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Dinosaur Plains is a Fifth Edition plug-in adventure for four characters with an average party level (APL) of 3, 5, 8, or 11. 

This version of the adventure only includes adjustments for the 3rd-level adventure. Get the full adventure with all adjustments as a DMDave Patron.

The plains have long been home to dinosaurs and Jurassic lizardfolk, but more recently, humans have settled, and conflicts between the town of Timberholde have escalated to the destruction of a lizardfolk village. The Jurassic lizardfolk have responded with drastic measures by beginning a ritual to whip the local dinosaurs into a frenzy. If the party is not able to stop them, Timberholde will surely fall!

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Tom Cartos Maps

This adventure features the following maps from Tom Cartos:

Creative Team

The following creators helped make this adventure possible:

  • Design DMDave
  • Writing Ellie Hogan of Adventures, EH?
  • Editing and Layout Tony Casper/Spectre Creations
  • Cartography Tom Cartos
  • Art Dean Spencer, Nacho Lazaro
  • FoundryVTT Design Bob Carnicom, Aubrey Moore



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