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Hey all,

Insane day so far, but we're hanging in there. After a few meetings and chats with different folks and then seeing both the Kobold Press statement and DNDB's tweet, here's a rough idea of what we plan to do.

You will still get adventures you can use with Fifth Edition.

I will continue to post adventures on here but probably do so without the open gaming license in any format. I believe that the content I create is "rules agnostic" enough that I can make 5e adjacent content without triggering legal action from our friends in Seattle. However, this does probably mean that we can't create things that are clearly mechanical in nature, such as new monsters, magic items, etc. So you still get the oatmeal... just no strawberries on top.

COOL and Endless Journeys will move forward.

I will continue to work at and iterate the COOL and Endless Journeys SRD and slowly start transitioning over to that system. I know a lot of folks don't want to move to a whole new system, but hopefully, I'll be able to bring you along for the ride with onboarding, rules updates, etc., and make it a "game for the people." And as we expand upon it, we'll be able to bring other creators along with us.

Our next Kickstarter is a Horror Kickstarter (it was already in the works). I plan to test out the rules with that system and give folks a little insight into how easy it is to use.

Thanks everyone for your love and help!

I know all of this stuff is hard for some of you, too. And honestly, I've been blown away by the support we have so far. Hopefully, we can continue to create fun content and have a good time. If you have any questions or concerns, go ahead and drop them in the comments below.



I usually supplant stats and magic items and weapons in my campaigns anyway, so just naming a magic item and telling a bit about what it does relative to Endless Journeys should be good enough wouldn't it? I think anyone using DnD Beyond can create an appropriate homebrew item to suit the adventure...no? Same with monsters and villains...


"things that are clearly mechanical in nature" - how would that transgress the rules? I was under the impression that the "mechanics" can't be claimed as IP (or at least copyrightable); what am I missing here?


Rules agnostic content expands the ability to use your work so that's actually a bonus, especially if people move to other systems


Even if he's technically in the right, if they go after him, he could be forced to pull everything while they are fighting it out in court. So it's not just about is it legal, it's also will they take legal action against him.


Kobold Press mentioned that they, too, are going to develop a rules system. Do you think there's a place for the leading independent content developers to get together and come up with one gaming system, or at least some relatively close ones? I am extremely likely to jump to a non-WOTC system, but it would be nice to use modules from different publishers and not have to jump rules systems or spend a bunch of time translating.


Also, I second the comment above about VTT support - my games run on Roll20, so it would be nice to have something they would support as well.

Andrew Laverghetta

So literally all I use are the full version of the short adventures for 5e. I like that they use normal monsters, like how they are bold. I don’t mind standard magic items. I will stick with D&D because that’s what I do and also at my library job. I will not be switching to any new system or anything that strays too far or makes it too much work. Will anything change for me? To be honest since I’m paying myself and it’s for work exclusively, I’m at the lowest tier.


I certainly understand that; I'm just wondering why "things that are clearly mechanical" is singled out - (1) when it's been established that's the least likely thing they'd go to court for and (2) why that argument couldn't be applied to anything else at any time


So what I think will happen Xander is that in 2024 we'll see at least 20 or so new D&D-replacements being released by all the major and a lot of the minor 3rd party 5e providers. Most of us then will still be using 5e in our main campaigns but will dabble in a few of these new games. By 2025 we will see one or two of these new games actually gain momentum and many people will switch from 5e to the major ones. Now, this of course, depends on WoTC not backing off on the attempted de-authorization of OGL 1.0(a) or making OGL 1.1 not absolutely insane for the licensee. If they fix 1.1 or just don't try to break 1.0(a) then I don't foresee a major change in the scene, I think 6e (or One whatever) will go as previously expected and remain the top dog in the marketshare. But hell, I've been wrong before.


I like blueberries anyways.


I'd strongly suggest checking out some videos of foundry vtt since it's much easier & more feature capable vs others It also has much better community or module creation unlike others. The benefit there is I'd strongly expect the new 3rd party system(s) that utilize it's modules will have much more success. If you're already using vtts. Since the community will likely build out modules to make things easier.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-09 01:41:00 I'm excited for this! As an old Ad&D player from the early 80's I never warmed to 5ed at all anyway, so I'm fine with moving past it and am very interested by what I've seen so far with COOL and Endless Journeys SRD
2023-01-11 12:46:38 I'm excited for this! As an old Ad&D player from the early 80's I never warmed to 5ed at all anyway, so I'm fine with moving past it and am very interested by what I've seen so far with COOL and Endless Journeys SRD

I'm excited for this! As an old Ad&D player from the early 80's I never warmed to 5ed at all anyway, so I'm fine with moving past it and am very interested by what I've seen so far with COOL and Endless Journeys SRD

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-09 01:41:00 You are jumping the gun. Keep things as they are until we fight.. Wizards can't just have D&D I have played for 35 years and I know that if you love something fight for it!
2023-01-13 00:20:17 You are jumping the gun. Keep things as they are until we fight.. Wizards can't just have D&D I have played for 35 years and I know that if you love something fight for it!

You are jumping the gun. Keep things as they are until we fight.. Wizards can't just have D&D I have played for 35 years and I know that if you love something fight for it!