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All right everyone. The cut off time for putting in Gods for tomorrow's actions has just hit. People can still join, but they will have to wait until tomorrow night/Wednesday morning to put in their actions. Snooze... lose.

Here is what's going to happen this evening:

1. At 12:01am CST (US Central) I'm going to post the Daily Action Log.

2. You will post your action on the Daily Action Log in the comments section. The actions available to you are as follows:

  • Build/Improve Temple - You place a temple in a settlement of your choice. Settlement's have a limited number of ranks in each one as listed on the settlement list. There should be enough room for everyone to build a temple (there are 37 temple levels and 33 gods).
  • Conflict - Conflict allows you to "attack" a settlement or location. Once you declare an attack, other gods can use their actions to either assist in the attack or oppose the attack by replying to your comment. To successfully attack a settlement, the total Might value of the gods that are attacking must be greater than the total Might value of the gods that are opposing plus the settlement's DV. The god that started the conflict must also declare the result of the conflict: Destruction (which damages the settlement), Overthrow (which supplants a Chosen One or leader and allows the attacking god to place its own Chosen One there), or Raze (which allows you to destroy one level of a temple and replace it with one of your own as a bonus action). If you attack a location and you win, the location turns to ruins.
  • Convert - You choose a god. That god's followers is reduced by an amount equal to 10 times your Might bonus and you gain an equal number of followers. You can only choose a god that has taken an action that day and you can't convert more followers than the god has. Even if a god's follower count is reduced below the minimum number of followers required for their rank, they do not "lose a rank."
  • Divine Intervention - Choose a settlement. You increase that settlement's satisfaction score by an amount equal to your Might.
  • Divine Power - For now, powers are off the table. Otherwise, this action lets you use one of your powers as described.
  • Improve Settlement - You improve the settlement in some way. The minimum amount of Might required to improve a settlement is 5. Other gods can assist or oppose your action similar to conflicts by adding their might to the pool. As long as those in favor of the improvement have a total of 5 might, the improvement is a success. Most improvements have wealth costs. You cannot improve a settlement if it is under the effects of civil unrest (none currently are).
  • Protect - Choose a settlement. That settlement's DV increases by an amount equal to your Might bonus.
  • Rest - You don't take any actions for the day and instead rest. When resting, you cannot be the target of powers, features, or conversion attempts. If you do not declare an action for the day, this is your default action.

3. You get one full action per day. Some powers and Chosen ones allow for bonus actions, as do some features. A bonus action is a secondary action that you can use at any point in the day. In addition, you get one reaction. Like bonus actions, reactions are provided by powers and features and they allow an additional action, generally a reply to another action.

4. The preferred format for the actions are as follows:

  • Conflicts: God Name - Might - Conflict at Location - Result.
    For example: Evadimus - 7 - Conflict at Bygrove - Destruction.
  • Improvements: God Name - Might - Improvement at Location - Improvement.
    For example: Evadimus - 7 - Improvement at Bygrove - Lumbermill at Hex A4.
  • Assist/Oppose (written as a reply to the original conflict or improvement thread): God Name - Might - Assist/Oppose.  
    For example: Evadimus - 7 - Assist
  • Powers: God Name - Might - Power - Target.
    For example: Evadimus - 7 - arcane blast - Bygrove.
  • Build/Improve Temple: God Name - Might - Build Temple Settlement.
    For example: Evadimus - 7 - Build Temple Bygrove
  • Protect/Divine Intervention: God Name - Might - Protect/DI Location.
    For example: Evadimus - 7 - Divine Intervention Bygrove

4. I'll be adding reference numbers to the hexes of all the maps. Hopefully, I'll have that done by this evening. If I don't get around to it tonight, just describe the hex using the compass rose: northwest hex, north hex, northeast hex, southeast hex, south hex, southwest hex, etc.

5. Remember that initiative is by the time you put in your action. So keep that in mind. I understand that 12 might be late for some folks, so I'll try to address that with powers in the future. But for now, this method works for everyone in the world (it's a global game).

6. All actions must be declared before 9:00pm CST (US Central time). The moment the clock hits 9:00pm, time is up. From there, a new Daily Action Log will be posted three hours later with the previous days' results along with any major changes that have been made.

7. Remember this and this is IMPORTANT. If you declare and action that is not possible--either because someone else declared it before you or you misread the rules--the action is lost. This might sound hardcore, but this is a big part of the game (for now). For example, if everyone tries to rush and get a temple in Bygrove and all of Bygrove's 15 temple levels fill up and you are the 16th to declare there, you lose out. 


Okay, that's the basics. Don't forget to read the rules as best you can and remember that this is the Beta, so things are likely to change and get tweaked based on feedback. I'll do my best to be fair, but much like D&D, I have my limits and I'm not afraid to say "no" (like... if you're a half hour late or you didn't write your Assist/Oppose in the right place, etc.)

Gods of Wandrossa - It Begins (Rules, etc) 

Below, be sure to ask any questions you have. I'll be sitting my fat butt on the couch 'til midnight, so I'll be up to answer anything you wanna know. And of course, you're free to hit me up on FB messenger (facebook.com/hamrickbrands) or Instagram (instagram.com/dungeonmasterdave).

Good luck everyone! I look forward to the destruction I'm sure you're all going to cause! :)


Nicolas Desjardins

Two quick questions : if I chose to convert, is choosing agnostic still on the table, and second, what would the prefered format look like for that action? it seems to have been omitted from the list 😅


Good question. Yes! And just say HEATHENS!!! 😝 but really just write agnostic as the target


Hey DM two questions, how/can we make new settlements? And how do we go about changing be landscape?


All of that will be in the powers. I'm still mulling it over how I want to do new settlements as I don't want the world to look like Coruscant after, like... there years LOL


Awesome cant wait. And A As a God of the desert I'll try not to go crazy haha .