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I threw out the name "serpentmen" yesterday because, as some of you may know, a certain snake race from Fifth Edition's book-o'-monsters aren't allowed thanks to the OGL/SRD (aka, I don't want ot get sued). Therefore, I have to retheme them a little.

No worries, of course, becuase I loooove making monsters!

Anyways, since I need to reinvent the snake people, I thought I might change things up a bit and see what you all think they should be like in terms of personality and history. One thing I didn't want to do was make another "primitive humanoid race gonna throw a spear at yo head" type deal.

We know already that they had a hand in creating the Tower of Gothmog of Udum. But that's it.

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The "Serpentmen of Udum" are...



Ai... that's supposed to read "take on the form" not "possess take on the form" haha


I always see the snake people (no matter what genre) type-casted as the bad guys. But, why can't they be good?


That is very true, hopefully, the gods deem them a good people.