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Hey all! Blackleaf Forest has been growing more each day. It's nuts to think that what started as the product of an algoritm on donjon.bin.sh has grown into something all its own.

Okay, so there are two factions so far in the Blackleaf Forest:

The Blackleaf Confederacy is a conglomeration of city-states ruled by a presidential council. Bygrove and the Sorcerous Town of Tamor (in the Drakecrags) are two of the settlements that make up the Confederacy. More will be identified as we go.

The Merchant Kings are the road-builders of Blackleaf who extort the citizens of the Blackleaf through control of transportation and communication. Their headquarters is in the Great Crossroads of Olyggthorp. 

Now we need at least three more factions to even things out. More will be sure to come.

I've listed a few ideas below. Vote for the one that you feel fits in best with the setting. You can vote more than once. Polling ends in 24 hours.


Random Creation

These are rather good! There are several excellent faction ideas in there. Would you be willing to elaborate on what kind of ideation processes you use?


For this particular batch, I rolled randomly on the ideals table for each of the different backgrounds in the PHB (plus Haunted Ones from CoS). Then, I used donjon's random name generator for party names to come up with the actual faction name. The only one that was 100% original was the Bear, which I came up with last night--but even with that, I rolled on the Outlander table to devise its ideal. :)

Random Creation

You have produced excellent results putting all that randomness together! It's great watching how you gather all that entropy to produce a cohesive whole.