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Kobold Caves is a Fifth Edition plug-in adventure for four characters with an average party level (APL) of 1, 3, 5, or 8. This document offers a general guideline on scaling the adventure for each level. Kobolds have been stealing everything they can get their hands on from the village of Rapids.

Download Options

  • Get the high-resolution, low-resolution, and print-friendly copies of this adventure using the attachment links above the comments section.
  • Get the FoundryVTT pack as an Electrum+ subscriber here.


Creative Team

  • Module Design Dave Hamrick
  • Writing Ellie Hogan
  • Cover Illustration Nacho Lazaro
  • Cartography Cze & Peku
  • Interior Illustrations Jacob Blackmon, Gary Dupuis, Matias Lazaro, Nacho Lazaro, Bret Neufield, Dean Spencer
  • Additional Assistance Bob Carnicom, Aubrey Moore

Special Thanks to our Patrons




OH YEAH! Thanks for adding the levels to the file name! :)


Is there a labeled map for Kobold Caves? Or is it the map linked that is called Badger Hill which we will need to purchase and label ourselves?


There’s a labeled map in the book full color version. There’s also a HD map in the FoundryVTT pack