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Edit: 4/14/2023 - Fixed Scaling Tables

Harpy Aerie is a Fifth Edition plug-in adventure for four characters with an average party level (APL) of 3, 5, 8, or 11. This document offers a general guideline on scaling the adventure for each level. While traveling along the coast, the characters are drawn by the songs of deadly winged horrors—harpies! These despicable beasts roost within a series of caverns carved into a seaside cliff.

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The following folks helped bring this adventure alive.

  • Writing DMDave
  • Editing and Layout Tony Casper/Spectre Creations
  • Cartography Watabou
  • Art Dean Spencer, Fat Goblin Games, Matias Lazaro, Nacho Lazaro




Hope you keep up these Greek mythos inspired adventures. They've been a pleasure to run with my group. Looking forward to dropping this in next time the group is at sea.


The scaling the adventure table seems to be a bit odd, it suggests the level 8 version of the adventure for levels 3, 4, 5 the level 11 version for 6, 7, and 8, etc.


Bit confused: It says a party level of 9 should use the 14th-level version?


I'll let Tony know and we'll get a new copy out. Thanks for pointing it out!


Looks like Tony accidentally copypasta’d an old table. If you have 3-4 players, go with 8. If it’s 5+ I’d do 11th


Aaaah, thank you for that, I happen to have 5 lvl 9s in the party. :-P


Does this have a roll20 package?