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Okay, folks! I have a pretty nifty idea for the return of Dungeon of the Week. Basically, I'm going to create a set of tiles similar to the one above (this one is lightened up as requested). Each pack will have 1 explainer card (with some nifty art), 8 tile cards (like the one above), and 1 room detail card.

The idea will be that you can collect all the tiles (print yourself or buy our sets which should be around $8-$10), and then you can create random dungeons as you go. You just place the tile and then refer to the room detail card for the given tile.

For example, you draw tile 0004 - Audience Chamber and place it for your players. Referring to the appropriate room detail card, you see that this room has a secret door as well as a trap on the throne. The play goes on from there.

These are stupidly easy to make, so I can probably get out a full set each week (assuming, you know... the world isn't ending around me).

Anyways! On to the one-word prompts!

I've got our first eight tiles to fill with unique things. I know one will be an entrance, and one will be a set of hallways. The rest are modeled after the general dungeon chambers on page 295 of the DMG. However, what's going on in those rooms? That's where you come in.

In the comments below, leave a single-word prompt. I'll create a dungeon room based on your prompt.

Usual rules:

  • One word per patron
  • Keep it clean
  • No proper nouns
  • Nothing too anachronistic
  • The word "defenestration" is banned from overuse in previous OWPs.
