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Hey all! 

As I'm tinkering with some project ideas, I thought I might see what you all need or want in terms of gamemastering. This Patreon was borne of the idea that most gamemasters needed some quickie adventures to drop into their games. We've more or less settled that with Dungeons & Lairs.

But what else are you looking for?

In the comments, give me some ideas for specific needs that you have, and I'll see if the team and I can't solve that issue for you.

Thanks for your feedback!



I use you for your VTT products. I'm lazy or it takes too long for me to build an efficient store or random NPCs with Stat blocks and skills and stuff. So... some sort of compendium of ready made foundry assets and maps.

Stephanie Joy

Loot tables, magic items, drop in puzzles, mini campaigns (3-4 session games)


Non-combat challenges for the party, e.g., puzzles, problem solving, mysteries, etc. that can be plugged into a home brew setting.


One shots that involve some mystery or investigation. The Empusa module was one of my player's favorites that I ever ran. More of those would be valuable as they're harder for me to homebrew on my own.


The most useful D&D related purchase I've ever secured was the "How to write adventures" guide. It is the #1 thing that has made my games great, and it took virtually no time to learn it. Everything was intuitive and made sense. A week of reading and digesting, writing little chunks of "test" material as I followed along. Now I can write really great stuff in virtually no time at all. Anything along that line, that shows us how to do the stuff you do on our own, would be invaluable. Failing that: I would love more random encounter tables that aren't combat related. I want my players to have more use for less-used skills like Medicine or Animal Handling. Just something like "You see a guy on the side of the road selling poultices. A DC 12 medicine check reveals they are worthless weeds grinded into paste."


The next thing would be for fledged out town to base out of or travel to before the adventure. Having a town that has the ability for my players to create a home base out of, either an inn or eventually their own homestead, is ideal. It would need to have some access to magical wares as needed and all the other town things. But I suck at developing a town that grows with the players, so maybe something that showed benchmarks that level the town as the players level.


Throwing in echoes for puzzles, non combat encounters (specifically for travel between places or in a town if they're looking to hang out), and full adventures from low level to 20. I'm also always gathering resources for looting/harvesting (but in a way that makes sense. Like what do they DO with the animal parts? What ACTUALLY makes sense for bandits to have on their bodies??) and ways to actually use the random proficiencies that the character builders have them pick. Like...never has a need for weaver's tools come up and I don't want to get into the crunchy like...hey your clothes need maintaining. So I guess maybe like drop in challenges/scenarios/encounters that have to do with those types of things. ...that whole response looks like I basically just want everything...

Katy M.

You already have a couple of sets of linked adventures -- more of those could work as a mini-campaign / extended side-quest.


I have seen just passing through. I guess I saw them more as the villages along the way, which is part of what I asked for. But I guess the how to level your town as your group levels is really more of my need. And the homestead stuff 🤪


Did you see Helianas? Max wrote a 800+ book on that subject 😂😂


A book of random encounter tables but… it includes social, traps, puzzles, challenges/obstacles, hazards etc.


Easy system conversions, so I can buy 5E, 4E, 3.5E, 3E, 2E, 1E, Bluebox, OSE, OSR, PF1, PF2, DCC, MCC, MOTW, ShadowDark, Black Flag, GURPS, SagaBorn, SWADE, *whatever looks good*, and present them to my players easily. So converting rules, mobs, items, feats, classes... I would pay a surprising amount for a thorough book...


System agnostic so I can use it in any system.


Lol that’s quite the range. Black Flag is just 5e Fixed. I’ll probably start branding our stuff Tales of Valiant once the books drop


The other thing I would like is more how to stuff like the How To Write Adventures stuff, The Content Professional Course etc. In particular, I would love to learn more about how to go about writing adventures for systems other than 5e.


Live play examples. 'Best Practice' small situations that demonstrate tips/guides/etc in 'real play'. Eg. 'How to run clues in a mystery' - 10 minute Live play example, 'How to handle PC death' - 10 minute Live play example, etc. I'm also thinking here of the old DMG that included extensive 'real play' examples.


What about adding Pathfinder 2 versions of your adventures? Since they are about to come out with a revision, this idea might work best waiting until then. Still, I wanted to add this to your list, at least.


I’m still pretty new comparatively, so I don’t know of a lot of things, but I Google and look on dmsguild a lot. I don’t recognize what that it’s, but 800 pages sounds thorough…and daunting…….


Yes, my players love these too. I'm a sucker for a good mystery.


Monster compendiums, interesting npc compendiums, Random tables to expand on certain topics (Locations, monsters, magic items, npc generators, descriptors, puzzles, traps, or dunugeon trappings), Adventures set within the Sandbox Dungeons and Lairs that add more to the pre-existing books, dungeon and lair books that have other themes than location (steam-punk, vampire dystopia, scourge of the undead, crash landing of beings from the planes beyond).


More of the awesome stuff & direction y'all been doing. Examples below. I'd pay an extra add-on subscription to participate in DM lead games Fridays 5pm CST->Sundays. Pexia's Guide to Omeria Campaign Guide Hand of the Eight Adventure Path Legends of Omeria Boxed Set Gamemaster's Survival Guide The Horror at Fort Orc'Igin & the related foundry vtt to the premades. Also the premade characters. At least when it's my turn to DM in rotation I love premade stuff that can drop in. That being said my love for the uniqueness stuff like the gremlin village, drow hard to the murder hobo santa etc content I just love it & want more here n there lightly sprinkled beyond the Thanksgiving & Christmas holidays. I love sprinkling in drow hard here n there through the year similarly I am excited to try The Horror at Fort Orc'Igin in similar scenarios. My friends group are spread out too far to on any regularity play in person so vtt wins especially FVTT.