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Heya folks!

I'm done with the towns for the second Just Passing Through. Just need to fill the appendix now. In the last book, I did a bunch of random NPCs and buildings. I've got a few more pages to fill this time, so I'm wondering what other sort of tables and stuff you'd like to see.

Let me know in the comments below!



Local economy is always interesting. I think it helps players find a way to understand what drives the npcs. Could also include local religious beliefs.


Brief physical description of the NPCs, such as, "a chubby man with a thick moustache and a downturned mouth."


A historical detail which could be leveraged such as a long running feud with a neighbouring settlement over something like a dance competition or pie eating contest.

Frank Moore

I'll build on the great ideas from others above. Rumors -- provide me (the GM) with some potential adventuring goals. Locale-specific drama -- one of the things I'm going to use in my next game is that heavy armor is restricted to those who have sworn an oath of fealty to the liege of the land. Maybe you don't need something that dramatic, but that's the gist. Curious features about the area -- a table or two about which talk about the local history (how the town was founded, local myths), what kind of creatures are supposed to frequent this area (this area is where the 6-toed ocelot can be found), and other phenomena (circle of stones where the first full moon of spring turns the animals into the cast of a play).


travel and weather taBLES


a full writeup of the legendarily-humongous megadungeon! what????


rumors table. True and False.


Stuff no one has like...quirky buildings with inhabitants that are not necessarily evil...but may lead to adventure.....ie. This cellar has a old tunnel in it and every once and a while a green ooze slinks out out of it and eats all the root vegetables and slinks back down. OR this cobbler is actually a Fey creature who really likes to work leather...her prices are really weird and some of his stuff gets enhanced by being around the fey energy


I don’t know about an appendix specifically, but if you do another lot of these, it would be great to see ‘just passing through’ focused around another culture or geographic region. Maybe for the appendix, some notable location/organisation/npc name variants.


Oh and maybe links between the towns and adventures you’ve already made that make link in?


How about a 3-column matrix of Town NPC names? They could be Attribute/Given Name/Sur Name or Title/Name/Profession. The GM can then mix n' match on the fly by just selecting from each column or number the columns and do dice roles. So you could randomly cook up "Shuffling Mogun Whisting" or Lord Dorcher Butcher.


It may be out of scope for this project, but I'd love more towns and villages that I could set on asteroids or small islands for my players to encounter in my spelljammer campaign. Especially Stores and town specialty goods