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Well, today was a lesson in humility. Haha

Anyways, I need to clear my head and the best way to do that is with an adventure. I'm going to write an adventure that takes place in the Sanguine Dawn Inn in Ostenwold. This will be an adventure for 1, 3, 5, or 8.

I've picked out some monsters below to feature there. Pick the one that you like the best. Polling ends tomorrow.



All of them?


I appreciate that you're always willing to try new stuff and never afraid to pivot when it's not working.


It takes real guts and heart to try to change, and even more to backtrack if something didn’t feel right. Thanks for being so open, kind and honest with the community you’ve built; I’ve been a member for just two days and I’m already thrilled I joined!


Thanks! I mean… im just a dude. But you know, I try to keep an open-mind 😂


I think in 40 years I have seen only one adventure featuring fungus people, so something new would be great.


well, bird swarms invoked by obnoxious fey or cultits. Inn being cut out of the world without any help coming soon like Fort Alamo?


Bird-god Cultists are trying to take the Sanguine Dawn back from the new occupants -- Fungus People who are puppets of the Obnoxious Fey puppet-masters, and who use giant Rats and rat swarms as servants and cannon fodder to combat the ever-present Bandit problem.

Katy M.

Obnoxious Fey was my vote, but Fungus People was definitely second place, and I would not be sad if they were also worked in.


I saw Bird Swarm and immediately thought of the Hitchcock film.