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Hey all,

Sorry this took so long to get around to, but we're finally digging through the FoundryVTT packs and figuring out what the problem was. Something happened in our dropbox, which caused all the files to change their original destinations, making the URLs we were posting not work correctly. I've made this priority #1 to get it fixed, and we hope to have it all squared away by the end of the week.

I've already adjusted the links for packs #53 - #70, so those should be working correctly. If they are not please make sure to contact us via Discord so we can get them resolved immediately, as sometimes comments on here might get missed.

Update: In addition to the Manifest URLs, I've also fixed the zip files. Thanks!




Should I redownload all the zips? a daunting prospect, but I don't want to lose access. I'm using the Forge for hosting my foundry and don't have everything uploaded at once.


I hope that isn’t the solution because there are old zips outside of our subscription periods.


@wordflyer @Jairlyn It does look like the ZIP files have been effected by Dropbox URL change, so both the manifest URLs and the ZIP files will have to change for all modules (at least up to what I have worked on). However, we are not going to take away content that you have in your backlog. Right now, all modules should be available at the Zealot+ tiers (if you see some that are still locked please let us know). And that will remain until sometime after these issues are resolved. So you will have to opportunity to go and grab the new manifest urls and ZIP files. If you are not able to grab them and the posts get locked down to normal process, you can message me on discord and I can get you any URLs/zips you missed. The dropbox URLs changing has thrown a wrench into this whole issue that we hoped to avoid, but this is the best solution we have to get you working content. Just know, you will not lose access to what you already have or plan to have. Also, if you have content banked in your modules already (as in you have already installed the modules and they are available to select from your module list), this issue does not effect you. This only effects new installs or attempts to "update"...though we do not go back and update old modules with "new" content so you should not be updating DMDave modules to avoid errors or other issues. Also not effected are modules that you had installed on V9, that were then upgraded to V10 through the migration process. Foundry devs had automated scripts that went through and updated installed modules with the coding I am going through and fixing for new installs. Hope that clears things up! Let me know if you all have any questions.


It does clear things up. Thank you for the detailed explanation. Also thank you for the hard work because that is a lot of updates you have to go do.