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I just love it when a plan comes together. 

The dead god buried below the Blackleaf Forest is a God of Light, and I thought it appropriate to make it none other than Enombath, the God of Phoenixes. This adds to the trepidation his followers and phoenixkin have with it being the 9th Kingdom. 

The end times are coming--or they could already be here.

Enombath is buried deep below the Blackleaf Forest. To keep his power in check, another powerful force shifted one of Wandrossa's moons, tidally locking it so it permanently blocks the sun in that region--an eclipse.

While the eclipse is not enough to permanently darken the area, it does give everything a dull, gray hue at all hours of the day.

Because of this, plants grow strange in this region, their leaves darker than normal. And the nocturnal creatures normally forbidden to travel in bright daylight can move around the Blackleaf Forest without harm.

The question is: who did this to Enombath?

Let me know what ideas you have down in the comments below.



A powerful wizard/arcanist, seeking the secrets of immortality, but afraid to dabble in the unholy powers of lichdom, started studying the light Phoenix god for its rebirth powers. When his research was shut down by the god’s power and followers, in anger and desperation he ended devising with the use of all his magica power and a series of great artifacts a unholy ritual to gain the god,s “imortality” by force. Something went wrong and the ritual ended with the death and coruption of the Phoenix god, and the disappearance of the wizard


A legendary mortal trickster wanted to steal the Ruby of Enombath, a powerful artifact resting upon the fire gods brow that grants the user authority beyond death, and thus eternal life. He knows that Enombath will annually fall into a deep sleep for 1 night to regain his strength before reigniting in the light of the dawn. So the mortal cheats in a game of cards with a moon god to gain authority over this particular moon for “a day and a night.” Unfortunately, day and night are relative terms. While a day had passed, he stopped the moon directly over sleeping Enombath, creating a perpetual night that, having never ended, never forced the trickster to give up his authority over the moon. Enombath, trapped in darkness, was powerless to stop the Ruby from being ripped from his brow. Having lost it, the essence of immortality no longer flows through him. Now he ages and dies endlessly, stuck in a perpetual state of sleep and impossible decay, no longer immortal yet by the curse of his destiny unable to die until he reignites in glory once again. (Or something along these lines.)