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Hey all!

Hope you're having a great summer so far. I'm about to start a new series of resources for GMs that allows you to quickly set up stocked areas of interest in your games both as a resource on here and on Roll20.

These assets will make it so you can run stuff "out of the box" without having to do a lot of prep. 

Need an inn? No worries. Here's a fully mapped out inn with tokens, gossip, a drink menu, and even some quest hooks to give out.

Heard about some old ruins down the way? Got you covered, fam. Just grab this set up over here. Boom! It comes with versions for all tiers of play plus variant endings, treasure, etc.

And so on. I use stuff like this in my own games using WotC stuff, but I noticed that there's a decided lack of things like this. It makes it crazy hard to improve when you don't reliable assets to pull.

Our first major project is a regional map with one main town and one area of interest. 

Call for Suggestions

But I want to know what sorts of things you'd like to see to make running your games easier?

Let me know in the comments below! And give a like to those you agree with. I'll follow later with a survey.




I am glad to hear that it will be content in both standard (I would call old school table-top format via PDF) and Roll20. I am an old-school kind of guy and have yet to migrate to the powerful online tools, so having details for places and plug-ins in traditional format is wonderful. Hopefully, someday, we'll get back to some kind of "normal" so in-person gaming might be possible again. Thanks for all you do!!!!


I'd love it if there was an option for Fantasy Grounds integration as well. All my playing is now online and FG is my weapon of choice. Cheers, Simon