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Curse of Kobold Island Chapter 1. Hunt for The Kraken's Bane is a Fifth Edition adventure optimized for a party of three to five players of 1st level. The adventure begins in the bustling port town of Port Haven, where the players are tasked with recovering the stolen experimental ship, The Kraken's Bane. After securing passage on a ship, the players make their way to the ship's last known location, only to find it dead in the water and overrun by kobolds. But that’s not even the worst part—the characters soon learn that the kobolds serve a dreadful master, an adult blue dragon named Zephyrion, who wants the ship’s arcane crystal.

Endless Journeys #1

This adventure is part of a new series I'm doing called Endless Journeys. Each adventure will take players through a full tier of play. Once it's done, it'll all be put together in a 96-page book.

Asset Pack Coming Soon

Since this is an "experiment" we won't yet have a Foundry Pack for it or any assets, but I should be able to get some. In the meantime, take a look and let me know what you think about this little pirate adventure I put together. 

It only took me 36 hours, and I did everything (except for the art... it's stock art and Tom Cartos art)! 

In the meantime, you can get the map from Tom here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/35362382


Cartography: Tom Cartos

Art: Fat Goblin Games, Dean Spencer, Shutterstock

Writing, Editing, Etc.: DMDave




Sincerely i was very hiped up, but get sad when I saw the no foundry, please try to put it for us foundry players, loving the adventure, and a book wow, must be very nice , and wish you the best, let's go together in this adventure

Stuart Henry

Was kind of excited for the Yazur Island series. Is that dead?


Thanks a lot, a nice seafaring adventure :-)


I love it! Pretty sure my kiddos are going to love it too.


Thank you very much! Looking forward to chapter 2


Just ran this, it was awesome! Looking forward to the next one.


I'm running this for my second group. The first run was with a bunch of... morons who about blew themselves to pieces in the powder room. The second bunch is smarter (but have moments of pure Marx Brothers shenanigans. One smells like a skunk for the next 2 days ;) Both parties enjoy the adventure, just party one enjoyed it for a much shorter time. BOOM!!!


Will you please post here when you put on Roll20 so that I can pick it up?


hi :) apolgoies if i've misunderstood but are future chapters in progress? Is Chapter 1 the most current instalment? Many thanks


I see the next chapter is Chapter 2. The Isle of Storms. Double checking thats not out yet?