this case, there was no other way. The bug presence on the planet below was just too thick for anything else.

As the barrage finally comes to an end, the Super Destroyer stops shaking quite so badly. Down below, the planet’s surface is lit up with explosions, the sound of which does not reach them up in space. It’s a beautiful display, but nobody on the bridge is actually enjoying it at the moment. Instead, all of them are waiting with bated breath, turning towards the bridge’s Comms Officer.

She, in turn, stares down at her console wordlessly, eyes wide as she too waits for some sort of signal. Finally, a blinking light appears on her console and she shakily reaches out to press the button right below it.

“Mission Accomplished. Extraction successful. On our way back.”

At the same time that that message comes through, Navigations pipes up from across the bridge.

“Extraction Shuttle on escape vector from the planet! Heading for Docking Bay One!”

There’s a shifting and shuffling on the bridge as everyone looks at each other and then at the Admiral standing with her hands clasped behind her, staring straight forward. Finally…

“Permission to celebrate, Admiral?”

“… Permission granted.”

Immediately, the bridge explodes in cheering and shrieks of delight and happiness. The Admiral herself lets a slight smile spread across her lips even as the bridge crew of the Spear of Family Values loses their minds in happiness. It’d be an unacceptable breach in decorum at almost any other time, but in this case… they’d earned it.

After all, this was the Spear of Family Values’ two-hundredth successful mission, and on top of that, their hardest yet. Looking down at her own console, the Admiral snorts derisively. Despite it being the worst mission they’d ever been sent, their leader had still managed to extract in under six minutes while also completing ALL mission objectives, both primary and secondary.

… Truly, there was no one more deserving of the rank of Skull Admiral. And truly, there was no one more deserving of what would be coming next.


Skull Admiral John Smith was pretty sure someone had been out to get him killed when they’d initially given him this command. It had been beyond exciting to be given command of a Super Destroyer, but the fact that it was crewed entirely by women… well, there was no way that was simple happenstance. Absolutely no way that was coincidence. And yet, it was not his to question his orders. It was his to do or die.

And do he had. He’d taken command of the Spear of Family Values as a mere Death Captain and in the time since, not only had he earned the rank of Skull Admiral, but he’d also raised up his all-female crew across the board, to the point where there wasn’t a single member of the Super Destroyer’s crew under the rank of Chief at this point.

Technically, by achieving such ranks, most of them were entitled to get off of his Super Destroyer and into positions among the fleet that had more upwards mobility. And yet, in the year that they’d all been working on the Spear of Family Values together, not a single member of his crew had asked for reassignment. They’d all stayed loyal, no matter what.

That might be because John had done everything in his power to drag them all up to his level, even as he’d continued to rise through the ranks. No man left behind… or in this case, no woman left behind. He didn’t care what they all had between their legs, he cared about what they were capable of both on his ship and out on missions. And while there’d been some rough starts here and there, they’d all shaped up into a crew and assault force that he could be more than proud of.

Of course, it also might have been because he insisted on leading from the front. Technically even as a Death Captain he didn’t need to put his boots on the ground anymore. In fact, it was pretty much expected that he would stay on his Super Destroyer, sending squads to fight and die to complete the missions he was assigned.

But that had never been John’s style. In the end, he’d gone on every single one of the Spear of Family Values’ two hundred missions over this past year. Even as he’d received promotion after promotion, going from Death Captain to Marshal to Star Marshal to Admiral to Skull Admiral, he’d still kept on putting his boots on the ground.

And it’d paid off. They’d just destroyed the biggest hive of bugs that John had ever seen, and with zero casualties to boot. As the Extraction Shuttle comes in for a landing in the Spear of Family Values’ primary Docking Bay, John can tell that his squad mates are all practically vibrating with excitement, each as equal as the last to get out and celebrate this achievement.

With that in mind, John takes off his helmet and gives all of the battle-hardened women a nod as the ship finally comes in for a landing.

“No need to stand on ceremony, ladies. Soon as those doors open, feel free to clear out. I won’t keep you.”

The all-female squad wordlessly exchanges glances behind their visors before shaking their heads in unison.

“If it’s all the same to you sir… we’ll stick around.”

John just raises an eyebrow and then shrugs, not seeing the issue with it. The doors open a moment later anyways, so he just turns and hops down… only to pause when he sees that the Docking Bay is absolutely filled with women in uniform, all of them standing in orderly lines to the sides as Admiral Anna Waters, his second in command, awaits him. The moment they make eye contact, Anna salutes and every other woman in the Docking Bay does the same… including his squad mates behind him.

“Skull Admiral! Congratulations on another successful mission, sir!”

A finely tuned danger sense has John’s eyes narrowing as he slowly creeps forward.

“… Thank you, Admiral. But that’s not all, is it? What’s this about then?”

Anna’s face colors a bit and she swallows a lump in her throat.

“Can we not wish to celebrate our leader’s accomplishment, sir?”

John doesn’t dignify that with a response. He just narrows his eyes and looks around. Not many of the women in the Docking Bay are willing to meet his eyes. Those that do, however, look hungry. Like they want to chew him up and spit him out. His tension grows and he wonders if his reward for running such a tight ship is about to be a stab in the back. When Admiral Waters pulls out a piece of paper, that feeling only grows.

… Until everyone else also pulls out pieces of paper. Then, John only gets confused, brow furrowing as he looks around the Docking Bay at everyone holding their sheets. He does a double take when he glances behind him and even the squad of women he just fought alongside on the planet down below have their own sheets of paper held aloft.

“Sir! As of this morning at zero-eight hundred, every member of the Spear of Family Values has filled out their C-01 Forms!”


Blushing hard now, Anna pulls out another piece of paper and holds it out to him.

“I took the liberty of filling out your C-01 Form for you, Skull Admiral. All you have to do is sign it for it to be official.”

John’s mouth opens and closes wordlessly as he looks down at the form. The Federation of Super Earth was big on its bureaucracy. Everything ran on it, including reproduction. If you were going to engage in any activity that might result in the creation of new life… well, there was a form for that. Form C-01. It sounded like a joke, but it was deadly serious. If you were caught reproducing without a properly filled out C-01 Form, then you could wind up castrated.

He'd never worried about that sort of thing, of course. All that mattered to him was the mission, both before he got command of his own Super Destroyer, and after as well. And yet… looking around at everyone, John can’t help but be a little flattered.

“… All of you?”

There’s quite a lot of blushing on the faces surrounding him. Women that John knows to be tough as nails are acting like pure as snow maidens now in the face of his questioning gaze. Admiral Anna Waters stands at attention like she doesn’t know what else to do, even as she exhales loudly.

“Y-Yes sir… all of us.”

Well shit. It was on him for not realizing that this situation was developing in the first place. For them to slip this by him… it spoke of a ship wide conspiracy he should have caught wind of ages ago. And yet… John can’t really bring himself to be that mad. And frankly, looking down at the C-01 Form that Anna wanted him to sign… he lets out a soft chuckle.

“Well. Alright then.”



“Ah! Nngh! Hah!”

Grunting, John rolls his eyes and smiles faintly.

“Permission to express yourself freely granted, Admiral.”

“T-Thank you sir! Oh GOD! OH GOD I’M CUMMIIIIIING!!!”

Holding his CO in a full nelson, John just grunts as he continues fucking Anna’s folded body upon his throbbing mast. His member, engorged with both arousal and the cocktail of performance enhancing drugs currently coursing through his system, plows up into the beautiful Admiral with all its might, making her squeal and express her praises for his technique as she climaxes again and again on his dick.

They’re still in the Docking Bay, and frankly the sounds of John and Anna fucking are second to the cacophony of female pleasure currently coming from all around them. He’d signed his C-01 Form and with that out of the way, they’d been able to begin without any further delay. However, Anna hadn’t been the first to get to ride his big fat dick. No, that pleasure had gone to his squad mates, all of whom could now put extra emphasis on the word ‘mate’ in that designation.

Indeed, laid out behind the Skull Admiral all over the floor are the moaning members of his squad. Each are still wearing most of their armor, but with certain important pieces removed. Their breasts, normally wrapped tight so they can fit into said armor, are all exposed and currently sporting reddened rock hard nipples.

Meanwhile, their crotch plates have also been removed, exposing each of their pussies… and the fact that they’re stuffed full of sticky, hot cum. John had plowed through his squad mates like a LAS-98 Laser Cannon plowed through bugs. He’d fucked them one after the other without hesitation and without mercy, giving them all the poundings they deserved and desired from the bottom of their hearts.

After creampieing them each, John had set a standard for how the rest of this was going to go. At which point he’d had to stop and stim up just to keep himself going. But it was fine. Today’s mission hadn’t even called for a resupply stratagem, which meant that John was fully stocked when it came to the sort of performance enhancers that he would need if he wanted to fuck and breed the entire crew of the Spear of Family Values.

He’d then walked right up to Anna, torn her Admiral’s Uniform right off her body, and proceeded to fold her up before dropping her down onto his throbbing cock. As she cries out at the top of her lungs, begging him to go harder and shuddering upon his cock, John looks around at the rest of the women in the Docking Bay.

At first, while he’d been fucking his squad, they’d tried to stay in their orderly formations. A handful hadn’t been able to help themselves, starting to loosen up their uniforms and touch themselves right where they were standing. But the vast majority had followed Admiral Waters’ lead, and Anna had stood at attention only a half a dozen steps away from John as he’d fucked his squad mates silly right before her eyes.

It was only after he’d taken ahold of Anna herself that the rest of the Docking Bay descended into an orgy of lesbian bedlam. Women of all different ranks were currently fingering themselves or each other. Some were even engaging in enthusiastic sixty-nines with one another. It didn’t matter if they were Star Marshals or Space Chief Primes, it didn’t matter if they were Death Captains or Marshals. Rank seemed to have ceased to have meaning for them as they were stripped down to their most basic instincts… the need to reproduce with a strong male.

John supposed that he only had himself to blame, really. Was it any wonder that on an all-female ship like the Spear of Family Values, they would gravitate towards the only man aboard? And he certainly hadn’t disabused them of the notion that he was a capable, desired male to mate with either. Success after success, victory after victory, mission after mission.

In the end, this was his own fault. He had to take responsibility for his actions. That’s why he doesn’t hesitate to fuck Anna until her eyes have rolled back in her head and her tongue has lolled out of her mouth. He doesn’t stop until she’s been reduced to nothing but guttural noises despite having his full permission to express herself with words.

Only once the brilliant, incredible strategist that he knows and loves has been turned into nothing but a moaning, squealing animal… only then does John finish inside of her, filling her womb with his seed just like he did his squad mates before her.

And just like with his squad mates, John doesn’t waste a moment once he’s done with her. Not when he still has the rest of the Super Destroyer’s crew ahead of him. Pulling her off of his cock with a wet squelching noise, John gently but swiftly lowers Anna to the Docking Bay Floor. And then, his massive throbbing erection pointing out in front of him like a spear of lustful intent, he begins to stomp forward, wading into the veritable sea of women all waiting to be bred by his cock.

It was going to be a long but rewarding debrief cycle. That much was for sure.



cool, but unfortunately we failed the major order and our procreation applications are denied until further notice (I wish I was making this up)


Lol, after the IRL major order was failed and the in world post about it saying how all procreation applications have been denied. John got in while the getting was good.