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Okay, one big poll for this weekend (it's an important one).

I've got today and tomorrow off from any sort of honey-do, work-related stuff, etc. Nowhere to be other than my Saturday D&D campaign. Having said that, I need to get caught up on requests. I've got a few big ones that I really need to jump on (they're all fun stuff, too, so it's not like it's work for me LOL) and those tend to be priority #1.

However! I also want to make sure that Gods of Wandrossa starts on Monday because, damn it, it's just too awesome not to. Unfortunately, I'm afraid that I won't be able to get all the domains done by then. At least not in the current iteration.

So! A quick survey to gauge how you all feel. And please please please let me know any ideas you have down in the comments.

I had an idea today that I think might work.

Instead of making the domains the "subclasses" like I have been I'll instead make alignments "subclasses" and then the lesser aspects will work exactly like the Ranger Hunter's levels (if you're not familiar, at 3rd, 7th, 11th, and 15th they get to pick from a menu). You get to pick your domains every 4 levels or so which give you minor powers. Plus, you can swap out your domains at later levels. I might even turn it into a "skill tree." So you can stick to one domain and keep getting cool powers, or you can change it up.

So at first rank, for example, you'd be a Good deity of Fire. Later, you can pick up Elves, too, or stick with Fire.

I plan on keeping a lot of the same elements that are already in the game, ie the powers, divine locations, regional effects, etc. Plus the creation powers. So none of that will change.

What do you think?



I'd rather the system was fully fleshed out even if it means we cant start on time, its looking good and i would hate for there to be any cut corners because of a time constraint. I do have to ask if there will be a way to scale it down though, in case people want to use it but dont have 100+people


I do not mind waiting, especially since i'd like to play, but perhaps don't have time to be super-involved and lauching crusades and the like... lol.


It really won't take too much effort. You get one action per day. So all you do is log in, make your action, and boogie. As a GD, not too many people can mess with you LOL


The BETA is up. As someone who's been working in tech for a while, I prefer doing a lean test with a beta before doing the whole shebang. Right now, though, I'd say it's 80% operative. :)