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Hey hey, gang! Good news. The Gods of Trickery can now enter Wandrossa, as I've completed the Trickery Godly Domain.

Trickery gods are all about amassasing wealth, betraying their allies, and creating powerul illusions. At high levels, they can create dens of villainy and even cast dreadful illusions upon an entire region.

Check 'em out: Gods of Wandrossa - Trickery Godly Domain 

Let me know what you think!

Up next: FORGE.



Small typo: Under domain powers, it says “The Arcana domain lets you...” instead of “The Trickery domain lets you...”


Under Improved Underground Networks, it says you get 20 followers per year for each network in a settlement that also has one of your temples. Is it 20 followers for each temple/network or is it only fulfilled once? Also, if something cannot be built within a certain number of hexes of another settlement, such as a den or mages tower, does that also mean within a different god's structure or only settlements?


Yeah, I guess I need some clarification! So the terminology I'm using is locations: which can be any sort of improvement, town, dungeon, etc. and then settlement, which specifically refers to any place that has a population--so hamlets, villages, towns, cities. You can only build one temple per settlement, and the max you can upgrade a temple is to level 4. Also, towns are limited by the total amount of temple ranks they can have. Say, if you and three other gods had a temple and there were only 5 ranks allowed. If one god had 3 ranks, that means the other two gods couldn't upgrade their temples any further and no other gods could come in until one of the temples were destroyed. To answer your last question: just settlements. I'll probably change it so you can't build two "special thingies" in the same hex, too.


But if you have, say, 3 settlements each with a temple and, in the case of trickery, a network does that mean you get 60 followers at the end of the year or still only 20? Thanks for answering the other questions, that helps.


Thanks, that clears some things up. Good job on all this, its fascinating