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Hey all,

As I'm starting to shape up the new rules system for Endless Journeys. Just to reiterate a couple points:

  • I have to use a new system as a reference for the content we create. Wizards of the Coast is giving us no other option, and everything we know is saying that they aren't going to renege on the 1.1 OGL.
  • Mörk Borg works best because it's got a very loose license, and it's easy to adapt. Plus the community is hella supportive (I spoke to the creator yesterday).
  • Although the game itself is dark and edgy at its core, what I create doesn't necessarily have to be.
  • Having said all this, my content has always had a bit of a horror edge to it. Not only am I a huge horror nut, but I listen to a lot of metal. So Mörk Borg already looks like what my brain does.
  • The adventures that we create will be 100% backward compatible with Fifth Edition.

I'm interested in how "edgy" you want the game to be in terms of our tone and where we take it. I planned to do a horror book in the spring anyways, so we'll keep working with that. But that doesn't mean everything I make will be edgy.

Below, I'm posting a poll to see what you all think about overall design. 

I'll give a week or so for folks to vote.



I have 2 wolves inside of me; One wants Moar! Moar! Moar! The other wants puppies and kittens. So cool content it is!


Our DM at the moment is running a campaign that has some super dark themes, and there have been some pretty traumatic environments, but it's always interspersed with comedy, slapstick, loveable NPCs. That and the darkest things never happen directly to the PCs, it's just the theme of the campaign or a story from an NPC, or a threat on the horizon. There's an incredible balance, it's almost a bit Pratchet. This is the kind of 'edginess' I think works really well.


I sang this to the Billy Idol before I realized that wasn't what you were doing here...

Meason Kolkhorst

I use dungeons and dragons in my middle school D&D club. I would like to move beyond that, but 11 year olds Tim to get scared easily. I don’t want to have that conversation with their parents. If you can keep it in the middle, or provide options to make it a little later, that would be great!


I use Darth Bane’s practicality for a lot of things. -Do their deaths serve a purpose? Or Darth Plagus - Kill one, frighten a thousand. So what I am saying is, I do not like gore or horror for its own sake. It should be tempered with purpose and used as a tool. I don’t mind it in so far as how D&D uses it. But it is ultimately up to you. I do not care for the dark edgy stuff, however, I do see when and where it serves a point. I strongly detest Llolth and her Drow sponsored religion, I do not like the idea of litches eating and devouring souls to sustain themselves (cool monster though), or mindflayers and their dietary restrictions; but they have their time in place. It just does not mean I seek to become one.


Agreed, too many still believe the moral panic from the 90s and how we are trying to indoctrinate children into demon worship or some other bullshit. Like really?! Bedknobs and broomsticks, Mary Poppins, space wizards and Star Wars, lord of the rings, the Bible, are all fine, and have multiple instances of magic or demons in them but D&Dand Harry Potter are somehow not OK? We’re just trying to play a game here what’s your problem?


I just watched a video from a lawyer about it the license issue. The original license should stand they do not have the ability to revoke it. There will be lawsuits forthcoming. D&D belongs to the players not Hasbro. Please don't give up! Fight!


My biggest issue is the abusive nature of it. It's thoughtless, petty, and frankly, a bit evil, that they would even try something like this. Why on earth would I continue to place my faith in a company that doesn't care bout its influencers and customers?

Steve Skirata

I love metal as much as the next sane being, but I'm DMing for my 6yo (a Volbeat fan, btw) as well and after reading a few of the Mörk Borg intro pages (like, a ring that destroys everything, that passes through it), I was ... disturbed. Mind you, watching TWD or something like that is fine by me, but I don't solely DM for an older target group and I bet, I'm not alone ;-)


It really depends on the style of horror. I have players who constantly crack jokes, breaking the tension and thus atmosphere. I'm kindof... as long as it's not Black Dog levels of squick from White Wolf's hey day with World of Darkness.

Ciara Jean Hatch

We love you, Dave. We're behind whatever you decide to do.


The bad guys can evil, perhaps not too graphic/terrorizing, but the good guys need to be at least neutral, to good. I really can't have objectives in the game where the PCs are doing evil things.