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Happy January folks!

Hope you're all well-rested. As soon as start the fulfillment process on our last two Kickstarters (Legends of Omeria should be shipping within the next month or two and Pexia/Hot8 are both in final production), we're going to start doing "Quickstarters" for the Gamemaster's Survival Guides.

Above is a mock-up for the covers based on old World War 2 US army field manuals.

There will be approximately 4-5 books covering monster tactics. In between those, I want to do something else. 

Below I've listed a few ideas for additional "field manuals." Let me know which ones interest you the most.



Running encounters in the three pillars (and sometimes in multiple pillars at once!) Not a fan of encounter "balancing". It's a dubious science at best. Being able to pivot on the fly during an encounter, I believe, is far more valuable.


While I agree, it's not a skill most start with. Once they get the basics down, they can learn to improvise.


I love the class guides - I love reading different perspectives on how people build out PCs.