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Hey all!

I'm working on player-facing content for Pexia's Guide to Omeria (and beyond) and would love to hear some ideas for feats from all of you.

Down in the comments below, drop a short comment on a feat that you would like to see. Don't worry about the mechanical jargon. Just let me know a cool way to customize a character. These can be racial, class-based, or even Omeria specific.

Looking forward to see what you've got!



Quick as a wip(for halflings) , basically that lets them use wisdoms or int for something


Use any mechanimal in place of a familiar? I’d like to see more with the constructs, too. Maybe something with artificer? I’ve always thought of Sordane as an artificer world, that artificers would be more “day laborers” than other magic users due to the magical contraptions prevalent in the world.


swamp druid that can turn into various oozes


cleric with LONGEVITY ability/cantrip that can reduce age of ghost to corpse and corpse to original form (similar to potion of longevity)


Feats that allow someone proficient with Tools to use them to positive effect in combat. I am speaking of Alchemist's tools, Brewer's kits, etc. Need some brainstorming here.


Feats relate at the sea as a pirate, cowboy western style, show people northern style


Feats for subclasses or subraces. Things that boost or alter your character's features to specialize them even more, increasing diversity between characters


A feat to represented someone mutated by transmutation magic


Jumper: Someone who has specialized in Acrobatics or Athletics (prerequiste of some type required), and can thus jump twice what a normal person can.


Renegade, a feat to give short bows some love. Something like "ranged attacks made within 5 feet do not impose disadvantage. And when you make an attack against a creature that has another creature within 5 feet of it, you can use a bonus action to knock a second arrow and attack that creature as well." Something like that

Grumpy Teacher

The ability to hear thoughts.


Advanced Grappler. Prerequisite: Grappler Feat. Your unarmed strike uses a D6 for damage. When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike or an improvised weapon on your turn, you can use a bonus action to attempt to grapple the target WITH ADVANTAGE.