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Hey quick poll for everyone. What time should the CTAs be? I'd like to make them as flexible as possible--and last night's was probably the biggest due to everyone rushing to get temples--but I also know that 12am can be kinda lot for some people.

This is a quick poll, ending at 5:00pm tonight. One vote!



Wait? Why would you want to shorten the time? That's 21 hours to post! And it still covers 9am to 9pm...plus you'll be implementing powers to move initiative right?


Yup. I think the consideration is initiative order more than anything. Some folks have expressed that 12:00am is a pain in the ass LOL


Granted, I predict that this is the only day where initiative order will really matter. I foresee people making most of their conflicts right near the end of the time in order to prevent opposition (it's what I'd do ;) )


Seems kinda shady to me lol but then again shadows are what I'm all about 😂


Haha yeah. I'm an old school MMORPGer (I cut my teeth on UO back in the '90s) and MMOs were brutal AF back then. Land grabs, PKs, looting, robbing... that's how I likes it! :P


So let's say someone starts a conflict with another god at 9pm that god would lose his chance to react and defend?


It’s looking like 9 to 9 is going to win. Just giving you a warning that going for a long time with that schedule might be a lot especially if this keeps growing. Don’t want you burning out! I know this time is more convenient for us, but maybe not for you.


I’ll just recruit a co-OD! 😝 But thanks for the concern!


Hmmm... I might cut off new conflicts an hour before so people have a chance to respond. Keep in mind, though, that you can protect at any time (which acts the exact same way as opposing).


Also, I'd be less burned out doing it fom 9 - 9 instead of 12 - 9. 12 - 9 only gives me three hours to do updates, LOL


I see...so just to fully understand. If I use my action to like..build a road or something, and someone starts a conflict with me, do I use my reaction to oppose? Which would happen in the same initiative count as the conflict. But if I use a bonus action to,let's say, move a chosen one to the conflict area, it would be considered as happening AFTER the initial conflict.