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Awesome work everyone on getting in your Gods information so far. It's all so damn perfect and cool and weird and exciting.

I've compiled everything there is so far in a spreadsheet that all of you can view. I'll clean it up and make it pretty, but at the very least you can see where everything else is.

Let me know if I made any mistakes, too!

Gods of Wandrossa Spreadsheet (this link should work now)

A few interesting observations:

  • There are very few evil gods so far. In fact, I only count two!
  • There are LOTS of gods of knowledge, four to be exact, which is really interesting. I wonder if it is affected by the powers I posted last night.
  • Lots of chaotic gods! That should be fun.

If you haven't already given the data for your god, be sure to do so on the other Gods of Wandrossa thread that I posted last night. You have until 9:00pm tonight to get in. You can enter at any time, but you will miss tomorrow's actions if you aren't signed up by tonight.

I'll be working over the next couple days on fleshing out the domains a little more, probably starting with those that the most people have.

This is exciting! See you soon.



Just a correction for Qruazs, hes true neutral, but the rest its correct =)


I just thought of a question regarding the domain investiture abilities; do they count towards the “tree” system you mentioned, or are they separate from that?