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Hey all,

I've been working on this tileset, and I'm trying to get it to be a little easier for everyone to see. Below are four variations (including the original).

Pick the one that you think looks best:

A - Original

B - Darker Textured Background

C – Flat Black Background

D - Reddish Textured Background (Contrast)



All of the textures are great. Each I can see being used in different dungeons and campaigns


I probably have to make them uniform or at least include some "transitional" ones for future sets. Kinda like how MTG has had the same exact card back for almost 30 years now :D

Katy M.

I'd love to see print-friendly versions, with white backgrounds and minimal color for the floors. Even using a vtt, I like a generic well-lit map so I can add darkness on top. If the map is dark to begin with, it's harder to play with the lighting.


I like a super dark, flat black background so there's NO chance of mistaking scenery for solid wall

Frank Moore

E. The gray in A is good but I would like to see you make the pathways lighter -- that way you can see more detail in the hallways/passages.


I know right.. well if anyone can make it.. you are my choice.. great job..


Flat black because I’d use this in foundry and a solid color blends better with then brt background vs textured.

Mark Adams

B looks like the easiest to tell the movable space from the walls. C does too but the plain black loses the art from the walls so I think B gets the aesthetic edge there.


D, or B for these old wyes


C is easiest on my eyes, and the black background makes it obvious that area is out of play.


C makes for the best contrast but I will go through much mor ink doing C. Is it possible to do like dyson dows and have white [ie no colour] as the background. This would be easier on the eye VTT wise, cheaper to print [for those of us on a budget] and gives us the option of sneaking in the occassional secret room now and again


The reason the original didn't work is because the colors for the background and the floor have similar tones. By changing the background to a redder color, you created contrast. It works with B as well, but on a darker screen (like my 2nd monitor) it mutes the effect. Changing the color like on D looks good on both of my screens. Don't do C. That is too much.

Dr. Feargood

I thought I posted in the last post about the walls hanging over the line just a bit for VTT's. On the color choices I like B or D.


Yeah you did. I’m not sure it’ll work with this system though.


These will probably be printed and sold as sets. Just testing them out now

Dr. Feargood

For me, it seems a better perspective if a player can see some texture. It's definitely not needed would be a bonus for eye candy.


I like A and D equally.