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Hey everyone! If you're getting on the action, last call is in two hours. 

Again, I'm super stoked about this. Such a diverse group of deities that we have here. Already, I can see some common connections and can tell that cliques are starting to form.

There's a pretty balance between all the alignments, too. Once everyone's locked in, I'm probably going to organize the data a bit more.

In addition, our first bit of swag will be out soon which I will announce tomorrow.

Dunno about you, but I'm pumped for tonight's results. I assume it'll probably just be a total mad dash for temples LOL but you never know.

To get caught up and sign up, make sure you reference the previous post from last night: Gods of Wandrossa - The Game Begins! 

Good luck everyone!



I was wondering if I could change my God's description and add some fluff to him but I definitely wanted your input before I finish it.


I was just reading back through all of your content again (downloaded the app) and I just now noticed that Enombath is a god of light, and since I don't see anyone else claiming light domain..for now at least. I was wondering if Indronyx could be the one that fought and wounded/killed/trapped Enombath underground and permanently eclipse the sun in blackleaf.? If it's too big of a stretch I understand


Freaking awesome, you can tell me how it went down, I'm not too particular on how or why lol. But WHERE is a whole different story lol