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Elves have a natural tolerance against undead effects. However, there are times when elves are bitten by undead creatures—particularly vampires—when, instead of turning, they contract a passive infection in their blood stream. If a female elf contracts this virus, there is a chance that they can pass it on to their young. Almost immediately, the child is seen for what it is, a blood kind. Blood kind are neither living nor undead, but instead something in between.

Unlike other creatures that possess monstrous bloodlines, blood kind nature is usually seen as a boon instead of a curse. Blood kind excel as warriors, politicians, and sages within elven communities. They are prized for their connection to sorcerous magic and their innate dark powers.

Special thanks to Wil of PaperForge for the necromancer design.



Clinton Hegney

Age. Blood kind mature at the same rate as elves but age must [should this be 'much'] slower overall. A Blood Kind that doesn't succumb to The Desire can live for 500 years or longer.


Dumb question but what is “The desire” as it doesn’t seem to be referenced in the document.