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Hey all!

Since shops seems to have a considerable lead over the other JPT locations, I think I'll start there. The question is: what kind of shops?

The DMG has 20 different types of shops that could randomly appear in a settlement, so those are pretty easy to do. But I wonder how I should release the content.

Would you prefer:

A) Smaller collections, each one focused on a specific type of shop. For example, there could be a Just Passing Through Smithies, featuring 6 different types of smithies. Although it'd be a little more niche, it would go into greater detail on these locations and the NPCs within. I'd try to cover three types of these each month and inevitably bundle them in books of 32 pages or so. Once I was done, I'd have 20 different collections with 6 locations each.

B) Larger collections, covering two of each kind of shop with 2 pages dedicated to each of the types. For example, there'd be two types of bakers, two types of smithies, two types of carpenters, and so forth. There'd be less detail for each location, but there'd be a larger variety. Once I was done, I'd have one collection with 40 locations.

Let me know which version appeals more to you.



Agree details are good and are lacking in 5e, but so is variety. A tough question Dave.


Throwing in a generic shop is pretty easy to do. But it's the details in the look, feel, inventory, customers, proprietor, that can make the shop come alive.