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A grotesque creature emerges resembling a chitinous grub the size of a small dog. Its body is covered in a segmented exoskeleton, with spindly, multi-segmented legs and a face that combines human-like eyes, nose, and ears with gnashing mandibles for a mouth. As it moans softly, tears well up in its human-like eyes, revealing the profound discomfort of a being that was once human—a poignant reminder of its tragic transformation, defying nature's laws.

The Murmerwood Grub, a wretched creation born of a sinister curse, haunts the shadows of New Sanctaria like a never-ending nightmare. Legend has it that these grotesque beings were the final vengeful act of a malevolent witch, who, in her dying breaths, cast a malefic incantation upon the people of Murmerwood as she burned at the stake.

For generations, witchfinders have tirelessly sought to eradicate these abominations, but the Murmerwood Grubs persist, hidden in the depths of the Murmer Wood. Their mournful moans and tear-filled eyes betray the agony of their existence, a painful reminder of the witch's enduring curse upon New Sanctaria. As these cursed creatures continue to elude capture and multiply, they remain a chilling testament to the lasting power of dark magic and the relentless perseverance of a witch's vengeful spirit.

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Monsters are Coming

I've been going back and forth on some new content that I want to do, and I've decided that I'm going to set up a new Copper tier that's just monsters. Silver and higher will get the new monsters as normal. And the original Copper tier will remain, still offering up adventures as normal.

The reason I'm placing it into a separate tier is two-fold. First, I want to offer another perk to the peeps who are at the higher-level tiers. As it stands, the major difference between copper and silver is Buckler, so this will help remedy that.

Second, every time we do a poll, folks don't seem as interested in monsters. So I figure this will help avoid a flood of content. It also gives me an opportunity to attract new patrons who might be interested in monsters but not adventures.

Let me know what you think. And enjoy!




Suitably creepy!