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Okay, this is the last one before I go to bed. But these have been fun. Now the humans have something to fight.

One thing that I find really interesting is how expensive high level units are. A group of ogres costs like 18,000 unit points, yet a squad of goblins costs 700. Granted, goblins only have 70 hit points and are likely to get killed with one or two hits. Still, I'm pretty sure 25 units of goblins would easily topple an ogre unit.

I suppose I'll have to introduce modifiers or some sort of improved unit purchase system. 


Goblin Army | Mass Combat Army List

To really test my revised mass combat rules out, I thought I might build a couple army lists. The first army list will be humans. The other will be goblins (of course). Building an army with the mass combat rules is as simple as the two army commanders (two players, or a DM and the...


John Thomas

Swarm rules for multiple units? Perhaps a special ability for weaker combined units?