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Hey all!

I'm currently writing up a guide for the town of Malembia that should appear in BroadSword issue #22. I need about 20 bits of rumors and gossip earned through successful information gathering.

A few quick details on Malembia to help set the stage:

  • Malembia is a large town of approximately 11,000. It sits at the edge of a great desert called The Wither.
  • It is one of the most powerful trade locations in Omeria, thanks to its network of deadrunners, mercenaries willing to transport goods through Omeria's Three Great Wastelands.
  • Incredible wealth flows through Malembia. Think of it as like a fantasy version of Dubai.
  • Five mighty individuals named the trade governors rule Malembia. Although they are all inherently evil, they recognize that improving Malembia often improves their own bottom lines.

If you would, leave a short, Twitter-length (140 characters) bit of gossip down in the comments below. I'll put it into the forthcoming book and give you a shoutout in the credits.

I look forward to your gossip!



You didn't hear this from me, but I heard all the food is actually food thats died and brought back by necromancy, thats why I only buy food form (insert vender here), I don't like my food being casted on.

Grumpy Teacher

The body guard of governor so and so is sometimes seen without a either hand or hands of various colors.


All who exhale their last breath upon [area of Wither] sand are cursed to roam the dunes at night as mischievous geists acting on the will [ancient person who's said to of cursed the land]. Travellers beware; merchants often report objects disappearing in their sleep. Keep your property close... and your friends closer.


Someone told me that there is secret tavern that can be found at the basement of a marked house. I don't how it looks, but I would rather not to find it.


Several deadrunners have not been heard from since they left for the (Name) wasteland.


A rumor says there is an underground "shortcut" making it possible to cross the Wither in just a few days. Is it a magic portal? Is it an ancient gargantuan tunnel system with rails? Nobody knows...

Christopher F Gandy

Many deadrunner wannabe's and a lot of the deadrunners themselves come out of runs through The Withers gaunt, dehydrated and sunburnt. However, a pale, chubby and outgoing stranger has showed up in town claiming to make runs at half the normal deadrunner cost, and has "souvenirs" that seem to support having made several treks.


I heard about a drunk deadrunner that started spewing stories about the governor seeding the wilds with monstrosities to knock down the rival competition. No one seems to have seen him since he was dragged out of the tavern.

Skip Stephenson

There are tales of folk hearing whispers coming from the Withers at night. Those that have heard these whispers have disappeared when they've looked for the source. Recently caravan masters (or runners) have wandered into the Wither looking for the sources, never to be seen again. (Hope this fits the setting)


I hear that the local trade governor's newest concubine is the stolen daughter of (another trade governor's or a high ranking official's name), but they will not take action themselves for fear of repercussions. There's supposedly a hefty reward for anyone stupid enough to get her back. Tempted to go get it myself but I like my head and hands right where they are.


You oughta get that rash looked at by The Lady of (name of slum part of town). I hear she can even bring you back from the dead, for a price. And IF you can find her. Why everyone knows she is wanted by The Five but the people would rather die than turn her in no matter what the reward.

Allen Soles

Everyone knows the truth - it's the vendor who runs the taco cart in the market who controls farm guilds and their embargos!